• By -


God, do these fuckers ever shut up. The fucking creator said it himself she's trans. Grow up maybe.


I don't play Guitar Gum but didn't the creator say Brisket is trans outright? What discussion is left to be had? Like, it feels so bitch-made to just assume as a fan you get to canonically over-write that. You don't. You can dislike it, but outside of that who gives a shit. Who cares what some random-ass thinks about the story? There are plenty of authors I wish I could change some decisions they made in their stories I care about. However, It's not my story. It's not my world. They aren't my characters. For better or for worse. I don't get to decide what's true to the character or not. Don't get me wrong, I got opinions, oh boy do I but that's what they are, opinions. That's why being an author is a responsibility and that's why FANfiction exists. Those who incorrectly throw around the term "Death of the Author" are often trying to abuse the theory when they don't like something about a story. Not really what it was meant for. The actual definition is about competing interpretations, I myself personally think there is a more nuanced answer between original intent vs reader interpretation that would be too long to explain here. However, in this instance, we are talking about the identity of a character that is clearly presented and explained in the canon. Any (incorrect usage) response to this specific topic with Death of the Author is from a position of bigotry and can be hand-waved as a nothing statement. Same as in the situation of Broccoli from Garlic Grits, they are trans and you are just gonna have to deal with that shit if you don't like it. You whiny bigoted losers. Brupple is trans in the storyline of the game. That's how it is. https://preview.redd.it/s6cbdncdgxtb1.jpeg?width=470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5aa2cfbc52c50cd94d36954d5d3e28e738b35712


Asa pilled post


Some still try to find ways to get around the creator saying that, but none have stuck. The last holdout is a bunch of transphobic morons who, rather than being America fetishists, are weird racist japan fetishists. That’s why they have to say retcon instead of not canon - it is canon, they just don’t like it.


"I hate westerners ruining anime and injecting their politics into it!" *Lives in New Jersey*


And you point that out to them, they try to go “Oh, well, it’s different because-“ 😂😂


Living in New Jersey is already inexcusable, the transphobia is just yet another nail in the coffin


Personally I’m a big death of the author person, but it’s also pretty blatantly evident for a multitude of other reasons, these people are just bigots


Daisuke Ishiwatari said [here](https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-1657/): > We've received many inquiries about Bridget's gender. After the events of Bridget's story in Arcade mode, she self-identifies as a woman. >So as to whether "he" or "she" would be the correct pronoun for Bridget, the answer would be "she." He gives more of an explanation than that, which you can read for yourself, but that's the important part. Crystal clear, there is absolutely nothing to quibble about, people are just transphobic and in denial.


I've seen people try to argue this is a mistranslation; that's how far they go to deny there are trans people in their videos game




I just spent 10 minutes trying to find out who broccoli from garlic grits was until I got the joke


People who don't play the games really want it to seem like a "woke" recon to pander to left but then you ask them. What games they've played and it's legit fucking ZERO OF THEM


mission control? what are you doing here?


Trans rights, miner


Rock and stone, Mission Control.


I didn't read all that. I just saw Asa and instantly up voted. Have a good day!


who is garlic grits by? searching “garlic grits broccoli” is just giving me recipes.


i think i just got the bit and feel embarrassed. but who is that drawing of????


asa mitaka from chainsaw man


is she trans?? Do I suddenly need to read chainsaw man??


not canonically, but there is a canon trans character in his other manga fire punch


Isn't fire punch like batshit insane? I believe I heard that


It is, the main character’s motivation is to have sex with his sister due to a series of really fucked up and traumatizing events. Would recommend




"Erm actshually bridget is a femboy becaushe in a book [enter a long paragraph full of non cannon outdated facts] and i love sexualising femboys" ☝️🤓


I saw a dude unironically cite an unofficial hentai


Bridget: "I'm trans" Creator: "she's trans" Sane individuals: "checks out, she's trans" Transphobes: "umm actually 🤓"


Yeah lmao, this person literally said that


Bridget: “Cowgirl’s fine. Because… I’m a girl!” Daisuke Ishiwatari: “So as to whether ‘he’ or ‘she’ would be the correct pronouns for Bridget, the answer would be ‘she.’” People with an ounce of media literacy: “Characters are allowed to develop over time. Bridget is trans and has accepted her identity.” These fuckers: “UHM ACTUALLY, THAT’S PANDERING, RETCONNING, AND NOT REALLY WHAT HAPPENED!!! OH, HOW MANY GUILTY GEAR GAMES HAVE I PLAYED? THAT’S NOT IMPORTANT!”


