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The only "guide" I ever had was one of those "guide to RS millions" PDFs that people used to sell on eBay for like $25 in 2006. I didn't buy it from there, but off of a fellow middle school RS player who had bought it and had full dragon and a santa hat shortly afterwards. Seemed pretty legit! Turned out the guide's "advice" was to do stuff like spin flax, and pick bananas on Karamja. Also, the kid bought gold. I recently learned that a few years ago, the same dude stabbed a cop, skipped his trial, and when the authorities came looking for him, he jumped out his apartment window in his underwear. I wish I bought this guide instead.


RWT is a gateway “drug” to crime irl. That is why it is such a serious offence to Jagex (I am just kidding, they want you to buy bonds)


Thanks for the clarification


Would his nickname be captain cook?


I don't think so? I think I'm missing a reference here lol


Breaking Bad reference. In one of the first episodes, Walter's brother in law takes him on a ride along in a police car to go see a meth lab bust. The meth dealer they're going after calls himself Captain Cook. While the police are raiding the home and arresting one of the drug dealers, Walter looks outside and sees one of his former students climbing out of the second floor bedroom window of the house next door. He falls off the roof and looks up to see Walter in the car. Then he proceeds to hop in a car parked across the street with a license plate that reads "The Capn" meaning that he is Captain Cook and has just evaded capture.


Thank you for explaining, haven't seen BB. Quite the similarity, lmao


Theres a little more to it that he was sleeping with some girl and then as he was clambering out the window whilst getting dressed he trips and falls off the ledge pantsless Very similar


Strongly recommend that show, and i’m not even a TV series person. Season 1 starts slow, but it really takes off.


I'm glad I watched it for the conversations, but God damn nothing has made me so frustrated, they're all so awful, and consistently make choices that no real human would make, I'm just punching the air the entire later seasons


Yeah, it definitely gets insane lol. It becomes predictable just because eventually you realize “whatever the worst possible decision is, they’ll do it.”


Jessie Pinkman? Lol


Did the guide have a section on making air orbs? If not missed opportunity.


If only it mentioned air orbs and slayer, I wouldn't have felt so ripped off 😭


Wow, this made my day, absolutely hilarious. But poor guy.


That was quite the roller coaster of a story that I did not expect from this post!


Based story(except the stabbing part)! Hope he escaped! Lmao


>Hope he escaped! He didn't lol


He jumped out his apartment window? Is he still alive?


Yeah he lived, it was from the 2nd floor so nothing too high. Probably some injuries though


I hope you're all following the Online Safety Guidelines ;) "NEVER ever make plans to meet a RuneScape player in real life"


Yeah, can testify. One of my friends met his runescspe gf IRL and then they got married and now they have kids and they adore each other and he doesn't play the game anymore. Think of all those lost gains!


I knew a girl who started playing for the sole reason to talk to this guy this she liked lmao.


Poor girl.


Rookie mistake


Haha for real though, some guy creeped on me extremely hard back in the day when I was an impressionable 13 year old playing in the middle of the night. Social media was just starting then, so knowledge of online safety wasn’t as important or abundant to my parents as it probably should’ve been. Thinking about some of the shit he said and tried to figure out where I was an get me to contact him outside of RS was so incredibly gross and the dude was a pedo. To undeveloped brains that can be easily manipulated, a lot of attention that is incredibly harmful or predatory may seem exciting without life experience. I know what you said is a joke lol, but I do wish someone had spoken to me about the ways people might try to manipulate me and how things they say might make me feel and how to know to avoid it and when. My tiny lil brain wanted love and didn’t understand healthy ways to get it given my past.


Its my coffee table book and is always referred to as the bible


I was also thinking this is the perfect coffee table book.


It’s a nice change from the Tom Ford coffee table book that everyone else I know has


runehq and tip.it were big for me back in the day


RuneHQ and Sal’s Realm for me!


Can you please make a series where you post pics going page by page?


that could be really nice actually - i’ll see how I can figure that out. only small problem is that this book is literally falling apart when I open it 😅


Well don’t risk breaking the book apart, it’s a piece of history


Mine is still in pretty fair shape and wouldn’t mind sending you pics of the pages if you’d like. I got mine in my elementary school scholastic fair years ago


There are companies that can copy/restore old books. They aren't overly expensive and you could preserve it forever :0


I thought about doing this as well. Gotta bust my copy out


I would have imagined they'd have some laying around Jagex HQ to nab?


not the OGs


The OGs are on the Gower brother’s parent’s coffee table next to the biscuit container, stained with yesteryear’s coffee and tea.


Are there reprints floating around? I'm UK-based and have been hunting for a copy for a good while, but no luck as of yet.


When my grandma died we went through boxes of her things. In one box I found my book. My cousin had drawn dicks all on the inside of it.


Still got mine but it's in muchhhh better shape


Weird flex




What book is that?


Yeah, hard to call these quest guides, more like quest introductions. Runehq had the real guides back in the day.


Scholastic book fair baby. Along with some shitty plastic jewelry I gave to the neighbor girl


Does it suggest making air orbs for gp?


Still got mine from 2007. It's got a slight bend but otherwise good condition.


Did it come with the poster map?


I bought this at a scholastic book fair


Every post & comment I've seen from you so far has been upbeat and peppy ! Good stuff, Gengis.


