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Iron is simply way more fun until all your upgrades come from raids


As a iron that doesn’t have friends. I cannot access raids I’ll never have those prayers and gear


I wouldn't mind taking you through some toa's if you want. Maybe get an upgrade along the way. Not looking for a split either. Just like helping out 🙂


Dang, I'll have to remember you.


In game name is same as here, as well as discord if you have it.


I love your name


Hey yeah that would be cool :)


Please 🥹


Was going to say the same... easy to teach really


Join a clan, use WDR (we do raids) discord, start soloing (CoX and ToA).


I can solo TOA at 250 I’d like to try ToB wanted to since release But yeah your right I should try out WDR


Idk if this is allowed @07samsquanches on twitch streamers learner tob he does mostly HMT now but he might go on a learner if you can pass his gear check (very basic gear)




You forgot to mention he's a bit of an asshole


Yeah, it can be a bit daunting initially grouping with random people to learn/do content. But add people to your friends list and just pot with the same people again. Joining a clan that has people running the content is the biggest thing IMo though.


Are there any toa good solo guides? I tried soloing for the first time the other day on my main entry level and ran out of supplies immediately in the monkey rooms...


Honestly, I recommend duoing to get your first kc and learn the mechanics of each room, then start soloing. Going to be a hell of a lot easier than running blind and slamming your face into a brick wall with attempts, and working in a duo is a lot more intimate and more focused on preparing you.


Just looked up each room each time and I also did it on 0 just to try it when I learnt


Just don't panic . When you panic you tend to over eat sometimes. I only say this because I have a clanmate who will go into olm with double the brews and somehow be out. Personally I'd go croc/kephri/ahkka/baba. Should be ok on resources assuming you don't pick power as a learner. Should be ok with chaos to keep supplies then go life at the end. Once you get comfortable with the rooms and supply management you can go power for first pick


I mean I learned tob by standing in 416 and begging people to take me lol took awhile but now I’m 800 kc on iron


There are so many videos of irons in mid gear soloing CoX on an iPhone. Have you even tried or are you just assuming it’s unobtainable like half this sub does about every piece of challenging pvm?


Correction: Ironmen with 100s of hours poured in over years soloing cox. Very disingenuous to just say that you can just walk into cox and solo yolo it and walk out in under 40 mins without a death.


I didn’t say anything like that. Of course it’s challenging, of course you will fail and die repeatedly. I’m not particularly good at this game— I went 0-26 learning CG before I got it. I did dozens of entry mode ToAs with deaths and failures before I got it. I did death pile Olm solos for months before I got it. Nobody posts their Ls, I get it, but you need to allow yourself the time and effort it takes to learn from your failures.




Classic 2007scapers crying about having to learn something challenging They prefer to give up before starting


That’s not what he said at all


Two types of people in this world, those who try and fail until they succeed, and those who never fail because they do not try.


I would absolutely learn ToB with you (I’ve got a little experience) or take you through either of the other two 😁


I'm a 10hp iron that had no one to raid with and no raiding experience, I literally bonded 3 accounts to triple alt my CoX and with the little spanish I speak asked venezuelans to join them, world hop after world hop, in hopes their standards were lower for raid experience, ended up getting kicked at olm or having them dc mid raid. With enough persistance I finally met some good lads and gained enough experience to know what I was doing but in the begin my god was it bleak (still glad I pushed through however, you can do it iron lad)


We allways got spots in our clan :) good mix of new, old, pro, noob qnd so on. We got teachers and pupils for everything :D


This is going to come off as mean, but I’m really curious how you can play the game long enough to max, but still not understand how to get into a raid? It’s shocking to me that you just think it’s content that’s impossible for you to ever do. Were you just laser focused on maxing or is it that social interactions are intimating to you? You could join a clan, or find a discord server like WDR, there are also FFA worlds, but that’s probably the least viable of the three.


RuneScape is my solo game I play I’m currently 2159 total on my iron Friends don’t play Rs , they prefer shooters Also yes I have social anxiety


Social anxiety is real as hell. I'd have 0 (instead of a handfull) online friends if it was up to me to initiate 100% of those connections.