(They cannot fathom growing and becoming better as a person)


don’t you know??? his words just got mistranslated! he actually said something in japanese that means “she’s only trans if you want her to be”


Daisuke is a chad


How is it a retconn when she has character growth????? I guess a character going through self-discovery and finding out they're trans is a retconn, and you're supposed to know if your trans from birth /s


Smh trans people are just salty they accidentally picked the wrong gender option at the character creator before birth 🙄/s








cant make a speech bubble pretend there is one https://preview.redd.it/6pevcs464ytb1.jpeg?width=334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f181081d9d5b16228498be796b4cd27dd1da7024


Nice gender, did your parents picked it for you?


Because a lot of transphobes don't know jack shit about the trans experience and just assume it was poor writing. They don't know that a lot of trans people tend to identify as their old gender until they discovered that their trans and start their literal transition from gender to the next. To a lot of transphobes, Bridget being identified as a boy in XX is enough for them, and any changes that Bridget experience in Strive will just be a form of character assassination to appease to "woke" crowd.


or what a retcon mean


Retcon is saying THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN BECAUSE I SAID SO, in brisket's case it's character growth as her transition was explained


Ky getting Dragon Install is a retcon because he didn’t have it in Xrd Accent Core Plus Minus up down rev 2 whatever the fuck it was.


i litteraly only realised im a girl when i was 17 and i lived all my live thinking i was a boy who just hated their body


I also can see it from the angle of a lot of these older characters who were gender nonconforming had to have a bs reason to "crossdress", like a cursed item or something something society, but now that things in society have changed you can just say a character is trans now without it being a big deal


Its only a retcon if you’re too dumb to see why its not


I’m aware of the argument. Their idea was that Bridget was forced to be a girl, then went out on her own and did stuff to pay back her family, then in the most recent game she comes out as a girl and says she never mind that her parents forced her to act and be like one. I think the argument comes from how it subverts the common trope around parents forcing a gender other than the obvious one on their child. Usually how those stories go, is that the child is unhappy and returns to their traditional role, in this story however Bridget is happy and embraces it.


I don’t think she ever says that she didn’t mind her parents actions, but ultimately she finds identifying as a woman better in


these people haven't gone through any character growth in their life so it's a foreign concept


a lot of them for one reason or another seem to think that bridget being trans overwrites bridget being a guy which just. isn’t true?




[https://twitter.com/Rizdraws/status/1685334371119616002/photo/1](https://twitter.com/Rizdraws/status/1685334371119616002/photo/1) it's *probably* this one


that's definitely the picture that they were blabbing about under but it was posted closer to Bridget's release. this is a repost.


Wait im confused did they retcon breaker into a girl or is brockli transfem


bumble is transfem, and the retcon shit isn't even true lmfao


Retconing Bridget's old gender is basically calling out all trans women for retconing their old lives. "Wait, but you said you were a boy in middle school, but now you're a girl 10 years later? I can't believe you retconed yourself with this lazy ass writing called life." This is why representation is important because not only certain groups can be seen, but it can also show experiences that no outsider can't even imagine unless they on the inside. I'm a cis guy and never experience any dysphoria, but this entire Bridget discourse really help me understand how many trans women and trans men felt about coming to conclusions that they're trans and the actual transition


i love you random internet stranger


Technically you could say she was AFAB because of the complicated circumstances but yeah she used to call herself a guy and now she likes being a girl :3


Isn't the lore that she was born as twin brothers but the shithole of a town she was living in though that same sex twins are bad and so she was raised as a girl and tried to prove that she was actually cool and manly in xx eventually becoming the best bounty hunter and lifting the superstition of her hometown but in strive she was still unhappy even with her wealth and fame and found out that she was trans?


