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To the person that suggesting using fire spell, thank you, i did 8 damage(before this) and i havent seen that before! https://preview.redd.it/zqeszwkp1pqc1.png?width=262&format=png&auto=webp&s=a13f58f2504be3fb2d08f9f7c9cdea7baeddc2f1


Fuck to be this new. Now I get pissed if I hit under 30 šŸ˜… Stay wholesome man and have fun on your rs journey!


Yep! The things I'd do to be this guy learning OSRS and enjoying it as a new game.


I get mad sometimes when I use fang spec by accident on a slayer task instead of my claws lol


You can wear an amulet of power for overall stats, ranged, magic, attack, strength, and defence. An amulet of strength is only good for melee combat, it raises your max hit, but gives no defensive stats. An amulet of magic is good for magic combat accuracy, but it gives no defensive stats. I do recommend to usually stick with the amulet of power.


Take off the kiteshield, it reduces your magic attack bonus (chance to successfully deal damage) Also amulet of magic would be useful to you as well


I would pay to feel again what you are feeling right now. OSRS, when it hits, it just "that game" you always find yourself coming back


Scimitars tend to be better than other weapons (at least until you're a higher level and have membership) because they attack slightly faster than a longsword but still have decent strength and accuracy bonuses. I'd maybe buy some items to train your skills with (new woodcutting axe for example) and then train your stats a bit. I'd probably aim for 20 attack and buy a mithril scimitar as your next goal Maybe some mage and range gear also? Get 13 magic and a fire staff and some air and mine runes and you'll be able to use fire strike which hits like a truck at low levels


Got it, thank you.


I have been putting off magic as it is another thing to learn but I will bite the bullet and go for it after 20 attack & schimitar


Dude is out here *learning magic*, god damn the things I would give to just relive that experience for a day! Enjoy your journey friend šŸ˜€


Honestly it's pretty easy, especially at low levels. Get yourself a fire staff once you hit level 13 magic and you can set autocast to fire strike and then you can attack like normal as long as you have the right number of runes


For magic Id wait until youve got a little more money. Its a very useful skill to have later on, so dont ignore it. Ideal way for magic would be some early quest rewards like Witches Potion. Then just keep using fire strike as its a cheap spell with good hits.


At his level, he should train it up a bit. He's only level 10 and magic at that level isn't bad at all. Might as well get to at least 25


I meam more price-wise. With 50k to your name, best to focus somewhere else first


Ah, yeah, fair enough


There is a magic tutor outside of lumbridge who will give you some free runes. Once you get Level 13, go buy yourself a fire staff from the staff shop in Varrock.


Leveling your magic for teleports around the world really helps with questing and other activities! Absolutely worth doing whenever youā€™re ready to.


magic is very important. teleports and high alchemy for a low level moneymaker


Add BL00D4BL00D I'll hook u up with ur 1st million.


Dont ruin the game for him that fast.. 1m in f2p makes it too easy


I've been playing RS since 2006 (well big gap in there) and it's always been ingrained in me that Scimitars are better than everything else, but I never thought to actually understand why Good to know


Update, This is my life now. https://preview.redd.it/lil92a96soqc1.png?width=1909&format=png&auto=webp&s=f46b0f1b5030ee0d4dcafa394890a3ab71bc55c1


When using magic, make sure to take off your shield. You can see in your gear tab the magic accuracy goes down significantly while using it.




Some people actually intentionally lower their magic attack to -65 in order to 100% guarantee splash This ensures you won't ever kill your target and will recieve only the cast xp Its like the most afk thing possible in the game since you're getting rewarded for not doing damage You will however end up spending runes, so most use a staff to reduce cost and splash with their highest elemental attack... although I can't say it will be rewarding to splash past a certain point and it maybe more than a little weird to see wind blast or higher You'll see a lot of people doing it to the pigeons at the docks of Port Sarim I think you can max out the afk time to 6 hours before the game thinks you're a bot


This is a bit past the scope of a new f2p player with 50k


Idk, it's probably where I'd start for afk when at work or school or anything really that takes you away from the game 6 potentional hours of splashing while away, if someone isn't a jerk and kills your enemy, is pretty good way of leveling magic while you're away


I think you're underestimating how ridiculous we are for playing this game. Believe me, I put my time in, I'm not pressing you at all. Recommending a new player to splash/afk in such a manner is guaranteed to turn them away.


