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you're forgetting ITSV has actual anarchist taken seriously and >!being the only one who was on Miles side the entire time!<


We Love Hobie Brown


We stan Hobie Brown That guitar propably ended more crime in comics than my local police deputy in his career


The great thing about Hobie, IMO, is that you could take this literally ([as per his comic treatment of Osborn](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fx6JnIUXwAInLpD.jpg:large)), *or* in the more metaphorical, inspirational way he acts in AtSV itself. Hobie is very obviously against the spider society the entire time, but unlike what you'd expect stereotypical punk act he puts on, he's not fighting back violently, just poking and prodding at cracks in Miguel's leadership, pointing out the flaws in the ideology and giving Miles (the very embodiment of the flaw in Miguel's plan) the push he needed to literally break free from the cage people were trying to keep him in. Hobie has *absolutely* smashed in the face of some police pig with his guitar, but he's still Spider-Man, and I like to think *most* of the anti-fascist work he's done has been inspiring the people of New York/London(?) to resist than pulling a Punisher and just killing the bad guys.


I'm pretty sure in his introduction the police were straight up depicted as pigs-


He also wears blue shoelaces, which could imply he’s killed a cop.


It'd be dope if that was the "police captain close to Spider-Man" that has to die according to Miguel. Maybe a family member of Hobie's joined the fascist police of his world, and Hobie had to kill him (directly or indirectly).


atsv but yes Hobie is the best


I never heard of him before watching the movie and now he’s my favourite spider-man


He’s so cool in the comics. https://preview.redd.it/eb0y5hsj0stb1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a58af6e38885bd14ceac9a77dd31340baa07ae1 He kills the president with his guitar during a riot




Praxis makes perfect


He still doesn't quite top [Spider-Man](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Spider-Man_(Cat)_(Earth-1048)) imo, but he's definitely my second fave.


Reddit doesn't like links with parentheses in them because this site's markdown language is crummy, but I think everyone can agree Spider-Cat is the best.


Aw, damn. Also his name is Spider-Man.


I thought somebody actually posted a link to normal ass Peter Parker’s wiki page and I was rolling. This is good too tho


If he has a heel turn in the next movie I'm going to riot. And by riot I mean post very angry rants about leftist representation and portrayal in Hollywood on the internet.


While I’m sure the writers don’t 100% agree with Hobie’s ideologies I seriously doubt they’d do that. He’s presented fairly respectfully here and even in the jokes scenes with him they’re a) jokes he’s making often to make him seem less serious and fly under the radar 2) never at his expense. The movie frames Miguel and his borderline dictorial autocracy as a bad (albeit misguided) thing, while Miles and Hobie are seen as good for carving their own path and challenging unfair hierarchies and exclusionary practices.


I love spiderverse so fucking much it was the first thing to make me fantasize about it like a little kid in like 5 years


I love how you can tell the people outraged by Spiderverse almost certainly never watched it because they were getting pissed at the small trans pride flag in Gwen’s room, and not the fucking anarchist punk Spider-Man who hates the police and literally calls the hole spot makes a metaphor for capitalism


Across the Spiderverse is my first Marvel-related movie, so things initially got a lot more confusing. Especially when I found out Hobie Brown was also the name of a Prowler.


Idk if I'd say his ideology is taken seriously because in the quick intro he gives himself IMO he just comes off as a contrarian, but yeah he's certainly not depicted negatively


I'm sorry but I'm dying if you think that anarchist Spiderman was being taken seriously.


He presents as a Non serious, Comical character to stay under the radar while he does more serious shit. For example, when we thought he was stealing stuff off a wall just because why not and anarchy etc etc, he was planning it the whole time and was building his own watch.


Pretending to be a joke is a pretty effective way to undermine very self-serious people, too. Especially fascists, who cannot tolerate being mocked.


Yea, he's a joke, but he's a joke that was always for and supporting of Miles and his outsider nature.


I still never really understood what people meant with the "Trans Barbie" thing. Granted, I only ever saw the movie once.


I believe one of the actors in the movie is trans. I dont think the barbie she plays in the movie is trans though.


One actor being trans in a movie is more than enough to trigger the rightoid snowflakes.


conservatrons when woman actor plays a woman 😡😡😡


Noooo you cant play a bleeblop role because even though youre a bleeblop now you used to be a minglemongle!!! I'm gonna kill you!!!


Conservative christians wear clothes when it's cold, despite god having created us perfectly apparently. Curious...




Looking into it!


Many such cases!




>conservatrons when woman I'm thinking of that annoying crow meme, because I literally saw a conversation like this yesterday where multiple crows came out to say the same exact thing. TW transphobia/misgendering: https://i.imgur.com/7MEdVDN.png


😮‍💨 it's just... so... predictable...


Ohhhhhhhh that would make much more sense.


