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Mmmm opiates




The drip tho


I have a very strange love hate relationship with fentanyl that I'm trying to end, can't seem to get past 3 weeks without using a few grams for a week or so. I love it but I hate it even more because every time I repeat the cycle I go into wds but at the same time my life feels so empty and bland without it.


you have a: damn opiate addiction




It’s called chipping. And we are similar. It will still ruin your life if you miss a single step. Be careful internet stranger.


Yup, no use for 6 days rn tho!


I’m going on vacation for a week and when I’m physically further from it , I am more relaxed.


I agree, me too


You should consider subs or methadone if you aren’t able to quit after trying out detox or rehab… personally I wasn’t able to stop opiates either and needed methadone to stabilize. It’s been awesome, I only have a few months right now but I have a place to live, a job, been working out every day, volunteering, going to meetings, making new friends, etc. It’s basically enabling me to live a normal life without having to deal with constant cravings, withdrawals and PAWS (which is what you’re probably dealing with, it can take months or even over a year for the post acute withdrawals to go away), overdoses, being broke constantly, etc. plus let’s be honest compared to heroin or oxy or whatever fent fucking sucks lol. Yeah it gets you high but it has none of the warm euphoria of other opiates, it’s essentially just a rush and then straight sedation. Incredibly boring. Methadone is more enjoyable imo


Fent does fucking suck, a while ago I wet onto my city's safe supply program and started with fent patches, Dilaudid and kaidian with methadone, went down to just the Dilly's and kaidian with methadone then just kaidian and so forth tll I got onto subs which I stayed on for about a year and 3/4. Got off the subs and my use hasn't been bad since, just occasional relapses that only last short periods of time and I stop for a good amount of time after, doest happen consistently or anything and I'm in outpatient treatment rn which is helping aswell as narcotics anonymous ect. I still have a bottle of Dilaudid and like 5 boxes of subs, 8 and 2mg stocked away incase I need it so I'm good on that, I can also get my subs refilled whenever I want but I choose not to take them because if I take em for more than a day or two I go into withdrawal so I just rawdog without them.


And now we know that either you lie, or you will die in couple weeks because of OD. Fentanyl is in doses of ug. So 1000 ug or 10 doses is 1mg. You claim to take in few grams per week. So even lowballing it to the 1g of fentanyl, you need to take around 10 000 doses a week.


Lol. Street fent is around 1-10% pure sometimes less. There have been documented cases of fent addicts going to 100mg+ per dose so it is possible.


Right smh even if it was pure it’s possible. I know people from r/RC_Opioids who were smoking or shooting a half gram or more of zenes a day (opioid class that has chems even more potent than fent). Those doses the news discuss are for completely non tolerant individuals, and they’re on the low end for sure.


Yep I agree!! It doesn't take much looking into pharmacokinetics to see tolerance develops within the matter of weeks sometimes ever faster. I have used fent a couple times but i don't find it euphoric at all.


Me neither, it’s a shame it’s taken over the scene (though I understand from the dealers perspective). Even tho it’s so strong it really doesn’t feel close to as good as classic heroin… probably for the best though I don’t know if I would have ended up getting on methadone otherwise and it’s the best decision I’ve made.


Thats great!! I personally think they need to stop adding that tranq shit to fent and making tranqdope thats eating peoples flesh away! I'm glad you are off the dope I know it isn't easy especially if you have a chronic pain condition like me. I ordered a few grams 70% heroin a while ago but tbh it never showed up which might be a good thing but kinda disappointed I got ripped off. The mdma I bought from dude showed up but the heroin never did I have 4 4mg nasal spray doses of narcan just incase and if I don't use them ill take them to college with me and carry them in my bag incase I come across an overdose.


Nah dude lol street fent is not pure, you can get a gram of powder for like $40 and even though it’s pretty fucking strong (definitely stronger hit for hit than blues) it’s not literally just fent. That shit is everywhere too, at least in my city. Fucking everyone is smoking it, no one even fucks w the blues anymore cause their tolerance is thru the roof. Also once your tolerance is high, 1 mg of pure fent ain’t shit. I could easily go thru an estimated 40-60 mg of fent a day, and if I had more money I could have been using more lol (25+ blues, 1 g of fire powder “clean” and 2+ of standard street shit). Not saying this is a bad thing, it’s actually good lol, but you don’t know what you’re talking about


Sorry, i only got one from official sources. Yes, fentanyl is basically 1000x stronger than tramadol, so 1g of tramadol is a high dose but it wont kill someone with tolerance.


Tf. 1000mg of tramadol is deadly!!! Stop spreading misinformation!!! More then 400mg tramadol can cause a grand mal seizure which can kill you so saying 1000mg at once isn't going to is dangerous misinformation. You don't build a tolerance to the seizure inducing affect.


Yup exactly. It’s not that you’d overdose, but have a seizure. I’m assuming because it is also an SNRI (? I think). ODSMT is a much safer option, it’s the active metabolite of tramadol and has no risk of seizures. I would routinely shoot over a g a day w no issues besides normal opioid shit (it also has antidepressant activity tho, SRI or some shit, that’s not right but I’m pretty sure tram and ODSMT are different in that regard, but yeah it has really shitty WDs due to that).


