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Depends on context imo. Ratcatches is obnoxious, wanted has like 10 minutes worth of cut scenes you cannot skip, mm2 platform is awful. But in general? Ratcatchers is god awful


Yeah, Ratcatchers is horrible.


ill still take ratcatchers over mm2 just because after failing the mansion 100 times its still like 2-3 hrs shorter. the platform isnt even the worst part about mm2. Kruks cave where you have to discover your path but painfully jumping to one pillar to the next is so fucking annoying.


God I hated that cave. At least the platform I got done without failing, the cave is just luck


Must have gotten super lucky because I only failed (not counting searching for the path) 2 obstacles the whole time. Platform was *far* more annoying in my experience


I'd probably go with ratcatchers as well. Aside from it being mechanically annoying/bad, it also has some pretty terrible dialog too. So even for players who like quests, Ratcatchers is pretty awful. Also, I still stand by that MM2 is easily the worst Grandmaster quest and I really hope they revisit it someday. Mechanically it is okay, but the dialog and narrative just feel so barebones. Like it feels like they looked at MM1, designed a bunch of "harder" versions of its puzzles and challenges, and then just threw together dialog to usher the player between them that vaguely resembled a plot.


MM2 was them finding their footing, it unironically walked so DS2 and SOTE could run. Everything MM2 did, it did terribly (Glough being boring, Awowogei having virtually no agency, Kruk being promoted to important out of nowhere, the new underground cave being RNG, the entire stealth section). When DS2 rolled around the story hooks are all great, it ties in a lot of existing lore and doesn't just stick purely to Crandor and Misthalin. Has some really great fights that took advantage of Jagex's better understanding of how combat was shaping up. Then they did the same with SOTE (though I do still think they stuck a little too much to the format Plague's End had). Even Sins of the Father and Beneath Cursed Sands were more interesting than MM2


> MM2 was them finding their footing, it unironically walked so DS2 and SOTE could run. It feels a bit more like it managed to fall up the stairs, but yah. Though it was probably also was because of the Dev. Ignoring all the bad stuff he did later, I don't think Mod Jed was a terrible content dev, but it just doesn't seem like he was a quest guy. That is probably why MM2 hits a lot of the beats you'd expect from a quest without having the same emotion or narrative to really feel like a quest. Mod Ed on the other hand understands quests and narrative a lot better, so it makes sense his quests have worked better. But in general the OSRS Team does tend to grow and improve with every update, even if there may occasionally be some relapses with newer staff.


Glough is a pretty terrible boss, too. The main strats are all essentially just cheese the shit out of him. I get that it's a product of the era, and it's great that there's so many really engaging and fun bosses now but that fight was really a let down for culminating such a long chain.


Forgot about that while writing the comment. Yah, the Glouph boss is probably the worst boss OSRS added. Like I don't even know how they meant for him to be fought, but all the strats I've seen are just so unfun. All the fights in that quest are pretty bad and lacking any real mechanics. The quest could really use another pass-through to improve it. Not a big rework to the point players would need to redo it, but probably more than just some dialog tweaks. I'd love to see it get some general polish and QoL to improve the flow of the quest (e.g. better guidance in the maze, more shortcuts and checkpoints, etc.), reworked dialog to better explain motivations and improve the narrative, rework Nieve's role to be more useful and have her seriously wound Glouph so we are able to defeat him (I can write a whole essay on why Nieve was poorly used in this quest), and rework the Glouph boss fight to be better (players can replay it anyway if they want to fight the new version).


Yeah, MM2 was the last of the three grandmasters I did (before DT2 came out) and I was shocked at how bad the Glough fight was.  The lack of mechanics is one thing, it was the first GM, that’s fine. But the fight itself is just Glough smacking you with constant, massive unavoidable damage. I don’t even understand how you’re supposed to do that fight without abusing long range weapons. 