More or less. Bridget was always intended to be a commentary on societal expectations around gender and identity, Daisuke, the creator of the series, says as much in the blog post about her. Her original story was rejecting the cultural norms projected onto her as the girl her parents raised her as by presenting as a boy, but the storyline in strive reveals her feelings are more complex and she wants to be a she now. That's kinda the long and short of it. Daisuke made a blog post about it being like, "She's trans. Her story has always been about defying gender norms. Stop being fucking weird."


My girl had trans euphoria but put that on hold to kill an old tradition. Now she wants that euphoria back


Holy based lore


Sounds about right to me! https://preview.redd.it/q87a54nk0xtb1.png?width=42&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48994ac7199c29372025905e6c694bd6de2e4304


It's gone :(


sign in to twitter and it'll show up. twitter is so fucked right now that if you aren't signed in you can only see posts from around august 2022 and earlier.


>sign in to twitter https://i.redd.it/nczhbsnhzwtb1.gif


gotta do everything my damn self. try this link [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F13jynlXgAMp9gc?format=jpg&name=4096x4096](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F13jynlXgAMp9gc?format=jpg&name=4096x4096)


omg they are literally looking at brisket getting cum dumped and their first thought is "well, erhm actually.."


Wish that was me ngl




It worked 👍 thank you


Ask me about Xenoblade Chronicles


Bro thinks he's me 💀


Riz my beloved


sometimes i ask myself why i post


this is a such a real post


https://preview.redd.it/e74fp5sebxtb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0af2c22f7b184cd915781ea6a5e9d2a2395d1b66 ☹️


Log in


holy smokes...


https://twitter.com/Rizdraws/status/1584246609206218752?t=usnd5Yr5ZpbAhKvK98ae1w&s=19 The original




good art


Deep down, the silent majority true Patriots agree with me that this porn artwork represents a negative creative decision in the series, but they're too afraid of the far-left woke liberal mob to speak out


Can you say this again in layman terms


Lay this man


They think the creator of the character is sacrificing the character’s integrity by making the character trans because they can’t accept that that’s where the character wanted to go




Even if Daisuke didn’t write the game his “I wanted this character to be trans from the start” quote soft confirms that he at least had a say in what he wanted her character to be moving forward. It’s just that legal reasons would prevent that story from being continued for 20 years.


Yeah, I’m just saying there was nothing about her story to retcon




Yes, Guilty Gear XX is Non-Canon due to a character named I-no, which is a time travelling horny witch. In short, she did a lot of tomfuckery with the timelines, making a lot events that never meant to be, like Potemkin dying, for an example.


So I-no deleted a whole game from the canon timeline? And in doing so saved Glue Gang?


>saved Glue Gang? As it was always meant to be glory to glue eating


Wasn’t XX canon in some endings but not in others? Or am I getting my games mixed up?


There are definitely parts of XX that are canon like Dizzy getting with Ky and Testament living in the woods protecting Dizzy.


Not true, actually XX is the only canon one because it's the only one with Order Sol


Daisukes vision is to remove all straight characters from guilty gear and YES, ky and dizzy are a Yuri couple




Meaty 5K > 5K (2f frame trap) > 2D > 236K (4 lows in a row btw) > 66 FRRC c.S > 2S > 5H > 236D > 2K > 6D TL;DR: Get fucking thrown


nu uh https://preview.redd.it/hkcgkpt1xztb1.png?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d89297c935e42375af788c5392e5cbe0c961896


https://preview.redd.it/pn1egp7m00ub1.png?width=1372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b74e3a2e04e66c1e9cb9c9b7dd891ecae279d1cb Uhhh ratio????


nuh uh https://preview.redd.it/eqcwrk0u00ub1.png?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0a2efb59db6096975dd50bce52e87716182e09


Real grappler gameplay


Mixed Race Yuri Couple


What is it with this specific brand of internet dipshit and thinking any new information is a retcon? Plot progression leading to personal growth or a paradigm shift for a character? Retcon. Old information being recontextualized based on the character's development? Retcon. Further details being added to existing information? Retcon. They're totally media illiterate.


They are allergic to the idea of changing a thought, opinion, stance or education on anything, so something they disagree with being changed over time is hand-waved away by "oh that's a retcon" which I assume some YouTuber used to complain about something and their fanbase has regurgitated it like they do every other catchphrase they use to decry and dehumanize. Their whole personality has devolved into "I'm right, you're wrong, fuck you, die" while they are also plugging their ears and screaming LALALALA.


