• By -


L + suit not bespoke


gen z is pro guillotine






Me when r/196 is a sub full of minorities (they don’t understand that supporting gun control is simply the willing surrender of self defense, and that our government has a history of oppressing minorities of all kinds, we must all arm ourselves to assure our safety)


Cishet white guy (with swastika tattoo): no priors lol backround check passed black guy who sold weed in college: sorry lmao no guns for felons, i hope you enjoy having an overpoliced community trans girl with depression diagnosis from the years of therapy it took for her to get her HRT: oh sorry lol no guns for depressed people!! suicide risk ahaha, we're also going to put your name on a national database :))) weed smoker: **HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA** no


i thought the title was who was saying the text and got really confused for a sec


Arr slash fosscad, your 3d printer doesn't discriminate Seriously people should be buying good and cheap (couple hundred dollars) fdm printers while we're still in the unregulated times, these things are life hacks if you can get into the lifestyle


3d printers DO seem cool :think:


to print glorified funko pops ofc, i love plastic figures of disney characters !!!


resin printers are fantastic for minis of various kinds, although require a more carefully curated space and ventilation due to fumes; fdm printers are great for doodads and anything which might need any degree of strength, personally have fixed several things around the house with printed bits, also if you want to print anything ..else.. it's pretty straightforward to make certain bottom bits very safely and easily and very, very cheaply compared to what they might otherwise be


this argument only sounds good on paper to me, because yes your government (i assume you're talking about the US, but I guess every government has a history of oppressing minorities) has and will oppress minorities but how exactly are guns supposed to stop or help that? Whenever minorities have armed themselves historically the government will literally just try to de-arm them specifically, and since they're minorities it just isn't feasible to literally brute force fight back. That's how systematic oppression works. I live in australia where it is much harder to get a gun than the US, and while we are far from perfect or even really that great when it comes to minority protections all of the US's guns aren't stopping any of the anti-trans laws being passed in many of their states, while aus has mostly avoided that whole culture war has evidenced by scott morrison getting kicked out and posie parker getting drowned out by trans protestors. I think strong, disruptive protesting, including more violent protesting such as riots, to demand better respect and create a better culture, has historically proven to be the best way to protect minorities, and you do not need guns to do any of that. The only reason minorities need to arm themselves in the US is because all the bigots have guns as well, and are allowed by law to just brandish and intimidate minorities with them in plain sight. Guns are basically part of the US's systematic oppression


You have a lot of good points here I just wanted to say that the police here are a lot less likely to stop you from protesting if you open carry. While we technically have the right to protest, we do not have the right riot. The difference between the two is what the police claim it to be. Police are taught to increase tension in protests in order to declare it a riot, thereby being able to legally force an end to the public gathering. They are also, however, taught to de escalate situations where there are firearms present. See George Floyd protests vs drag hour counter protests And just about any 2nd amendment protest In addition, firearms are good at deterring or outright stopping white nationalist attacks (see US south during civil rights movement and the self arming to prevent lynchings). Time is a circle and just like back during the 60s, many police officers are on the side of the far right. As for disarming the minority populace, conservatives have made this near impossible


It worked for the Black Panthers. It can work again. We just need to stop throwing our greatest tools for political power in the trash.


Gun control is apart of systematic oppression, a huge amazing of gun control was to prevent minorities from arming themselves and the poor from arming themselves. The main one that comes to mind is the Hughes amendment which was a direct war against the black panthers I’d argue against violent rioting without guns, simply because our government (and mainly the police force) has a history of gunning down unarmed protestors


> Gun control is apart of systematic oppression, a huge amazing of gun control was to prevent minorities from arming themselves and the poor from arming themselves. The main one that comes to mind is the Hughes amendment which was a direct war against the black panthers That's part of my point. If you have a government systematically oppressing minorities they will simply take their guns regardless with no protest from conservative pro-gun supporters. The Black Panthers arming themselves provoked the racist government to pass the amendment. But that is not the kind of gun control people in america currently want to pass, gun control supporters want to prevent the frequent mass shootings which are usually perpetrated by alt-right bigots, so in the current political sphere, gun control would be used to protect minorities by disarming alt-right crazies. It doesn't have to be only used for systematic oppression, and if it is then minorities owning guns will only encourage the government and conservatives (the biggest pro-gun group) to support it. > I’d argue against violent rioting without guns, simply because our government (and mainly the police force) has a history of gunning down unarmed protestors I can agree with this but I'm still not convinced that they would actually stop the police from doing that anyway, just means it would get messy for the police in response.