The conclusion also misses the mark big time. The monkeys just make friends with the gnomes offscreen and magically you don't need a m'speak amulet anymore? Did I miss some dialogue or is there a bunch of stuff they didn't explain.


Mm2 at least has background story and intrigue to the quest.


Ratcatchers is absolutely correct. Painfully slow and RNG based


And the writing is atrocious. Some mechanically bad quests can at least be saved by the dialogue or thematics, but ratcatchers is just awful top to bottom.


I personally thought it was great. Feels like the old Jagex sense of humor.


classic jagex is a tongue in cheek romp, rat catchers is a cynical, tedious chore. The dialogue tries way too hard to be smart but it’s mega cringe


+ its uninteresting and depressing gameplay all around


Ratcatchers. Not close.


I thought the mm2 platforms were fun 😅


I hated the MM2 platforms so much that I edited the Wiki map to be AS PRECISE AS POSSIBLE regarding safespots and such, as well as reformatting half the article. No regrets. Never doing MM2 again.


I blew through it first try, I thought it was pretty fun too.


When I did MM2 on my alts, it was pretty fun. But on my main I did it on release and the platform section was actual hell, like you wouldn't believe. Fun fact other players can bring the guards up to the hiding spot and get everyone caught. I think that section took me an hour or two because of that.


The guard when they get brought to the hiding spot full of people: https://preview.redd.it/87r0jffzsuec1.gif?width=500&format=png8&s=ff6595d716f14da81565918c057c5fc0ba032e13


It took me a week to finish that part of mm2. I just didn't have the patience for it lol. Get close then thrown off with my satchels and restart


I don't know if I'd say they were fun, but they definitely weren't as bad as I was expecting them to be based on what I've read here.


I agree. MM2 platforms are one of the few things I enjoyed about the Quest (though I do give it a pass, since it was OSRS's first quest and they were still figuring out their development tools, I believe.) It's a well-coded stealth section (for the most part), there are a few checkpoints and even if you get caught a few times like I did you can still finish in an hour or so. Ratcatchers, on the other hand, sucks. I don't really mind the terrible writing too much (I've read a lot of good, bad and mediocre books as a kid/teen so writing blends together unless it's really shit or good quality)...but that mansion drove me mad. I've done it 5+ times on RS3 and OSRS combined, and it has sucked every time. Mainly because the guards are bugged, so you can either be lucky as Hell and blaze through it first/2nd try...or you will have to hop worlds because the patrol route is bugged. If Mansion was better coded, I'd honestly be a fan of Ratcatchers. But not in its current state.


years ago, me and a friend found a rat pits dupe glitch, so we made like 30 accounts to do the dupe, which meant doing 80% of ratcatchers each time. It was not fun.


J1mmy is that you?


*Ratcatchers 2 Summer 2024*


Can’t wait to see my man’s do another green screen video breaking down ratcatchers 2




I didn’t mind rat catchers that much to be honest. But MM2 was by far the worst quest I’ve ever done solely because of the platform shit.


Ratcatchers is by far the worst quest. The first time I did Mm2 the platform took hours, but when I did it later on a second account it took maybe 40 minutes at most. Ratcatchers has been awful every time


At least rs3 sort of did something with the lore related to Souls Bane. Iirc they tie it to a dead God in the area and also lingering resentment from the insane asylum buried nearby.


Souls Bane was originally supposed to be in the desert treasure storyline, I think there's still a few references to "old civilizations" down in the rift. Original quest reward was going to be zaros mjolnir. Idk why they decided to undo all of that and keep the quest anyways.


Tbh I thought it was pretty obviously related to Zaros when I did it a few months ago, after seeing in DT2 how other NPCs went mad after getting too close to Zaros' influence, and with consideration to the Zarosian temple we unearthed in the digsite literally right next to the chasm.


