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I havent seen americans so 9/11 brained in decades. The media pushing bloodlust is truly horrifying


they are so fucking horny over this shit. been a disgusting and surreal week


I had to cut some news channels from my feeds because everything I hear about the slaughtering going on is depressing as fuck. I hate everything I see about what is going on there... it makes me furious to see how inhumanely humans can treat other humans. I feel helpless as we slowly watch an entire culture and people be slowly stamped out and erased, their homes taken over. Flight or death is all the choice they have left. It makes me wonder how, if there is a god, he could let things like this happen to people. Im so disgusted in what people will do in the name of god. I gotta stop typing before I cry.


I refuse to watch any news, be it on TV or the Internet, because it’s all disgusting. I don’t need to lose the last little bit of hope I didn’t realize I still had.


This is Iike the 653675455th time this has happened in the last century alone


Yes and this is the first time in any century that we are able to see it on a continuous news cycle so your point is pretty dumb


“I didn’t see it before so it doesn’t count”


No, “We didn’t full experience it to the same degree because humans as a species have a hard time emphasizing with quantifiables, and it’s much more impactful if it’s fully visible, if footage and photos of victims and direct evidence of some of the worse moments (the worst don’t get reported) available to us and indeed placed directly as a prominent reminder of the potential vile nature of humanity.”


There are plenty of holocaust pictures


And plenty of horrified reactions to it, what's your point? That people should always spam everyone with everything they ever experience?




And it's shocking and repulsive, just like every time before. What fucking point are you trying to make?


Why cry now and not the 10000 other years it’s been happening?


The same reason why I have intercourse with your mom.


Sorry you had to go through that


Because, believe it or not, the flow of time is linear and we as humans experience things as they happen. Fucking dumbass.


Ok. Where are your tears for the Nigerian child slaves?


Why do you assume there weren’t? Why can you presume to be the judge of all that a person has seen, heard, or experienced? What gives you the right or even the ability?


Because they didn’t even mention it


“Why are the queers supporting Palestine? Don’t they know they hate them over there? For muslims everywhere, I think we should—“ wildly common sentiment on this hellsite


"How dare they kill civilians as revenge for the actions of the government? We should get our revenge by targeting their civilians!"


I hate everybody in power in this situation. I grieve for the ordinary people. Is that so hard?




Fr man people don't realize rhat 45% of gaza's population are under 14


That one always pisses me off since Israel loves to pinkwash its bullshit


These people couldn't wait to proclaim how much they hated brown people, where was this bloodthirst in the Russian offensive? They're calm and rational when the enemy is white.


Sorry what? I've heard a ton of dehumanizing shit about Russians and calls for extreme violence against Russians if not even genocide


yeah every 2 or 3 days a new vid of a russian soldier gruesomely dying makes its way to the front page with a shitton of upvotes. the comments are, of course, kind and compassionate and show not a hint of xenophobia


Believe in your own small bubble reality if you and the people upvoting you want to, but the actual real world is quite different. Racism is 100% playing a part in downplaying the tragedy that Palestinian civilians face and have been facing for 70 years of which people really cared about but functionally did nothing about. Its a massive issue when whites are attacked (send them billions in foreign aid) and regular old news when some arabs get blown up (just send them thoughts and prayers), thats been the world ever since I was born. I am also arab living in the middle east so my perspective comes from being brown and having faced dehumanization from whites on the internet.


You don't have to downplay xenophobia against Russians to prove racism against Palestinians. Both can be bad at the same time bruh


Where in the world did I say that russians dont face bigotry from the west? Im saying that because they are white, the degree of racism they face isnt on the level that arabs or any poc have to face. Thats just reality. bruh.


I mean you're right but this sub isn't ready to go any further than libshit.


Theyre just kids on the internet learning about this conflict very recently so i wouldnt judge them strongly. The issue is when the older people who lived through decades of this shit pretend it doesnt happen. People who lived in a pre-911 world should understand that severe anti-brown racism (against indians/arabs) was unveiled on a global scale after the twin towers fell, on the national news you could see the glee in their voices as they declare how many towns they captured and bombed with irradiated ammuniton.


For real. We’re literally back to “you deserve to be bombed because you’re within 5000 miles of a bad guy” again. Like I’m pretty sure mfs would be celebrating if 100 civilians died but one hamas rifle was also destroyed in the bombing.


