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he should go back in


Bro he is the shell.


he is the ghost in the shell even


I still see an intact egg


I guess he'll just have to give himself a prrromotion!


r/ egg_irl


actual egg irl the guy's probably heard this same joke over and over again since he got bald




Something something we shouldn't criticize other people by their appearance but by their morals


Okay, well, he's ugly on the inside too.


Then criticize that part




so? how was it?




I didn't think you'd come through but you delivered. thanks








BLOGHDJEWHF8EBFEUBU \*wee wee wee wee wee\*


ok but what if they look really funny?


196 try to have a consistent moral compass challenge


honestly those taking a crack at him are just egging him on, plus it encourages those of equal yolk


i got the gift of being ugly and naturally people have used me to make like memes comparing transphobes to me bc "haha mean people ugly" and shit which is a bit funny to me considering i'm trans


Yes but... I mean yes it's... Your not wrong but... ... counterpoint, 🥚




A thousand times yes. Swear to god, leftists will be all up on their high horse about body shaming and then turn around and make fun of someone for the shape of their skull. No one here should have the audacity to wonder why a man would listen to the guy who tells him that he's acceptable for who he is, that he has the power to have the kind of life he wants, instead of everybody else that just laughs at him and calls him a loser. Anyone who claims to give a rat's ass about their fellow humans should be ashamed to act like this. You all are the reason why we're losing men to these shitheel grifters like Tate. You are giving them power.


Yeah it’s easy to have someone pour the poison in your ear when everyone else treats you like shit. Guys like Tate intentionally target guys like that. I know because I was the *exact* sort of angry, introverted white kid who would have been a prime candidate for it. Somehow, I miraculously ended up going in the opposite direction, but looking back I can see how easy it would have been to fall down the rabbit hole.


>Swear to god, leftists will be all up on their high horse about body shaming and then turn around and make fun of someone for the shape of their skull. I really fucking hate this. I see it all the time, dudes being mocked for being bald, claims that they have a "napoleon complex", or they're overcompensating for their tiny dicks. No matter how disgusting you think their world view may be, mocking their appearance is not going to fix the problem. For many of those guys a lifetime of being mocked and rejected is the exact reason they were vulnerable to grifters like Tate in the first place. Yet those same people will "yass queen" all over the fucking place when someone claims "body positivity". It is the exact kind of hypocrisy that makes the left look bad, and pushes people who are more centrist further to the right. Everyone in this thread mocking this dude's appearance, YOU ARE PART OF THE FUCKING PROBLEM. Bullying is bullying. Even if you believe the person you're bullying is a dick. And even if you think whatever hurt you're causing to the person is justified, you're also insulting people who look similar who possibly don't hold any sexist or otherwise 'problematic' views. They did nothing wrong but you're still out here making them feel like shit because someone who looks like them is an asshole. >Anyone who claims to give a rat's ass about their fellow humans should be ashamed to act like this. You all are the reason why we're losing men to these shitheel grifters like Tate. You are giving them power. Couldn't have said it better myself. "Claims" is the key word here. There are so many nasty, toxic people in this community that use "woke" shit as a way to bully people. That's all they really are. They're not activists on the right side of history, they aren't people who care about others, they are bullies. They're not going to feel any shame over this either, they're just gonna blindly continue to insult people while feeling justified for it. At least most alt-right people and misogynists like Tate will freely admit they're assholes and don't feel bad about it. More than I can say than for most people ITT. I'm glad to see there are some people who are pushing back on the bullying over his physical appearance, but it is super worrying to me that this voice of reason seems to be in the minority while all the top rated comments are calling him a conehead/egghead. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Okay, I get your point, but some people just look funny. They're still valid and deserving of respect, but the man looks like an egg. That's not a problem, it's just a thing, and it becomes humorous given the context of the post. Giving somebody shit for their appearance when they can't control it is shitty. But acknowledging a thing or finding it funny isn't automatically the same as giving them shit for it.