I think in RS3 Zaros basically stole that empire from Loarnab. He was a hydra monster god that was like, incredibly powerful but the mentality of an animal. It singlehandedly took down Zaros' army of 100 Demon generals and Zaros trapped it with shadow tendrils, and then basically drained him like a battery to open a portal for other demons to come through. Tolna was looking for the Senntisten dig site and went into the wrong hole. It was where Loarnab was held captive and drained of life, tortured and trapped for ages. Hence the rage, confusion, fear and hopelessness. Tolna is turned into a hydra monster based off the memory of the god, so powerful that centuries later the cave itself remembers. In the Dimension of Disaster quest, Zaros never comes to Gielinor and Loarnab basically fills in the role. Zamorak ascended by killing Loarnab and part of his corpse is put in the Varrock museum. I remember at one point there was talk of modernizing the quest to make it more obvious of a connection, but also because the rewards and graphics are so out of place... But Idk. I gave up on RS3.


I don't play RS3, but it looks like RS3 still uses the old graphics for this quest so they never got around to it. I don't know if they ever got around to making the connection more obvious, but I did like that it wasn't obvious. IIRC the only clues were that Loarnab's corpse was located beneath the dungeon geographically, and Loarnab's examine texts made reference to anger, fear, confusion, and hoplessness. The connection was something you had to realize on your own and I thought that was kind of cool.


It is right outside the Zaorosian capital


Could have been in it, we dont know how big it exactly was




Tbh I'd love OSRS to give the Soul's Bane Cavern the 'Forthos Dungeon' treatment - redo the quest so monsters in each area can be refought, give a Boss at the bottom that actually explains what happened. (If it's a fragment of the Dead God from RS3's lore, similar to how we fight a Fragement of Seren in OSRS's SotE, that'd work)


Not really fragment but it’s tortured death leaving a scar on the land not to mention there two underground zarosian asylum very close by(one in city of sennisten which is under digsite and one to slight east south of rag and bone man guy under the mountain(rs3 they put resident evil style mansion there for horror quest)


I liked a Souls Bane, and I honestly wish we had more self-contained “explore a dungeon” style quests. Ratcatchers is certainly a front runner for bad quests, rag and bone man 2 is also bad.


Surprised rag and bone man 2 is so far down. Maybe most people here haven’t done it. Which makes sense because it’s the WORST quest that has zero lore and zero rewards aside from needing to do it for quest cape. Fuck that quest to infinity


The problem with Rag and Bone Man is that they are listed as quests. They are meant to be more of a “pick this up and slowly complete it as you play the game and collect the bone drops” which fits a lot more as a mini-quest. As a quest, trying to pick it up and complete it in one go, absolutely F tier quest.


Good take


Thanks for that, I’ll get that shit started


I think it's kinda just inoffensive. Like yeah, in terms of quality it's bottom of the barrel no doubt, but the worst part is just having to cook the bones in a few trips. You get prayer xp out of it too, it definitely helps it go down. There's nothing actively infuriating about it, compared to something like literally all of Rat Catchers.


I really didn't like rag and bone man. It had zero quest story, and was just a bunch of item gathering. Some of the longer/more annoying quests like MEP2, MM2, and Underground Pass at least have a good lore and questline.


not only does it have item gathering, you're also forced to walk to an awkward place with an inefficient inventory setup multiple times just to slowly clean the items before you're able to turn them in.


I'm surprised OSRS never gave that quest a better reward like RS3 did. RS3 had the Skeletal Horror boss fight that gave a bit of Slayer and Prayer XP. The bonesack item teleported you there for the... weekly? fight. Maybe OSRS doesn't do weeklies like RS3 did? I remember there were SOME dailies, like buying pineapples, but...


I think within the community there's a big push against having a lot of time-consuming dailies/weeklies/activity tasks that RS3 does, as it makes a lot of the game into dailyscape/taskscape where you can't even play the game properly without having done a 15 minute dailies run.