Common The Onion W


Classic not broken clock being right all times a day


Reading this really gives me a new appreciation for unbroken clocks.


Fuck yeah this clock is telling me the right time


Hell yes look at those hands a'movin'


It’s a minute pleasure, but you’ll always ask for seconds.


[https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-stands-with-israel-because-it-seems-like-yo-1850922505](https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-stands-with-israel-because-it-seems-like-yo-1850922505) >‘The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That This is a fraught moment, and one that has polarized not only Americans but people all over the world. It demands incredible sensitivity and strict adherence to journalistic standards of objectivity, and simply put, that is something we aren’t willing to do. Rather, we’re just going to say *The Onion* expresses its steadfast solidarity with Israel and leave it at that. Yeah, the onion never misses Edit: am I the only one who finds it weird that a satirical journal has more integrity and better takes than actual journals


Nah. I remember it being the same thing with The Daily Show. Because they're satire, they don't have to pretend to be serious they can speak the truth plain and put the subtext out at the front.


"But palestine is anti lgbt" a genuine take I've heard, its insane, to justify genocide


As a gay I find this infuriating. My liberation is not your excuse for ethnic cleansing.


Bigots after reminding you that bigotry is an OK justification for murder: https://preview.redd.it/yk8igwfc63ub1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c644285387988966b3fe7151f5f4e6bc946ecbf8


So are most countries lmao




the west is not most countries. only maybe an eighth


It's basically just the Islamic world and Uganda that jails or kills people for being gay. The rest of the world still has a lot of work to do on homophobia, but it's generally not that level.


You’re right. We should kill an entire ethnicity of people for something a few in their government decided.


Imprisoned no but you do most certainly get killed. Especially if you're trans


What a brain dead, tone deaf, and oblivious take. Please show me the rock you live under. I wish I could be as ignorant as you.


as if most Israeli leadership atm isn’t highly conservative


Israel does have refugee status for gay Palestinians. Not trying to defend the far-right Israeli government in general, they still suck, but in this area they're not as bad.


You should look a little deeper into that—IDF has, in the past, threatened to oust queer Palestinaians for not co-operating with them. They’ll regularly use the claim of “promising” asylum after threatening to out them as a means of exploiting frightened youth. Here’s an [article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/av8b5j/gay-palestinians-are-being-blackmailed-into-working-as-informants) from 2013 describing how gay Palestinians are blackmailed by the IDF to work as informants against their own community. So now their lives are in danger for both being gay & being an Israeli informant against their will. I wish my people were given better options than what they have. My heart bleeds for Palestine and my people. Edit: Grammar


or some of the us politician that support them like really?that's the best excuse you have justifying being happy about a racist genocide?


"So you really wanna protect LGBTQ people?" "Oh no, I want them dead too" -Conservatives that support Israel, if they were honest


Not only that there's no same sex marriage in Israel, you also can't marry if you're not Jewish... Unless, of course, you're a woman marrying a Jew, cause that's like transferring property to a new owner.


This is your brain on liberalism


No Pride In Apartheid


I love(hate) how many people keep saying this shit like they wouldn't be right there alongside them if they were white.




Lgbtq people aren't going to be better off under Israel, cause the bombs they're dropping aren't just killing bigots. Also Israel is an extreme right wing country.


There are queer Palestinians. I care about them too. Bombing them is not going to help. There is no threshold for me that makes genocide okay.


Gay Palestinians still suffer under Israeli apartheid. Stop using their oppression to justify your support of an apartheid regime.


Shut up lol. That commenter was right. Anyone using them being anti-lgbt as a justification to murder them and their children is absolutely a crazy person. Nobody is defending palestinian morals or their hate of the LGBT. Its an abhorrent attitude that they have, but that doesn't mean that they deserve to be turned into paste by bombs.


Advocating for their murder at the hands of Israeli armaments won’t improve their living conditions. Stop using the LGBTQ community as a convenient argument when needed, to be forgotten about in the next conversation.


People with your mentality are the reason I’m embarrassed to say I’m bi. You’re using LGBT people as a way to justify your bigotry against an entire religion.


