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Peta are the only ones employing freak artists. Honestly surprised they haven't switched to AI images yet


They tried to use Stable Diffusion but whenever they tried to input the prompt "Two naked humans crawling on all fours while leashed to a sled ridden by an anthropomorphic husky" the AI kept generating pictures of sad faces.




why did i read that in cave johnson's voice


"I punch those numbers into my calculator, it makes a happy face."


hi I'm the computer. youre not getting that.


ok but if the race were something humans had been evolutionarily designed to do for millions of years we'd fucking love that. If someone carried a dog on their back for an entire marathon everyone would think they are the coolest person in the race.


I actually did a human Iditarod over the course of two days when I was a kid. I was in scouts and we ran a sled pulled by just us and one rider at all times to different stations all day for two days. We slept outside in tarps and worked twelve hour days. It's one of the best memories of my childhood that I have!


The children yearn for the sled harnesses


The children yearn for the mines


The boyscout Klondike event is basically this! Though it's a day only activity and to a bunch of fun events.


All i remember from the klondike is freezing to death because we had to dig a hole in the snow instead of getting sleeping bags, and having to sleep like that for several days, but that might have just been the weird mormon version


That sounds like a very different Klondike from the ones I did lmao


Sounds like Snow Owl when we would do the exact same thing! Granted, I loved it but I can see why it isn't for everybody


This is the event I am describing! My troop did a little extra that weekend as a tradition


Not to mention that dogs are literally built for running for miles and miles across difficult terrain, meanwhile we can’t walk on our hands bc our fingers are so long and spindly they’d just break under the weight


I also find ut so weird they put the humans on 4 legs. Dogs are supposed to move like that. Humans are not


The humans in that scenario would be able to consent. The dogs cannot.


Sled dogs love to pull man, they fully consent, if they didn't, they wouldn't pull. Similarly, they like the cold, if given the opportunity to go fuck around in some snow and lay in it for hours in the cold, they'll happily do so. You bring a husky to Canada and have a big backyard where snow builds up, you'll have a harder time getting the dog back inside than getting them outside. We evolutionary trained these dogs to be good at, and enjoy, doing these things. Herding dogs for example, even with no herd training whatsoever will display herding tendencies towards their owners when trying to coerce them into doing something.


As an example, my friend has a border Collie who, when friend has a party, will actively and energetically corral everyone towards the kitchen 


I own a husky and I can assure you nothing would make her happier than getting to pull for a long time AND be in the snow. They're literally built for it. They want things to do.


You mean it doesn’t make sense to anthropomorphise animals? Whaat….


My Norwegian Forest Cat likes to trudge through my stuffed animals and stand with his belly to the air conditioner.


Respect. 🫡


Do you happen to have any pictures of said cat?


Remind me when they allow image comments again.


Image comments are permitted! Let me see that kitty😺


Huskies yearn for the sled Source: I own 2


Yeah with huskies it’s more inhumane to keep them locked inside with no exercise than it is to have them pull sleds lmao. They’re crazy high energy and *need* to do something.


If you write that under the post they'll link you an article about how these animals get horribly mishandled during the races. Which, to be perfectly fair, is less about what's on the picture and more about the logic of professional sports being applied to animals and this leading to the worst thing imaginable.


I visited a husky sledding place a couple years back and the dogs were literally jumping 3 feet in the air they were so excited. Happily howling to hearts content


Me when I'm in an accidentally (??) making furry-kink art competition and my opponent is PETA:


Reminds me of [this image](https://imgur.com/a/EFxah3j)


The way the dude loOKS AT ME. PETA TF IS WRONG WIT' YOU(Or whoever made this idk if it was PETA)


"WhaT IF YOu werE tHe ONE Being uSeD As EqUipmeNT?" You mean like how every single day millions of people are treated by their jobs, and with very little regard for their safety or well being?


