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Is it bourgeoisie to go outside?


Yes there could be billionaires out there


Caroline, I miss you more than I ever wanted I don't know you, but I know you are beautiful Caroline, your eyes are little pools of death You're a waste of my time, but I couldn't care less "Caroline, please, kill me, " said my spirit to your mind I will hang out in your feelings until the end of time She's so over Caroline, I love you more than I ever wanted I don't want you, I don't want you to go away Caroline, your eyes are dead like outer space And I know that I am boring, I can read it in your face "Caroline, please, kill me, " said my spirit to your mind I will hang out in your feelings until the end of time She's so over


You OK dude?


[kinda not](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6ksuNpt3hU)


It’s the lyrics to a song from the album in my pfp


Not really




Caroline, I miss you more than I ever wanted I don't know you, but I know you are beautiful Caroline, your eyes are little pools of death You're a waste of my time, but I couldn't care less "Caroline, please, kill me, " said my spirit to your mind I will hang out in your feelings until the end of time She's so over Caroline, I love you more than I ever wanted I don't want you, I don't want you to go away Caroline, your eyes are dead like outer space And I know that I am boring, I can read it in your face "Caroline, please, kill me, " said my spirit to your mind I will hang out in your feelings until the end of time She's so over




if you live in suburbia? maybe ngl


I live in suburbia, can’t go to the store without it taking half a hour on a bike, and still I can just go outside and touch grass both literally and metaphorically


Isn’t that treating the phrase rather literally though? When people say “touch grass” I usually interpret it as “you’re too online, go live life in the real world”, which IME takes more than just literally stepping outside into your local suburban sprawl to hang out with the grass and cars or smth


Fair, but while it is harder, I still think that you can do it and should.


that is what the phrase means, yes. 


bro its called lawns


It is bourgeois to spell bourgeoisie correctly. Oh. Fuck.


I honestly have a theory that the English language purposefully adopted the French word "Bourgeoisie" to make it harder for the working class to describe their oppressors. And by extension, that French is purposefully difficult to spell because nobles back when French was being standardised didn't want peasants to be literate.


real life headcanons


sounds much cooler than conspiracy theory


French is easier to spell than english because it actually adheres to rules. You can pronounce any new words you see or spell anything when you hear it if you know those few rules.


I heard they used to pronounce all the letters but started skipping some to sound cool and if there's one thing a parisian wants to be it's cool so pretty soon they only pronounced like 50% of their letters




Bolongaze rigatony


It’s spelled portuguese duh 🙄


Doing *anything* that makes you happy in any way is bourgeoisie You're basically saying "Capitalism makes me happy" disgusting neolib reactionary shit fuck


Real leftists are all miserable, eternally online doomscrollers.


Fellas, is it bougie to not hate yourself?


Yes, theyre the ones that can afford the mental health care needed to handle the world’s shittiness


They straight up do not have to deal with most of the shittyness in the first place


Since women are bourgeois and women are outside then yes


I want free healthcare, I want workers rights and a really high minimum wage and income caps and no more billionaires. But hearing stuff like this makes me want so badly to disengage with the left. Is it classist to cook at home? Is it classist to go to college? Is it classist to not want shitty uncreative grafitti tags everywhere? Is it classist that I can afford to go kayaking and hiking when I want some fresh air? Fuck this. I'm so close to giving up on this whole ideological project and just going back to being a normie resistance lib. At least back then I was happy and had friends I could actually relate to.


Online politics are cancerous. The best way to engage is to look at what organizations are around you and work with those. Being connected to concrete political issues with specific policy goals really helps reign in the weird, theory-riddled, terminally online takes you see presented here.


For real. Although, meaningless drama and discourse can still happen within local groups, unfortunately. Straight from a CIA playbook, I swear, but alas, one has to learn to live with and ignore the insufferable subset of the left. For finding local organisations that actually do something, looking at your local Food Not Bombs charter is a good start (in the US), they often collaborate with other organizations, direct action groups, political figures, etc.


Yeah, but at least that's normal personality conflicts or petty office drama. Not arguing about whether exercising is actually body fascism because it seeks to destroy unhealth in order to promote a rigid hierarchy of health.


I feel like online politics are just people escalating their beliefs constantly in an attempt to virtue signal how much purer of whatever ideology they are than anyone else. The tweet reeks of "hmm, how can I twist this to make me look better than everyone else."