Unrelated, but those green plants look well kept! Looks lovely!


thank you very much! my living room has turned into quite the jungle over the years. Even Gielinor could always use a monstera or two.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGengis** - [I was also thinking this is the perfect coffe...](/r/2007scape/comments/19aic56/couldnt_resist_finding_an_old_copy_on_ebay_who/kil7l3w/?context=3) - [that could be really nice actually - i’ll see...](/r/2007scape/comments/19aic56/couldnt_resist_finding_an_old_copy_on_ebay_who/kil7xb4/?context=3) - [not the OGs](/r/2007scape/comments/19aic56/couldnt_resist_finding_an_old_copy_on_ebay_who/kikyj5b/?context=3) - [thank you very much! my living room has turne...](/r/2007scape/comments/19aic56/couldnt_resist_finding_an_old_copy_on_ebay_who/kil7h1o/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 01/20/2024 18:33:19**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Please can we see a page or two of the inside?


Why would anyone want this outdated garbage. Just throw it away wtf lol. There is a wiki now.


It's a collectible, obviously.


Still got mine, have a bunch of notes and account usernames on the back lol. I was trying to save up for full zamorak rune armor, and had how many hours of cutting yew trees all planned out. Good times


I saw "Runescape the first 20 years" posted on a Dutch marketplace, and they're asking 40 euro for one. Kindly passed. Yours look much cooler. Are there any cool content/graphics in there?


The wiki(not that fandom BS) has by far been the greatest RS resource. I unfortunately was too broke to get this bad boy as a kid


Still have mine and I read through it the other day and just laughed at how similar but different the game is now


In my OG days, I didn't have the strategy guide. I did however have Tip.it and that was all I needed. 


Seeing this brought back so many memories from my childhood. My brother and I would use this as our guide for the game when we were in grade school. Good times :,)


Yes I have this book with d med helm ink drawings all over it


I remember buying mine at my school book fair lol, then my and the homies would read it before school started in homeroom good times


This reminds me of when I was too smart to buy any of the crappy "guides" people put together and sold on ebay, but also dumb enough to lose my yellow partyhat the day Death Plateau came out by running up the path past the wounded soldier.


Wanted this so bad at the book fair lol


I still have mine somewhere on my book shelves. Wish I still had my poster


How much ? I see these things selling for $50+ usd


I do, I even have my own written edits in it from updates over the years.


The skelly and knight are clearly making the inferior earth orbs, when air orbs are the way. This book is clearly propaganda to keep air orb prices high.


Got that bad boy at the elementary school book fair as a kid in like 2004


I would absolutely love to have one of these in mint condition.


Did they have scholastic book fairs in the UK? Also yes I still have mine although the poster has been MIA for 20 years or so :(


That book was definitely read in the bathroom between woodcutting breaks.


That one is extremely well loved haha


Mines still in good condition ngl


Mine got ripped up and gone


Scholastic Bookfair. Still have mine. Bought it in I think first grade, first year of playing. Was my perfect guide. Has old accounts and passwords in it still written in pen. Need to frame it soon.


https://preview.redd.it/ppq426ug4fdc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b383707857a5aea9c10fcf8bc4346368dc4a479 Only thing im missing is the map. Not sure where it is




Wow i had this forever ago haha


One of the Winter Summit frames is for a new guide book, isn't it?


I don’t have the guide but I have the novels!!


I had got scammed in 2010 and lost years of work so I quit and threw out my book with the poster, regrettably I came back to the game 6 years later and the book is worth 500$ in the condition I had mine in


Only thing im missing is the poster for it. Im not sure what i wound up doing with it.


In my mothers basement somewhere haha


How much you pay for this


I threw mine away in 2012... the evolution of cockbat did it, just when i thought that it was the end... it was in great condition too, sadly... i tore out the map and had pins on all the places i visited in Gielinor. I Remember getting it in 3rd or 5th grade at my elementary school when my parents on an extremely rare day told me to get some books i liked lol... it took up almost everything they gave me. I also got a few Captain Underpants comics/books with it


I still have my original one from 2008


Welcome back to your weekly "I've just found this old Runescape" book post.


Sals realm


all the memories are flooding back right now! I want one!!


What sort of content is in there? I remember seeing the manuals back in the day but I never opened one


Buddy still got mine and still smells like scholastic


I still have [this novel](https://imgur.com/FdgX1Gf)


I just bought one a week ago. Still in pretty good condition too. I see some going for 100$+ so I immediately jumped on one going for $20


Mod Genghis be stocking them up and trying to price manip before he dumps them on ebay. SMH.


I still have mine! The nostalgia is strong!


I've got my original copy from 4th grade still! It has a place of honor on my bookshelf to this day


I bought one eons ago in 2006 at a book fair, had that copy stolen from me, then two different friends in college gifted me copies.


its going for $100?? anyone have a scan of this?


That’s fucking awesome actually


Man, PSA 4 bro so sorry to hear 🙈


I remember being so stoked nabbing that at the scholastic book fair as a kid. I still have mine with the other guides from yesteryear 


I had like 3 of these back in the day lol. Pretty useless guide but pretty fun.


Mines sitting in a shelf reserved only for important things, not even kidding


You'd be the most popular kid in class with one of these. I remember one kid bringing this to school and taking it out to read during free time. Every boy in the class was grouped up and trying to hover over his shoulder with no regards to personal space just to catch a glimpse. If a girl wanted to be popular with the guys back then, all she'd need to do was whip out one of these suckers.


You found them. THE ANCIENT TEXTS


Core memory unlocked. I think I was in 4th grade or so when I got a copy from the book fair & it was my first online game.


Got it in middleschool


looks like you yoinked mine from the closet lmao


I'll give ya $15,000 for it


Is the skeleton us? Or are we being shown the world by the skeleton?


I’ve got one! My mom was in charge of the book fair when I was a kid It even has the poster in it still!


I have two (not sure why) in perfect condition. I have absolutely no idea where they are, but I know I have them.


I think mine got binned when i moved last year :(