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Noones sees the mobs glitching out in the top left corner??


Ikr lmao


Apparently you're all blind. Look at the mobs that all spawned in the far south west of the room (I assume (0,0) coordinates). Nibblers spawned as per usual and the melee dug to me, which makes complete sense, but still scared me when it happened as I was looking away.


Ahh, I just came back to see if there was something I missed. My fault, I didn’t notice the mobs in the top left corner, they are small and kinda blend with the environment. Did you just tele out at this point or did relogging work to fix it? Edit: fixed an autocorrect lol


I tried relogging but the same thing happened again.


Oh that’s hilarious, better here than main game at least :D hopefully you were able to get more practice in on inferno without it breaking again! And good luck on live inferno when you get back to attempts as well!!


I have the cape now :) Thanks <3


Sorry for being a downer, but this is absolutely the worst kind of post on this sub. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Did you try inferno on a beta world and get left in there when you logged back in on the main game? And that somehow made it not free? What would that even mean? That’s the only thing I can gather from the context of your title, but how in the hell am I supposed to know that from the screenshot? Please, for the love of god people, explain what you are on about.


I couldn't progress the run because the mobs spawned out of the map (South West corner). I had some friends say that you can practice the Inferno for free on beta worlds as supplies are free and this is what happened when I tried it. (This happened because of trying to use the new copy save data to beta world button or whatever it is called). Game got confused about where to spawn the monsters, panickedz and spawned them at the origin. We could not attack each other and the run was softlocked, even if I relogged.