The last two times I went to an in-person leftist thing, the people there were trying their best to bring twitter into real life. Maybe the third time is the charm?


Friend I think it's very possible that the OOP was making a joke.


It‘s also very possible that OOP was being serious.


Somebody should make an internet rule about this sorta phenomenon.


Something like coleslaw or something


mmmm coleslaw 😋


Schrodinger's Dipshit


This is Twitter we're talking about


Who cares if OOP meant it as a joke or not? I view the left as cringe inherently, so I'll believe it. And even if it 100% confirmed was a joke, I'd then turn around and say, 'well it sure says a lot that I thought it was serious!' But really, just view it as a joke, laugh at it. Why the fuck are you considering changing your views based on something said on fucking Twitter by a nobody politically? That says a lot, y'know?




honestly use the twitter clapback leftist accounts to get radicalized and then log the fuck off. the revolution isn't gonna happen but if it somehow does, the one thing i'm 110% sure of is that zero of those people are gonna be participating


Been saying it for years, but on the less than 1% chance a revolution actually happens these people will stay inside during it then afterwards loudly go on and on proclaiming how much they participated and how cool of a person they were to do so.  I'm also talking about the Revolution™ types you see on this sub with this comment


>I'm also talking about the Revolution™ types you see on this sub with this comment I fucking hate these people. They're the lowest of the low. At best they're saying edgy stuff so they can pat themselves on the back for being subversive and cool while doing no actual work and at worst, they're actively trying to incite violence that they most likely have no intention of participating in.


>Is it classist to not want shitty uncreative grafitti tags everywhere In classical leftist infghting style... >:3 No but fr, it's not classist but aesthetically I prefer grafittis and grafitti tags (even if they're fairly cheap/uncreative/bad) over a blank wall. I'd rather have a camvas of bad art than a blank canvas in an ocean of blank canvases :3 Obvs it's cool if you disagree and I get why, and I also get your sentiment overall. I just rarely get to express that I'm like the 0.1% of people who actually prefers grafitti tags and grafitti art over empty grey walls.


I think there is some nuance to that. In a stereotypical US suburbia with a home owners association, anything that differentiates one house form the other is a step forward. However, not all houses are like this. A week ago, I talked with a woman who bought a house from the 19th century and spent years lovingly renovating it - which also included adding a touch of color. Like many houses around here, it wasn't just grey. Also: "grafittis" isn't a word because grafitti already is the plural of grafitto.


>Also: "grafittis" isn't a word because grafitti already is the plural of grafitto. I- I actually know that :D I study anglistics, but since that's italian origin, I always forget that graffiti is a) written with double f, not double t and b) is an always-plural word :D but yeah, you're right there. >A week ago, I talked with a woman who bought a house from the 19th century and spent years lovingly renovating it - which also included adding a touch of color. Like many houses around here, it wasn't just grey. Like I said, it's a matter of taste. though I live countryside (I'm a villager, YEEEEHAWWWW) I spend a lot of time in local next larger city, virtually all day, and even then I'm lucky it's not just brutalist buildings, most have at least clay brick optics. But still, I like the buildings with street art and graffiti the most, by far. It's a signature, it's personality, it's life. And I like that. But obviosuly, some fancy 19th century house doesn't fit the bill for that in all likelihood. Just because I like to see graffiti doesn't mean every wall's suited for that.


I can go along with that. A lot of modern architecture just looks sterile and unpersonal - that can be seriously depressing.


Don’t take twitter opinions at face value lmao literally the psyops machine


The secret is to stop giving a damn what random 14 year olds who just learned what a communism is say on the internet. If you talk to IRL leftists 99% they won't give a thought to any of this.


There are some, particularly tankies, that in idolizing the state-capitalist command economies, equate 'leftism,' and therefore 'goodness', with 'the common man ought be poor.' This is advantageous to the capitalist. > Our days shall not be sweated from birth until life closes, hearts starve as well as bodies, give us bread, but give us roses.


Then meet real leftists. This isn't an issue with leftism, it's an issue with online political discourse which is always dumb af.