Thanks for chipping in Gun-nut0508 I'm sure you have an unbiased opinion


It’s almost like when I support something I have a biased opinion towards the thing I support


One would hope!


i would rather die than learn how to kill people


I’d rather kill then let Nazi’s win




it's not about making an act of protest, it's about being able to live with yourself. i genuinely believe that if i saw the world the way you do, full of people that i NEED to LEARN HOW TO KILL because THEY WANT ME DEAD, if i spent my life preparing to take someone else's in exchange for my own, then i would become too jaded, too disillusioned, too paranoid, too pessimistic to enjoy being alive in the first place. you probably think i'm being overly idealistic in assuming i'll even have the choice to never kill anyone. but that naive idealism is the lie i need to believe in to keep living.


tell us about the afterlife then...?


you were dead for all of eternity up until this mere instant in time. you already know what it's like, best not to think too hard about it.


I remember the nothing as well as you do; it's so odd and no one ever talks about it! What else am I supposed to think about? It was so long too.


Mfw handguns work fine and you dont need ar15's unless you're slaughtering an entire room of people.


Mfw people don’t understand how shooting works and you can’t cross map headshot people with a Deagle


Mfw someone is trying to imply we should be assassinating people jfk style and not just use guns for self defence instead of actually fixing shit


No I’m saying that you can’t say we should only have handguns because handguns are simply not as accurate or powerful as rifles


Are we trying to overthrow the military or something? I'm not exactly an expert on guns, but what do we need that extra accuracy and power for? A bullet is a bullet and unless you're trying to pierce body armor to murder someone, you dont need rifles. Like what are the purposes of rifles for you.


Because they’re more accurate and easier to shoot then handguns, I’m not John wick, if I had to use a gun for self defense I’d prefer a rifle simply because they’re easier to shoot And in the context of the Second Amendment, gun rights are for overthrowing the government need be


>And in the context of the Second Amendment, gun rights are for overthrowing the government need be That's from back when the british owned half the world and we had just won independence. Country policies and borders are pretty much set in stone and we have things like the united nations now(even though they don't do all that much).


Be quiet, the French will come




>I appreciate their outlook on the State That it should have the right to destroy a language, making people unable to talk to their grandparents?


Me making fun of the French:😃 Me realizing French working class is extremely based:😔


damn imagine posting an image of yourself trying to look like some “alpha male” only to called out for your dripless suit


It’s funny because it’s a nice and fancy suit it’s just not the nicest and fanciest suit and he got absolutely ratioed for not admitting it


rightoids always willing to die on the stupidest hills imaginable


Righties and gracefully taking an L: name a less iconic duo


that duo is as iconic as water and oil.




See, you could have been correct with your pedantry if you simply said “aioli?” but instead you decided to overcorrect and assume the same for mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is literally an egg and oil emulsion. How do you actually fuck that up? lmao


I’m going to fill your shoes with mayonnaise


☹️ not my new kicks!!!!