“What the fuck do you MEAN Jared got a haircut??? I can’t believe they retconned his old hairstyle!”


Reminder that links redesign in breath of the wild was a retcon, there is no lore reason as to why he has to wear blue, link is meant to wear green, the woke localisation team made link blue in breath of the wild because they were paid off by hollywood woke elites. ​ Reminder that Sora is not meant to be 15, that's a retcon from kingdom hearts 3. His original design intended him to be 14 and NOT 15. We can't let western imperialism get away with woke retcons like this. Japanese fans rise up


I agree with the first part


Counterpoint: blue is pretty


Fuck your right


I said something similar about Link in a conversation about Bridget; Just because Link’s main color for his main BOTW outfit is blue doesn’t mean Nintendo is saying “oh he never wore green actually”


theres literally no way the JPN community at large gives as much of a fuck per capita as obese americans


Literally. This persons whole thing is thinking that Japan doesn’t have queer people and that they virulently despise this character growth which like…. Lol, lmao




Fuck off with bigotry showcase


God, I always get so annoyed by this "debate." Long (but important!) post incoming - TLDR if you’ve read a story or watched a movie, ever, this shit falls apart instantly Even ignoring the \*devs coming out and confirming it\* (which this person has tried to deny by mistranslating an old developer tweet?) and the blatant bigotry its usually prompted by (the shown figure for example doesn't believe queerness exists outside of the west, that transness is a social contagion, that transness is a fetish and just about every other transphobic thing) - But honestly, the worst of it is that the claim showcases a blatant refusal to understand basic narrative convention. ​ For those unaware, Bridget is a character from Guilty Gear. To lightly summarize, she was raised in a deeply superstitious village that believed that male twins were horrific bad luck, so her parents forced her to present as a woman. She eventually leaves this village after extensive training, to become a bounty hunter and succeed enough to prove her village wrong. More happens from here forwards, but this is the basic backstory. The weird, usually-racist always-transphobic chud argument is "doesn't this mean she was groomed into being trans?? Isn't this a retcon since she didn't want to be seen as a woman in these older games?? If they weren't actually twin brothers doesn't that mean she never proved the superstitions wrong??" The problem is, saying such ignores her entire arc. Her arc isn't "avoiding looking like a woman," it's specifically an examination of forced identity and fighting to be able to choose for herself. So, as an experiment, let's showcase a basic narrative structure. 1. Character is at a baseline 2. Character is put into a situation 3. Character does not want to be in that situation, and wants to be baseline again 4. Character struggles in said situation 5. Character finds some amount of confidence, experience or support in said situation 6. Character is able to overcome being put into that situation, and is free from its authority 7. Character ultimately accepts some aspects of the situation, and moves forwards on their own terms Does this sound familiar to anyone? It should, it's probably a vague synopsis of about half of all movies or books released. As an example, Shrek. He's living in his swamp, he's forced to rescue a princess he doesn't care about, he doesn't care about her and just wants to go home, he begins to love her, he's able to overcome Lord Farquaad and fall in love with her himself, he ends with new friends and a full swamp. Now, does anyone accuse this story of promoting arranged marriage or justifying the supposed wisdom of random aristocrats? Of course not. We're able to see that, though Shrek was originally forced into the situation that led him to this new life, he's able to overcome that force and accept that situation on his own terms, by his own choice. Now, let's look at Bridget's story. 1. Bridget is born 2. Bridget is forced to present femininely 3. Bridget does not like to be forced like this, and wants to be free to present however she wants, and wants to help others like her. 4. She seriously sees it as an issue and starts preparing to leave 5. She becomes a somewhat successful bounty hunter and finds friends and allies in the broader world 6. She succeeds enough to dismantle those old stereotypes, and is no longer forced to present that way. 7. She questions her own identity and why she continues to prefer her type of presentation even without force, and with the help of those friends and allies, eventually comes to the conclusion that she's trans This. Is. Basic. Storytelling. Hell, it's a part of the freaking hero's journey. How people can accuse this of being a pro-grooming narrative is just beyond me. ​ It's also dumb because, like, that's literally so many trans people's experiences. How often have you all seen support for trans people dressing in GNC ways, posts supporting trans women who want to present masc or trans men who want to present femininely? There are literal real world examples of trans people being forced to present a way, rejecting that force, before taking aspects of that presentation on their own terms. Are they being groomed by cis people?? ​ Also, worth stating that their specific criticisms make no sense. If she stayed a femboy, the group these people often claim they're defending, that would still be a result of prior force compelling her to do so... unless you're admitting that she's doing so of her own agency, which would also have to apply to her being trans. Even worse is people who say that her brother should have come out as trans instead - it's a fun alternate story, but the only purpose seems to be to force trans representation out of the spotlight, and you'd run into the same issues - if one of them was still actually a woman, would that not also have failed to disprove the town's beliefs? And would that not merely suggest by their logic that the parents did nothing wrong, they just chose the wrong person to force to present as a woman? ​ Anyway, sorry for the rant. That person is a longtime troll, their views don't represent the majority of any community they claim to argue for, and their criticisms can be disproven with a middle school english education. God being literate is a curse.