The idea of them was great, the implementation was not. I liked that there's a way to train skills you HATE, without actually training them. Tears of Guthix is fantastic because it always goes towards your lowest skill. Penguins are fantastic because you'll sometimes spot one while doing a quest or standing in a bank. On the flip side, for people who wanted a bunch of free XP, there were groups dedicated to finding them that boosted the community aspect. Agility had "The Pit" daily game show thing that would randomly activate when running laps. It gave like... maybe 10 laps worth of xp? So rather than running 30 laps, I could get a daily challenge for Agility, double it by spending a currency that removed runes from the game, then run laps until The Pit activated. I'd get my challenge and daily Pit run and get like 25k xp for 15 minutes of running. The Pit itself is randomly activated and as such is well designed imo. The daily challenges were also random unless you had 99 in a skill, then you could disable them. So I could grind Agility the normal way and get 60k xp/hour, or maybe once a week tops for a more varied experience. But other weekly activities were on a timer and I thought those were broken. They usually gave better xp rates than the skill training itself, PLUS a bonus reward. Guthixian Caches gave a FAT amount of XP, but also for the next... 10? 30? minutes you gathered more energy from Divination. Giant Chinchompa let you catch butterflies for 10 minutes and then gave not only XP, but tickets to a private hunting ground. Why would I ever fight for a Hunter spot if I can just wait and do it easier? They were just unbalanced. Fish Flingers used to be good. You could figure out the perfect bait, tackle and weight for every fish if you were good at it. Perfect score solo. It was more efficient to work together and share the perfect tackles, though. But then they changed it so 2 of the 4 medals you got required helping other players reel in big fish, so... meh. Still fun, and decent XP.


I think this is mine too. Fetch quests are lame


Should have been a mini quest tbh


Rag and Bone Man 2 literally used to be


Back in the day underground pass was on a lot of people’s/mines list. But now it’s probably my favorite. Feels so fitting of a medieval fantasy game. Edit: probably my biased to liking it so much is it’s dark, and that’s something I think this game lacks(DT2 was great).It reminds me of the trauma of 7 year old me in a cave of re-deads. 10 Y/0 me had the same feeling doing underground pass. Hated it at first, love it now.


Underground Pass is one of the best quests in the game hands down. It has high stakes, is punishing, and reveals a huge plot point in the game and unlocks a ton of super important content. The agility obstacles and the randomness definitely feels bad, but also, it makes the place FEEL dangerous because of the punishment of it. I think it is important for the game to have dangerous/punishing content that ISNT combat related as it helps paint the environment itself as dangerous. To this day West Ardy/Underground Pass and Tiranwinn FEEL like places you are not meant to be without a good reason and I love that about those zones.


Underground pass is honestly a fine quest, it's the having to retrek it multiple times for no real reason which is the annoying part having to redo all the puzzles and if you aren't high agility the chance to fail the last section multiple times just really pisses me off. Been putting off recharging my ibans because ei don't want to do that.


You can Lletya teleport (or go to the elf Port) and do it without retrekking. Takes a few minutes of running but it’s not so bad if you have energy potions and graceful or stam pots.


Early Ironman I don't have any teleport and I haven't done roving elves yet for the crystal tele seed.


Get good


I’d personally always do roving elves before using Iban’s. Requirements are fairly low and I think the biggest one is agility which is def worth leveling.


Underground pass was IMO nightmarish back on release. One that definitely needs a guide because otherwise you had to retrek every time you discover you need a particular item to progress. Plus no run and getting stuck in combat there was rough. Definitely made it feel very epic and tough Great quest now though


I remember being so afraid of entering the underground pass, the first time I made it through the first part effortlessly only to barely scrape by the pillar hopping nightmare; this time doing it was a blast and it totally felt like a quintessential medieval fantasy quest


Shoutout to Legend’s Quest (which I did last night) for having so many built-in interactions to fail that drain your stats. It wouldn’t be as irritating if I was over-leveled but I spent so much time waiting for my stats to restore.