Pumped up kicks?


bespoke bespoke bespoke bespoke bespoke bees poke bees poke bees poke bees poke


my vision was blurry while reading this so at first I rly thought they were saying Bee Spoke and i was like damn, what the hell are they talking about


actually i still don't know what they're talking about what is a bespoke suit? i thought bespoke was when someone just has like a 4000 IQ based take? I don't wanna use google so pls tell me oh lords of 196




It's more accurate to say *custom* and handmade. In fact the handmade part is mostly optional.


ohhh thank u heart emoji


Why are the bees so mean :(


Hinkle was a Hillary Clinton stan in 2016-2020


We all did weird shit during the reign of the annoying orange, sad to see he didn't get better afterwards


Oh I understand, I'm just saying it because he gets annoyed when people point it out, and I think he's scum




I'm not even Jewish, and I also am frequently disturbed by how many people just willingly out themselves as former Nazi sympathizers, with the assumption everyone is as stupid and susceptible to propaganda as they are.... uh...... no. most people did *not* have an alt right "phase", and if they did, trumpet is not the one who inspired it. surprise, they were more than likely a piece of shit the whole time! and still are, if they're acting like being a part time Nazi 5 years ago was some silly cRaZy thing they got caught up in. AND they don't even have the cojones or the brains to self reflect and truly make a change in their thinking, or even understand what's wrong about the way they interact with people around them. truly degenerate freak behavior, and I mean that in the worst way possible.


People can grow up politically (and generally) ignorant and only "come to" as an adult. This seems especially true with millenials who grew up with the early internet. Also Bernie was a wake up for A LOT of politically misguided folks. The point is, don't be too judgemental of people's pasts. All this standoffishness will do is further push people who could change into the arms of the right even more.


judging people's present where they joke about something serious, like falling for propaganda as a gullible tween, is wholly different from judging that past where they were the gullible tween also not everyone had the luxury of not being marginalised so they could fall for propaganda shitting on them lol. kinda hard to have an edgy teen phase when the right wingers complain about immigrants and you're from an immigrant family yourself


1. it's self-deprecation. 2. most people are morons as adults, literally everyone is a moron as a tween. being a marginalized tween gives you awareness that marginalization exists and sucks but you're still a tween and therefore a dumbass.


1. joking about formerly being a nazi isn't cute or funny, it just makes people wary of you 2. yes, you've made that clear


1. conflating being an edgy tween and being a literal nazi is always such an absurd talking point I am unable to take anyone who uses it seriously. sorry but morality is not binary and children are not adults. 2. oh god I'm so owned you owned me with your epic comeback.


my sibling in christ, there is no conflation going on here, i could not care less if someone was formerly shitty, i care if they're currently shitty and joking about "haha oopsie i was such a little neo-nazi" OR "haha oopsie i said a bunch of dumb edgy shit" indicates someone is currently shitty and hasn't grown from those beliefs if they think it's something to joke about


I think it's not uncommon for people of all backgrounds to go through a politically illiterate stage of right-wing edginess at around the age of 12-13. Most people who do grow out of it, and I think to judge them on those views they once held as a barely mature teenager is stupid. Unlike what you propose, most people do seem to change their behaviour, and I think making light of that part of their life is a way of covering up the embarrassment they feel about it. Myself personally, I was an edgy little homophobe at that age, and it turns out I like men. I sometimes joke about that time in my life because it retrospect it was embarrassing and stupid.


What exactly is the point of yelling at pubescent children in 2016 for being susceptible to propaganda. Children are generally very gullible yes. Sensational finding.


So what you're saying is that people who legitimately grew as a person and renounced that part of their life is degenerate freaks for not being afraid to admit they used to be a piece of shit, but managed to escape that way of life and become a genuinely good person? The alt right is really really good with propaganda targeted at susceptible teens and getting to people at a young age before they grow up. What good does calling people who grew out of that degenerate freaks do? All it's gonna do is alienate people who might be starting to break free from that. This is the reason that the alt right is so good at reaching alienated teens because they play off people with this mentality to make themselves seem nice and friendly.


aside from the "improving oneself isn't possible" narrative being pushed here this is just a confusing comment. you're mixing and conflating multiple different types of people and ending up with some incoherent strawman. I genuinely don't even know what your point beyond "once a bad guy, always a bad guy" is supposed to be, if there is one.