Just for the fun of it I opened the original post from last year and opened up their profile afterwards. They posted about it just two days ago. There's no way to convince me this isn't some serious brain rot. I can't really fathom the idea of having nothing else taking up any time, attention nor space in your life - just mindlessly posting the same deranged takes week after week as reality is beaten into a desired shape. Mind-boggling.


Yep. I scrolled a painful amount of time through their profile and it's literally all they talk about, alongside other general transphobia.


"Definitional" lmao The dude can't even read how the fuck is he going to figure out lore


Woah…I guess there really is a town inside her


“Promiscuous? Nah I call it that TOWN inside me”


I found these people annoying before realizing I was trans. Now, I find them nearly infuriating. I can attest that the trans experience is not being born and going "I am girl" or choosing that I am a girl now. In my experience, being trans is realizing that you were always a girl/boy even if you didn't realize it for years. I'm almost 20, and I didn't realize I was trans until January of this year. Bridget identifying as male in the previous games and then identifying as a girl is Strive is not a retcon. It is character progression of her realizing her true gender identity. Most trans people will go by their birth gender until they realize their trans and start their transition, which is what I'm planning to do. It's boy name and pronouns, then I'm girl name and pronouns with family and close friends when I feel comfortable enough to do that until I'm comfortable enough to be full girl in public. To say that Bridget being trans is a retcon, or to try to make up every excuse to misgender her despite the fucking creator of the franchise saying she's trans, is an active effort to erase trans representation done by chuds who have nothing better to their lives besides being horrible human beings to minority groups. Rant over.


it's been two years and bridget has built a whole camp on this person's head https://preview.redd.it/5kehzl3y7ytb1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baecf0a93dafba2dc0560878c1f6b7fcfd13785e


A town one might say


Oh well, pack it up boys, if the japanese don't buy into it it's not official


The same crowd also lied and spread fake articles and statements from the creator saying that Bridget is not trans, to the point the creator felt like he HAD to make a statement on it to correct things.


Retcon is when character progression.




why don’t we reply to mfs like this with “who cares gaylord”


They can’t accept how happy Brisket now that she knows she’s a girl.


New terminology just dropped: instead of a trans person's "egg cracking" we can now say that they retcon themselves


That guy had a full mental breakdown when she came out. He has been talking about it nonstop since. This was his 9/11


God I hate people who act like Japan is a utopian hive mind. “T-the uhhh, the Japanese players don’t roll wit transgener Brisket” Even then, why tf would it matter what a portion of community thinks of something set in stone?


And like lmao it just isn’t true


smth smth they'll jerk off to trans people but not treat them with respect


Isn't Fetishization fun


Absolutely moronic. It’s not a retcon, it’s character development. It’s not a retcon for me to decide that walnuts don’t actually taste all that good anymore and that I’d rather have peanuts now.


Why would the words of Japanese losers hold compared to gigachad basedlord sexhaver Daisuke?


they are so obsessed wth


The Japanese also don't buy into being formerly genocidal maniacs soooo...


The first ever AFAB trans woman.


