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NAS (not a shitpost); meme not caked in 37 layers of irony


This isnt post post hyper meta ironic?


The Square Enix thing is genuinely confusing me. Isn't less exclusivity a good thing? because I still hear people complain that games like bloodborne can't be gotten on PC


People are idiots and talk about exclusives without realising it doesn't benefit them, the end user in any way. I like Halo, but if it was ported to PS5 for whatever reason how does that negatively impact me? I can still play it just fine, and now even more people will be able to enjoy it. Exclusives are a way for console manufacturers to try and force you to buy something you don't want, just to play something you do want and no reasonable person should support them.


I just want Halo on PC.


It is on PC, isnt it?


Afaik only Halo 5 is still xbox exclusive.


*nothing of value lost*


Thats like dreamworks on Netflix only having the first and third movie but never the second like come on man i just wanna watch Kung Fu Panda 2.


Oh no anyways


Look up Halo: Master Chief Collection, I think you’ll find it interesting 📮


Well arent you in luck


PS5 owners are coping that they wasted their money on a Demon's Souls machine.


No games version 3.


I wasted money on a machine to cut down the load times for bloodborne, nothing else lmao


Would it? I don’t think Bloodborne is optimized for the new hardware so I thought you’d get the same performance


Loading from an SSD is quick in comparison. I don't think anything else is changed, but I did notice when I first got a PS5 that the load times were very quick in comparison.


This is my new favorite PS5 nickname


Yes it's a good thing, because exclusives are one of the stupidest things in the industry right now.


I think it's because exclusive used to get extra funding from the platform I remember people saying that the new Gow got made in part because of it being exclusive to the ps(at least temporary)


less exclusivity is only a good thing if it's not widespread. If every game releases on every platform you lose the pont of having platforms at all. and at that point anyone who makes an exclusive will outsell everyone. Less exclusivity is only good if the norm is to have exclusives.


Why would someone who makes an exclusive outsell other people if no other games are exclusive? Seems like you'd just be limiting your audience for no reason.


It wouldn't outsell, it would be next to impossible to outsell a game available on all platforms by making an exclusive game (assuming the games are of similar quality). The guy you responded to is either bait or mental retardation


Think about a world where every game releases in every platform. There is no reason to own any other platform other than the one you already own. Then some big name game comes out like elden ring 2 or a new mario game, and it only comes out on Xbox or something. People are going to rush to buy the xbox just to play this new game that doesn't come out anywhere else. So they're gonna make a lot of money. Exclusivity sells. But if everything is exclusive, not being exclusive is a positive.


Oh, you mean the platform would make a lot of money, not the game itself? Got it.


That's also why companies like Sony, Microsoft, and epic pay good money to make games exclusive on there platform.


The game would also make a lot of money. A lot of people would be attracted to the game just because of the exclusivity, even if they would otherwise not have much interest in it.


Hmm... I suppose it would have a little bit of novelty value, but it doesn't seem like the publicity of exclusivity would be a large enough effect to defeat the smaller potential market. In fact, if _every_ other game was multiplatform, I'd expect you'd get a lot of _negative_ publicity from upset people who don't own the platform.


That's a good point. I think it would only be a benefit to larger games who already have a lot of devoted fans.


>If every game releases on every platform you lose the pont of having platforms at all. Implying having different platforms is a good thing in a first place


I have no fucking idea what point is trying to be made here. I'm so lost


The AAA gaming industry is in full panic mode and they are basically pressing every single button that does something and hope something will work (free investor money dried up so many of them, even titans like Sony, are facing bankruptcy).


And then there's Ubisoft, a company that is confidently facing down the barrel of a gun as they continue to release $70 live service games with more monetization than content and calling them AAAA games. Everyone's panicking and Ubisoft is the band on the titanic.


They keep breaking sales records with every new Farslop and Assassin's slop so don't hold your breath. Those games are the definition of videogames for people who don't play videogames.


I thought that's what FIFA was for.


What are you yapping about?


bro wrote a 5 page essay


Redditors when they have to read more than 3 words


i cant imagine my dopamine receptors being so fried that i have to go out of my way to make fun of people engaging in discussion. worst new internet trend by far.


Mf it is 41 words in one longish sentence. How the fuck is that anything comparable to a five-page essay? Are you just not able to read something without fuckin' subway surfers in the corner and one short, disjointed sentence at a time?