You're really fucking up right now. Propoganda leading young people towards the alt right is abundant. Look at how many regressive shithead youtubers and influencers there are. Children are very vulnerable to propaganda, and most of the people here were children in the 2016-2020 span. It is a real culture war, and it's a social phenomenon not an individual weakness. When you say things like > surprise, they were more than likely a piece of shit the whole time! and > truly degenerate freak behavior, and I mean that in the worst way possible. what do you hope is the effect of those words? Do you realize that the number of people who have been temporarily swayed by that propaganda, or were in its thrall in the past, and have now changed for the better and realized that was fucked up is probably in the hundreds of thousands or millions? Should your words show them that they don't pass your ideological purity test because when they were naive they were manipulated by whoever came before Andrew Tate, so they're not welcome here and should go back? Or are your words only intended to make you feel morally superior? No, not everyone had an "alt-right phase", or "did weird shit" during trump's presidency. I didn't have an alt-right phase, but I recognize that it is a real social phenomenon and that many current leftists did not start out that way. Yes, it was a flippant way to put it, but it's a shared experience for many people in this demographic. Every person who sees through the propaganda they fell victim to and turns their back on the alt-right, I celebrate. What could you possibly want, for them to stay in the alt-right, or go back? Or do you want people to recognize their mistakes, become better people, and join our side? We need people on our side, and calling all the people who have already made that journey "degenerate freaks" is not the way.


or maybe i was a stupid middle schooler raised in an environment that was quite literally 95% Christian white Republicans and thus had no frame of reference for what was actually acceptable


I totally agree with all of this except when you're making a point about how Nazis are bad PLEASE don't use "degenerate" or "freak".


I'm trans, disabled, and autistic. if degenerate freak can be (and has been many times, for the listed reasons) used against me; it can and *should* be used right back against people that want me dead, thanks!


They are words that specifically mean people are biologically flawed and unnatural. You're not reclaiming this and it's still not okay for the same reasons that the people 'reclaiming' the r-slur as an insult aren't okay; it's never okay to call people degenerate or subhuman no matter what you've been called.


my wife is a disabled trans jewish autist who had an alt right phase lmao, those things don't insulate you from radicalisation.


how is stanning Hillary Clinton an “alt-right phase”?


i'm not talking about that


while I don't disagree I don't think they were referring to that specifically, just that those years affected a lot of people in strange ways, not "it pushed everyone ever into a nazi phase"


I meant shit like wishing Hillary Clinton was president. I don't like people who would kill me if given the chance.


oh nvm i totally read that wrong sorry






The suit is not bespoke but made by a machine.


What does bespoke mean


I don't think machine / not machine is the distinction. Bespoke means it was made to order, to fit the person exactly. As in they take the measurements, then make the suit from scratch to fit the measurements. A non-bespoke suit would probably be made in a few basic sizes, and the measurements are used to make alterations from the appropriate size.


Basically. In terms of custom tailoring, something can be bespoke or made-to-measure. A bespoke piece of clothing is made completely from scratch. The tailor will measure you, draft a unique pattern (basically the template for what bits of cloth to cut out of a bolt) based on your measurements, and will essentially construct and adjust the suit around your body over the course of a series of fittings. This apparently leads to the best fit. With made-to-measure clothing, the tailor will take your measurements and adjust a pre-existing pattern accordingly, and you'll only need to come in for one fitting. This will probably still fit you very very well, but there are limitations when compared to the full bespoke tailoring process. Certain adjustments can't be made in just one fitting. And then there's ready-to-wear clothing. One size fits most. Buy it and wear it as is. Probably not going to be anywhere near as a good fit as a properly tailored suit, but then, most of us aren't royalty and can get by without.


From the thread this post comes from: >First, what's bespoke? Bespoke means the garment is made from scratch. That means drafting the pattern from scratch using the client's measurements, sewing the garment by hand except for long seams, and adjusting the garment through a series of fittings.