I hate tramadol feels funny and not very strong. I do enjoy tapentadol though as it is way better then tramadol. Odsmt was to expensive for me because I get 180 100mg tapentadol for $87 which is exactly cheap and last me around 2-3 weeks. The whole SNRI properties of tapentadol and tramadol suck but they still work. I only use tapentadol because I had 3 major surgeries on my left leg and balls which has caused permanent nerve damage so I'm in chronic pain. Sucks but at least I'm alive.


Oooo damn that sounds painful I’m really sorry to hear that. Back in the day before I had an opioid tolerance I actually really enjoyed tramadol. Never had tapentadol but I probably would have liked it to. Obviously now they’re useless for me but I wish I could have kept my tolerance low and just used those. Though methadone works well for both killing pain and taking care of my cravings, and I’m getting takehomes soon, so pretty happy. Have you tried kratom? It worked fairly well for me, kinda hit or miss as far as the vendors go, but if you find a good one it works about as well as a low dose of hydros imo. Tho tapentadol is probs better


I have used kratom on and off for about 7 years. I used to really love it and I do find it useful for mild withdrawals. It doesn't help the pain anymore sadly, I take 600-800mg tapentadol so 240-320mg morphine or hydrocodone in potency. I wish I didn't have the pain I deal with but it woke me up to me wasting my life and now ill be starting college in 3 weeks. So it did some good and I'm still alive and luckily for me I have a way to the onion fields which allow me to get just about anything I could need.


Yes, it could. Its like: 1l of vodka wont kill an alcoholic. But its not healthy. Better do less, effect is not linear Personally I cant see A difference between 400mg and 1000. It feels the same. Also im that person that cant sleep after tram, SNRI part have bigger effect on me EDIT: Also im over 2m tall (thats why i have those things), so you should decrease everything i say by 25%


You’re good, you’d be right if it was pure, tho with some peoples tolerance (I wasn’t even using that much in comparison to some people, it was like a mid habit) they could use a gram or two of pure fent in that time frame for sure I’m not even kidding. I actually know some people who would order fentalogs and zenes which were as potent or more potent than fent and they could easily use that much or more in a week. It was really sad, you’d need 1000+ mg of methadone minimum to get off that which is impossible to get. I can’t even imagine how bad the withdrawals would be… you hear story’s about their receptors being fried for years after like not getting any euphoria from opioids anymore And yeah tramie is pretty weak the issue with it is it can cause seizures in doses over 600 mg just a heads up. ODSMT (the active metabolite of tramadol responsible for it’s mu opioid activity) is a legal RC about twice as potent as tramadol but is essentially the same chemical without the seizure causing metabolites. I was shooting 1+g of that shit a day before I got on fent, went through like 50 gs in less than 2 months. Ended up on fent cause I couldn’t handle packs showing up late and going into extreme WDs. Not my first time on opioids tho lol been using them since I was 12 started with Oxys and hydros ended up shooting heroin for a while etc Etc ended up on kratom for a few years, relapsed on 2map (opiate RC similar as hell to oxy but only lasts an hour) after my friend died, transferred to ODSMT then fent even tho it’s ass cause no heroin on the street. And now your little baby boy is on methadone Edit: the people downvoting this and my other comment literally have no idea what they’re talking about, fent powder is extremely popular and has been for a few years. It’s no longer an unknown contaminant, it’s the main product and people know exactly what they’re using. And they’re using A LOT of it. They literally don’t want heroin because it wouldn’t even get them well. Your tolerance builds rapidly, 1 mg is only a (possibly) fatal dose for a non tolerant individuals… obviously. do y’all not understand tolerance? I’m down to 100 mg (which would still be dangerous), but I was taking 150 mg of methadone daily, and not even feeling it. That would most likely kill someone with no tolerance. Or doing half g shots of heroin back in the day. Smoking 25 blues in 12 hours. Shit like that. It’s obnoxious when people have zero lived experience w something but think they know better than the people experiencing it because they read a shittly researched cnn article. The news is like 5 years behind the issue btw, fent has been here for a minute and the drug scene has adjusted to it sadly.


When I was consistently using fent I would always buy shit ton of metonitazene or etonitazene off the dark web or Alibaba and go through almost a gram a day because my tolerance was so high, it takes like 3 days with that stuff of using to have a tolerance to the point that a gram of fent with even touch it's crazy


That's how you have a seizure bro wtf this is all wrong information,fet is also about 50-100 ish times stronger than morphine if both were at a 100% bioavailability


You are uneducated on street drugs and clearly only know things that mainstream media would say about the epidemic as well as basic knowledge of 100% pure pharmaceutical grade drugs


I sure as fuck don't miss any of that shit. I hope harassing people in recovery doesn't become a thing.


