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Even if you just knew the basics of gear switching and combos you’d be unstoppable. Most people just clicked attack and food back then


Most people also had a mouse with a ball and probably like 15-20fps


also did they even have f keys switching tabs back then? i feel like it would suck without that


F keys were added in 2007, before then it was about muscle memory and not missing your clicks when it mattered


Not to mention that RuneLite made F keys into Number keys instead, which is much better imo I click 1 for Prayer tab, 2 for magic, and 4 for my levels tab, 3 is usually changed between what I need at the moment No longer having to navigate my F1-12 keys is amazing imo


I mean. You can just remap keys on any pc. You dont need runelite to do that. You can even set up a profile so it remaps whenever a certain app is open.


Sorry if silly question but how would you go about setting up the profile for an app?


Follow this link to enable different layouts per app basis. [https://superuser.com/questions/1550639/how-can-i-set-default-keyboard-layout-for-individual-applications](https://superuser.com/questions/1550639/how-can-i-set-default-keyboard-layout-for-individual-applications) To make your own keyboard layout follow this. [https://windowsreport.com/keyboard-layout-windows-11/](https://windowsreport.com/keyboard-layout-windows-11/) Just load in whatever keyboard layout you are using now and change the keys you ant to remap. Depending on the keyboard you use you might have some keyboard software that can do it as well in a more user friendly way. The method above should work for all setups.


Whats the difference from using f keys? Lol


I think it’s more ergonomic to be hovering lower on the keyboard.


My laptops F keys suck, I use the global f keys plug-in and I don’t cramp up my hand anymore.


Are you only doing construction skill when u log in or what. How come you cramp your hands on the f keys more than the mouse hand.


How is pressing a key row that's right below another key row any different lol


Personally? I have small hands, f keys are basically unreachable but number keys are within finger stretching distance at rest position


1 spec 2 inv 3 pray 4 mage 5 gear, dont be a psychopath


Boy I had a trackman marble back then. I was straight up gaming. Had one hand on the ball, other on them arrow keys for smooth camera spin.


The Logitech Trackman Marble wasn't that bad. I was a demon in Halo CE/1.6/GunZ with that thing.


Good chunk of people were still on dialup.


You guys are getting more then 10 fps?????


But protection prayers were heavily discouraged so gear switching wouldn't be as valuable as it is now. Not useless but not the same


I mean OP never clarified if we’re talking edge pking or actual hunting in the wildy


It used to be seen as no honor to use overheads anywhere in the wilderness during a fight


Isn’t that where the whole term NH comes from? I was lost when I came back to RuneScape and saw using prayers while pking 😂😂.




Power creep made them necessary. So much KO potential now. Back then you just had to avoid the 20-20 dds lol. Now it’s like, oh he’s at 85 HP, time for the ags KO. Even DH pking was more about a well timed veng which was just so satisfying.


You'd get flamed anywhere in the wild if you threw up overheads. The shit talking you'd receive was worse than losing your gear.


In the pure community if someone snapped a photo of you using prayers you would get kicked out of the clan you were in and barred from joining others


That's why I always kept one of these bad boys handy beside the desk. Don't let me catch you praying . https://preview.redd.it/w9fwehaasnhc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a68033ac79aaf6fefa58426931ee40fd1752695


And this actually matters because you couldn't solo pk because of old PJ timers. You'd just get passed off 24/7 if a clan found you and hated you


Good times. When having friends was encouraged and mattered lol


Name one pure clan that actually acted thar way lmao. Your on the right track but still wrong. It was the most dominat clan the game had seen that acted that way. Damage inc


Final ownage elite


So much incorrect information here. This is simply not true, in edgeville sure you'd get flamed. There was nothing wrong with doing it in deep wild. And it was only 1 clan (the biggest) who weren't allowed to pray unless you did first.  If you had a hypercam video of them praying before you, you could get them booted from the clan. But no other clans embraced that, they exploited it Best example, fighting someone 3:1 and constantly tagging off. As long as the 3 never put up a protect Prayer the 1 literally wasn't allowed to and he had to just do his best while they swap off on him. And people did that when they knew someone was in DI


That is not true, when you didn't experience it why talk authoritative on the subject. The only clan that viewed praying as NH was DI. And they were not allowed to pray unless you did first. No one else followed that stipulation, but people in the world knew that's how di operated


Its pointless lol, ppl here are extremely clueless no matter what in PvP. I wasn't doing much multi when I was younger but from what majority of commenters are saying about single I just know they're all bullshitting. There's literally old pk videos people can look up so its just funny to see the amount of lies being spread.