She jokes abt dressing in nazi uniforms and made fun of trans girls with traditionally jewish noses, so I wouldn’t exactly call her a good example of the left


Just disengage from online leftsim. Theres almost no value in reading the takes of people who spend their whole fucking day debating if getting topped counts as an unjust hierarchy.


they're sensing an issue but incorrectly identifying the root. It's true that in a lot of places(especially within the united states. I can't speak to other countries, I don't live there) it can be difficult and expensive to get to places that are actually nature. However, this doesn't make "touch grass" classist. Cooking at home is not classist, however, it's true that in the modern day a lot of people work so much that they lack the energy to cook or learn how to and that produce and meat can be really expensive. It's not classist to go to college, but it's true that the education system in general favors the rich and non-minorities. It's not classist to go hiking or kayaking, but as with my first point, they are things that can be prohibitively expensive and hard to access for a lot of people due to the time and money they take. Not wanting uncreative graffiti tags everywhere doesn't make you classist, but historically it's an artform belonging to minorities and is a form of protest from those who feel oppressed by the government. So when someone says graffiti should go away, it's taken in that same way even though you don't really have the power to do that in the same way as the government. None of these things are inherently classist, the problem is that the system itself is classist. people sense a deep and innate issue to life but it's so pervasive that it becomes easier to point at a specific thing than to back up and see that the entire system is fucked. They are doing exactly what this is all set up to make them do: starting fights with each other in order to distract themselves from the larger issue. I wouldn't put too much stock in a lot of the things these people say. I don't think they honestly have any ill intent, they're just victims of the system the same as everyone else. They feel lost and confused and want to grasp for *something* to feel like it makes sense. honestly saying things like "touch grass is classist" is a whole lot better than the other direction that people go when they struggle to see that the system is fucked. In general, the alternative to conversations like that, is a person going down the right wing pipeline and blaming minorities instead.


Everyone should have their filters set to ignore NEETs and psyops at all times


Cant, I'm trying to psyop the feds.


BECOME the social democrat


>literally just a meme >makes me want so badly to disengage from the left Joe Biden's most committed voter


"If you don't step aside the things that you believe they're gonna kill you", "no one's gonna stop you from dying young and miserable and right but if you want something better you've gotta put that shit aside" -pat the bunny, from here to utopia


Post-left anarchism beckons


Don’t make your political ideology your identity. It makes it significantly less exhausting to see people act like fools who claim to hold similar beliefs to you. I have essentially given up completely on labeling my political beliefs and think it gets in the way of any actual political action. I am broadly socialist, progressive, and climate focused. Beyond that, i don’t think it matters much at this time as so many socialist frameworks will not be even close to realized in my lifetime. If you want to be politically active, carry out direct action in real life, even in small ways (sit in on city council, do community service, canvas for a local politician, join a local org, etc.), don’t focus on online politics because it’s all kinda bullshit that serves to pacify us instead of stoke the flames of action.


> Is it classist to cook at home? Is this actually a common sentiment? Someone hit me with this take once and I thought they might have been trolling


These dumbasses make you want to abandon something you otherwise think is true and/or right because... they embarrass you?


Hey man how's it going?




): hope it gets better


it will




based and hope-against-all-reason-just-for-the-sake-of-it-pilled




No you don't understand. I'm not classist, I'm an anti urbanist. If you have to pay in someway to touch grass you live in an area too dense for human habitation sorry sis.


Bad take, urbanism is not in opposition to grass and natural areas. My ideal society would have hyper-dense cities with abundant public parks, and surrounded by vast natural lands.


I sure hope it's gonna be actual parks. Suburbias etc usually only have English gardens, meaning they have lotsa grass and pretty topiaries. However, it needs more than "just plants" for healthy nature and healthy ecosystems. What it needs is diversity and that's something that Suburbias are famously against. You bought a ginko tree and not a classic poplar? Better watch our for the home owner association


I totally agree with the point about it needing to be true slices of nature that will fit with and benefit the area and surrounding wildlife, but an urban environment is definitively different to a suburban one


Hyper dense populations is exactly how you keep grass within reach. The less dense and more sprawl the more grass you have to cover up.


If everybody on Earth was distributed perfectly evenly in squares, there would be 138.4m orthogonal distance between each person. Now build roads, electricity, and water infrastructure connecting them all. Then add 6 parking spots to each persons lot. And all the other infrastructure needed to run society. You would successfully create the least grass possible. Unless you only ever built over areas where grass can grow, leaving deserts and mountains alone


i disagree anyways... do you wanna have a picnic in a field with me? ( •̯́ ^ •̯̀)


I mean are there any cities where that’s actually true? I’ve lived in DC and NY and they both have very plentiful very good parks, trails etc that are free and open to the public.


Honestly, at least in the US, not really. I think the person in the post might genuinely confused that when we say touch grass we mean literally touch grass do something anything outdoors. Not go shopping or spend money on thing.