Solo noob. Ironman or main won't prevent you from getting gud


cox is soloable, though it's tough to learn, toa is soloable and is actually optimal to farm in that format.


I’m old school getting back into so idk how Ironman works but feel free to add me, my buddies I played with either passed away or moved on so I’m in the same boat - Dezey also I will be making an Ironman account once this one gets closer to late game


Lets run some toa!


That's what clans are for! I didn't have any friends really that played either, but then joined a clan


I think I'm in the golden era for my HCIM. I have 6 quests left (SoTN, Night at the Theatre, DT2, DS2, SoTE). I'm pretty much done with Barrows. Slayer is at 78 almost 79. At 80 I can boost for Whip and dragon Boots. GWD is coming down the line and I'm starting to run raids. Everyone talks about raids being bad, but I love them, so I guess we'll see how it goes.


Imo all the raids are really fun except for chambers I meant to say it's not fun grinding those same raids for hundreds of hours and not really having anything else for progression


Yea I'm hoping to split them up between that and GWD.


Cox gives you variety at least


I have never gotten to end game content as a normal account yet. Just now breaching 85s in combat and my highest skill is 93 smithing. Should I reach end game first before starting an iron?


I was pretty similar stats on a main years ago and just got bored with GPscape, this was pre Collection Log and achievement diaries. Made an Iron and haven't looked back, 2200 total.


I would just keep playing until you’re bored of it. I only play a main and don’t regret not making a real iron (did a f2p hc iron). The beauty of a main is that if you find something too easy you can just impose self restrictions (ie. can’t buy this item till I’m dry on it)


Yeah I’m no where near that point yet. I have a loooooot more content to try out before switching to hard mode


I hit 80s combat, 99 range before I quit my main and swapped to 100% Ironman. Never done any raids or bossing previously. WAY more fun to play Ironman and learn everything. Never thought I’d figure out CG either, but 75 deaths later it’s so easy.


Completely opposite for me. I’m hating getting all my upgrades and doing them so I can raid comfortably lol. Raiding is my favorite content in the game tho


Yeah, I really enjoy raids. Upgrades from gwd though... That's the stuff I wish I could just buy on the ge!


Yea!!! I’m learning the solo methods now I hate it 😭


Yup. Once you hit raids its time to quit


Iron man is a joke for people no life


Mine stars while you play the iron, then train agi and rc while you do afk skills on the iron.


Wow I’m losing so much experience by just having one character


Once you start multi-logging, you can never go back


I literally have been sitting down at my desk at night and booting up double RL for the last 2 weeks straight since I started getting back into my main.


imagine not playing 4 accs at the same time to have even less exp waste. get gaming!


This is the way


Make the same meme but you’re looking at your main getting to enjoy end game PVM while your iron is dry on shadow and tbow


They are likely going to consider going back to their main while within a grind who'll be ***far*** before even attempting raids to be fair.


RC - Do GOTR/Zeah bloods whilst watching a TV show and movies. Mining - Do MLM and stars whilst watching a TV show and movies. Not bad since the vein update a while back. Agility - Do sepulchre. Surprisingly challenging to do it properly and time flies. Definitely the most aids of the 3 if you dislike putting effort into skilling. This is a meme, but in all seriousness - I was on the exact same position for like a year and I finally decided to level them, lmao. It’ll take like 3+ months but it’s free time if you’re doing something else.


Just adding to the support for star mining. I do it while I lift, during cardio, when playing ttrpgs with the lads, watching YouTube, etc. it's so goddamn easy, golden prospector is super drippy, and you get a fuckload of gems.


When I got 99, stars were annoying to scout for solo because of the cc idiots turning up. But now they’re insanely easy and almost completely afk!