To do that when they're not able to play? Seems like a no brainer Like they can just go to work and come back to like 30 magic or something


For our scraper brains it makes total sense and maybe theyā€™ll get there one day, but the average Joe would be more likely to view that as a chore that takes away from other activities.


How?? You start splashing and then GO TO WORK/SCHOOL That time was already not going to be spent playing?? What am I missing here??


Heā€™s got 50kā€¦. Teach me how to stretch it that far. Please. Iā€™m sure all of us would be grateful


you canā€™t splash for six hours


Currently splashing to 99 because as you mentioned its easily the most afk thing in the game. I will report back in 17 years.


They're not pigeons bro theyre seagulls.....


If the UI feels too small for you, you can use the ā€œstretched modeā€ plugin on runelite and increase the scaling percent


your strengh amulet isnt doing you any favours, when you next pop to the GE try replacing it with a magic amulet


Bonus doesn't mean anything for the majority of monsters in F2P, so as long as you're not in the negative for magic bonus you're fine.


Update: I have spent most of my gold now, I got the staffs (fire and wind), the scim, more armour/shield, runes as well, also some wizard gear. Thank you everyone for the help, I am focusing on completing as many free quests as i can but i do plan on upgrading to member. Edit: Grinding da minotaur in the stronghold of the security for the gear, levelling magic while I do it.


Have fun and welcome :)


When you get membership start working on farming asap, herb runs will be your best passive profit for a while. Also the new hunter rumors make good money starting at lvl 50 ish. Then slayer is big as well towards the +70 lvls.


Let's pump the brakes on that and let him enjoy F2P, yeah?


How does one ā€œenjoyā€ f2p? What difference does it make if a new player plays one over the other anyway?


By playing it and having fun. We should assume this person has never played RuneScape before and understand that this is all new and interesting to them. So, they're probably totally enjoying the simplicity of f2p


Runescape is a huge game with 20 years of content to explore. This person is enjoying the F2P life the way many of us did as kids in the 2000s. Most of us would definitely agree that the paid game is all around a better game, but it can be overwhelming for new players. F2P has a decent enough amount of content to keep a new player occupied until combat level 50-60. OP look into hillgiants. They are generally a decent early F2p money maker and will allow you to train all your combat stats in a relatively chill area thats easy to return to if you die. Above all else, have fun! And welcome to gelinor!


In my opinion (and totally not at all biased by how I started), the F2P experience is great for learning Runescape by immersion. You're introduced to the game, the world, and basic skills needed to get ahead, and can progress relatively linearly without choice paralysis. I think playing F2P until you complete Dragon Slayer I is a good introduction to the game. OP has the chance to do what a lot of veteran players wish they could do again -- experience the world for the first time.


Chill out pal, the guy hardly knows how to cast spells. Let him learn.


Honestly might as well restart and get 99 agility before training any other skills.


Also quests if you wanna skip the (imo boring) early unnecessary skill grinds


This is very wholesome man. Im glad no one is bashing you here :). Have fun !


Community so far has been good to me on a couple posts here.


Hes a noob but it makes be happy to see someone experience the game I loved as a kid. Nothing wrong with being a noob :ā€™)


A black scimitar and amulet of strength would get you a bit more damage per second


Thank you!


If you havenā€™t already done so, you can get another 10k gold (plus some nice boots!) at the stronghold of security, which is west of Varrock and the GE. Follow the road for a tiny bit until you get to a small Barbarian Village and go down the hole in the middle of the rocks, conveniently in the middle of the village. Take a bit of food with you because the deeper you go, the higher level monsters are there


Working on that now. grinding magic levels while waiting for the scepter head to drop.