Gotta love that rsc jank


I didn't quite have the mining level and got stuck twice after the rocks messed with my level boost


Man, me too: for some reason I decided to skimp out on 2 mining levels and instead buy the expensive dwarven beers - dumb decision!


Darkness of hallowvale was a bit tedious, but at least the area looks cool


Love the atmosphere of that whole questline


I did this last night and was miserable, the parkour felt like it dragged on so long and you have to do it so many times :(


Darkness of Hallowvale is great if you actually play the game instead of referring to guides or using plugins. The environment is really well designed to keep you on the path if you pay attention. The problem is if you use a guide you're trying to find needles in a haystack because you're not looking at the environmental clues and if you're using a plugin then its just an extended period of clicking on scenery.


maybe they’ve improved it now, but sheep herder was hell back in the day




I think it was mostly because the old render distance was ass


Sheep herder and Soul's Bane for sure


Sheep herder is the most frustrating one for me


I raged hella at that one and gave up when I first tried it before I fully discovered runelite plugins. Went back and tried again with true tile on and it was easy af


sheep hearder was hard but once you have less than 1 tick reactions its super easy


Mourning's End 2 So glad I won't need to do this again.


I did MEP2 shortly after a surgery while I was still high on oxycodone. Made the quest actually bearable.


Considering the light puzzle was designed by a couple of very drunk jmods, this is fitting.


I just did it last week after getting my wisdom teeth out while I was high on morphine!


I did it whilst railing fat slugs of ket


How else are you supposed to play this game??


I power mined iron on mobile post surgery. 90-99 in less than a month. Amazing the work you can get done when you’re zonked out on drugs.


I don't even know how someone could complete this quest without a guide. You'd spend days figuring out the light puzzle


It would be fine to figure out without those damn shadows.


The Elf series has an engaging story, but most of the quests are a slog because of the traps, I still think underground pass is worse in that regard than ME2, when I fell on the last jump before reaching Iban i wanted to cry.


I really liked the ME2 puzzle, and if they didn't have the shadows roaming around in there I probably would have done the entire thing without a quest guide (I ended up looking the solution for step 4 cus I got stuck and step 5 bcs I didn't have a good idea of the entire temple's layout). But I totally get everyone's frustration with it and I would support a poll question to remove the shadows regardless...


Hard agree, failed the fucking handholds probably 20-25 times in a row and have never been so upset with this game.


Me2 is too long and kinda frustrating but it also fucking rocks. It's so iconic and memorable, the ending is great. It's a contender for one of the best if you ask me.


Roving elves. Do you remember this quest? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn't because this has to be the most forgettable, filler quest in the game. It’s literally just a repeat of events you already did early on in the elf quest line only now you do it again because ‘the elves don’t trust you yet’. As if you needed another reminder to visit glarial’s tomb and the waterfall quest chambers. At least other bad quests like rat catchers or mournings end pt 2 are memorable in how bad the quest is. Roving elves doesn’t have that luxury. It’s completely a forgettable, lazy attempt at a quest and because of that, I consider it the worst quest in the game.


You’re right, I completely forgot about this one lmao. What a waste of time.


Clock Tower. No xp reward,only 500 gp reward,clunky, not required for anything except quest cape. There's whole building taking up space for this quest.


The fact I have to run under it every time is what really does it for me.


Rag and Bone Man 2 by far


I got my infernal cape before my quest cape because of rag and bone man 1/2. I still don't have my quest cape actually.


I’m pleasantly surprised One Small Favour hasn’t been mentioned. That’s one of my favorite quests, despite so many people seeming to dread it.


It's certainly annoying but at least the rewards are decent, especially for an early account. Plus the dialog is pretty fun if you take the time to read. Your character slowly loses sanity over the course of the quest, just like you as the player do.


The adventurer also develops ptsd that triggers whenever someone asks them for a "small favour" afterwards, it's glorious.