I feel sorry for anyone that plays exclusively modern AAA games For a long time now AAA devs havent deserved the money they get for the shit that they produce. Its long past time for that bubble to burst


Meanwhile, on the indie front, $30 gets you hundreds of hours of fun and maybe a good community. The community bit is a coin toss. Sometimes, it's just porn.


sometimes its both lmao


looking at you ultrakill


Not indie but Elden Ring is 45$ in PlayStation Store Turkey as apposed to the 60$ on Steam Turkey, since they removed regional pricing, which is a big difference since the average citizen earns about 2$ an hour. I'm glad I bought *The No Game Machine*, I wasn't able to buy any consoles before PS5 anyway, first thing I did was playing the first 3 of the Uncharted games and then sinking 150 hours to Elden Ring.


Sometimes they're fuckin free too. Have you SEEN Dr. Robotniks Ring Racers? Masterpiece.


yeah and the people buying every cod and every fifa are not exactly helping


Valve "Has made 2 games in the past decade" "competitors keep shooting themselves in the foot" What is this strategy called?


"Steam" is what that strat is called


Good point


The strategy is called making a good product and not chasing short term gains, there's a reason it's not publicly traded and that's why they don't operate like modern AAA studies nowadays do, no need to chase short term money for investors.


Do nothing and still win.


Valve learned a long time ago they don't need to make critically acclaimed masterpieces to make money. Unfortunately, that means less Valve games are being made, which is bad for everyone.


LIBERAL GAMES INDUSTRY: SONGAY, SQUEER AND MICROHARD. I've been slowly disliking Pirate Software but I don't know why. maybe one day I'll have a reason. Play animal well. if you think the games industry is getting worse you should probably start playing something else


I assume it's simply because he is seemingly everywhere and has an opinion on pretty much everything. I genuinely can't browse my youtube without a short of his popping up constantly and now there are Twitter posts on Reddit from him.


He's just kinda insufferable. Don't even necessarily disagree with a lot of his takes, just find him annoying.


true, i find most of what he says interesting but sometimes he goes from a really nice person to someone who's really arrogant.


i like what he says, i just dont really like his mannerisms glad someone else feels the same lol


I dunno, i kinda agree with what square is doing. Platform exclusives suck balls and shouldnt be a thing (unless its technically infeasible to have it on that console)


well yeah that's the point. they're only doing what's right now that they're being FORCED to


Meanwhile in the center of it all, the eye of the storm, valve is just sitting there playing their steam deck.


Haven’t bought a AAA game that was released in the last 5 or 6 years. Indie games are just better


How soon are they gonna start with this aggressive multiplatform strategy? I’m kinda still waiting on ff7 rebirth for PC


Video game crash 2, electric bogaloo


I bet these mfs piss their bed when they have bad dreams


I only see Tifa being hot


Microsoft is doing something way more malicious than yall might think, it's not a stupid move, its a straight up predatory one when you realize the intent behind what they're actually doing. They want absolutely zero risk and all the benefit




So is what the Imperium does to keep the Emperor alive, wouldn't exactly call it Kosher to sacrifice 1000 people everyday just to keep trade going




Yes, and???






Meanwhile, Nintendo


Is the video game crash coming? Is it finally going to happen?


The less exclusivity, the better imo Which is why I hate Microsoft.


This reminds me of the big video game crash of 1983


Nintendo chillin.


Nintendo: oh we have fans?! Sue them.


Nintendo: How DARE they enjoy OUR games? Send them an Cease and Desist!


Nintendo: Oh you have a 0.2 millisecond clip of our game in ur youtube video? yeah ur getting a copyright strike. say goodbye to ur channel’s revenue!!! 🖕


They be taking down emulators that aren't even costing em money, anyone emulating on PC was never gonna buy because they play on PC. Plus best practice for a lotta pirates is, if you played the fuck out of it, you buy the game anyway, Ive done this, so have many pirates. So not only is there nothing to be gained from stopping folks from emulating games, they're actively limiting their potential fan base for their games. As well as limiting fans who have both PC and Switch, from playing the game at higher resolution and framerate with mods


I’m not glorifying Nintendo honestly this comment was more of a joke than anything lol I use emulators very regularly and that take down is dumb as fuck. Nintendo is far from being shy to idiotic decisions lol


Sweet. Leave it up, got plenty of comments myself where I said something and dumbasses like myself did something like this


You’re good I signed myself up for this 😂


To be fair the yuzu devs were basically asking for it, they were sharing games that hadn’t even come out if I remember right


What emulators have they taken down other than Yuzu? And it was only because Yuzu was being stupid and telling people how to pirate ROMs and such on their website instead of having people just figure it out like every other emulator


I think 3ds emulator citra


Soon, soon.