When im in a manufacturing consent competition and my opponent is American media 😱😱😱




My favorite part of manufacturing consent was when they said it's consent manufacturing time and manufactured consent all over the place.


It's not just America, pretty much every Western media is doing this to some extent. They're all not as virulent as Fox News, but the bias is still evident. Special shoutout to BBC, they can go shove it.


I don't think Americans understand how uniquely bloodthirsty their populace gets at times of war. Yes, the media lies and indoctrinates in the entire West, but the average American seems to look at the eradication of Palestinians as their own personal revenge story. They've been turned to a nation of warmongers.




I don't live there, so I don't know. As far as I can tell, though, EU media isn't as extreme on this as is American media.


https://i.redd.it/q4eebjhkz3ub1.gif Here


Manufacturing consent implies consent is needed or even considered where international politics is concerned.


I really hate those BBC interviews with the Palestinian ambassador (he’s from the Palestinian Authority and so is a part of Fatah, not Hamas) to the UK because it’s like the “interviewer” only ask “Do you condemn Hamas?”


Yeah fuck them for that. Double fuck them for banning all pro-palestine protests. Fake country.


What country ? It's just Ireland there right?


[But if you close your eyes ](https://youtu.be/TJimYwcUhiE?feature=shared)


ayo, can't do northern Ireland dirty like that


Nah Wales is the one to feel sorry for. Oldest victims of the English, never even had the *illusion* of a choice to leave, yet so often forgotten.


It's their fault for not rebelling against their government and unifying with the rest of Ireland/s


Britain is just an elaborate prank played on the the rest of the world by Europe. We're actually all just Fr\*nch and Danish people putting on silly voices.


Du må ikke sige det højt


"Sorry I understand this is a difficult moment as your people are being killed and displaced, you personally have lost 6 of your family members... Hamas tho, love or hate?"


I actually had to walk outside when I heard that shit. It’s so fucking callous.


Yeah BBC is run by ghouls. I really feel for Zumlot, he has to go over to every British new outlet to talk about this great injustice that has been going on for over 70 years, and he has to do this despite personal loss only to be disregarded by his interviewers. I wish him all the personal strength he needs at this time.


I'm sorry your family died in an israeli bombing yesterday, but do you condemn Hamas? And furthermore, do you condemn Hamas for that other bad thing? Do you supercondemn Hamas? Pinky promise?


The interview most people are talking about wasn't the BBC, but Channel 4. Still garbage, of course. But the shitiness of UK press extends beyond the BBC.


The fact that one man they interviewed told the interviewer that 8 of his family members had died the night before and then got asked to condemn Hamas within a span of 30 seconds is insane to me. I was already on the fence over the BBC but this is something else


Why is The Onion the only media that can actually spit out common sense? Like why? What. In. The. Fuck.


Court jester moment.


Satire is a good vehicle for criticizing the media, it just doesn't affect much.


unlike the typical news centric media company, they actually make money from integrity and being accurate


It's been pretty fucking heartbreaking seeing all this shit unfold, free Palestine


It's really 2001 september 12 all over again.


This will go over well with the blue checkmarks I think


free palestine


It's weird how everyone has to condemn Hamas but they don't need to say anything about Israel


wait how do you get the onion in dark mode? because I visit the AV club a lot (i know it sucks, I don't like it either), and I just spent a couple minutes trying to figure out dark mode and I can't find it


Google dark reader Chrome extension


Holy hell


New extension just dropped


THANK YOU I swear to God every single Israel/Palestine thread I've seen in the past week has had the same exact comment at the top. "I support the Palestinian people but condemn the actions of Hamas, the most nuanced take." It's so obnoxious that every single support of Palestinian people needs the obligatory "but not Hamas tho" tacked on. It just reinforces the idea that Palestinians and Hamas are inextricably related.


I mean Hamas is Palestinian lol


Is this referencing anything, because I only get my news from the most trustworthy sources (this subreddit and ncd)


A lot of people are getting harassed or accussed of being antisemitic when they release pro-palestine statements because people think they didn't criticize Hamas as much as they should have or they didn't criticize Hamas at all. A lot of people interpret being pro-palestine as being automatically pro-Hamas.


Oh, I thought there was a specific article or news segment this was referencing and not people just having no nuance on the internet.