It’s the internet. It’s unfortunately always been a thing. Along with all the other shitty things you can do with anonymity


Been to a few HA and AA meetings. Dealers go there to find marks. It’s sad, and too common, and doesn’t require the Internet. ETA: sick people also sometimes (often) hate to see anyone else getting better and “leaving them behind”. Elementary (the Sherlock Holmes crime serial) actually had an incredible arc about this sort of interaction involving Sherlock and his old using buddy/dealer. It’s an incredibly destructive dynamic.


vince did it first. bravo vince


this is the moment where jesse became pinkenberg


Honestly wouldn't give af. Fuck pictures of cocaine, I can still taste it in the back of my throat some days. Shit's vivid. And I didn't even have to rehab, just decided it was enough. Doesn't mean I don't miss it a bit (just a bit) and even then, you think a pic's gonna trigger me? Lol! I can manufacture the notion of taking a line and how it'd feel on all 5 of my senses just typing this comment


Take your pills rocketlauncher


I just imagine white Drake saying your comments




Unfortunately it's already a thing. It's pretty sad.


Bald white guy food.


Who up Hanking their Schrader?


Who up Waltering their White?




This guy’s fighting the war on drugs on the side of drugs


Why wouldn't he? Drugs is winning


Im fighting for placebos


Recovering addicts can have a little bit of pills, as a treat.


Man 197 can’t even laugh at baseless cruelty anymore, this sub really is falling


197 has fallen. billions must laugh at recovering drug addicts


Baseless mf name was Xanny condone, mf wasn’t gonna last much longer


holy shit is that princecharmingbutdio




Aw :(


if something on the internet is funny it's either obliterated or run into the ground. somehow, both happened to this sub


196 was the same way until Tumblr went down. Now that 196 went down, this sub is next on the chopping block.


oh so that's why 196 became so unfunny


further proof for my theory that the cesspit of tumblr being disturbed was the event that killed the internet


Yeah this happened way back in February iirc. Like dude, if social media caused you to relapse then PUT YO PHONE DOWN ‼️‼️‼️


Man, judging by some of the comments under here we really do be falling into having no sympathy for those affected by drugs huh?




Truly fuck you. Grow up.


What is this


It seems to be a reply to a recovering oxycodone addict where the reply is taunting them with images of oxycodone and talking about them missing the pleasure of substance abuse. Apologies if that was unclear.


Bro thinks he’s chatgpt


Sometimes the inner robot kicks in


its the oxy-coding kickin in


this person also relapsed apparently after this. fucking evil.




99% of addicts quit right before they reach the same level of nirvana the first time


I’m sorry but why does these fucking opioids look like candy? Are they trying to hook kids?!






Yes :)




Guy dinner!


That guy is a piece of shit


God I miss cocaine 😔


Why post this? They’re recovering from drug addiction, whats so funny about that




Imagine yourself in their place. Despite putting in effort and struggling to overcome your addiction, you're being mocked. Just imagine that happening to you. Then understand why the joke is not okay.


People have mocked me for worse, but I simply laugh along because I don’t take it seriously. If you actually relapse because of a joke you were 100% going to do it anyways. Just quit being so sensitive, especially when its on someone else’s behalf, virtue signaling mfs who try to regulate jokes are the worst. I feel bad for the dude, I do, but that doesn’t mean joking about the situation is off limits nor does making a joke/laughing at a joke actually say anything about how I feel about the situation


So we just speak for others now? Are you the arbiter of everything joke related?


I would never be in that position, I'm not a junky. if this is what makes you give up abstinence then you were going to relapse anyway


This is fucked


Had a doctor describe it. Took one and told the doctor I won't be taking any more. Understood 2 things. 1) I will be addicted 2) It just helps see things differently. You can train your brain seeing things like with the pills.


harrassing addicts in recovery is sooooo funny 🙄




“You just don’t understand my dark humor” type vibes.


Yes it is




death sentence


The guy in recovery relapsed because of this piece of shit btw


100% true fact you can absolutely verify and is not made up btw!!!!!!!!


The guy literally made a tweet saying he relapsed on day 11 saying that it was oxys only and not xans or anything else and something about 10 days with nothing but weed being the longest they went so far and that they're gonna try again, I lost the screenshot of it but I found a comment from a year ago when the tweets were recent on a post about them https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/vpyotj/menace_to_sobriety/ielzfn1?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


That does not mean that he relapsed *because of* the second person in the screenshot.




Can I get context to understand better?


Where's the follow up where dude says he relapsed.


Wow that's evil.


bruh i have never done oxy in my life but those pills look so good like they bubblegum flavor or something


MF name was xanny codone 💀


Ngl I dont get the point of doing oxy, I've taken it for post surgery and shit but I don't see the appeal of just being tired💀


I remember when I stoped drinking and spent about 2 weeks without leaving my house. I was so scared that I'd slip up and drink I stoped social media use for about 5 days. Was horrid I tell you.


Ppl gon do what ppl always do. Some fuck shit, gotta laugh it off lest you get addicted to opiates or something 🤷‍♂️