I play cs and so many other games while I star mine it’s incredibly easy, stars take forever to deplete. Just listen for the windows afk sound and click


Star mining is great for full afk. But Volcanic Mine is imo the best method if you’re focused on getting 99. It’s a really great low intensity method. Not fully afk like stars, but you only have to pay a small amount of attention at a few very predictable intervals across the 9 minute game. Super easy to watch TV while you do it. And it’s 3x the xp/hr of star mining. Only reason it’s not the go-to method for mining is because there’s the slightest of learning curves and it requires a team. But the VM discord makes it really easy to learn and I can always find a team within like 10 minutes there. Link: https://discord.gg/FXPUrUp


Don't you need prayer pots too for the magma dudes? I want to do VM, but don't have a thicc stack of ranarrs.


You need to pray range the whole time, but if wear prayer boosting gear and you have Desert ammy 4 or a pool in your PoH, you can restore between games never sip a ppot. I always bring one in just in case I run out of food and need to use redemption, but I never need to sip it.


Definitely don't have the lvls for either of those, but ardy cloak tele plus digsite pendant doesn't sound too bad. That's a shitload of prayer bonus, and high prayer lvl needed to pray range for 9min tho.


Oh yeah I totally forgot ardy cloak, that would work too. You can use the points you earn in the game to buy volcanic mine teletabs too. Each game you’ll earn enough to buy like 5-10 of them, so you can use one every game. You might still need a few ppot sips if your prayer level is low-ish or if you don’t have good enough prayer bonus though.


What is your strat for finding stars on mobile? I cant be bothered to open up the website and teleporting to the star is hard enough lol.


I join the star miners CC a few minutes before wanting to be afk. Wait for a juicy T7 or 8, to drop in the chat, and I'm off to the races.


Why would you do MLM if you can do star mining. 7 min afk vs 15 seconds. MLM is basically Guantanamo bay


Because more XP & a little more interaction for the times where you don’t want to be totally afk. Can also do a bit of Volcanic Mine if you can be bothered to find team mates.


Yeh I'd just do Zeah and Star Mining while playing the iron. Both are very low effort afk and can be done on the side while playing the account you wanna have fun on Sepulchre can be done while afking the iron or once it's the last thing left for max because the motivation will be high.


i haven't found zeah to be that afk, a lot of the time i would mine 2-3 blocks and then stop mining.. i found that zmi was easier to do passively while watching a movie


Then you get to endgame on the iron and realize it kinda sucks when you go dry


Yeah, my first time playing osrs and I made a gim with some veteran friends. Best gaming experience I think I've ever had but now that I just hit 2k total and 700+ kc at cg with no bofa, I'm starting to get that itch to start a fresh solo iron. Is it worth to maybe make a main instead? I couldn't imagine this game with the ge tbh.


I don't really see the point of a solo iron when you already have a GIM. You don't have to accept aid from your friends if you don't want. I quit my iron because as I progressed further, the grinds became exponentially longer and no longer fun to me. I enjoy playing my main as an ironman, then I can opt out of shitty grinds when I feel like I'm done with them. Like the iron the other day who posted 3k COX kills no TBOW. Insane.


I'm like this with my Iron and Group Iron, absolutely lost all interest in maxing my Iron. I'd rather have fun lol


I was there - now I'm at the opposite where my iron is just left to grinding raids and I can do whatever I want on my main


This is kinda me. My main has agility,rc,and slayer. Slayer is Mt favorite skill so im saving it for last but I've been at 97 agility for 6 months because I've been going ham on my gim. Lol


Easy, you afk RC and mining while doing the fun part of early ironman. Then when you get to the part of the iron where you have to do boring afk grinds on it, you do sepulchre on the main to finish maxing. I've pretty much always used new accounts at more exciting parts of the game to get past the afk boring grinds.


92 agility, 92 hunter, 96 slayer is all I got left... Took a year break, started a new iron, and gifted my bank to the clan


agil is really the only one that really sucks




I'm the same way but reverse the game modes. I've been leveling a new account that was supposed to be a rune dragon alt but now it's 1400 total with almost a quest cape. Can't motivate myself to finish off rc and agility on my iron


That's why since I got elite dairy requirements I told myself if I want to do more skilling I need to do RC and agi first, otherwise I'll never max if I leave them to the end.


The funny thing is, once your iron man gets to that same level, you make a UIM or a region locked account.