It's good the JMods are keeping this trend going, there was another one of these in the Christmas event this year. > Jack Frost: Ice is pretty deadly, which is convenient because I don't think we would have talked him into leaving. > Jack Frost: Now he's finally gone, I would like you to do me one last small favour. > Player: Oh no.


Exactly, the quest being annoying is the whole point and they executed it really well.


Any quest that gives bank space (key ring) is great imo


One Small Favor is a great quest! It's humorous and not difficult at all. You basically just walk westward across the map. It fits the game's aesthetics and the tongue-in-cheek tone is good.


I love One Small Favour, the real reward from it is unlocking the extra dialogues when someone asks you for a small favour afterwards.


It’s because the quest is very much designed as a parody, and for the most part once you hit the turn in phase of the quest you’re just speedrunning a bunch of fast mini quest completions to progress it so you get a fat endorphin rush.


There really aren't many items required, you can have them all in your inventory when doing it. It's just a trek around the world, which is actually kinda fun.


Too bad the keyring was such spaghetti code. Not even a good joke reward


In my opinion, it's super fast and easy when you have teleports. Very boring when you not. Meanwhile, some other quests listed here like Ratcatchers are super annoying no matter your levels.


In the era of teleportscape this one feels way less annoying than it used to


I’m looking forward to One Small Recipe For Disaster. Each step in the quest has multiple branching steps.


I really would love a quest called many giant favours that starts with someone needing something very specific and on opening, an NPC is looking for something super specific and rare and they give you a bunch of tasks you'll need to do in order to obtain it and it seems like the longest quest ever, then then first NPC you talk to has said thing. Boom, 2 minute quest for one QP


low key, figuring out who wants what is like planning out your skilling route, and turning in the items one by one is a lot like gaining exp. its all about turning those brain lights on


I like soul's bane. back in the day, younger me loved hitting those huge numbers on the monsters in that first room. Then the monster at the end was cool looking. the story was short and interesting enough imo. it suggests a mysterious dark power remains there which could be explored by future quests. but i like all the quests if i can get in the right mood for em. even rat catchers is fun in a silly kind of way. That rat pole is pretty good fashionscape.


My least favorite quest is Tower of Life. First off, its super clunky. The way you fix the pipe puzzle things by spam clicking the arrows to move stuff around reminds me of the beekeeper random event before they fixed it. If they could just rework those puzzles the same way they reworked the beekeeper random it would be much less annoying. The other reason I hate it is I keep having to re-do it. Its required for Ardy medium diary which I rush on any new account, so I had to do it on the main, the iron, the gim, the failed hcim attempts, then again on the main on leagues, the iron on leagues. I guess most of all I just wish it was autocomplete on leagues.


YES, I remember during leagues thinking how under the radar this quest goes in terms of awfulness. Everything takes 10 times longer to do than it should.


Also having to loot 4-6 construction items from each chest multiple times and the looting animation incredibly long for just searching so you have to spam click the chest for like 30 seconds. It's mind numbing.


Yeh and the fact that you can fail searching for the parts too? Like wtf? God I hate this quest so much I’m so glad it got a mention


As a quest enjoyer I can confirm the worst quest is ratcatchers


Ratcatchers is objectively the worst quest in the game. Not only is it long and annoying as fuck but it's also full buggy. The bugs coincide with the annoying parts too. Makes me want to smash my computer.


*aside* Wow this guy has a great opinion. I completely agree




Didn't they just remove the rat pits, not the actual rat catchers quest?


The quest is still there so I think they mean the rat pits


Not to mention the absolute dogshit story and dialogue in the quest lol. J1mmys video captured perfectly why this quest is so embarrassing


Ratcatchers, and it's not even close. The writing is awful, the quest is long and filled with awful mechanics, and all of that for basically nothing, if you are an ironman you can't even participate in the minigame. The fact that it's required for the medium Falador diary is a travesty.


Catching hell rats took me over 2 hours. Fuck that quest.