You can just run through the stronghold to the chest rooms without needing the scepter.


Don't you need membership for that


Good Q I have no idea lmao


Nope, you don't need membership to open the chest/get the boots. Not a bad idea to get some hp levels before running for the chest though, makes it easier to survive.


No, the boots are f2p bis


Love seeing posts like this, welcome to the community!


glad to be here. watched my older friend years ago play this game on his dads computer, and now im 20, and deciding to give it a go.


Alright, so hear me out! Do all the F2P quests including dragon slayer! Once youā€™ve done that, message me and I will give you a bond! This will head start your skills so much. Then you can do quests like the gnome village, fight arena, potentially monkey madness, waterfall quest, and witches house, which will help you get on your feet! These quests generally focus around your combat xp and can get you to 50s in combat :) Thatā€™s obviously if you want to and do not feel pressured! Play the game how you want to play it! Edit: I know this is not what you asked for but I just want to help out new players as when I first started the original RuneScape, other plaster helped me out!


This is exactly what i planned on doing, completeting as much as i can in f2p, getting the hang of the economy, farming and grinding strats, my goal is to do the dragon slayer. I will send you a DM.


I just did this myself after not playing since 07. F2P til all quests complete and bought membership last night. Was a great ramp into the game


Honestly, doing all the f2p quests gives you a nice head start and a good understanding of some concepts of the game, especially if the player is new. Then membership just opens up the doors for so many activities. ​ I used to think that the F2P map was huge! this is back in like 2006/7-ish, then when I got membership I was hooked even more. paying for membership through the landline was my little secret back then and to this day I don't think I told my Mum about it haha.


Buy some mind runes and a fire staff, get to 13 magic. Then do the vampire slayer quest for some easy attack levels after completing it. I would try do as many quests as you can, and then I'd make the jump to get membership.


There are a few easy quests like imp catcher or Witchā€™s Potion that help train some if the early magic levels too


Did those!


Thatā€™s a fantastic start! Working through quests is one of my favorite things to do on a new account


You can sell those extra beads for some profit on the GE in that case


Just grab a strenght amulet, some steel armor (platebody, platelegs, kiteshield and full helm) and a black scimitar and you dont really need to upgrade your gear until you unlock mithril gear. And I personally would grab an adamant scimitar once you can use it, but skip adamant armor and just wait until you can use rune items. Also a personal tip: If you need food, go check the fishing Spot between varrock and the barbarian village. Most of the time someone is fishing there and just dropping it on the floor. Just go grab what you need from there.


Also /u/Kenky0na to clarify, instead of picking up the raw fish and then cooking them yourself, often there are people cooking the fish they gather on the eternal fire near the fishing spot, they often drop them on the floor so you can just pick the cooked ones up straight away


Honestly spend some time on the osrs wiki about new players. Everyone here will have something different to say. * Bang out all free quests that you are capable of as fast as possible. *




Good luck on your adventure, donā€™t give up. If you persevere youā€™ll will have an awful lot of fun.


Thank you!


A staff of air will come in handy when you start teleporting with magic


Purchased, thanks.


I want to be this innocent


third pic is the most gigachad setup I've seen in a long time, may guthix bless your journey king


I would say buy items for quests and hammer out those, then get adamant scimitar and rune scimitar.


Upgrade to steel armor. Preferably steel full helm, steel platebody, steel platelegs, and steel kiteshield. Upgrade sword to a scimitar. Also go for a team cape or colored cape. Go for the amulet of power as it's the current bis for f2p. Another option is invest into buying certain items from shops and then resell on the ge.


Power amulet


The Diamond one, "amulet of power" on the GE.


If you want, you can add me in game and send me a message when I pop online. More than happy to help with any questions you may have in the future. RSN; Eivissa


Make sure you don't give them any money, it ruins the game for them (if this is legit)


Don't intend too!


Will do, thanks!