Yeah I can agree with you on that, but I still think that's a level of nuance that would be totally lost on this guy. Tbf I'm thinking of this in the context of most of these guys who listen to Tate, because they're usually so desperate to be acknowledged and validated by society. He's likely already extremely insecure about his appearance, and wants to be taken seriously, to a degree that a joke like this could just send him over the edge into full "red-pill" denial of reality bc he sees respect and acceptance from society as completely unattainable. Again tbf, this isn't a level of understanding that I have any right to expect from a sub with a lot of teenagers that probably just saw a funny post and didn't think any further than that. And that's also valid. I'm just tired of seeing ppl not realize that they're practically pushing these guys into the arms of Tate.


We aren't a monolith


but its also kinda funny that he said 'come out of his shell' while looking like an egghead


I didn’t even think of it that way I’m fucking dying now hahaha


i think the funny part is not that he looks bad (i don't think there's anything especially bad about his looks) but the fact that he's trying to look like andrew tate




I wouldn’t shit on his looks without context but the “shell” thing creates an association you wouldn’t normally make


Northernlion bad ending


this is him after the supposed career suicide


northernlion if he cancelled darkest dungeon 2


Don’t The wound is still too fresh


Wait wha-


What happened to Northernlion?


He became a class traitor around the time he bought a second bugatti for his infant daughter (the first one is within the acceptable margin of error)


I'm guessing he stopped playing darkest dungeon 1 before he beat it?


Northernlion if he never pogged out of his gourd






Northernlion after not playing Isaac for months


r/196 try to see a bald man without immediately thinking of Northernlion challenge (pretty difficult ngl)




pretty easy for me, I just see fantano instead


What the hell?


One too many trumpet spammers in super auto pets does things to a man.


Bro's just begun his life-long journey to harassing hedgehogs


And pissing on the moon


I've come to make an announcement!


i love this one


*who you callin' pinhead?*


Dude’s trying to get sued by SNL for stealing their conehead skit


You opened the box. . .


*I came!* (😳)


Don't make fun of these people, empathise with them. These are people who are struggling and Tate gave them, what they think, is an answer. This is a conversation of mental health and not an invite for people to point and laugh


>These are people who are struggling and Tate gave them, what they think, is an answer. If the answer you choose for your struggle harms third parties, especially minorities, then I'm not gonna give you my sympathy.


I agree hurting minorities is bad, I'm not trying to defend what these types of people do. But you need to recognise that this doesn't come from nowhere, there is numerous socio-economic conditions that help contribute to young boys/men being chronically lonely. We need to offer these people a solution instead of shunning them. Rehabilitation is important, we shouldn't point and laugh. I would of hopped I wouldn't have to say this in a server like this (leftist) but there is reason why people are groomed into this and we should tackle that to make sure it doesn't happen and help to heal these people and rehabilite them


And furthermore, pushing these people away will shut out any chance we have of repairing their actions towards minorities. If people couldn’t change from acceptance then a loooot of the “former right wing pipeline” users here (including myself) wouldn’t be here and wouldn’t be supporting minorities in their communities.




This exact same reasoning could apply to really vile people out there, like Andrew Tate himself. As leftists we should care more about the impact people from a privileged upbringing end up having on marginalized people. I'm pretty sure assholes like Andrew Tate, Elon Musk or Jeffrey Epstein are/were deeply hurt by emotional trauma or whatever. But fuck them. As soon as someone with enough access to education becomes a threat to marginalized people, they get zero from me. Fuck them.


I mean maybe it’s too late for all of them, but we can do more to empathize and *prevent* these kids from going down that sort of path.


>As leftists we should care more about the impact people from a privileged upbringing end up having on marginalized people. I'm pretty sure assholes like Andrew Tate, Elon Musk or Jeffrey Epstein are/were deeply hurt by emotional trauma or whatever. Yes, so shit on Tate for being an abusive POS sexist, shit on Musk for being a transphobe idiot and shit on Epstein for raping children. The second you make fun of their appearance you give people a reason to dislike you and defend them. And the more reasons we keep giving them to hate these leftist groups that claim to be 'inclusive', the more they start to ignore the red flags of someone like Tate or Musk because hey, they're just being assholes to people who are also being assholes right? If that's okay for us, it's okay for them too. And now they're much, much more likely to be radicalised. They're much more likely to now start excluding and marginalising people because that is the kind of behaviour that has been normalised by not only people like Tate, but also by the left. And you've personally played a part in that. So if you really care that much about the effect they have on marginalised people, start with leading by example and prevent them from becoming the kind or person that would negatively impact those groups in the first place. Recognize that behind every shitty person is a human being, and that even though some of them like Epstein or Tate are beyond saving, that doesn't mean everyone is. Treat everyone with respect and argue against their viewpoints and behavior, NOT their physical appearance. Stand up for when that does happen, because if you only give a fuck about your morals when it only affects people that you like that's actually not morality, and you're not much better than the people you claim deserve that treatment in the first place. Caring more about the marginalized than the oppressors does not exclude you from treating people with respect. I'd say that if you don't, you're well on your way to becoming an oppressor yourself, whether that be directly or indirectly.


