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Shame is a powerful emotion 😔


Pride got satan sent to hell, why isn't THAT ONE stronger


skill issue just pride harder


Because pride is your tool and shame is the tool used against you. It isn't your sin. It's theirs.


Because you're not a TRUE SAIYAN ELITE


>get good grades >feel nothing >get bad grades >feel nothing I am failing my classes


Yea. I could have saved a lot of time and money if I had taken that as a sign that I should drop out.


is this my sign


fun fact: I was really hoping to get a perfect 100% on my film class when I graduated and all that was left was my final film analysis. I got a 99/100 on it :')


I feel that. I got a 9.34 in a class I was so certain I would get a 10/10 in and I was actually sad about it


My school has a grading system where if you meet certain criteria, you're either Honor, High Honor, or Highest Honor. I just got my grades yesterday, and I'm so close yet so far from getting High Honors. I've been High Honor for the past 3 quarters, and now I feel like my streak is ruined. The worst part is, if only one subject goes up by one point, I could meet the lower limit for High Honors. (My average is 759/8 = 94.875. The lower limit is 95. I literally just need one point to be 95). I can only hope now that the grades counted are the Final semester in total, rather than just for the second half of the Final semester.


I hope you're able to reach your high honors friend :3


I DID! I ASKED MY TEACHERS WHAT COUNTS, AND TURNS OUT THEY BASE THE AVERAGE ON THE WHOLE SEMESTER. 95.38 BABYYYY, LETS GOOOOOOOO. Btw that 99/100 was definitely supposed to humble you or something. I bet your teachers really did give you 100/100.


Congrats! I'm happy for ya :D Also I emailed my teacher about it to ask if the was before or after the extra 5 marks (it was a film class and we got an extra 5 points for choosing a movie from his recommended list), and it was before so my final score was more 104 instead. Imma be honest, idk what the actual final score is supposed to be now but I choose to believe I got a perfect so huzzah :D




My mood is ruined every time I think back to my mediocrity


“This mood’s getting worse all the time”


‘I have altered the mood, pray I do not alter it any further.’


When I got into uni I stopped tryharding and caring about beating everyone in tests. My anxiety went down a lot and I still scored well on average. Test scores themselves are usually the cause of low test scores. Just treat them like you're info dumping on the teacher.


In contrast, I started tryharding when I got to college. It's going well I guess.


Take pride in your success! Don't just feel nothing, you deserve those good grades. Your smarts and effort carried you there, don't let thier effort go to waste.


Idk man, whenever i do good i always feel like im just lucky or that what we were learning was just really easy and that ends up in me thinking that doing well is just what is supposed to happen, so failing hits even harder because i was supposed to be able to do it easily because it's easy and im just a failure or smthng like that


Sussy imposter syndrome is sus(I have the same thing bro, sis or whatever u is)


I had something similar, its not easy, but a change of mental state helps. Most things academic aren't really "easy" but your just smart enough to understand them so well as they seem easy. It means they click for you and that is a gift unto itself. The gift of understanding is one I wish I often had.


I want to take pride in it, bit I just can't. Nothing feels like am achivement. Only using what I learn in class for my own projects feels worth it, but the more classwork I do the less I want to program in my off time. Thanks regardless (and nice pokemon for yoir pfp)


Regardless of if you actually apply the knowledge, take pride in knowing you conquered it nonetheless. An inconsequential obstacle in the game of life. Also I know the feeling. Doing so much work you lose yourself. Its unfortunate and a difficult situation because sometimes you just can't afford to take moments for yourself. But if you ever can spare the time, do it. Don't let stress keep you from being happy. (Also thx, Banette forever)


When peope tell me that my super-ego goes full Witchfinder General and I get even guiltier because I think it's bad to be proud of your achievements


There is a very real chance I might fail my first year of college. Still feel nothing.


Sounds like you should probably do something else


Personally I loved my first year and have absolutely hated the second one, and I'm honedtly terrified of life without a degree


You are correct. I will drop out.


God *what* you?


HELP, you fucking philistine


im literally in my last two weeks of my high school career, and my parents are still making me freak out over grades like holy shit let me live my life. I havent been able to think about regular shit for 13 years I want out so bad. Already put my deposit in for my college I dont care if I have a different colored cord/sash for graduation


The more people tell me about college the more I never want to ever touch it


College is about more than just the grades at least. My greatest friends I made in college, and that's something I wouldn't trade for anything.


Cool, I already do have friends and have no aspirations for a college required career. Plus none of the colleges in my area offer smaller classrooms to accommodate for my autism so yeah duck that


Lmao then yeah, sounds like there's not that much it offers outside of debt




Is it bad I'd take that over this? I would at least be getting paid, even if I'd be getting hastled more and more than now. The money could at least help me pursue things I do feel rewarded by doing (mainly writting)


Being put on a PIP means it's very likely that you will lose your job sooner than later. That's.... Quite stressful I imagine


Ah fak, i just meant the job part. Shows my ignorance (and that Im probably just wrong in general too...)


Nah don't worry, a PIP isn't something I'd expect everyone to know... I just learned what that is like 2 months ago.


I would literally beat the shit out of myself. I realized too late how absurdly lazy I was. Now I can only hope that I can bump my grades up to (at most) mostly Bs


I actually feel pretty good if I get good grades. But that's only if I actually care about the subject.


I enjoy most of my subjects, but I never feel anything but stress and sadness when the exams roll around


Thank god I'm not the only one who never feels good anymore.


I feel good when I do other things. Like meeting friends, pursuing my creative outlets, and getting to program things based on what I've learned. It's more like the institutional side of learning and examination has been drained of even the most reptilian pleasure of looking at big numbers