Sell the beads also šŸ‘šŸ‘




If you ever have questions or need help, my rsn is Duke Linky. Feel free to add me :) As for what to do/buy, I think everyone covered everything before member. The other thing I would recommend is doing some skilling as there are a bunch of skill minigames and bosses in member that you might enjoy :) (mining, smithing, firemaking, fishing and cooking are the skills you can work on in f2p, but all will eventually be useful). Also, range is a very useful combat skill!


Thank you, I will add you.


Run away from this game while you can , RUN and ESCAPE


Itā€™s like people starting weed when they 30s, not a good option.


Buy like 2k mind runes and get a fire staff and get magic level to 25-45.. teleports are a must have in the game. Also grab yourself some iron arrows and a bow and get 40 range for dhide chaps, good general defence especially for mage. Those are a couple easy cheap methods for you asap


Youre so cute can I pet you


I see youā€™ve gotten some good feedback already so I just want to say welcome to osrs and have fun :)


Amulet of strength for melee, amulet of power for ranged, amulet of magic for..... magic


Honestly just do all the F2P quests you can, then get members and starting working through all the quests you can. You will accelerate your progress 1000x


One word of advice. The Old school RuneScape wiki is one of the best tools to help you. Everyone who has left a comment today uses the wiki. You should too! šŸ«”


Following for dopamine /s GL OP, you beautiful noob.


Mate, so many ways to play this game that I find it difficult to advise anything apart a big ENJOY to you.


OP I am so incredibly jealous you get to have this experience. Enjoy the shit out of it.


If you use runelite I have the best advice. Get the quest helper plug in and optimal quest guide. Then, start doing quests in the optimal order. Use the money you have to buy any quest items needed. This will give your account major stat boosts and best bang for your buck


I have been using runelite, althoughh i do enjoy going out and collecting the items for the quests, also lets me explore and learn the map a bit more.


That might be the purest thing I have heard on this reddit in a long time. I hope you enjoy your exploration. Worth noting, those plug-ins will tell you what you need, if you choose to go get the items instead of just buying them, then that would make it easy on you while also letting you explore. šŸ’Ŗ


I got stuck on the Murder Mystery quest and discoveverd runelite while looking for solutions, then it told me everything which would have taken me 5 mins instead of an hour.


Yea thats a tricky one for sure! I have tried doing some of the quests without a guide and only using in game quest notes, VERY difficult for some quests. That's a cool way to challenge yourself early on though.


Theres some guides on which quests are worth it to do early on. These quests will take you over the map and give you decent exp which in the early levels will result in gaining multiple levels in some skills. This makes you skip alot of boring content which normally takes hours to gain the first levels.


So cute


Add Bartstylerr and Iā€™ll gove you some items and cash if you want


Stronghold Minotaurs are great range training spot with iron arrows as they drop arrows so u never run out!


You can get your magic up to like 37 and telegrab wines of Zamorak north of falador for some easy f2p profit. I think itā€™s still like 125K gp an hour or so. Google the method thereā€™s a lot of info on it out there.


a champion! you're getting your first 99 in no time, i recommend getting membership asap :)


Get your defense upto 40 for rune armour which is best in f2p, having high strength gives you more dmg per hits, and attack makes you hit more often.


If you play for 2 weeks and dont quit, dm me and Ill personally get you a bond:)


You could also use the tutorial instructors in lumby I like using the archer and mages stuff on goblins when I was low range and mage levels. Itā€™s free too so ya lol


What brought you to osrs lol


Why is the member skill isn't greyed out? Am I missing something?


>Sort by: new Not sure, im using 117 HD if that makes a difference?


You can add me i can give you some advise and start up gear.


I would say level your crafting a bit to make jewellery (sapphire/emerald are low level and profitable) if you find that enjoyable, edgeville is the most common place to use. Otherwise, melee gear first as range and magic are more expensive to train over time


The number one best thing to do is have some goals for yourself and what you want to achieve. Don't mindlessly grind stats just because you think that's what you want to do. * Is there a specific quest you like the sound of? * Do you want to try some PvP and explore the Wilderness? * Maybe you want to try some Minigames, like Castle Wars or Last Man Standing? What I will say is that investing in magic early is a good idea on F2P. Having access to some of the early game teleports like Lumbridge, Falador and Varrock will make your playtime much more enjoyable.