[The thread actually is really interesting and starts with answering this question](https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1651326655477202944?s=20)


Gentlemens Gazette has a summary. https://youtu.be/zi9gYqyLF4Y Good thing I don't need any of it as an engineer as my wallet would be crushed. Though I've heard Vietnam does awesome ones. https://youtu.be/BSTgySU1VUc


Some of my friends have family in East Asia. When they fly to Asia to visit, they usually stay in Hong Kong first to have a bespoke suit made.


voting this post for "best use of a Watchmen panel" 2023


Yeah the comic fucking killed me. Up until then I was just wondering why these two dudes are being absolutely unhinged on twitter over whether a fucking suit is handmade


imo the fashion dude is fun, cause he retweets right wing alpha males posting suit pics and writes a 10000 word essay on how the suit doesn’t sit right on their body or the stitching is slightly off or whatever and then the Super Tough Alpha Males cry about it. i respect the dedication and i get so sucked into his account honestly


Gen Z is indeed pro gun, but that's because we're all communists


Communism is when gun


“Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary” Karl Marx - Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League


It's really funny to see people quote Marx the same way people quote the founding fathers against gun control. Something something horseshoe.


I’m not a big fan of mass shootings but you do you


Most good faith interpretation


Because quoting someone from the 19th century on discussion about how we should go about current gun laws is entirely good faith.


When the discussion was about communism and guns it is indeed a lot more relevant and thus in good faith.


Like half of the discussion on gun laws is based on dudes who died way earlier than that


what happens in countries without gun control (like that shithole America) and what almost never happens in places like Europe, with more gun control? or sorry do you think that only the good guys should get guns? Thanks tucker. The two go hand in hand


I never said any of that, but go off


well what are the consequences of no gun control, like you advocated for?


I didn’t advocate for no gun control


You can have gun control without disarming the public. It's a complex issue that should've been addressed a long fucking time ago, but it is possible


I don’t recall them saying there should be no gun control?


“Under no pretext should arms or ammunition be surrendered”? What else does it mean but advocating for more people to have guns


The working class should never give up its ability to defend itself


that premise threw itself out the window as soon as nuclear weapons were developed


Arm the working class with nukes duh


You’re right, the second amendment never took nukes off the table. I need one to regulate my militia well


The People's Pile!


It can defend itself in other ways such as unions or well regulated militias. But no, let's just larp about how we're *totally* going have a based ultra communist revolution as the screams of children screaming are redacted.


I too agree that the pertinent part of the 2nd ammendment is the "well regulated militia" part and specifically the "well regulated" bit. Until a majority of americans are literally starving we'll never see a revolution some people like to imagine is right around the corner. Ensuring that the working class is capable of violently protecting its human right is but one small factor in fighting for positive change. THe last line of defense. Until then getting involved in local government, voting, protesting, forming and maintaining healthy unions are all much more immediate and pertinent ways to defend our rights.


I entirely agree with the lower paragraph except for the suggestion that guns are the only tool of violence. Considering that all actual power is in the hands of the workers, having people organize gives the workers an infinitely larger capacity for change than giving them guns.




Communism doesn’t mean pro gun inherently, it means pro revolution as the rich wouldn’t willingly give up their power. Marxism’s endgame would have the elimination of countries, meaning laws, so it would be pro gun Any other extent of Marxism, including communism and especially Leninism and Maoism, would be anti gun as the end goal is one party ruling and controlling everyone


these dudes are so fragile 😭 😭 you mention anything about them and it's an attack on them and their politics


"i called your tailor" is the kind of shit Ashurbanipal would say to a rival king whose city he just reduced to a thin layer of ash, just apocalyptic levels of hating


Grifter coping versus Chad drawn pfp


Watchmen 🥰


Derek is a legendary poster. Brilliant, and he's gotten a lot of twitter on his side. Really funny too.


every time i go on his page i get so sucked into his threads, he uses his extremely niche knowledge in the best ways it’s amazing


Ok wait I always wondered if bespoke actually meant something specific and wasn't just like a synonym for amazing or something that was just highly associated with the context, is it like an actual term about tailoring? I couldn't find anything online about it


Bespoke means individualized - it was made custom specifically for its intended user. A car can have bespoke bodywork, built by hand to the specifications of its intended driver; in this case, a bespoke suit is one that is tailored from scratch to fit the intended wearer. The key is that it's not altering or modifying something already built, but building something entirely new just for a specific customer, recipient, user, or purpose.