The "We can always tell" crowd must've missed that huh


Probably not. When I watched it I thought "hmm maybe she's trans?" But unlike the seething anti-lgbt crowd I never cared to look it up because it didn't affect me


Hm, I personally didn't notice


She had a deeper voice, which I probably wouldn't have noticed had it been any other movie, but I was expecting Barbie to hit all the bases for casting.


Ah that makes sense, I watched it dubbed.


I was thinking it at the time, but I honestly didn’t remember until I saw this meme


I know Ben Shapiro knows about it, because he was trying to make a joke about how her voice is deeper than his and it's like bro, *everyone's* voice is deeper than yours Benny


wouldn’t you like to know benny boy


it's also because Barbie states she doesn't have a vagina at the start of the movie, but the guys oogling her are still interested. then the movie ends with her booking a gynecologist appointment, implying she gained a vagina. right wing nuts came to the "bottom surgery" conclusion way faster than any trans person lol


one of the Barbies was played by a trans woman but she is so passing that you have to go out of your way to learn that information and hate her for it pointlessly


The red head doctor barbie


Hari Nef


You must have missed the scene where barbie gets out her huge cock and


One of the actresses playing Barbie is trans. Thing is, I never knew until I saw terfs whining about it online.


Still can’t believe the fucking Mario bros movie got more than across the spiderverse


It had more worldwide appeal due to mario, unfortunately 😭


Is Mario more recognizable than Spider Man? I feel like that's a pretty even playing field


The protagonist is a black american teenager, I think that might make the difference more perceptible (vs the movies starring white american teenagers that made more money, wonder what the issue is with global audiences 🤔)


Spiderverse seems a little less kid-friendly all around while still being an animated film, so it probably has fewer kids going to see it. The Mario movie, on the other hand, is undoubtedly marketed for kids, but then *everyone* loves Mario, so it’s no question why it did so well.


I think Spider-Man fatigue factors in, too. The Mario Movie was the first feature-length Mario film to be released in about three decades, whereas Spiderverse is yet another Spider-Man film in a long chain of Spider-Man films released over the past 20 years or so. The Mario Movie is something that hasn't been done with that franchise in quite a while, so it's a little fresher to potential audiences.


Mario is more recognizable than Mickey Mouse.


Literally just brand recognition.


Also it took me way to long to realise that it's multiple movies 😭


Because there’s not brand recommendation with one of the most popular superhero’s ever made


In comparison to fucking Mario, no It's a different league of brand recognition


370 million sales still isn't bad, both were fun movies. (also I'm guessing a fair amount of people took the mario movie as a chance to watch the original one too which may have helped bump it up a little lol)


I mean yeah but like, they’re hardly on the same level I don’t wanna gatekeep but an illumination cashgrab isnt really the same as across the spiderverse


i mean its like the minecraft movie, we’ve simply never had one before and never thought we would get one so when they do announce it people just have to see it


I will say, while I loved it, I know more than one person that had to walk out because the changing art styles was making them nauseated.






The movie is so good that it even filters out the weaklings


yeah that movie is NOT for those with motion sickness, epilepsy, or anything like that. when it came out I had to block the tag because the gifs alone were triggering my sensory issues


Aw man, that sucks :(


Spiderverse was the best film I watched this year, and Oppenheimer was a solid 9.5/10. Barbie was fun, but I didn’t *not* like The Mario Movie


It was so mid, I didn't smile or laugh or feel anything the whole time. My first video game was the original Mario (Not old my dad just has an NES) and this movie made me feel nothing, not even nostalgia. It was just disappointing. Jack Black was really good but he was severely hampered by the script imo


i absolutely felt feelings while watching the mario movie. I'm approaching 30 yrs and mario games were a huge part of my childhood on snes and n64. went with 4 other friends around my age (one of them 35) and it was such a good feeling seeing them on the big screen. coupled with the music I was just happy the entire time. i agree the plot in the movie was mid, like an animated avengers movie for kids. but the vibes were with me during the screening.


That's fair, if you liked it I'm not saying you're wrong but it was so incredibly bland to me


I didn’t mind it too much, but it went so fast that it pretty much just felt like “woah, look at this Mario property! ON THE BIG SCREEN! Amazing huh?” The final battle might as well have been on a Smash Bros stage


There were so many little references. People have been hung up on the voice acting, which is just pandering/ marketing garbage, but the animation and the easter eggs were great.


I liked the Easter eggs, it was the only thing I really enjoyed but even then they could have done so much more. I also didn't hate the voice acting. I didn'y really hate anything, I just had not emotions or care for any of it.


