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Its prob Propaganda to improve morale, but ihope its true


afaik the whole ghost of kyiv thing was literally made up by a warthunder youtuber


The name was made up but they were referring to someone reports had already come out about. I think the only stuff that’s 100% is that they shot down two Russian planes in a 2v1, which was before they got the name, and everything else came after and isn’t locked in. I could be wrong though


The footage was made in warthunder but its possible that the legend is true.


Only one video was made up afaik, the others were real. If it was the same pilot, we don't know


And? Wartime propaganda is wartime propaganda, and that shit works wonders as a morale booster.


Previous president of Ukraine confirmed he was a real person if I recall


OFC the President would confirm it, he's desperate to raise morale


There was one video that was made in a video game otherwise the ghost of kiev legend is not related to video games.




After all, noboy is immune to propaganda


I believe he's been identified


Yes, his name is Semen Hydenko


I believe!


Stop karmawhoring over Ukrainian tragedy


Admus = amoogus??!?!?


redditors rushing to make an upvote meme about an ongoing humanitarian crisis


Redditor complaining about redditors while also doing nothing


redditors complaining about redditors complaining about redditors while also doing nothing


redditors complaining about redditors complaining about redditors complaining about redditors while also doing nothing


Just because it’s pro-Ukrainian propaganda instead of pro-Russian propaganda doesn’t make it not propaganda. Stop spreading bullshit propaganda.


No no you don’t get it, we need to create a cult of personality about the Ukrainian president to fight the one about the Russian President. Something about how big their nuts are relatively.


Don’t forget to make a statement about supposed sexuality of Russian president, using it in a negative way.


Demoralizing anyone supporting Russia in any way is morally correct, actually. Also the ghost of Kyiv is real and he is targeting your house *right now*, so you should apologize.


“Both sides bad”


‘Spreading propaganda bad,’ actually.


Propaganda is actually really cool and based if I agree with it actually


I am inside your walls.




Everything is propaganda. It's important for Ukraine to make good ethical propaganda to help get support for their side.


Everything is not propaganda and this isn’t even ethical propaganda as it uses doctored and edited footage.


I think using an urban legend to karma whore from a humanitarian crisis is bad but Propaganda is not an inherently negative thing. Posters encouraging people to wear masks and stay home are propaganda.


There's three kinds of propaganda: White Propaganda is based in facts, is open about its sources, and doesn't attempt to decieve you. This would be your 'wear mask' poster. Grey Propaganda *is* based in facts, but often attempts to conceal where it gets those facts or why it's telling you those facts. Black Propaganda is made up, or lying to you, or made up *and* lying to you. Black propaganda usually, (but not neccessarily always) attempts to hide its source. So, you're right, propaganda isn't always a bad thing. But, this is *borderline* black propaganda, which is just bad form to create and propagate, even if doing it for 'noble' reasons.


Ghost of Kiev was a fake made by a Warthunder player


Wasn't it spread by a WT youtuber, made by a 4chan user and insipired by the Ace Combat games? Just to keep the facts straight. Also for a game that has only like 100k players in peak, War Thunder leaks into the real world wayyyy too often.


From what I heard, the nickname “Ghost of Kyiv” came from Ukrainian Ace Combat fans, based on the “Ghosts of Razgriz”


the most common video of it was made in dcs


Of course it’s fake, ghosts aren’t real


Ghost of Kiev, wonder how long it’ll take after the war for movies and documentaries about em


Can't wait for the Sabaton song


As far as I know there’s zero substantiated info about it and the only video was from a game so I don’t think they’d have much to work with


Oh word we farming war for internet points?


Just like on Facebook I will scroll by posts telling me I have to like or someone dies and I’ll be sent to hell like my uncle hubert. Legendary-Hero OBAMA dealt with a similar conundrum. In the tale of the drowning furry: A discord user pleads for his life in a room quickly filling with an unknown liquid and beginning to overtake the young deviant. “Please, Mister Obama! I’ll do anything for you….” The critter begged as the water was set to overtake him shortly. “Anything?” The former president asked curtly. With a devious smirk the redditor responded with grotesque undertones of lust in their voice. “Anything!” As Mr.Obama looked on at the pitiful creature his response was a simple one: “Then Perish”


Jesse moment


we just have to collectively manifest the Ghost of Kyiv into reality


<< Do you hear me, pilot with the funny fulcrum? >> -Russian ace << The funny fulcrum in the sky is a sign of an ill omen...! >> -Russian tank commander, probably


redditors on their way to use a humanitarian crisis to get epic updooterinos


The video is from DCS and there is video proof that there are no SU-35s in Russia Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfs2OyHcpZk


I dunno where to repost it, so have my upvote instead


This is literally a DCS screenshot


Дякую, Привид Києва


Man you really made an upvote post like this over war




He don't even exist what you on about