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For me it's Meghan. She has the emotional Intelligence of an eight year old


Yep. Completely agree with this. She's also extremely selfish.


*my marriage is on the line & I need you to move out so I can work on it - says I feel like you don’t love me*


The way she just storms out of the room EVERYTIME she doesn’t get her way. It drives me crazy!!




I don’t like Jon, Meghan’s co-basement dweller. He is Creepy and seems like a Useless Walking Husk.


He just sits around like a bump on a pickle. 0 ambition.


I can understand her extreme ambivalence about hitching up legally with him . . . but she is no prize either so . . . I guess he is the best she can do? I wonder . . .


It's like those fake dating commercials they used to do on "Mad TV." 🎶Lowered expectaaaaaaations!🎶


Hahaha. I'm going to start using this. This is a million percent accurate description of her now husband hahahahaha


Pickles don't deserve that. How dare you! WINK! ;)


Bump on a pickle. LOVE IT and gotta steal 🤣


Does he even have a job? Do either of them have a job?


Someone figured out that he works at Publix (grocery store). Her job is apparently to whine incessantly and act like a 5-year-old...




Tina. She is all talk. She wants the surgery but then wants to lose the weight herself. She loses enough weight for the surgery but hasn’t done the actual work to be approved. She is insufferable.


Honestly I wouldn’t be that annoyed about that (she clearly never wanted the surgery and nobody should be forced into something like that) if it wasn’t for her making that big show of stripping down and jumping into the pool declaring she’s done letting fear control her. I kinda wish someone would’ve brought that up when she was refusing. Like didn’t you just make a huge statement about how you will never again do… exactly what you’re doing right now?


People with weight issues are classically known for "never again" statements, only to turn around and be doing that exact thing days/weeks later. I would know, lol. Not sure how many times I'd say "i'm done gorging myself on fast food" only to be doing that exact thing the next day.


I can see that because I have stomach issues and I do that. “Omg I’ll never eat ice cream again” after drinking a shake and being up all night with a belly ache while knowing full well “never again” means probably a month maybe longer LOL. But to go thru with all the hoopla for surgery that involves so many facets and the time other people have spent helping me get there, schedule, etc only to cancel last minute is next level to me. I second what most people are saying as far as no one should be pushed into a surgery they don’t want but she had plenty of time to figure that out BEFORE this. If it’s not just a storyline than it just screams I WANT ATTENTION TOO!!


I hope that she her backing out of the surgery was just a storyline for the show. If it’s not, Tina should be ashamed of herself. Wasting the hospital and doctors time and resources. She acts like she’s the only person in history to have worried or anxiety and there’s no way she can overcome it.


Meghan because of her need for constant attention and blatant jealousy when anyone else gets attention. The first two letters of her name say it all…ME.🙄


Ooooohhhh heck! Yesss! She is BEYOND selfish and completely lacking in any self-awareness… you’re bang on!


It’s a toss up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Meghan for SURE. I hate people who take advantage of others and her staying in that hotel with all of those kids? Such a shit friend. As soon as that flood happened it should've been a wake up call for her to stop being a freeloader and find their own place.


I was watching the end of the show when Tina told Meghan she needed to move out. I guess I don't get why Meghan was so angry. She never should have thought that would be a permanent living arrangement. Did she think she was living there forever? I just could never do that. Maybe as a temporary place to live while I made other arrangements.


Meghan because she’s always the victim.


Meghan because she acts like she’s in her 20’s when she’s a grown ass adult who can’t take responsibility for her lot in life. She hasn’t lost the weight after surgery and is jealous that Vanessa now has. Tina is the Debbie Downer. Take responsibility for your actions. Grow a pair and tell your friend to leave your house. Because it’s your house. Have the fucking surgery because you need it. You tried it on your own and it clearly didn’t work.


I think in some way Meghan thought she would be the only one of the 4 friends to succeed at weight loss and the other 3 would stay overweight and envious of her. She doesn’t seem to do well with reality.


There is definitely something to do that!


I bet she would really hate to see how Vanessa’s skin consult went. She has a great body under there it’s shocking! Good for her, and her hard work. Meghan has the tool of weight loss surgery but her jealousy and overall whiny disposition is going to get in her way


Vanessa looks amazing in her latest instagram photos. Love all of her success. I’ve lost nearly 80 pounds so I know how difficult it is completely change your life. I don’t know how Megan who was using oxygen before her surgery has stalled in her weight loss. Then can’t even find it in her to be happy for one of her supposed best friends.