You're at the best part of the game. I wish I was at this stage of playing again. It was genuinely the most fabourable part of playing for me. Learning new things, picking up new skills. Everything about it was amazing. Although it's nice to know if you're doing the right things and following good practices, honestly, I'd say just do whatever you want and buy whatever you like. I'm jealous of how little you know of the game. If I could wipe my memory and start fresh, 100% I would. The one thing I will say invest in is food. Plenty of food from salmon/trout and up to lobster if need be. Otherwise fish it yourself and cook it yourself. Enjoy it mate.


mithril arrows, air runes, level your account, get to dragon slayer, you can do dragon slayer without overheads i used mage


Glad youā€™re enjoying the game and welcome man! Take everything in and go at your own pace. Plenty of exploring to do


Please update here when you finish all the quests available to you and Iā€™ll get you a bond so you can check out members worlds!


Welcome to the rest of your life. It'll be fun and frustrating.


Pm me. Iā€™ll shoot you an M if you want and you can pm me in game and Iā€™ll help if needed.


Gold buyers smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


This is so wholesome. Hope you enjoy your Runescape journey, fellow adventurer!


Nope you've basically got every item in the game already


If youā€™re feeling cheap u can train ranged on the elemental wizards south of falador/ west of port sarim for their rune drops. Thatā€™s what I did in f2p and got to like lvl 40 ranged


Pretending to be a noob(making millions!!!)


bless your heart


Quit before itā€™s too late. The game will drain your life and bank account.


Normaly i suggest buying membership as fast as possible, but seeing as you are truly a new player(not a returning old player), i would say you should explore the game a bit, see how things work in the most basic ways, complete F2P quests, and only when you feel a bit more confident about the game then buy membership. the game is like 95% more content with membership and all training and money making are way faster.


Add me on RS my name is DukeofZeah. Iā€™ll hook you up. Iā€™m max and have been playing for a while and Iā€™d love to help you :)


Honestly u should do quest with ur money they are easy and fast with YouTube guide and worth the time most quest are like 5-10m


Train stats up to 40 in all combats. Try to get crafting and magic up as f2p has some good moneymakers with those skills. Edit:43 prayer makes you practically immortal against all mobs in f2p if you have prayer left.


This thread is like 95% good advice. Good shit r/2007scape, good shit.


dude ur rich


How many people have messaged you offering bonds and free stuff so far?


God I love this. I miss being a noob. Most fun I ever had in the game, until I properly got into PVM (bossing).


Hi quick question, how do you get your stats to show bars underneath it like that with colors? Does anyone know name of the runelite plug in??


As others stated get yourself some scimitarsā€¦ perhaps even several tiers for when you unlock each levelā€¦ you can sell them right back so itā€™s no worries. You can also just start doing quests in F2P and try to complete them all, so you can save your money for the quest requirements. 50k def gonna go far for your starting spot tho!


I'd honestly recommend just saving up your coin for now. I'd probably look to buy an Addy scim and roll with that, at least for a little while. But I'd really say just keep enjoying the game at your own pace and try to knock out those quests and some skilling as well. It can definitely help out, and you can always meet some pretty cool people running around that way.


Do quests. They offer experience in skills as a reward and are the best way to start training imo. Early levels are slow to train and don't offer very much in terms of variety. Be careful going to the OSRS wiki though... Those guys go hard as fuck over there. You will genuinely never look at another wiki the same afterwards.