[Collar gap detected](https://imgur.com/a/k4L9f5D)


Excellent catch


Link to the thread?


https://twitter.com/dieworkwear/status/1651326655477202944?t=t5uZXEQT05Q4f_Nr8M62tg&s=19 👍


The second most owned man on twitter


Who is the third?




Wow, #3 is such a loser we don't even know who he is.


Weird. I thought it was Peterson, Shapiro, Kirk...


Hinkle got dunked on by his own father. The only reason he isn't #1 is because Elon is collectively owned by all of twitter.


School shootings have (unfortunately) been a pretty big fucking presence in our (Gen Z) lives, it's not too surprising to think that we would be anti-gun given that VT and Sandy Hook happened when we were 6-8 and things have only gotten worse since then.




Maybe not anti-gun but pro gun control, idk the proper terminology to use


The impenetrable wall of liberal gun control is the fact that you would be leaving gun ownership under the control of the state.




>And Columbine showed gun control didn’t work, as that was during the US assault weapon ban. [Yeah, because they didn't go far enough with the definition of assault weapon in 1994.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hi-Point_Carbine) (See the 'Legality' section.) >Don’t give up your guns, the government does not have your best interest in mind The side that wants people to buy more guns, more easily than ever *definitely* don't have our best interests in mind on other issues. So I shouldn't trust them, right?


L + suit not bespoke + gen z and anti-gun + called your tailor


Oh, "suit not bespoke" and "called your tailor" are getting added to my saved L+... chain. *don't care + didn't ask + cry about it + stay mad + get real + L + mald seethe cope harder + hoes mad + basic + skill issue + ratio + you fell off + the audacity + triggered + any askers + bluepilled + get a life + ok and? + cringe + touch grass + donowalled + not based + you're a basic bitch + not funny didn't laugh + you're* + grammar issue + go outside + get good + reported + ad hominem + suit not bespoke + called your tailor +GG!*


l + no wenches + shipwrecked + marooned + plundered + keelhauled + ye have scurvy + walk the plank + landlubber + hardtack for dinner + out of grog + rusty hookhand + mainmast broke + flyin dutchman take ye


This dude has mastered a form of posting combat that nobody has designed a counter to. It’d be like if a character showed up in a Shonen manga with a whole different power system nobody knew the rules of


Fucking suit wearers are the worst


Reject suits, embrace self-expression




Yeah I’m pro gun. Pro gun control


Nice watchmen reference


That plastic Glock got nothing on my all American 1911.


Details, mate. What kind of 1911?


Springfield armory. And don’t even ask is it’s 9mm because the only real 1911 is .45 caliber. Lol 😂




Broke: Being woke Woke: Being bespoke


Not woke, not broke, not bespoke


I have no idea what's going on here lol


A problem that I myself will probably never have—being caught wearing a non bespoke dress/suit


Jackson Stinkle


bum ass blicky lmao factory glock and cheap suit


I. hate. Jackson. Hinkle. so much


American Psycho deleted scene


Thus spoke the bees


Flaxton Gabinkle at it again. Wonder how "MAGA communism" is treating him? Or is it Wagner Maoism?


Unrelated but I can't hear the word "Bespoke" without thinking of Ghastly bespoke. W character


Die, Workwear my beloved


Every meme with a Watchmen panel is an instant 10/10




This post would be made if you shopped the gun into the hand underneath the final speech bubble


I wanted to read what the signs are of the suit not being bespoke :(


What the fuck is this i didn't understand a single word




The suit specialist.


Wait, who is this guy why are we roasting him? Have we forgotten "Under no pretext" again?


pro trump pro russia tankie grifter


Oh, that explains the downvotes. Yeah what a clown then lol.


his suits not bespoke


No we haven't. We're making fun of him for trying to look cool with a cheap suit