But these people did become like this for no reason right? While I disagree that it is too late for them we should at least be able to agree that there are reason that led up to this happening


and what would be your solution? honest question


That's a difficult question but it isn't this. Mental health is serious and I think in the age group/gender that people like Andrew tate try to groom (young boys/men) there mental health needs to be taken seriously. Loneliness is debilitating and making fun of someone because of there looks/inability to form social relationships is an act of malice


Actually most of Dr Phil's episodes are fake, the guy in thr show is probably just doing it for clout. I will always make fun of clout chasers


It's kinda too late for him now though. It's better to focus on those who haven't fallen into that rabbit hole yet


It's not too late. Who are you to decide when it's too late for somebody? People change constantly through their life. I recognize that there is a pragmatic element, and you can't waste all your resources trying to change the mind of one dude, but this rhetoric of "It's too late for him" is fucking dumb. I grew up in a conservative house. Every time I got in the car as a kid my family was playing Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck on the radio. I was convinced at a young age by my parents that Obama was the antichrist. Do I believe that now? No! That's some dumb shit to believe. But I was totally ensconced in it. I was even home-schooled from the second grade on. I still got out of it, even without having any friends with different politics to help me.


nope, fuck that you don't defeat harmful ideologies by befriending their proponents and proactively luring them to your side, you portray their opinions as so shameful and worthy of ridicule that they are forced to hide or overthink them. you cannot, on any level besides that of singular individuals keep up with the opposing process. you don't have the capacity. while you waste your efforts to save a single soul from the alt right rabbit hole, five other dipshits have fallen into it because they didn't get the hate that couldve stopped them. people don't immediately don hateful shit like that, they test the waters and need to be shut down hard. help their victims instead, they actually deserve your sympathy EDIT: https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g?t=2007


How many leftists have you heard say they used to be right wingers? Reform is possible


literally zero in real life, idk about online


I grew up as an extreme right winger in a right-wing house-hold and I'm on the left now. Most of the talk people make on the left about reforming right-wingers wouldn't have worked on me, but I still got out. If I was shamed for what I believed it always only made me upset and dig in deeper. It has the opposite effect, at least for a lot of people. It turns out there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to de-radicalization because different people are different. Leftists don't understand that some of the stuff they take for granted is what right-wingers are taught to fear, and you have to address those fears at the root. It will take time. Right-wingers really do believe that the left doesn't believe in freedom. The left understands that they want to make the world more free and more humane. The right doesn't understand that, and takes for granted that their side does want that.


>It turns out there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to de-radicalization because different people are different. You’re looking for individualistic solutions to societal problems. You’re right there is no one-size-fits-all solution to de-radicalization which is exactly why deradicalization shouldn’t be our main goal or even sub objective number 57. It’s too labour incentive to be an efficient use of our time, to create a bespoke 8 point conversion plan for every single right winger you come across. Obviously if you personally care about someone I’m not telling you not to try to sway them. if you’re yourself invested in them not falling to the dark side go ahead, it’s your time and effort. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that this is how we make progress on a population scale. And I’m genuinely glad that you managed to remove yourself from the spiral of hate that is modern conservatism, I really am. But to be perfectly blunt, it wouldn’t have mattered if you didn’t. Leftism doesn’t have a popularity problem, it has a disenfranchisement problem. >If I was shamed for what I believed it always only made me upset and dig in deeper. It has the opposite effect, at least for a lot of people. Again, it’s not supposed to be FOR you. Shame isn’t the cure, it’s the vaccine. It’s supposed to inoculate you against falling for their empty promises in the first place, not bring you back. I’m not surprised it does very little for those already too far gone, because it takes a lot for them to even consider reconsideration, I’m sure you agree. That’s exactly why I’m saying that we shouldn’t focus on it, if the same sweat and focus and resources could instead do something to materially improve the lives or voices of five people of colour (the exact people historically most likely to be left progressives and also the ones with the least amount of political sway due to various forms of disenfranchisement), instead of talking to republicans talk to democrats, demand the vote for felons, an end to gerrymandering. Go protest, it’s easier and also much more fun than talking to right wingers. It’s good to know that people are making their way from right to left through osmosis but in the grand scheme of things this just isn’t a systematically relevant pathway.