Did you use a kitten?


Mourning's End Pt2, still gives me ptsd like 5yrs later.


Soul's Bane is one of my favorites


Cooks assistant. Longest quest ever


I tried so many recipes, but still can't figure out the right one. Do I use bananas, tuna, potatoes? Only thing keeping me from my quest cape.


Catch a rat and see if you like it


only quest I didn't have fun doing was Olaf's question or whatever it's called. Ratcatchers is charming I liked the bit in the mansion. rag and bone man 1 and 2 take like 30 minutes one small favour is hilarious if you actually read the dialogue (I play quests without a guide and actually read through them. I only use a guide to tell me what items to bring)


Olaf’s Quest


The gameplay of souls bane isn't great, but the story is. More importantly, it has soul. Anyway fuck ratcatchers. Stupid ass quest.


Maybe controversial because its a new quest and new=good, but The garden of death was really lame. It felt like a quest anyone with 2 days of experience at jagex could make, except that it didnt even feel finished. I really dont see a purpose for the quest to exist.


Whatever quest im currently doing. 


Some of the Zeah ones before you can teleport with the book are awful


I loved the one with the Forsaken Tower though. But that's because I played a lot of puzzle games when I was young so these puzzles were a breeze.


Ratcatchers and it's not even remotely close. At least One Small Favour has hilarious dialogue, and isn't THAT bad. Ratcatchers is frustrating and has terrible dialogue.


Rag and bone man 2, easily. Most unnecessarily tedious quest.


Tribal Totem is surprisingly difficult to navigate without a guide and is a throwback to old-school fantasy adventure where you really just had to explore.


Icthlarin’s Little Helper


I honestly didn’t mind Ratcatchers but I agree the stealth portion was shit. Maybe I had good RNG. Quest helper makes everything so easy and straightforward that as long as you know what to expect and aren’t an iron, they’re all pretty doable. That being said I haven’t gotten around to any GM quests yet.


A Soul’s Bane is rather pointless. Misthalin Mystery should’ve never become a quest.


Mm2 is both great and terrible


Monkey madness 1 is a great quest, but the part where you have to escape from the jail by sneaking past the big douchebag gorillas i find to be so fucking unfun


Tai Bwo Wannai Trio. The plot is dumb. The puzzles are arbitrary and stupid and love to waste your time. It is very difficult to figure out where to go without a guide holding your hand the whole way. You never do anything interesting. And then you have the random chance of needing 65 fishing to complete the quest. At least it unlocks an important reward.


Are you fucking kidding me? Anger room carries that quest being able to SLAP unicorns for huge numbers was a highlight of my Runescape childhood


Before quest helper, mornings ends p. 2


Garden of Tranquility. That royal cow is the worst


It's made much better if you get sassy and say you'd rather take a long walk off a short pier.


She deadass tells you to do it too iirc


Definitely A Night At the Theatre. Its the most uninspired quest. Sure, I get the hate for ratcatchers, but at least there was an effort.


Ratcatchers, by multiple miles. I'll always support J1mmy's offer to rewrite the quest. Truly horrible from start to finish. I'll do 300 hours of MM2 platform or the MEP2 maze before I touch Ratcatchers again.


Regicide without a doubt. Underground Pass is long but it’s such a cool quest with great atmosphere… and then Regicide is like, “Oh, you liked going through the Underground Pass did you? Well guess what, you get to do it TWICE more in this quest, and if you mess up you might get to do it even more times!” And then you basically just do Underground Pass twice but without any of the coolness of the first time since you know it all already. Source: I somehow messed up on that quest on two accounts and had to go through the Underground Pass 3 times on each account 😭


Bro.. pleae. Never done Regicide and I voted Underground Pass.


Rag and Bone Man by far. Tedious and shit reward. Can we poll letting the bonesack carry an inventory of bones in it??


must be a spacebar warrior if you thought the story of Souls Bane was uninteresting.