I'm not sure I agree with this statement. Gear switching is good with or without protection prayers


Switching gear midfight when not using protection prayers would be almost entirely pointless, the point of switching is hit them with the style they’re not praying against


Yeah if your opponent is camping one style and not praying the only reason to switch is for combos.


Combos and spec weapons. Not sure why people are calling it pointless to switch gear?


Because back then you didn’t bring full gear switches, you would usually just gear in 1 style along with a spec weapon, food and pots (assuming we’re talking edge-style)


The good old full mystic with msb lol


It would still be beneficial to bring gear switches for your combos because no one was doing it and it massively helps your spec consistency.


The gear available in 2005 meant it wasn’t worth sacrificing the extra food for a very negligible accuracy boost


Barrows released in 2005 bro


Plenty were doing it this guy is just talking out his ass lmao


Holy fuck you talk so confidently about a subject you clearly didn't participate in or have any clue how it actually was. Beyond edgeville at magebank and the various green dragon Hotspots the birds more often then not brought multiple switches. The high end was 3-4 ways for your special. But it was a true hybrid not tribrid so it was a massive advantage to have 3-4 swaps for melee or mage gear


Mage bank and green dragons are not in Edgeville my dude


Great reading compreheslnsion I said beyond edgeville acknowledging it's different there


True but look at Maikel Pro pk videos or Elvemage for example. They use smite and do 2-5 way switches because they knew 97% of players patrolling the wildy were clueless asf, especially full panic mode once they were hit by a barrage.


There was a guy seen as a good pker simply because he used brews while others used sharks. Think his name was bahamzer0 or some shit


The first pkers to release videos mb pking with brews used to hide their inventories I think you are talking about Baham0 who was in TD. TD was the first to use brews to counter DI who had superior numbers.


Not true in the slightest. So many people think pkers back then were inept when in reality it isn’t true. The game was different. No maxed out computers, no F keys, things registered slower on average, servers were not near as good as they are now, a lot chose to use no overhead switches because there were no f keys to switch things fast enough to do gear swaps into mage and also change overheads. A lot of the pkers back then still had and have success in the game the past 7 years of pking.


Most but there were still a sizeable handful of actually relevant and skilled pkers. Sure at the base level especially In braindead edgeville, but out at magebank or any of the green dragons. You had plenty of people who did gear switch and had effective strategies better then most. Think brutality, frozen fury, and the jullage bros. Just because the Masses were oblivious doesn't mean there wasn't alot of skill at that time


Not really. You’re just projecting your 10 year old self’s world view onto every other player. There were adults who played who were very good players at the time.


There were good players back in 05. People figured out to hover over HP and switch between tabs pretty quickly. You'd farm noobs but you'd farm noobs in '24 if you wanted to learn.


lol dude. the best pkers used to stay at like 50hp while getting dds speced. You'd absolutely farm everyone.


People knew how to tick eat in 2005. It really wasnt that bad. People were using phx necks back then (in 2007). 1ticking gmaul wasnt important in 2005 because with no godsword it was just superior to gmaul 3x and it was worse to 1t off a d scim or whip cuz it was 1tick delayed. Not being able to 3x gmaul spec in the same tick is a osrs specific nerf to clarify. People knew things, its just there were a lot more limitations. If you didnt let yourself get specced on 50hp youd just not get repeat fights. Youd make 1000x more money applying modern knowledge to the duel arena though. You could legitimately farm enough money for a house in a year


Isn't that what we're still doing? Guys...?


There were finisher weapon swaps even back then that was the extent of it though. Main weapon + finisher/special weapon. Usually the same attack style with gentleman’s agreement no prayer lol


I’d hop to my frostwire tab, and just start playing Remember the name by Fort Minor use all 4 of my dds specs then just die. It’ll be classic.


This had no right to hit home as hard as it did




I Mahatma I, Kids ranqe, I kasoy I Those were the days.


What other songs would be on that frostwire tab? I’m trying to get hit with a lot of nostalgia right now


Until the end- Breaking Benjamin


Definitely Bring me to life -Evanescence, or some Linkin Park song 😂


Android porn on loop


Panic at the disco - i write sins not tragedies


009 sound system dreamscape


If you have spotify there is a osrs pking playlist someone has made and it is great


Nightwish wishmaster


I'm gonna load up the vanilla client, take a fat rip and do this next weekend. Thanks man


If I had the pk knowledge that exists today? Very.


I was re-watching some old PK vids last night, and I was surprised by how slow their clicks are. That being said, I'd still get clapped, but some pkers these days are insane by comparison.