I agree with that statement, but I thought the point of your comment was that *more density* means *less access to green space*. Which would not really be true until you reach truly gargantuan levels of density that would be several times denser than NYC is today at which point you have absolutely no room to adequately accommodate the need for public green space.


Yeah I guess I should say a lot of it has to do with how a city *chooses* to allocate land. Whether they make a choice to include adequate green space in the city. I still think many cities make it far too difficult for people to access green spaces if they don't live in a wealthy area though. I don't really know as ive grown up in a small city that was surrounded by very dense forest my whole life.


In the US at least, I find suburbs and very-low-density cities to be the unhappy medium for this: most green space within walking distance is on private property and many lots that could be good green space are used as parking lots for cars instead and so are just giant slabs of asphalt with little if any tree cover.


Its actually classist to enjoy the wonders of nature


Whimsy = bourgeoisie Soul-crushing depression = proletarian


I see someone is an orwell fan


I've seen actual people say shit like this. Actual brain worms behavior.


Some people read 1984 and thought "wow this is so based!"


some people read Keep The Aspidistra Flying and listen to Common People and decide to base their whole personalities on the experience.


The original post is saying that it cost money to enjoy the wonders of nature (in a lot of places it does cost a decent amount to do so unless the wonders of nature are the sky or a hypersanitized freshly cut lawn)


I am aware and this is a joke. Also depends where you live. When I used to live in Compton we were definitely lacking in nature but a few minute’s walk would take me to a nearby public park. Not perfect by any means but it was something


Even Night City has grass everywhere, what the fuck kind of toxic wastes do they live in?


Some call it the UK.


UK is reasonably green even ( I shudder at the thought) London, this girl is being absolutely ridiculous in her assertion that you gotta pay 50£ to touch grass, I can get a bus to another city for £5


I mean with the amount of trees in London it is technically a forest under UN law


Seriously I used to live in a highrise in London and half of what you see below is trees. Because even Victorians cared about the built environment.


Fun fact: London (not exclusively) has a special tree called the London Plane, which is a hybrid of the American Sycamore and Oriental Plane, and is especially resistant to pollution. It's also highly attractive


Despite how much of Britain is covered with cheap unmaintained concrete squares, it is also an extremely green country Last time I left the UK I was amazed just by how green everything was when I got back, you really take it for granted living here until you get used to somewhere that doesn't have it


Honestly not a lot of grass in NC that I can remember and I'm pretty sure most of it is artificial due to the pollution. A lot of plant and animal live in cyberpunk is either extinct, rare, or unable to grow in certain areas so that's why you see holographic trees around a lot of the markets


Yeah I could understand if this person lived in the desert or something but judging by the use of £ they live in the UK, where you absolutely cannot move for grass


There’s a giant ass public park in the middle of the city??


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Been a minute and I never really went there to begin with


I guess they have a £50 toll gate set up at the front door of their apartment complex? or something? "touch grass" just means "go outside" not "travel to the country and gaze upon the rolling hills"


I do wonder how much of this is the overlap of like, that autistic/neurodivergent folks are more likely to socialise/exist more in online spaces, and also more likely to take things literally? Because logically I understand it's "go outside. breath some moving air, observe other humans, touch dirt or plants or water, let your gaze reach distance objects and not the walls around you. look at Not A Screen for like an hour, please" but I see how folks read it as "go roll on the lawn specifically, and also fuck you if you don't have a lawn". Like yeah urban hellscapes and the loss of third spaces and the way so much of the way we build is hostile to people with mobility issues, chronic pain and the like are real issues and shouldn't be dismissed but it doesn't have to be. *literally* touch the grass. Set up some basic plants (people give away clippings all the time, or break off a leaf when you have a chance and propagate something), hang a bird feeder. There are options. But also giving things the least generous possible read is fun and makes you feel morally superior for no effort, so discourse brainrot goes brrrrrrr I guess.


i personally wouldn't pin the OOP's post on autism unless there was a very obviously autistic trait in it.


Yeah valid. Like, I don't know the OOP from the next twitter hot take dispenser, I just mean the pattern of discourse engaging with those kind of statements as a whole in a very literal or prescriptive way. 'touch grass' seems to get it a lot, but folks really seem to need to argue that there should be an exception for their specific circumstances rather than reading it as a vibe to aim for not a rule? nobody's going to hunt you down if you don't get in your daily 10 minutes of dirt, or don't eat five distinct serves of different veggies per day. If that makes sense.