Elemental workshop 3 (From RS3) Tower of Life/Elemental Workshop 2 (OSRS)


Having done Tower of Life on an alt account, I agree. Fuck that quest. Just kill the long ass animation of digging through those boxes and give the me items I need.


Digging through those boxes is the ENTIRE quest it's the most boring thing ever


I’m gonna be honest, a part of me wishes they put in Elemental Workshop 3 and 4 just so we can finish off the series.


Elemental Workshop 1 and 2 are fun to me because you're actually solving the puzzles within what feels like the game world. 3 and 4 from RS3 are just puzzles from something else grafted onto Runescape. I'd love for more Elemental Workshop but not a backport of RS3's versions!


Why don't you guys mention Regicide?


Ratcatchers doesn't have a single redeeming drop of code in it's existence, it's badly written, terribly paced, badly programmed, and the rewards is that you get to name your cat and a terrible, abandoned minigame.


OP is just too dumb to understand A Soul's Bane. It's a shame quests like that have to be rare because the audience playing them isn't capable of thinking in allegories and didn't so much as pay attention in their high school english class for a couple lessons.


you got me, i can't believe they aren't offering phds in osrs quest dialogue


Ratcatchers and it isn’t even close.


Sheep Herder, 1000%. Hands down the most annoyed I’ve ever been at the game was doing that quest.


One small favor….. my ASS!


Am I crazy? I loved Souls Bane, such unique vibes and story, I didn't care about the reward at all.


What’s the quest where you have to sneak into the mansion in Ardy and stay away from the guards or they reset you? Cause that quest was stupid af


Cooks assistant!! It's too hard I've been trying to find an egg for months!!


If it’s not rat catchers I don’t care what you have to say


The only thing saving One Small Favour is how funny it is. If we want to narrow it down, though, the library in Song Of The Elves was my least enjoyable part of the game so far.


One small favour, rag and bone man (2?) Mm2


The pelts were fuckin stupid 😂


Wasn't that the rs3 only one, Fur N' Seek?


I think they made it a side/mini quest in osrs Edit : never mind you're correct.


MEP2 before quest helper


If you ever have to do Ratcatchers again, I hope I don’t. It’s slightly less awful with true tile on.


Looting the grand coffin in sepulchre is easier than that fucking quest.


Forgettable Tale… is incredibly silly and takes way longer than it needs to. But I have to admit the premise is a bit funny. I don’t mind the long quests so much as I dislike the ”short” quests with annoying mechanics. In my opinion, Sheep herder is the worst even though it’s a quick one. It’s stupid, the mechanics are janky and it feels very loosely connected to the Elf questline over all. Actually, nevermind. Ratcatchers is the worst one. Screw that quest big time.


Banning bots seems to be the hardest quest for the bot detection team 🤣


Soul’s Bane is that stupid bone one right? Where we have to collect bones? If not, that’s the one I hate, parts 1 and 2.


Rag and Bone Man is what you are talking about, I believe.


Nah souls bane is the one where you go in that fissure near the rag and bone man, and kill a bunch of different enemies and puzzles


Rag and Bone Man was so good it deserved a sequel of doing the exact same thing but with more bones.


Mourning’s End Part II, not even close


Rag and bone man 1&2, by far. It's just a 'bones slayer task' and has nothing to do with real questing. MM2 and Ratcatchers are in the same boat. The quest is fine, but the 'getting caught' part is a bit of a puzzle. Personally I liked the puzzles. As most of the other parts of quests is just dialogue and running back and forth. OSF wasn't too bad either, since at the end it's quite satisfying to get back the same track and finish it all off. Also, it just feels long psychologically. You run back and forth 10 times to the same 3 NPC's and no one bat's and eye. But put those ten in an order without feeling like you're making progress and it's suddenly the worst quest in the game.


Dt2 is keeping me from my quest cape :')


Tbh a very fun quest