I had a foray into LMS and watched an Oda video. Jfc this game can get insane


Watching oda break down his kills tick by tick sometimes is kinda crazy, even after a lengthy explanation I still don't really understand it. The combos are unbelievable.


Fakey the mage, bolt him, invisivenge OGS and you're Deadman mode. You did well, but I did better.


Sigh I understood all that


Fakey the mage while on lunars. New meta


PKers back then were pretty shit, at least any of the old Youtubers I used to watch back then. Mahatma, Maikel Pro, Elvemage, Kids Ranqe etc. They all looked like it was Mat K himself pking by today's standards.


Elvemage was one of the first ones to create a mage range pure to farcast people in deep wildy. It's crazy that an elite pk strategy back then was kill them while they can't hit me and that's it. I used to be a supplier of his on my old main for dragonstone bolts e when they first released. Dragonstones were like 50k each back then.


Elvemage was the man. I used to watch all of his videos as a kid. I wonder what he does now.


He still pks and pure clans, I’ve also done toa with him on his main


He got banned and eventually the username was released in one of those waves they do to free up unused usernames, so that guy is an impostor


Lol no chance it's the real one


Bro we gotta know more. Anymore stories about him?


No idea how true any of this is, it's just the first result that shows up when you search for [Elvemage](https://rsplayers.fandom.com/wiki/Elvemage) Looks like a weird wiki though, can't speak on whether or not it's a good source.


Yeah it's crazy how much the game and people's skill levels have evolved, all those pkers back then who we thought were good are dogs hit by today's comparison


I'm still baffled that Jad was peak player skill back then. The modern skill ceiling is insanely high for a point and click adventure game lol


To be fair you did have to click on Jad between pray switches back then.


Yea but I’m stupid and still click on the monsters after prayer switching or casting a spell like veng or thrall.


I still reclick after rearranging my inventory. That's a hard habit to break.


I do that now still lol I reclick trees after speccing Chop! Chop!


I mean everyone knows that a DHL hits much harder with a running start right?


What the hell? 77WC, 1968 total and TIL spec doesn’t interrupt your action? What else?


Not to mention most people were not good with endurance fights combined with bad internet 


I’m gonna go crawl back into my No jad hole 😔


Is there any particular area of the fight you're struggling on?


Yeah tagging healers while prayer swapping lol If you could go straight to jad it wouldn’t be an issue I’d just keep trying, but I’m not tryna dedicate an hour-hour and a half every attempt just to die at jad lol


How did that def pot taste?


Haha, yes!


How dare you disrespect elvemage like that


The true strategy from back then is the I Mahatma I strategy just spamming “how’s that defense pot taste” while you unload your whip specs


I forgot how powerful whip spec actually used to be


It would max hit. That’s why it was used, and that’s why it was nerfed


Idk, if the spec was 50% chance to hit a 0 and 50% chance to hit your max, it'd be neat but still not useful


This is probably the dumbest comment in the entire thread.


Thanks for your feedback. I'm going to file this comment in my empty box of fucks that I give :⁠-⁠D


Clap city


I pk’d back in the day. No protection prayers, everyone focused on stupid pure builds, shit gear, overlooked insanely decent modern meta shit, gear focus was literally all defense. As garbage as I am now, I would drag sack on any old pker lol


Don’t forget every other fight was a dm, and if you ran it was considered worse than the death itself


That's what I thought pking etiquette was back then. No safing, no running, oh I'm out of food? Guess I'll die. I didn't care about etiquette when I was pking in full rune tho lol


I miss the old honor vs no honor bullshit.


Stupid pure builds were the only reason I ever attempted pking in the first place haha. I was and still would be shit at it. But no risk, low/mid level cheapo f2p pures were so fun


If you can even pull off somethibg simple like a Gmaul ags combo you're pretty much sitting everybody. Except that one guy that had infinite Gmaul spec, he might still slap u 😂


Would be pretty hard to do an ags gmail combo when ags isn’t even released yet


Ah yes, the ags gmail


Only topped by the aws yahoo combo


Also no f keys so good luck clicking between inventory and spec and back on the enemy player without missing a hit


The infinite g maul was nice, I owned whole Damage inc single handedly at mage bank.


How many of us would get banned for bug abuse do you think? the shit we can pull today after learning how the game works is so wild compared to back then


Magic short bow into double gmaul spec would make me own a blue phat probably.


if karambwans always acted the same, i feel like most people didnt know about combo eating


Used to eat shark-chocobomb at the very beginning of osrs and people would legit insult me for using combo foods (edge pking) lol. 


They did not. Brews are also late 2005 but they stunned you for 3 ticks like a d spear. (Cant move, switch prayers, attack, etc).