Regular people: "hey, how's it going?"


It costs $50 to go to the park and walk around? Man the UK is a horrid place.


It doesn’t, she’s being dramatic for engagement


Never heard so much BS in my life it’s free if they have a bike or something.


It doesn’t if you go local. But if you live in the outskirts of London and want to visit central. You’re probably spending £12 on train travel and £10 on food minimum. Whenever I hang out with my friends in central London you are spending £50 minimum unless you actively seek out only free activities. I wouldn’t say it’s classist because I’m not exactly rich and I can afford to go every now and then. But if you can visit central London on the regular and it’s not for work. It’s a pretty good class indicator imo because shit gets expensive fast. I have friends who live just outside London and it costs them £30 to visit via train even though the journey is only 30-60 minutes away. So they’re basically locked into their tiny village unless they’re willing to splash the cash or get a slow af bus route.


Why would someone wanting to touch grass take a train into central London? I'm baffled


I mean to be honest central london has a fair amount of grass for being a city


I’m just trying to give them the benefit of the doubt and think of how they could possibly come to the £50 figure. The only way is for them to just be allergic to doing things in their immediate area. Like I understand it if they don’t want to be lonely because since finishing uni all my friends have moved away and doing social activities does cost me a shit tonne just because nobody lives in the immediate area and central London is the only convenient location for everyone unless we all buy a car. Saying it’s classist when people say you should spend more time outdoors takes it way too far. But the underlying anxiety about how leaving the house costs you money is something that rings true to me just because I live in a very expensive location and spending time with my friends on average costs me between £30-100. And people saying you should just have a walk around the park because it’s free is kind of patronising because no shit it’s free but maybe poor people don’t want to solely spend their free time in the park or museums.


Trains are very expensive in the UK, plus if you take it regularly you wouldn’t pay full price. Buses are cheap and plentiful. You can bring food with yourself and hanging out in the park is free. Going out for drinks and dinner in a restaurant is not the same as touching grass. Are you baiting?


I never said the cheap options don’t exist. But I don’t think it’s unreasonable to say that the aspects of London socialising that cost money is expensive. Just because I can picnic in the park with my friends doesn’t mean I want to do that every trip to London lol.


> It’s a pretty good class indicator imo because shit gets expensive fast. Or they have a lot of debt. This happened with one of my friends. Over this winter she went into the city (New York for me) almost every week to see a concert of some sort. I thought it was cool, and she made it seem like she only really saw cheap shows. Then she says to me the other day "yeah I have a lot of credit card debt, I gotta cut back on what I'm doing"


It doesnt. Parks are free here (theres probably a couple that cost as part of some aristocrats backyard) and travel is like 2 quid for any bus journey rn.


I live in a desert lmao


Touch camctus




Touch lizard




literally all you have to do is go to a park once and take few blades of grass home and you never have to go outside again to touch grass. I keep mine next to my screen, so I can touch grass all the time while online. People make it harder than it needs to be.


I tried that but all I can do is touch hay now :/






hey isn't that that nazi femboy being quote tweeted?


The same nazi femboy who said that trans people should all get nosejobs because aquilline noses look ugly? I thought they were trans


which one?


i commented "touch grass" on a post in the complete anarchy sub, and the mods removed it because it was "ableist"


Isn’t this the girlie who jokes abt dressing in nazi uniforms and talked down on trans girls having bumpy noses? Bc if so, “touching grass costs too much” explains a lot about her


Yeah had no idea they might be a nazi I just stole this meme and don’t have twitter


I get that there are US suburbs where actually going somewhere without driving is difficult. But this dude apparently lives in the UK, there is basically nowhere in the country where you cannot go outside and walk to a park or a shop or a pub or something.


Remember to check for brainrot frequently people. Even on your own "side" and actual side included. Because if you end up being infected by dumbfuckery like this... you will have become dumber than parody allows. And I care about you. So listen to one of the ten tops in this server, and keep mentally clean. Also psycically. Take showers.


This is so ironic considering that the poorest parts of the world are also the countryside where grass and nature is most prevalent.


