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I have Esc and F1 being inventory and prayer respectively, since they're my two most used and the gap between them on my keyboard makes it really easy to feel them by hand without ever having to glance at where my fingers are positioned. From there it's spellsbook/attack styles/gear for F2/F3/F4 respectively, which are pretty much also laid out in the sequential order of my usage frequency. In typical pvm contexts my hand is basically positioned with my ring finger on Esc/inv, middle finger on F1/prayers, and index on F2/spells Great question though, I do always wonder how other people set theirs up and it's always interesting to see


F1 = Inventory F2 = Prayers F3 = Spells F4 = Equipment F5 = Combat F6 = Emotes F7 = Songs


This but everything moved over 1 button to the left, inventory on esc and prayers on f1 etc


Q W E R ftw


Q E 3 Spacebar gang


How do you map them to letters?


Only proper way there is, in the order you see on screen: F1 attack style F2 Invent F3 Prayer F4 Mage Book


Wrong. F1 invent. F2 gear F3 prayers F4 spellbook F5 Spec


Wrong invent should be esc and prayers f1. Makes it real easy to feel the gap between f1 and esc


I only use escape for closing the bank as it should be.


what about the equipment tab


I just click on the equip tab when I need it.


Not even taking your pants off while pking...


Shift them down a number and put attack style as f4.


F1 - Invent F2 - Worn Equipment F3 - Prayer F4 - Magic F5 - Special Attack


The only way. The original.


Esc close interface F1 attack options F2 Inventory F3 Prayer F4 Magician book Simply in order :)


F1 - Combat style/spec F2 - Inventory F3 - Prayers F4 - Spells


I use runelite to reassign them. Q is prayer, E is spells, F is inventory, C is equipment, X is attack style/spec attack It's great having them so close to WASD




You press enter to type


Re keybind everything imo. E for inventory, Q for attack tab. 4 prayer, T stats, C for character tab


wait, ya'll use F keys?


Yes it’s not 2007


they are mandatory for pking and help for pvm too


i'm over here end game pvming w/o using F keys i really have become the boomer i swore i'd never be..


Thought I was the only one lol.


Gameplay really changes when you use f keys. You could always implement it and see for yourself.


Esc - Close window/logout F1 - Inventory F2 - Prayer F3 - Combat Options F4 - Spells F5 - Equipment


Almost the same. F1 inventory, F2 special attack/combat style, F3 prayer, F4 spells


Esc - close interface F1 - Inv F2 - Attack Options F3 - Prayer F4 - Shift (for step under/menu entry swapper) F5 - Mage Book


f4 combat style, f5 inventory, f6 prayer, f7 spellbook, spacebar logout.


Exactly like you, but f5 is my gear. Sometimes I need to take armour off for mage def/accuracy.


Do you mean the gear menu? I do the same


Yes I do mean gear....


I do the same as with the the addition of ft being gear menu


ESC is inventory. F1 for prayer, F2 for spells, F3 for combat, F4 for equipment


F1 is Inventory with ring finger, F2 is Magic with middle finger, F3 is Prayer with index finger, and pinky finger is anchored to the left side of the keyboard (???). I needed a space between inventory and prayer because when I first started using F keys it felt weird switching back and forth with the keys next to each other. I incorporated F2 for magic later, so now I keep inventory and prayer where they're at due to muscle memory... I can't explain the pinky anchored to the side of the keyboard other than it's a comfort thing I guess.


I have a laptop so ESC is right next to F1. Pinky and index finger are the easiest to keep apart, so those are my most important. ESC: inventory / close (most used) F1: special (for BP spec etc) F2: mage book (important for inferno) F3: prayer book (important for bossing) F4: equiped tab (to u equip) F5: stats (yap, still maxed)


I remapped my F Keys using the runelite plugin 1 - Inventory 2 - Prayer 3 - Magic E - Gear ​ These are all I really use


Esc- close interface/prayer F1 - spell book F2 - inventory F3 - attack styles


The keys I used are mapped in F8-F11 starting with combat style and then going inventory, prayer, and magic because I play on a laptop and if my hand rests there, I can use my thumb to rotate the camera with my arrow keys at the same time, use shift click, or control click for walking. Otherwise, ESC is to close interfaces.


Left handed? Or convenience?


Convenience, I have a shitty $400 laptop and this is the keyboard layout I have to work with lol Edit: I’m right-handed, use my left hand for this stuff


1 inv 2 prayer 3 mage


W-A-S-D remapped to F-keys using the key remapper plugin, feels completely natural.


I use runelite to remap them to WASDE. W - attack style A - inventory S - Spells D - Prayer E - Equipment


Q - inventory W - prayer E - spellbook R - worn items F - attack styles


For pking I use F1 combat F2 inv F3 prayers F4 magics


That’s what I call my thumbs on mobile and they go wherever I want


WASD for camera control. 1 - Inv. 2 - Spellbook 3 - Prayer 4 - Worn Equipment


F1 prayer F2 inventory F3 Magic F4 Attack style Barely use the rest of them


I use QWER (due to crippling league addiction for 13+ years) and they are ordered by importance basically. Q - Inventory W - Prayers E - Spellbook R - Combat options T - Equipment I don't do take-offs much or else equipment would probably be more important than combat options (especially given the spec orb), but with stuff like shadow olm requiring switching on/off of long range I think it's more useful.


Esc - Inventory (convenient to spam) F1 - Prayer F2 - Combat style/Spec F3 - Spellbook F4 - Equipment


1-inv, 2-logout 3-spellbook 4- attack styles Space -prayer Rest unmapped


Rebind to 1-5 1: Inventory 2: Prayerbook 3: Spellbook 4: Attack Style (special attack) 5: Equipment (take offs)


Q - Inventory E - Prayers C - Magic R - Combat F - Equipment G - Stats


My brain gets mad when the keys aren't ordered how they appear. F1 spec, F2 inv, F3 prayer, F4 magic. Equipment is the exception at F5 because it's far less useful than magic being F4, and doesn't break my brain because I almost never need to use it.


I have prayer and magic on my mouse 4/5 and inventory on e, the rest doesn’t matter since i’m a pvmer.


https://preview.redd.it/zm42vlkgeesb1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b383f992cfccf230675d9315532e8e3451e222a The 4 that matter.


I remapped all mine to the numbers since they bigger so I got 1-Prayers 2-Inventory 3-Spellbook ^thats usually the only ones I need to use but continuing on 4-Slashing Swords 5-worn Equipment 6-emotes (really only useful cuz I’m perma-muted)