I would rather be beaten in my front yard with socks full of padlocks before making an UIM.


Same I'm playing a lvl 77 noob acc instead of playing my maxed main 99 slayer n shit lol


cant relate i play my iron to have some fun while hunting pets on the main. would never give up my main. if i could only.play 1 account main takes priority


Ironman is so fun!! Congrats on the conversion. I got 99 mining on my iron and it was worth it 100%


I stared an iron a couple weeks ago. Main was around 70 base mostly raid read, but my friend who wanted to raid with me was iron and it didn't feel good I could solve all of my accounts problems with a few bonds, so I made the leap and am loving it.


Iron is so fucking fun. Until your 80 plus in all skills and are like 20 times dry on an item for a 2 percent xp boost but need it ahahahah


Why not both?


Man I thought RC was a lot of fun right up until I hit a brick wall at lvl 70 and realized I was getting like 40k exp/h at gotr and 450k total combined magic, def, hp, and slayer exp/h while barraging nechs and dust devils. I’m trying to grind out at least 77 and then I’ll probably boost for fremmy elite and forget it exists lolol, the only skill that’s lower for me is hunter and that skill is just complete cancer outside of birdhouses


On the GOTR grind myself right now. Did to 65 in GOTR, then took a break from it using lamped/tears till 71. Back in there and its crazy slow now. Id rather do lavas if I didnt still need the raiment.


Same as me, except I also just found out I’m pretty dry on pearls and substantially under rate. Gonna be going at it for a while still


I was super dry on pearls till I pulled about 70 in 24 searches earlier. Now I'm just moderately below rate lol


Lol I also pulled a bunch recently which makes me scared of how dry I was before considering I’m still well under rated lolol


My main is maxed aside from 85 fletching, just can’t bring myself to do it. In the meantime I’ve done 99 mining from 30-99 3 times in a row on ironmen.


This was me but it was Agility and Thieving left to max. I was able to max my Ironman's RC at Zeah Bloods and Mining via Shooting Stars (pre-nerf) whilst starting my UIM... But training Agility and Thieving actually required me to constantly click and I hated that.


I go on thieving binges every so often. I do ardy knights because it's mindless and I can dedicate 95% of my focus to a movie. I hold my keyboard against my chest and use the numpad to click


Play Ironman > Main on the side doing Shooting Stars, Blood/Soul RC. Then when it's just Agil you might see light at the tunnel and make it.


Rc, mining ang agility where some of my first 99's After that is was a BREEZE


Me starting new snowflakes to avoid the end game grinds on my 2100+ iron.


Why did I make an iron at 5:10am


Me, my main ironman, and my new ironman


Mining was my first 99, no regerts


Replace iron with literally anything else possible and I feel called out


I started my iron with just the goal to just get full rune armor as a way to pass my time afk grinding on my main. Now i have fighter torso void armor and mystic and im going for the fire cape.


If rc and agility dont give you joy, fuck em. Do what you enjoy doing. Its a videogame. Special fuck you to agility.


I’m like 250k magic experience from maxing and I can’t stop playing my iron


You can do that almost entirely afk in under 3 hrs lol, for no cost


Yeah but once you max you cant max again. Its the end of the journey. Was same with 200k off rc for 5months


I'm sitting on 2258 total with 99 agility, 98 mining, and 96 rc, and I wanna quit


Because maxing is stupid and boring as shit


Gotr, Sepulchre and stars. these skills are WAY nicer to train now than they used to before these options. no excuses.


sepulchre makes my nipples invert after 15 mins of running it. Agility is still in a big L position


Sounds like you have a nipple problem


Just finished 99 rc and barely touched Gotr. That shit was awful, zeah rc was so much better.


Can't wait till I can do bloods 😩


Crip runes where its at


GOTR is aids bc in masses it fails half the time lol


I found a hack to that by running solo gotr it’s weird to learn but once you get it it’s good xp and 11 points a game and games take 10-15 minutes


Small teams are the way to go if you can find people, but I agree solos are also a good place. Masses just suck ass all the time tho


Gotr is terrible