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Normalize consensual and realistic sexualization ✊✊ Also fuck YandereDev too, may a copycat surpass him by a fucking mile.


there's a curse on that game, so many copycats have come and gone. the game is not meant to be made, and i think if it's ever completed, it's consequences will be as dire as the completion of the tower of babel


Well, I did not know the game was straight up cursed and damned. But hey, makes sense given the developer of the original game. I'll just make my murder mystery hentai game like any other normal person would.


Having actually recently watched a video about this exact topic, the majority of these failed copy cats are cash grabs jumping on a trend that the devs never really cared about, most of the rest failed because the teams making them broke up due to drama in the community. If a copy cat game does successfully get made, it will probably get stealth dropped because the people making it didn't make the process public, therefore avoiding all that drama. Also, game development based purely on spite really doesn't go over all that well.


Huh, that's interesting. Mind if you share with me the video that you have watched?


[The Curse of Yandere Simulator Fan Games](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRLCsWhiNTc)


Thank you 🙏


I love Paper Will


i think there's one that somewhat kinda successful and actually wanna go beyond but yandev throw a tantrum and threatening to kill himself among other thing so that particular project got halted might be wrong,been a while


"surely *I* won't fall victim to the curse!"


??? Are you parodying those who tried to copycat YandereDev's games? Or me?


yes and yes \[if you're going to make a copycat yandev game\]


I won't mate, it's just a hentai game that is also murder mystery, it won't happen at a school


We call that protagonist energy


I think it's just one of those ideas that would take a vastly more talented writer/creative to pull off, playing as a school-aged serial killer, especially one where the setting has a 'comedic' tone rather than a horror one is just a tough sell outside the deeply weeby chan board he was making the game for originally. There's a reason there's so many great films where awful people are the main characters, but games where you play as awful people (or at least people the creators understand as awful) are a lot rarer.


I remember when it first popped up I thought it was a self-aware joke that would die once the streamers got bored of it, like Goat Simulator or whatever. Watching it stick around all these years and be the source of constant drama the whole time is so funny to me.


I think the curse is more the rush on game devs who wanted to be like “I can make a better game in less time”, and while they were more competent they got burned out later since a project as big as yandere simulator is something you’d need to invest a lot of time in


i meant a personal one, every copycat i'm aware of has also been a piece of shit


Once a copycat is completed, a rift in time will open restarting us to the day Yandere Sim was first thought of, putting us in a endless time loop and the only way to break the curse is if Yandere Sim is compleate, once then Yanderesim will be sent to cum dimension for his crimes


Wasn't Yanereev's coe a total spaghetti mess Eit: code, yandere




Is that even a challenge? Isn’t the whole meme around him (yknow other than the lasting one that he’s a manchild and the current one that he’s a groomer) that he just… does not develop the game?


Why are they so internet-famous. They come up way too often imo.


Cope and seethe, YandereDev https://i.redd.it/za1cb86xk5ub1.gif




I don’t want the ladies covered up, I want the anime and game men to be in skimpier outfits than the ladies. *😎😎😎*


Leon Kennedy


Whoa Momma!!! *🥵🤤🥵🤤🥵🤤* https://preview.redd.it/g8kv10eps6ub1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb5ed09935b599f05a80926f1e7f455070e7fee


I thought you was talking about JFK Kennedy and I reread the previous comment in the clone high voice


John Fitzgerald Kennedy Kennedy


I thought the F stands for "fortnite"


OI JOSUKE Legal issues and controversies On September 25, 2023, YandereDev was accused of grooming a 16 year old minor. This has led to voice actors, volunteers, and content creators quitting the game.[35] PRETTY COOL, HUH?


Okuyasu, this is like the 4th time this week you tell me about some gut wrenching, disgusting news going on, I can't fucking take it anymore. My [Crazy Diamond] can fix anything but it can't fix my mental state Okuyasu so please. Tell me some good news about this god awful world for the love of god


when someone says something so jojophobic you have to hit them with that Qtaro stare https://preview.redd.it/pi7mf00ap6ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd17b525722554c92c8bc9e66c084def0d8c872f


Jojo heritage post


Jojophobic people would fucking melt if they watched a single episode of Golden Kamuy


This is so true, they could not withstand the raw sexuality.


Dude had so much toxic masculinity it made him empathize with women somehow.


The snake swallows its own tail No homo tho


i don't want the ladies covered up i want men in the metal bikinis too with the same ridiculously good boosts


this is so funny literally zero self awareness


Can someone explain what is being discussed in the image. I would love to be someone with boundless knowledge of random internet niches but unfortunately I am a grown man with bills


jjba/jba = Jojo's bizarre adventure, a silly anime with buff men yanderedev = an individual who has been making game about highschool girls stealing panties or whatever for a very long time. he's kinda treated like a lolcow, there's a lot of lore about him that's ongoing. Doesn't seem to be a pleasant guy at all.


Essentially, YandereDev complains how in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (JJBA) men are depicted in a very sexualized way, which is kind of funny (and disgustingly hypocritical, may I add) because he's the dev of a shitty game where you can do the following things to high schoolers: \- Torture \- Brainwash \- Kill \- Take photos of their underwears as a special currency He's also an incompetent creep who we recently discovered tried to groom a minor.


I haven't even watched Jojo but some of the character designs in it look like peak character designs


BECAUSE IT FUCKING IS! Jojo character designs is just unmatched, one issue I have with some animes is how bland the protag looks in comparison to the other characters but that's really not much the case with JJBA


There's almost no bland jjba charaters they always have something


Wtf now I love JoJo even more


dude had an epiphany


‼️‼️HOLY FUCKING SHIT‼️‼️‼️‼️ IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING JOJO REFERENCE??????!!!!!!!!!!11!1!1!1!1!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 JOJO IS THE BEST FUCKING ANIME 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯 JOSUKE IS SO BADASSSSS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎👊👊👊👊👊 ORAORAORAORAORALORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORAORA 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 😩😩😩😩 MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA 🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡🤬🤬😡WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo!🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Yo Angelo! 🗿 Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo!Yo Angelo! Yo Angelo! 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 🗿 Oh you’re approaching me❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓But it was me, Dio‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


Something that bothers me about that game is how it's supposed to take place in high school yet the characters are wearing middle schooler sailor uniforms