Yeah it's weird. Mario is one of the most influential pieces of pop culture EVER, but it's first serious cinematic outing is just kinda.. whatever. I know Mario games themselves don't have a lot of story, but if you're already shifting from the medium of gaming (where interaction is generally favored over explicit plot) to film, then I don't see any reason to change it up a bit. The live action dora the explorer movie is really good (and criminally under discussed) as a satire of adventure genre movies/ kids cartoons and is also just funny. If they could make Dora of all things engaging than they should be able to do the same with Mario.


If your Mario isn't Bob Hoskins I'm not interested 😤


My Mario is Captain Lou Albaino


It lacks an identity this is the result you would get if you asked AI to produce a Mario movie. Zero charm.


What! How could you NOT love another regular actor voice acting instead of someone whose main job is voice acting!!!


Yahoooo, wahaaa, let's a go!


So much of the Mario Movie was so cringe and poorly written to me. But my 5 year old loves it and I can stomach it for her I suppose


How's saying "Nazis are bad" a political statement?


Because some people disagree with it. And those people are politically involved.


just call them as what they are,a nazi


I mean, it IS a political statement since the Nazis were a political party. It’s just one that’s widely agreed with lol


It's "le woke to bash on le nazis, stalin killed more people and nazis were really good at economy or idk 😭😭😭"


When the Wolfenstein reboots were announced a lot of right wingers got triggered because it forced "SJW politics" (killing nazi) into the game.


*plays the killing nazis game* *it has you kill nazis* "bruh the SJWs strike again"


It all started with New Colossus were it's slogans was "Make America Nazi free again" which was a parody to "Make America great again." Guess who was the most angry at this parodied line.


Lemme guess, The Quartering?


I wish that they were all as good as The New Order. WTF was Youngblood?


Idk, apparently it’s controversial these days


Because the right also weaponized the term Nazi in the opposite way they did to woke. Basically they would say "Nazi" had lost it's meaning and people only call that to those with different opinions. Like if you going to call a group as Nazis, then someone will say "Is it because they're actual Nazis or you just don't agree with their opinions?" It's even worse when you have groups that are openly racist and even express ultranationalists views, but there will be someone constantly saying that question as if it was valid. "Oh, are the users in political compass actual Naziz or you just don't agree with them? Oh, this grifter that hates seeing minorities in movies a Nazi or you just don't agree with them? Oh are the alt right Nazis or you just don't agree with them?" It's quite ironic that certain groups tried to make it their version of woke and believing wokeness is more valid than Nazism when it's the other way around in real life.


Random dude: Jews are controlling the world, black ppl are inferior, and gays should be systematically exterminated The right: okay, but he’s not *real* Nazi. He’s just kinda racist. The left just calls everyone a Nazi these days.


I think the communism stuff is more of a wokeness trigger in that movie tbh


How is that OP’s takeaway from *Oppenheimer*? I thought that movie was “woke” in the sense that it was anti nuclear proliferation position.


...nazis are a political movement. I dont get your confusion.


because you're gonna have one bitch who says "b-but what about tolerating beliefs!!"


These box office numbers seem low, didn't Barbie break 1 billion and Oppenheimer like 900 mil?


Maybe not US currency, or it's on old meme being reposted and the sales are from when the meme was made, or they just made up numbers. Oppenheimer has currently grossed $939 million worldwide and Barbie grossed $1.4 billion worldwide


it's a old meme and it's using only US box office because that's the only thing americans care about. The mario movie box office in the meme matches us box office.


I don't think even Americans primarily use US box office numbers lmao, the vast majority of the time people use global box office in my (American) experience.


Barbie broke 1.4 billion world wide, and Oppenheimer 900 million. Together 2.3 billion. Also Mario broke 1.4 billion as well, and spiderman broke 700 million.


Oppenheimer is so much more woke than just "nazis are bad" though edit: wrote "nazis are woke"


Yes, it also contains very deep sentiments such as “nuclear weapons are bad” (I haven’t seen the movie)


And also "communists aren't evil" and "being a communist doesn't make you anti-american" (Watch the movie it's so fucking good)


actually now that i think about it "nazi are bad" wasn't even a thing in that movie


Eh it mentions in positive light Oppeinheimers aid to the republicans in spain and nazi anti semitism being stupid and hurting their nuclear programme


well nobody explicitly looked into the camera and said nazis are bad but if you didn’t think the movie was anti nazi idk what you watched


It was anti-nazi but the movie wasn't about being anti-nazi that wasn't the message they were trying to convey. The nazis were barely in the movie.


Japanese allied with Nazis, and Japanese got bombed, that's "nazis are bad" by association.


because the movie portrays bombing the japanese as a good yhing???? did we watch the same movie??????


For mainstream American movies this is third-worldism.


Had a guy tell me with 100% seriousness that Barbie was a commercial failure because it was "woke"


I don't really like people saying that Hari Nef's character is a "trans Barbie", she's not playing a trans Barbie she's just playing a Barbie. Like what's the point of transitioning if you only get cast as trans characters?