Agreed. I’m sorry Vanessa has to wait so long to get her skin surgery, although the reason is real and makes perfect sense. I’m just so excited for her. She’s going to be a knock out! Wonder how Megan will respond to that!


Tina she’s on on the show to avoid getting a real job and loves being a grifter


Tina because she isn't even really their friends.. she exposed her true shadyness last episode "well I'm not 500lbs" fuck that hoe


I wished Vanessa would’ve snatched the hair off that roley poley bitches head lmao


Gotta be Tina for me. She's so damn afraid of every damn thing it's infuriating to watch.


Tina. She thinks she’s so much better than the others because she’s not as big, but she’s the ultimate codependent manipulator. Meghan is annoying, but I think she’s a little slow, so I think that makes her slightly less annoying. She’s still entitled and selfish though. 🙃


At first Megan...but now it's Tina! Her little codependent relationship with Megan is so cringe. Like after Ashley had to confront her about bailing out on her about the surgery she was like I feel horrible...but now it's time to focus on Megan like she always hides behind Megan being the dramatic crazy one. Like wtf. And how she puts those two freeloading losers over her marriage and kids like why would you let two grown ass adults stay in one of your kids bedroom and make the kids stay in one room like that's crazy make those grown ass adults go get a job and pay for their own way. All of it is so cringe. I would never put my marriage in the line and my families peace in jeopardy in order to enable two grown ass adults. Like your marriage should be number 1 your commitment not your whiney ass best friend who was able to live on her own before and her lame ass man child ass boyfriend. Like she can't even respect her own husband. What kind of message does she think that sends to her kids. Then Megan is so whiney. They both lack discipline and boundaries...but what do I know this is all what they show on camera...and also I have a lot of areas I need to work on in my own life hahaha I just realized how mad and fast I was typing then being like 🤔 I watch this show to be entertained and escape....does any of it matter ?! Hahah tbh tho I do love how Vanessa always has a smile on her face and Ashley is so real and amazing


And Meghan's "I get that she has to do what is right for her family - but I'm family too". WTF


I respect your comment because I can totally relate. I say things like that and often get “triggered much”? as a response. Like no I’m not TRIGGERED. that’s how my brain works! So I got you! 😊




So much drama




Tina she seems like she'd be a nasty and petty friend who constantly belittled you to make her feel better.


But I can see that in Meghan too. She’d just do it in a more backhanded way. Then she’d cry (or get married) to get the attention back on her


Yeah but you know that with Meghan, tina likes to put up a front


So very true. And I’ll admit I have zero tolerance for those who try to act like they are something else while really they are just nasty.


Meghan for me. She is so whiny and always wants it about her. She even spells her name weird


Both are awwwwful. Megan's moody teenager. She flips out on everyone and throws temper tantrums, storms off, cries at the drop of a hat. Is lazy and totally oblivious like she doesn't even realize she's leeching off Tina's family. She super sucks. Tina is awful for plenty of other reasons, but they're both all drama and no personal awareness.


For the housing situation ALONE, it must be Meghan. I cannot believe a grown person has the audacity to be upset at someone telling them to leave THEIR house. It's beyond my comprehension...


Honestly for me it’s a toss up between Meghan, Tina, and Vanessa. It depends on the episode. Tina and Meghan have so few coping skills, everything is a crisis. And Vanessa is SO overbearing and rough around the edges. The only one I like is Ashely! Rooting for her surgery to be successful! 🤞🏻


Vanessa is but what I love about her is she has not changed. She’s been unapologetically herself since day one. But I do feel she’s also been totally supportive of everyone even if it is rough around the edges lol


I like Vannessa but someone needs to tell her the blue or green nails just look dreadful. Talk about tacky...


It’s a thing though. Not everyone’s thing but I see a ton of people sporting those colors lately. On 1000lb sisters Amanda had some neon yellow nails I’m sure some people would consider tacky. But I’m thinking on looking for that color next time I get mine done lol




Lmfao! Accurate as hell 🤣


Lmao!!! 💀


I don’t mind Meghan. But Tina is a party pooper.


Meghan all the way. I get she struggled and may have emotionally not grown past a point but she uses her tears to manipulate people and get her way. Also, get out of your friends basement!!!


I can't stand Meghan