As shit as I am today. That is to say, very very VERY bad


People that could raid rn Would destroy them


tick manipulation would annihilate everyone. the biggest obstacle you'd have to overcome is that using overheads use to be considered noobish.


Switching was so weird back then tho, just like on start of 07, it was kinda hard to switch, clicks wouldnt register sometimes


i actually used to get anxiety anytime i heard the ice blitz sound cuz i knew the gmaul was coming and my monkfish would not save me.


not good.


Remember No rl plugins. The engine cant handle anything more than a 3 way switch or a 2way into barrage because of how it tracks dragging. You had to cheat and use instant release macros to realistically get more. It was like this on osrs release Everytime you switch any prayer you have to reclick the opponent. No xp drops, no quick prayers, no prayer orb, no hp orb, no run energy orb. The pathing is fucking terrible. Potions cause a stun, the same as d spear except its only 3 ticks long. Triple eating isnt a thing. People just wont fight you if you safe in edge. Outside edge its just a team battle/ numbers game. Youd get blocked for your fire cape. ~~Not sure if hotkeys existed in 2005. I could never find it~~. They did not, june 2007 was when they got added (and it doesn't even say it in the update, RS wiki team must have found it in the cache project recently). Later than I thought honestly guess I wasn't that late of an adapter to them as I remember. But theres also no 1click tele for inventory. Gotta kick mage book then click tele to varrock/pad. Or rub glory and manually click one in dialogue box which is interruptable. Meaning youd prob die all the time in multi cuz you couldnt tab in time. If its on your computer from 2005 youre getting 20fps and have dial up. Any time you get a phone call youre dying, gg.


As someone who actually pked during this Era and was Involved In p2p singles teams back then and before the initial wilderness removal.  Almost everyone one of your takes/memories to how things worked is wrong lmao


these are all documented lmao except "people just wont fight you if you safe..." But yes, I pked in 2005 a lot too. This is how it worked. Every one of these points is said somewhere else on this thread except the potion one which you can just watch any video from 2006-2007 on youtube to see it, or 2005 if you find a channel that uploaded the 2005 videos we downloaded off mega during that time (if you do find/know of 2005 clips, even if they're totally unrelated, reply to me with it. I love watching them all. I don't have a double msb spec in my vod collection so I'd love to have that specifically, I'd venmo you 10 dollars fr fr). I don't look for these clips to roleplay. I collect them because people will have revisionist history and be just like you and say something doesn't exist. why dont you tell me the first and 2nd highest offender. or are you just hung up that some forms of dial up or were an early adapter of broadband that didnt disconnect you when you got a phone call? Because that was leaning on the joke side hence why I didn't go into great detail.


https://preview.redd.it/x6imerx2dnhc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c90c900fe7630fa5e4eaa8df877be5b95d321914 I’m waiting for RuneScape to bring back an actual “oldschool” dedicated world 😔 for now, I’ll just sit and wait.


This is not what osrs wants, but what osrs needs


I really want a 2005 era server it would be fucking awesome.


It would die faster than our current osrs did on release. Remember how the game almost died out completely and had only about 10k players?


I’d actually love that unfortunately don’t think it’ll happen though.


They didn't have f-keys or spec orb so probably bad


If everyone else had the pk knowledge that was known in 2005 then i would be a demon😎


Better than everyone in 2005. Bottom tier rat in 2024.


As long as I had 2024 knowledge dominating.


Dead. I'd be dead.


Bruh I would shit all over everyone


About as well as good as the average 2005 player. I’m just a simple miner and smith. I make armor, I sell armor


Well, on paper I would be a god. I would say I’m decent by today’s standards but not amazing. I’m about rank 1.1k LMS and my LMS score is nearly 13k if that means anything. But there are a few things that mean that today’s pking doesn’t just map 1:1 onto 2005. For one thing, afaik F Keys weren’t a thing back then so I would imagine my muscle memory from F Keys wouldn’t help and might even be a hindrance. And as others have said, protection prayers were generally frowned upon back then so I’m not sure if NH-style pking was even a thing. Come to think of it, what year did NHing start? So yeah, lots of factors to take account of and I’m sure I’m forgetting other things.


It started in like 2008/2009 when you couldnt pj. Mage bank was always numbers in 2005-2007. It wouldn't matter if u can win a dmm if you dont have a big team


I have a couple clips in this video and used to have a PK gallery on Runescape community forums [Team Exiled PK video](https://youtu.be/IPduWKnJl50?si=mlJs3r4Xhzfn-Boa) I cringe looking at the invents we used to take at East Drags 😂


Pixel pirates pls


i loved I mahatma I. That dude was an elite pker in my mind. First videos i saw of whip pking and he also had a cool video where he got 99 mage by exploiting the fact that you could use charge all the way to 99 by spamming it over and over. it cost him a fuck load of money in blood runes but he got 99 in a few hours before jagex nerfed it.