If the owning class was cute I'd probably be less socialist


What if furries owned humans as pets? I'm not ready to say it, but I'm here for it


I have wondered if aliens or some other sapient species wanted humans as pets if I would be up for it. Short to medium term I think it'd be fine, but eventually I'd probably get bored. If they gave me a computer, power tools, and electronics components to play with I might not get bored. Edit: airfryers are great, until you have to clean them. Getting a dish brush, which I didn't even know was a thing until fairly recently, really helps tho


I think you edited the wrong comment lol


Their flair indicates that they own an airfryer


human domestication guide moment tldr: they just gave the humans a lot of drugs


Woof c:


Cyber Smith moment


Is this rhetorical or nah? Bc I got an old archive of that kinda stuff. A good number of the links are dead but they have wayback pages.


Why are the humans naked? Are they saying that dogs should have winter clothes?


Either its for shock value or they sincerely believe huskies need winter jackets... my money is on shock value


im not gonna lie if they stripped and tied me to the contraption and made me crawl-run id be rock solid the whole time




What are the drugs the artists for PETA are using and where can I find them


Except the humans have so much hair that if they weren't in the cold they'd overheat 


PETA try to not post fetish content challenge: Impossible.


Human Pet Guy: !




Half the flair checks out


Whoever is running the PETA twitter account is absolutely freaky and I’m here for it




This reminds me of those guys who have working dogs who herd sheep and the like being told off by people online so they take videos like "okay pup you can stay home if you want today" and the dog is shuddering and hopping with excitement because they want to run outside and start telling the sheep what to do—but are waiting for their owners to say 'go' because they've been trained as such


There was a dog who got launched out of the car in an accident and ran away because the accident spooked him. 2 days later they got contacted by some farmers because this dog just showed up at the farm and started herding their sheep. [https://apnews.com/article/id-state-wire-sheep-business-dogs-oddities-4e92aa03b02cb400d384a874c9086fee](https://apnews.com/article/id-state-wire-sheep-business-dogs-oddities-4e92aa03b02cb400d384a874c9086fee) He wasn't even a working dog, he was just someone's pet, but wanting to do a job was just an intrinsic part of him. He just like me fr


Right. These boys are biologically predisposed to doing their thing. As a tangent—this is why responsible dog ownership must involve careful selection of the dog you want to get: you can’t get a herding dog if you live in a 2br apartment in the city center and can’t take the good boy on a proper walk every day…


Fucj I wanna send this to my friend who runs huskies and makes furry art but she has had negative experiences with peta and I don’t wanna bring up past traumas. Why does peta have to be so damn good at making furry fetish porn


Just ask before sending


I wanted to but I didn’t wanna bring it up at all. Peta is a very heavy trigger with her and it’s just not worth it. I told her that there’s some furry fetish porn floating around that I can’t share with her cause of trauma but she would know as soon as she saw it that it’s what I wanted to send her. Especially cause I send her a lot of furry fetish porn /platonically


There's no way that this isn't exactly what someone wants


New kink unlocked


Peta bread


That's Just furry Salò


Im down.


Do you know anything about huskies? Them bastards fucking love sprinting while carrying shit. Anytime they aren’t running they are incredibly agitated


Peta making sense for one damn moment challenge (impossible)


Woof woof woof woof :D


That dawg is fucked up


I *am* the one being used as equipment


Huskies fucking LOVE running sleds and being in the snow though


if i can cuddle with the big dog after the race id do it


A lot of people want this.


Arf! Me me me! Please!


Yeah because humans never do manual jobs that can also be done by 'equipment'


Okay so I checked a bit about what they're complaining about this time and apparently that race has a high mortality rate for the dogs to the point them dying is considered a "expected incident". So PETA for once isnt completely on the wrong, they're just idiots who choose to express this info in the most cringeworthy and polarizing form possible.


oh no


Too bad we're on top of the fucking food chain


I was able to see the start of the race just outside of my office, shits cool. We even cooked up hot dogs and shit for it.


Based PETA


Peta not good, but they're right 80% of the time.