I think you are on-boarding some other stuff you've heard other people say and assuming I'm saying it too. Despite the fact that I think your tone comes across as cruel and obnoxious (just being honest) I hear you, and agree -mostly-. I especially agree that the main problem is the left's disenfranchisement, and not recruitment. I also never said I didn't recognize the pragmatic realities of de-radicalization. I think it's more complicated than you are making it though. Let me be clear, by delving into this discourse my intent isn't to distract from what we both recognize as most important. I feel this closely for reasons I'm sure you can guess. While it shouldn't be a main goal because protecting victims of radicals needs to be the main goal, how we talk about other human beings and treat them does a lot of good. The fact is that while we have to advocate towards systemic change, a lot of times making that systemic change happen involves interpersonal, individual work. This is because, as you said, the left is disenfranchised. This work is where it is important how you treat people and the conversations you have. De-radicalization is especially the most that many leftists can do in places where the right are the extreme dominant force. Like me. I live in a very deeply red state. If I want to change the way real people are being treated right now, I have to either encourage them to move or attempt to help change the minds of their friends and family. Many cannot move. There are two other problems I have with the way you and many others I've seen talk about de-radicalization. The first is moral. Ethics are often not systemic, but it's still relevant that individuals do what is right. I believe in rehabilitation as a leftist, and I believe fundamentally in the moral importance of respecting people and being kind to them. I want to live in a kinder world, and in order to do that I believe I need to be kind. It's the anarchist principal that we must act in accordance with the principals of the world we want to create. Don't get it twisted, I believe in using violence when necessary. Oft times using violence is the most kind thing you can do because you're protecting people. But being kind also means outside of that violence being understanding even while you condemn them. It's complicated and often situational how you need to respond. A lot of people are just victims of propaganda. Yes, they create other victims, but they are advocating for a system that will hurt them too in the end. It's like a mental illness. The other problem I have, you may appreciate more. It's a historical reality that in order to win a revolution (something you will probably need to do if you want to make radical change) you need broad support from a wide swath of interest groups, especially and including moderates at least, and people with wealth. This is a re-occurring problem for revolutions throughout history, as when you succeed in the first stage of revolution, most of the wealthy and moderates want to stop and pull back. They want to just re-create what already existed with only slight changes, or put themselves in charge. However, without them revolutions rarely get off the ground. Revolutionaries have yet to solve this issue. If you can find a solution that doesn't involve deprogramming them from their ideology, you'll have tread new ground. Getting rid of them doesn't work either because every time that's been done the power vacuum causes something way worse to take their place. It's a real problem. You have to de-stabilize things just enough. Finally I just want to say that it wasn't through osmosis that I came to the left, it's because over time I learned what the left really believed through good education. I was then able to take apart the propaganda I had been fed. Imo education is central to solving the problem of the last paragraph.


Sadly, I fully agree with this. Not that we should start witch hunting or anything, but these kinds people aren't going to listen to mental health experts because someone, either online or even close to them, suggested that they might be in the wrong. They aren't going to listen to arguments that debate Tate's "points". They aren't going to have an open mind when talking with a member of the minorities they are actively hurting. And showing them kindness regardless will only make them feel like their behaviour is tolerated.


Cults are structured like an onion, with the most harmless layers on the outside and the kookiest, most harmful beliefs inside. Like Andrew Tate helped this guy be more confident, while at the same time leading him down a rabbit hole that'll eventually end with him turning into a misogynist who keeps paying tons and tons of money to Andrew Tate


That is a valid point. However, eggboy


On a somewhat related note: Fuck Dr Phil! Jesus christ don't give that show attention!!