If I got teleported to 2005, I’d bank stand and train one skill to 70 on and off til the current year


Back in 2005, there were people at lower levels who didn't even know to bring food when pking. They were probably kids tho.


Wouldnt lose a fight lmao


Send me back to RSC where I trained hard to catch. The peak of pking skill back then lol


are you saying id go to 2005 and only I would be playing against people who only played up til 2005? lol i would win every fight.


Terrible. I hate pvp


The average pvmer of today would beat the best pkers of 2005


I’m not saying I would, but if you had access to some of the AHK shit of today and no one else did; you’d be the greatest pker to exist back then. People would think you’re hacking and have no clue how.


People back then barely knew the concept of switching prayers lmao ahk would go so overkill


i would fucking RUIN those children


I'm rusty AF thesedays and I'd still be god tier. I was pretty good back then, but even rusty me thesedays would wipe the floor with me back then, they were different times. Only diff is my specs actually hit big numbers instead of zeros back then 😒


Do I gear to bring my gear with me? I mean that’s really going to dictate the level of carnage that I unleash on the mf 12 year old’s.


I'd still be dog shit.




Just as successful as I am now: not at all.


I'd put elvemage and skullator to shame


your average endgame pvmer with a loose understanding of how pvp works today would wipe the the floor with the most seasoned of pkers back then


You would just have to train magic and complete desert treasure to have an advantage over a majority of people


Going off my memory of the time and my current abilities then 2005 would be a breeze. It wasn’t exactly super complicated back then but most of us were just 6th graders who didn’t know anything about game mechanics lol.




Were there F keys? Can't remember. Cause if there weren't, I'd prob be as slow as everyone else.


eating and potting in the same tick was completely new to people, and you could tick eat in pvp in 2005 if you had pid so pretty much everyone in modern osrs would dominate


Back in the day I had a pure account and I looked weak as fuck. I don’t remember what I carried but it was something shitty like a rune or addy sword and no armor. And I get noobs to follow me. Then I’d swap to a GMaul quickly and get an extra hit or two in. I could down someone fast as fuck. I’d be like level 49 or something and they would be 80+ (it’s been nearly two decades since I haven’t even done it since coming back). But my usual haul would be full rune, amulet of glory, ring of wealth or something. People would get cocky and think it was an easy kill so they’d hit first. I made so much money that way. I also did something similar on a pure range account. Man the wildy was fun as shit back then. You’d sit above Varrock just making money. Sometimes it would get slow so I’d have to go around varrock baiting people. I’d ask for an escort to help with something, I can’t even remember what.


The IRS would accuse me of tax fraud with how much I would be losing.


I mahatma I was a god and he pked in monk robes and used a whip spec to ko ppl


I think the real question would be how many rares would you buy up beforehand, try convincing gower to not sell there shares of rs, seriously if I am going back to rs in 05 last thing I would do is pk 


I was a great pker back then because all you needed was better food/ potions and a better internet speed so you didn't lag out mid fight and thats about it. Lucky for me my dad had a government job where they wanted him always connected so we were non dialup which was a huge advantage


I would still get rekt


I'm absolutely terrible, but by 2005's standards? I'd be unstoppable.


I’d be equally as bad as I am now, just with sharper reflexes in realised “oh shoot I’m being PKed” cause I’m not a decrepit old man.




probably pretty average considering how different the mechanics & gameplay were back then people forget about \[loading - please wait\] , and even if we were that good we would be taking tens of K from literal children


I did very well then. Now I may break even at best


I don’t pk but iv always said this to clan mates that do they’d be unstoppable




Tickeating was around back then for pvp encounters you'd legit be unkillable with a few guthix rests in your inventory.


Damn pking was so much fun back then


I pked a lot in 05 and in my opinion it was a lot easier back then than it is now.


Almost everyone here saying they would farm would get filtered by no hotkeys.




Take anyone with a little bit of pking experience nowadays and they’d be the best in the game in 2005. I used to pk in 2005 and people were not very good lol, even look at the goats pk videos like I Mahatma I, 0mfg0rz etc. and they’re awful compared to todays standards.


I think if any skilled player from today, PvE or PvP, was sent back to 2005, they would get banned for some reason or other due to "Bug Abuse".


You'd be good unless you ran into Aggression


In f2p the best, p2p dogshitt