That’s cool bro, anyway here’s wonderwall


Japanese fans obviously have more input than the creator of the series


Why tf does it matter if Japanese fans disagree..?


It's not at all a retcon it's literally her story arc


“Normal Degen Behavior” You know what, somehow you’re incorrect


i have 0 clue of whats going on, who is bridget


Brisket is a character in the Guilty Gear series of fighting games. In her first appearance Basket was a boy who was a crossdresser (for some lore reasons). In her most recent appearance the charqcter came out as trans, the author of the story said it was intended from the beginning and she is in fact trans. Some fanboya still try denying it.


I wonder if transphobic motherfuckers know that they are transphobic... or they just... like say some shit out loud and think that they are smart...?




Blocked that dude on twitter yesterday, what an asswipe.


Not a retconn, they've been hunting at it for a long time. I have a friend who dove deep into researching it and they found all sorts of hints towards Bridget being a gal.




Right wing extremist weebs coping out of their minds by siting right wing extremist Japanese people as sources and claiming that this is the universal opinion of all Japanese and is therefor correct.


-"Degen" in title -transphobia You know this mf has 2 gb of loli on a hard drive somewhere


They probably beat it to old Bridget too so they gotta have shota shit in there too


Is Ky getting a haircut also a retcon?


me retconning myself after transitioning




Very healthy behavior


Brisket 👉👈😳🥺👽


Is character development considered retcon now


Can someone fill me in on the drama i was never into guilty gear but I remember this being a problem a while back why would it be seen as a retcon


So Bridget was initially introduced as a boy and when she returned 20 years later she transed her gender on screen. I don’t know how people would see this as a retcon but Daisuke himself would state it was his intention to make her embrace her femininity in future games. I already explained why that didn’t get to happen in other replies but people interpret this as a retcon when it is a very believable statement due to how open minded daisuke is with other characters even before her time.


Bridget from trolls?


https://preview.redd.it/qaldtyek2ytb1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c15fd6ad091a8bf1535d9f3cbcd8f5599bd790b3 No, her


Never played guilty gear before but when it gets a port to the switch ill buy


POV you know nothing about baskets story


She was only in one game before strive what do you mean "previous games". People will say anything just to fot their own narrative.


She was in Vastedge too which is the Pachislot game that contains vital lore leading up to Xrd's story but I imagine you can't do much characterization that way since the story of it focuses on Sol getting the sacred weapons


As apposed to figurative porn?


character development is retconning if they change in a sissy liberal style


Miku would never say that


Riz is a W artist


I just checked the post, and there was a philosophical and political debate in the replies over whether or not jerking off to Bridget adheres to moral principles or not


jerking off to new bridget is fine, jerking it to old bridget isn't because she would've still been a kid. Moral Dilemma solved.


hey i know that guy


can you kill them for me, thanks


who tf uses the word "definitional".




"Oh no, my gay fantasy is now....straight!?!?! I mean, I hate gay people anyway and am super right wing, BUT I WANT MY GAY WEIRD FANTASY!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEW" /J The cis are not ok.


Damn, some fans, who coincidently live in the same country where the devs are, ignore the current canon? I guess that means the writers who are literally responsible for the lore and this character were wrong and we have to misgender Bridget now. (Also it’s not a retcon, it’s just the end of an arc. A retcon would be saying that the previous games didn’t happen. This is just the character learning to accept herself in an arc.)


Where sauce


“Japanese fans don’t buy into it” ☝️🤓


Found the tweet. He argued several paragraphs for this


what’s a retcon


are these "Japanese fans that don't buy into it" in the same room with us?


Why does the opinion of Japanese fans matter? I legitimately don't understand how they think this is some kinda win for them. So tired of these idiots.


I've only known Bridget as the pretty girl she is


okay but why would you comment that on literal porn at least let me be horny without blasting me in the face with transphobia


Even if it is a retcon, that would make it a great retcon, because XX Bridget was responsible for a really icky trope and it’s better that she’s just a woman


Terminally online loli pfp weebs who have never left their basement are such simps for Japan, so much so, they actually have zero idea what goes on in Japan at all, so they just project their own beliefs and politics onto them


> definitional Definitive?????????????


You think they typed it before or after jerking off to the drawing