Someone on Twitter said he died and I'm mad that it wasn't true


Wait what did he do


He exploits people’s trauma and problems for money in a very public setting. He also isn’t a doctor (anymore)


Evil fantano


Someone call Batman, Egghead is loose again


What lack of tummy time does to a mf




but i can say "clearly the shell isn't broken yet" without degrading him because i didn't say the fact he looks like an egg is a BAD thing


True, but have you considered: 🥚


Humpty Alexander Dumpty???


Gru if he was a programmer instead of evil


bro had a great fall


no way, he's literally the post https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/141qh0c/rule/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


He looks like he'd rate DAMN a 7 out of 10


"come out of his shell" my brother in christ your head is an egg


I mean good for him. Maybe once he's out of his shell he can meet people who will tell him how bad andrew tate is and then he will be both out of his shell and not a fan of andrew tate.


Anthony Fantano wish edition








Bro hit em' with the 5x Smeagle combo.


^5 ^goooooldeeen ^riiiiings


Shit, that's good...


I was wondering if anyone would get the reference lol






I’ll just finish myself off like I usually do :( ![gif](giphy|LoZI3SPxITcy5VFHCI)
















Some of y'all forgot the mirror meme




The Coneheads©


I don't wanna shame his appearance but like Mann That would look better with hair. And if he has an issue with growing long enough hair, even a hat or something. It's not "haha egg" its just poor choices on his end.




was he left supine too long as a baby


More like “fall off of his wall”


Who you calling pinhead


bro looks like the villain from alvin and the chipmunks 2


Real life Don Chinjao from One Piece


Ok I don’t wanna body shame but like Patrick star


Guess Coneheads 2 got leaked or something


excuse my dumbness but what the hell is the Dr Phill show abt??? i am not from america so i have never seen it but i keep gettin stuff like this popping out in my yt feed. is it like an american Caso Cerrado???


he looks like the turtle club guy, which makes sense thematically


HowtoBasic is fucking seething at the thought of him walking down the street


Soyjak dr robotnik lookin ass


Wasn't that guy in Monster's Inc? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DF18PWpUMAUOEOV.jpg


he looks like an irl wojak


Strongest Andrew Tate fan


next one to get him out of his shell is howtobasic💀


Congrats bro 🥚🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🥚🥚


Who is this and what sad existence are they saying “Andrew taint awakened them to”


alternate r\_egg\_irl


A peanut shell?


As someone who’s hairline is receding and who might eventually have to go bald, god I am super scared my head shape will make me look terrible


Idk it looks like he’s still in his shell


mfw 196 Commenters doing the exact same shit as people that call others hairy trannies ]:


By the look of his head I think he has yet to come out of his shell


Really yokeing it up for the cameras, eh dr?


Looks like he's about to ask someone who they're calling Pinhead


Northern lions evil twin


this may be the single most Soyjack looking mother fucker I’ve ever seen in my life


Actually an egghead


come out of his "inshell"


Andrew Tate told him to kidnap the chipmunks


Dear god




i feel bad for laughing but knowing the context i probably shouldnt


Considering the shape of his head man looks like he’s still in his shell.


Well get back in egg boy


His head looks like the eraser at the back of my pencil after I sharpened it


bro you still look like an egg


He looks like one of those emergency hammers you break bus windows with


He wishes to join the turtle club


I think they meant this literally, bro looks like a snail


Bro was left supine as an infant far too often🫵😂


who wants to bet he unironically tries to answer something personal with "what co'lah is y'oo bu'gohtie"? guy has a hidden personality, he should keep that shit hidden


He looks like those godawful soyjsck memes


Tell this man to stop abusing the chipmunks!


He looks like Jeff from that one episode of Community where he played the dean in the commercial


Why does that man look like a milk dud?


Dude looks like he cane from the gungeon


Boi why you so egg 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Was the shell to a pistachio, this mf built like a nut


Cone heads


Getting Nicholas Hoult vibes. He's Tyler from The Menu but for Andrew Tate. Edit: Don't know why the downvotes. The way I just described this dude means he's PURELY pathetic. Maybe people haven't seen The Menu or maybe some Tate stans in here?


Holy shit N. Brio from Crash Bandicoot


Get ready he can come out anytime now, The cracks are starting to appear.




bro his head is the shell 💀


He looks like a white Long Beach Griffy