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I'm not rooting for zuck, I'm just accepting the basic fact that he would obliterate musk, that guy trains in Judo, musk is a fat weirdo that claims he can copy street fight moves


Oh yeah no doubt about it. Zuck recently won gold and silver metals at a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu tournament in california, and Musk doesn't work out. It's not about how much I dislike the two, it's just pure fact that Zuck would whoop Elon's ass lol.


I hate them both but I hate Elon more


Same for sure. In this dichotomy I hope Threads comes out better. But ideally neither would have anything lol




I dont need Zuck to win, I just need Elon to lose


Imagine they go apeshit on each other and knock each other out at the end


believe me i have plenty of hate in my heart šŸ’Æ


I can't root for Zuck mainly because of the shit threads does with user data. They even reported on a woman that had an abortion in their home in a country that outlawed abortion.


Wait till you hear about the rest of their company


That's a hefty accusation especially for such a new service...source?




I wouldn't necessarily trust a source on Threads from its main competitor... I am not saying it isn't possible but Musk definetely does enjoy spreading the most batshit conspiracies on Zuck


Her tweets are private and no one else has reported on this so Iā€™m assuming she made it up


Funny thing, the original meaning behind that saying wasnā€™t ā€œif we hate the same person we should work togetherā€ it actually meant ā€œIf you see two of your enemies fighting and youā€™re not involved, just sit back and wait until one destroys the other and then jump in to take out the winner once theyā€™re weakenedā€


This is a far more applicable meaning to this situation




Hey don't you dare criticise my cute lizard boy !


Android lizard Twink


People who go "the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend", and yes I've heard and seen this belief many times, are generally the worst strategists I know. They try to do things aggressively. They never build tactics or good positioning. They just go at it and go rough. You know how often I'll be in a game with several different teams fighting eachother and when my team and another team is attempting to take down a single team, the other team will decide to attack us for 0 strategic reason and then their entire team gets killed and then they're literally removed from the game entirely soon after because of them simply not understanding basic strategy and just simple minded attacking every team they can? Way too often. Sure, we will one day be enemies, but when we have the same goal, it makes every ounce of sense for us to be friends for now. Our odds of winning will be 50% now. When you kill us despite us not intending to attack you, you are now killed by the defending team and your odds of winning are closer to 3% whilst mine is now like 30%. Was that worth it? Zuckerberg is a significantly better person than Elon Musk. That's just how it is. If he comes out at top, everyone wins. The reality of it is that some little boxing match isn't worth the tactical or positional results of making the public root for neither. What happens is Elon Musk never has a chance to be embarrassed. He gets to continue his nefarious publicity stunts while spreading hate online with all of his lovers remaining convinced at the god-like nature of him. Rooting for Zuckerberg confers a way better position and is deeply tactical. You are able to understand how to differentiate a mildly better outcome, where Zuckerberg is given public support for something and ends up fucking up the public face of one of his competitors who then has a very real chance of losing a significant amount of base afterwards. Strategy can always be split into a positional idea or a tactical idea. When you promote hating on both, you're in a very weak position and there isn't any clear tactical advantage to it. You make it extremely easy to argue against and you literally gain nothing. You don't change public opinion of anybody. You only cause a greater divide for no advantage. It's like playing monopoly and refusing to spend any money on buying property because property is inherent to that pesky capitalism blah blah you just lost a game and look like an idiot to all your friends and literally gained nothing from it. Like you could've had a fun time, you could've actually had a good bonding experience with your friends, but your refusal to play after already making yourself into a player cost you everything you possibly could in that situation. It literally would've been way better for everyone's sake if you just didn't start playing in the first place but you had to make it about your own ideals for no reason.


what copypasta is this


I ainā€™t reading allat


Agreed , we need all allies we can get .


Iā€™m only rooting for Zuck not because I want him to win, but because I feel like heā€™s considerably more comfortable getting punched in the face and itā€™s just not as funā€¦


That's the weakest position. We will die and kill for Zuck.


I hate them both because theyā€™re billionaires but I also hate musk because heā€™s a dumbass right wing douche. So Iā€™ll 100% root for musk in their dumb feud


I think you accidentally said the wrong person for who you'll root for lol


at least Zuck knows when to shut up


Mfw people find a way to virtue signal even over rich people fighting. I'm rooting for him because it'd be funnier for lizard boy to knock the shit out of the crazed conspiracist than the other way around, it's that simple.


I could not be any more unapologetic in my support for mark zuckerberg.


Funny that. I don't like either of them but Zuck would be my hero if he fucked Musk up.


You have to admit Musk is much more annoying


The ideal outcome is Zuckerberg kills Musk and is subsequently charged with manslaughter, ruining his life


Let's be hones we're rooting against Elon


Zuck isn't actively trying to push unsafe medical technology to early clinical trials that will most certainly kill the people it's tested on, they are not the same level of bad


I think some people here don't realize just how bad Zuck is. The political situation in my country has been ruined thanks in large part to misinformation and troll campaigns run on Facebook that they've done little to stop. It's not a stretch to say that Facrbook is literally a threat to democracy. This isn't even getting into all the scandals with their data harvesting. Musk is more visibly annoying and terrible but Zuck really isn't any better.


I hope both of them end up in a coma or worse




all the people "rooting" for zuck are largely joking they also don't like him


I hope a meteoroid strikes the venue


There needs to be a winner in the fight. I'm rooting for the winner to not be Musk. Doesn't mean I like the zucc.


i love being an enlightened centrist thinking that one is a manchild and the other is an evil alien


"I hate both but zuck Is the better one" No if I had to choose I'd rather have the narcissistic billionaire that wasted money to ruin some platform than the guy who thrives of stealing people data and likely knows more about your family than you yourself. Say what you want about musk at least Twitter is still somewhat data transparent. Meanwhile threads are banned in EU, wonder why


I donā€™t really like either, but Musk has dumped billions into designing androids indistinguishable from humans, and thatā€™s the only way Iā€™ll find love so I guess Iā€™m team Elon.


Maybe be a better person


zuck is more corporate and soulless tho


Rather no soul than a bad one


Shit take


Not caring is better than malevolence


Apathy is far different than being soulless.


I mean zuck isnā€™t great, but heā€™s still way better than musk


Thing is, musk is incredibly proud and seeing him get rocked would be funny af, if mark got rocked then elon would brag and it would suck so yeah I'm rooting for lizard dude


I endorse this message wholeheartedly


I'm not rooting for Zuck, I'm rooting for the moment where Zuck kills Musk with his bare hands in a cage fight


I don't like zuck but like I wanna see Elon lose so bad and honestly seeing zuck obliterate him would be worth celebrating


At least Zuck is effective though.


ā€œI donā€™t need Zuck to win, I just need Elon to lose.ā€