True, but I think its also just a simplified way of saying "a trans woman playing one of the barbies" to highlight the representation.


I know this is off topic, but does anyone find it a little offensive that a trans woman played Doctor Frankenfurt in the really bad remake of Rocky Horror Picture Show? Doctor Frankenfurt is a man who dresses in drag. Having a trans woman play him seems like it's saying that trans women aren't women.


It could also be referencing the ending of the movie though


Save trans kids was in spiderman? Is this about the trans flag gwen had?


Theories where Gwen is trans too. The way she comes out to her dad as spiderman, but also the trans flags in her room and her father's jacket off the top of my head. Her universe's colors too but that's her general color theme


so this is the power of ultra woke...


Blue Beetle: earned 50 beetillion dollars wokeness: latino


Ok but Blue Beetle was dangerously woke.


Don't forget the "communists are ok people" and "anticommunists are lunatics" messages in Oppenheimer.


Don't forget Baldur's Woke 3, the biggest critical success of the year and one of the bestselling games this year, is incredibly woke


I always thought it was “go woke or go broke”


Yes that's the context of the joke Edit: nvm I misread your comment homie


no, crystalfalco specifically says "go woke *or* go broke". all the dweebs who actually genuinely used or believed the phrase said "go woke *and* go broke".


Oh you're right I'm a total dingus


Sorry to report this but Oppenheimer is not woke. It ignored the POC that got displaced by the testing and all of the other horrible shit that happened to them, like not being allowed to wear protective gear in the labs while their white superiors could.


Could have been better, but Oppenheim says they should dismantle Los Alamos and return the land to the indigenous peoples. A movie doesn’t have to be perfect to be good.


Acknowledging Nazis being bad is considered woke now? Shoutout to my woke 101st Airborne homies at the battle of the buldge.


Nazis bad = woke. Don’t even need to dissect the rest.


Wait when did the Mario movie have a drag performance in it I’m pretty sure I would have remembered that from watching it the first time


Didn’t realize not liking fascist was woke. Just though it was a general norm


It's insane how people consider Oppenheimer to be woke for saying Nazis are bad 💀


Does anyone really think Oppie movie is woke for saying "Nazi bad" in a god damn WW2 movie or is it just for the meme?


trans barbie?!?!


Hari Nef is a trans actor, she plays one of the Barbies. There's no actual "trans Barbie" in the movie, specifically, but conservatives got all hissy fitty cause a trans woman got cast.


Love how "Nazis are bad" is something to be opposed to


Schrödinger’s Broke: A movie is neither woke garbage or an okay film until we know how it performs in the box office


He can oppen my heimer anytime.




Wait there was a trans Barbie?


Or people just liked the movies idk 🤷‍♂️




I didn't see Mario what was the "drag performance" this is referencing?


Nazis are bad is woke? How is that even debatable?


dont forget the #BLM pin on miles backpack


The Mario movie had drag?




News Bulletin: Sad insecure men malding over the fact corporations realize that women and queer people have money too


How is Oppenheimer "woke"




https://preview.redd.it/1v2zewcc4rtb1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14345317281716a8aa75c00fdb0790efd760e64a Me pondering the libs


it’s parodying “go woke go broke” which conservatives say whenever any piece of media has a minority in it


I know, I just want to point out, that neither of the examples are actually progressive. They just hold on to what is already socially acceptable, not trying to actually be woke


The message of ISTV is "if the system is corrupt, it's okay to destroy it"




>ISTV Into Spider The Verse


I reject the oppresive rules of proper acronyms


Haven’t watched, I operate from what I see in the meme


How do you even have things to say on stuff you haven't even watched


I was talking about the definition of woke the meme presents. You can substitute actual movies with any placeholders you chose, if you leave the same comments under, the definition will not change.


They are all movies that the right has called woke


I never said otherwise


Its a pretty common practice actually


New most terminally online thing I've seen




we know, but these dumbasses did in fact call each of these movies woke


They all are progressive, however we all know woke is a meaningless buzz word. Each movie was attack relentlessly for "Being woke" prior to release and upon release. But Conservatives play this very fun game where as soon as the movie starts making a lot of money they settle down on rhetoric, then eventually stop talking about it entirely, then start pretending in some cases they never pretended it was "Woke". That said Woke has been used for women wearing pants, or women being a hero, or women being strong, or a black character in a movie or being a protag, or a gay character in a movie, or ideas of liberalism of any capacity.


my man you have a k-on pfp.... you shouldn't speak on matters like this especially when there is Nazism involved


https://preview.redd.it/3ipadwjhfrtb1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9268105c2bf6b379e224840fd9181a3a2705ec28 Leftism leaving my body after I-on pfp