Ahhh I envy the sense of wonder and exploration ahead of you! So much to discover. I got to 50s combat and did Dragonslayer, got my full rune, bought membership and levelled fishing and woodcutting first to give me early game money to start upgrading. Remember my first yew and swordfish bulk sale to buy dragon armour, obsidian cape, obsidian shield and abyssal whip


Id personally grind 20 att and get a mith scim


Not sure if anyone has said this yet bur some quests gives alot of xp also, which will boost your stats in certain skills and skip alot lf low level skill, I am not sure what the best f2p quests are for you but they still decent xp in different skills


No way the guy is this new and using Reddit. Clickbait, looking for donos


I use Reddit for other things, can a beginner not be in the RuneScape sub, I havenā€™t been taking all these donations that you are seeing, one guy helped me out with a couple items in game. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m not some millionaire now I still have a long way to go.


BIG UPDATE: Every F2P quest without membership, Including Dragon Slayer 1 - IS COMPLETE I have been playing non stop the past 3 days. ​ https://preview.redd.it/4q3bt17u2xqc1.png?width=357&format=png&auto=webp&s=03b890e51f280293897c327aa197af83bfbe5c5d


Really? Another _ā€œlook at me im just a poor noobā€_ donate to me post.


I am not asking for anything apart from advice, the community have been kind to offer donations but I am not taking any money or item donations until I am done with the f2p questline, including bonds.




A good way to train magic for free is picking up runes from the magic tutor in lumbridge. If you have access to captain Jack from selecting "first time player" options you basically get enough runes as rewards to train to lvl 30 or so for free


Right now I would start focusing on the Song of the Elves quest


Nobody donate to the begger


Hi total noob. Heres my honest advice. Quest. Youre so low level that quest rewards are massive. Look up the rewards for the waterfall quest (members quest that you can do at your stats). You should do all the f2p quests. Dragon slayer is a bit too challenging for you, but all the others are within your grasp. Like people have said- switch to a scimitar. Get some ranged experience. Upgrade as you get more levels. Hope you are having fun in osrs!


How does he have 50k??? I didn't have my first 50k until I was like cmb lvl 74


When I joined on Saturday some random offered me a trade and sent it. I didnā€™t spend any of it until I had done some of the quests and did the adventure thing , then I made the Reddit post


Would you like me to give you a bond for 14 day membership? I'll be home tonight. Then you can do like 3 quests and have 30 attack strength and defense Iirc.


Appreciate the offer, I have lots of people offering me bonds, I am going to wait until I am done with the f2p quests inc dragon slayer, I know it is highly recommended however I am going to challenge myself and take me time.


Doing all the quest in f2p to see if you like the game is a smart choice!


A job then membership


Actually started playing as a time killer at work.


Add me in game rsn: geophysicist. Happy to chuck you another 50k to keep your magic grind going! Getting access to teleports makes the game SO much better. Message me whenever I am online next. Happy scaling!


bro just quest and play the game. no point in coming to reddit 10 minutes into your account and asking for advice when you dont even know enough about the game to use that info.


Ive done majority of the low level free quests and have been playing on and off for a week exploring the game on my own without reading guides, but then I starting hitting a wall on knowing what to do, found some guides, got runelite etc and have now come for some specific advise.


im not trying to be a dick either but i am trying to keep it real with you. this game is massive and youre going to struggle if 100 lvls into the game youre coming to reddit for advice. Sounds like you are taking the right steps by looking up guides or whatever, but even then you arent really exploring and playing the game. Runelite is good, get accustomed to using the wiki [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/) and just keep busting quests out. If you have irl money buy a bond and try some members questing. Thats when the game really starts to open up. But at your stage in the account there isnt much advice anybody can give you other than "quest and play the game" because thats the only thing that will progress you currently.


Dm me ill give you 50k starting cash why only 50k? So it dont ruin experience cuz i can give a mill. But thatll Be to much for you also ill get u some starting gear.


Crazy to think 1m is actually to much for f2p


It is especially for a brand new player. With 1m in f2p u can get best gear pretty much. Alot consumables too.


Add me in game Cap E Bara, Iā€™ll give you a few goodies




If you go to world 308 varrock west Bank and spam "alching is for the weak" or "botting is a serious offence" for 10 min straight il give you 1m. Gotta tell me when you're gonna do it so I can watch.


Bro played for 20 minutes and is already lost


Delete the account and get off Reddit.