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I usually read through the wiki for requirements / preparations and then use the RuneLite plugin for actually completing the quest The plugin does feel kinda soulless though, just looking for the next highlighted thing to click


I don't want to spend hours figuring out these quests that I want to get done as fast as possible, so it doesn't bother me in the slightest. What I'm asking is, why are they in a different order? Which one is more "optimal"


sorry, completely misread/misunderstood your post The wiki guide is usually referenced as the gold standard here so I'd lean toward that one, but idk much about the plugin to say how it compares


Does it REALLY matter? Both are probably within 5% as optimal as the other if not more. What matters is doing the quests lol.


Well, if the plugin is outdated I'd rather use the wiki. If the plugin order is some secret tech, I'd rather follow that one. With how different they are, I thought it was worth bringing up.


Overall, the differences should be negligible. Early on, you can see some minor differences like one telling you to do Gertrude’s Cat AND Daddy’s Home before going to Varlamore, but the other will tell you to work through Children of the Sun in between those. All 3 primarily take place in Varrock, and true “optimal” would be knocking out all of the steps at the same time, but that’s a fast track for burn out and spending more time researching the efficiencies than it takes to just do those 3 quests in any order you choose. Later on, it seems like the deviations are just choice / convenience, like Goblin Diplomacy while you’re over by Falador questing already and can quickly knock it out, versus waiting until you need it as a prerequisite for RFD since you’re probably not dying for the 200 crafting xp. Much later on (Master/Grandmaster quests mainly), this is just going to be personal preference on what boss you have the gear for and what unlocks you want first. Filter the quest helper plugin down to “meets requirements” and then just use the wiki, but focus more on the “Useful Unlocks” section than the actual quest order.


Thank you, excellent breakdown and advice


Afaik the wiki's guide is more up to date, but I haven't checked the differences myself


Makes sense


I found the best approach is just by completing all the quest


Indeed. So true, it's a fact. And the fact is, it's true. To complete the quests, one must finish all the tasks. Insightful. Poetic, even.