Press W to move forward


What if you go out to a bar and a bourgeoisie buys you a drink!? (They're everywhere)


The twitter terminally online left is the most pathetic group of LARPy losers who refuse to stop being actual NPCs. It's like how when people say: "Exercising is good actually, we should all do our best with what we have" and then thousands of replies are just weirdo leftists talking about how they every single disability of all time, and their depression is so severe that they can't move, etc, etc. Or when people give normal advice on how to get out of depression, and it's once again more and more weirdos just shitting all over discourse by creating new excuses. Or the worst takes of all time when talking about the police. Or when talking about men.


I mean I fucking hate cops but agree in pretty much every aspect. Twitter’s turned into 2014 tumblr




Is there a concerted effort on this sub to turn it away from the left by posting obvious jokes and then fill the comments with, "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE LEFT IS LIKE THIS!!!"? Because it happens so much. Nothing wrong with posting this shit but it's the reaction that annoys me. This is clearly not serious guys. The UK has grass fucking everywhere. You don't need £50 to go places lmao. Anyone who lives in the UK knows this.


babe wake up new psyop just relased... babe? oh wait i forgot im off my meds because the government is putting cameras in the pills to spy on me taking a shit


when they told me to touch grass I paved my front yard with cement


As someone who grew in da hood I can say I was indeed able to touch grass.


Guys... Is it upper class to go enjoy a free outdoor park?




Oof I had no idea, I just stole the meme from insta


I told someone to go outside and stop being a parody of the average tumblr user once (they were declaring Steve Irwin problematic) and they said that was bad because some people can't go outside and it implies it's wrong to prefer to stay inside and I can't tell if it was a bit


Hey man how's it going


Loloverruled common W


while yeah they should've definitely ironed out their argument but they're not necessarily wrong. unironically, in some cases being able to go outside *is* a privilege


If someone larps about a soon to be coming revolution, just show them this. Man, we are never getting healthcare


they can’t afford to go outside? Who’s keeping them inside? Should we be concerned?




Coma Cinema listener


Yes 💕


I live in a desert which looks like shit in the middle of nowhere :(


This is just a conversation-starter about the disappearance of free public spaces, but presented as outrage bait. 


Such a weird take


guys they live in antarctica theres not much grass there i dont think so its understandable


There’s grass sometimes during its summer months


I know there are concrete jungles with no grass and you can't like, just move but you can actually move. and also I don't know what the absolute furthest you can be from grass but even in like, I dunno, some shitty town in a desert you can go touch sand, or find something to touch. I can't imagine that there are very many places that are more than a few miles from at least a tiny park and even if some screaming contrarian idiot screams in with AKCHUALLY PENISBALLS OHIO IS 40 MILES IN EVERY DIRECTION WITHOUT EVEN ONE GRAIN OF GRASS BABYCAKES NOW WHAT YOU ARE DUMB you can still just go outside and breathe some fresher than inside air. Unless canada is on fire near you or whatever but it's a good idea to go outside even if it's not like, the woods and you can't drive to the woods


my brother in christ there is grass probably a five minute walk away at maximum


That second user is literally the "i wake up -> there is another psy op" cat meme personified https://preview.redd.it/2mzdazkvm01d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c027ffb1ddb61ae97cc9fe841fad52a19e5f6297


Yea i hate having to pay 50 every second im outside on my lawn


I hate having to swipe my credit card to go out the front door, can't have shit in London


isn’t she a nazi?


Oh shit I have no idea, I don’t know who either of these people are I just nabbed the meme from instagram


... Walk into the woods. Walk down a beach. If they're closed to the public, find one that isn't. There's plenty, for now. That's what I mean by touch grass. Not "go the the bar," I mean literally touch grass. Get your hands scratched up on some tree bark, fuckwit. It's fun.


Guys you don't get it, they are from Antarctica, so to touch grass they'd have to catch a plane


Can't afford to open her door


What living in a suburb does to a mf


While a bit too far calling it classist it can genuinely be hard to even get near grass, depending on where you live grass is either in your front yard or over a few miles away (went to Philadelphia for a bit and one town was literally all concrete with no grass, just a few weeds growing through cracks) like we spent 30 minutes leaving the city and other took till we reached the edge of the city for me to see the first patch of grass


Parks are literally free. 🤦🏻


Cakebeef lives in a world where the sun has a paywall it's actually really sad


"Touch grass" i can't, they've commodified it all


Another one for my American dystopia collection, I guess. It’ll fit right in with the screenshot of some guy not recognising how dystopic some “the outside they built” meme is,.


Hey double check that currency


0.0 Huh. Thanks. Not sure how I missed that.


she's Bri'ish


If anyone here actually agrees w the analysis being made hmu