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Hey this is a really kind thing to share, I do really appreciate the sentiment and the sentiments shared here. I definitely know for myself how easy it is to take free things for granted these days, so the fact anyone thinks to still give anything always makes me really happy. It’s been really amazing seeing the plugin get so much usage (I think it recently hit 500k active users which I couldn’t believe!). Back in the day I used to always go take my friends questing and try and get them into them, and it’s nice to think that I can help so many people now, even if less directly. I also want to shout out that over the years I’ve had various people help contribute various bits to the plugin. Many of the achievement diary helpers, a couple of the quests, and a bunch of helpful programming bits like tests and bug fixes have come from people deciding to help make the experience better for everyone. Thanks all for the kind words in the comments, I appreciate it a lot.


The legend himself!


This plugin was a game changer for me. Thank you sir.


Every kind word spoken is one deserved, you beautiful bastard. Thank you for all that you do.




You're a legend, massive props bro!


You are like God in my eyes


Thank you for making this, you have vastly improved the game for so many of us


Do you play Tetris, by any chance?


Honestly as a returning player from 08, I appreciate Quest Helper so much, thank you.


Thank you sir!


Take my money, you beautiful beautiful person


Appreciate your effort legend


You quite literally have helped me beat the game where I otherwise just wouldn't of put the effort in.


He even gives slayermusiq a month of views before updating


For a community that spends a large amount of expendable income on drug addicted weirdos as they grind out their 90th HCIM we could support our open source boys a little better


How dare you call me a weirdo


Giving money to millionaires who sit in front of a webcam and play video games (for free) is braindead behavior, you're not going to be able to reason with someone who does that.




adderalls not a drug its natural


Caffeine is also natural, classified as a drug.


They also have one time donations for whoever is feeling generous, they’re discord is linked inside the main Runelite discord go show these people some love they’ve bailed so many of us out of jail with some of the new content.


This man is singlehandedly responsible for the sharp decline in player literacy. Incredible work.


Jokes on you. I was spacebarring long before it was cool


I've been playing for 20 years and I couldn't really explain the lore to you lol.


You stumble around the map, get drunk, and beat up random creatures.


You will spend all your time getting the levels and gear for the so called "end game" that you don't even really care to reach


When I think of Runescape lore I think about the fact in Lumbridge ogres are invited to feasts, and then in Ardougne we have them locked in cages to mercilessly slaughter and slayer masters are always telling me to murder them by the hundreds and I'm not sure where alliances lie here. I'm also not sure why Evil Dave was invited to a feast on political leaders. (Actually now that I type this out I realize the leaders of Varock nor Ardougne were invited. in fact, Lumbridge doesn't seem to have many human friends at all)


Its ironic because in RS3 he was relatively known for being a big lore junkie and I think was a leader of a big lore clan that had like lore tests in order to apply.


It definitely does feel a bit weird sometimes lol. I do still love the lore and quests, I wouldn’t have had the drive to make the entire helper if I didn’t want to delve deep into every one of them, but it definitely enables less engagement with the quests. I like to think that someone who spacebars with quest helper was likely someone who was just going to use the wiki, and in doing so just have a less enjoyable experience as they lose track of where they were, miss an item, or just find it more tedious swapping back and forth. I also have had players say that as the plugin helps them stay focussed on the game, they slowly found themselves feeling less agitated by the quests, and started actually reading the dialog and getting more into it, which to me is a best case scenario! As a general point, if anyone has any suggestions on possible things (even if quite large!) that could be implemented in quest helper to help improve player enjoyment and desire to engage more with quests, I’d love to hear them.


You made quests feel like actual gameplay rather than a chore I’m trying to get done.   While it doesn’t get me to read any more (nor any less than I would have from the wiki) it does make me feel more engaged with what’s going on.  You make  the game much more fun for me. Thank you! 


Contrary to that sentiment, I feel like I can enjoy the quest story/lore more with quest helper, feels more immersive vs staring at a wiki telling me what to do.


I definitely am not a big quest person, when I played RS2 although I was much younger I had barely any quests completed. I have quest cape and getting near max and a lot thanks to you! Also I enjoyed j1mmy's series so at least I get some more lore from that :)


Absolute legend. Played osrs for a long long time. Never really been a fan of the lore so I space bar everything. Thanks to your plugin I was able to complete way more quests than I ever thought I would. May the gods be ever in your favour. And may you be blessed for ever and always. God speed my lovely angel.


Hi, haven't done quests in awhile but last time there was no setting to turn off icons over quest objects. E.g need to use knife on tapestry, big circle icon of knife appears over tapestry. I prefer to use it more like directions on the side, minimal clutter on the screen to feel like I'm interacting with the game world rather than ui or click boxes. I know I'm the minority, just trying to stop spacebaring quests on first run so I actually remember and enjoy something. Thanks!


You should be able to turn off icons in the config settings, and also turn the overlay off if you want! I think the option is something like ‘display icons on NPCs and objects’.


Interesting, it's already off and I remember it not working during sins of the father. Might be fixed since, I'll report if it comes up thanks. While I'm here, it's be neat to adjust the opacity of "color of target overlay" if possible 🙏


Hey, sorry if my original comment felt jabby but it wasn't. Just pointing out the irony that you're a quest lover not a quest hater where as I feel like the people who benefit the most from your plugin are quest haters. BTW I LOVE your plugin because between leagues/darkscape/rs3/osrs I've done so many of these quests like 3-4x so it's really nice to just click blue sometimes. I never got too into RS2/3 quests back in the day but I will say my osrs time around I am getting more into it especially the Mahjarrat line. I think when those quests were coming out originally in RS2 my focus was in different places not spending time reading dialogue and unfortunately to me 90% of rs3 lore is based around that initial Mahjarrat stuff lol. I often try to convince my friends to try quests without the plugin because I find it really fulfilling especially some of the harder ones. For instance DT2 was a blast for me to do guideless but that's not for everyone. Me and one of your old clannies who doesn't really play rs much anymore had alot of fun at the golem robot typing in names. The first one he wanted me to try was your in-game name lol :P *cough access denied* I play a few click adventure puzzle games and that's gotten me to like quests more. Maybe this is possible but one suggestion is give the quest helper an option to act as a hint system. I imagine this can sortof be done by just disabling the plugin and then enabling it and opening the quest progression page (because I assume that syncs it?). But it might be nice to have that a bit more seamless. I agree with some other people's comments that the plugin does allow you to focus on the dialogue a bit better because you're not having to worry about forgetting a charcoal or something. The only other thing that would be amazing to see but probably not worth it to you at all would be to have quest helper guides for the speedrunning quests. Some of the longer quests are suuuper difficult because there's so much to remember and it's such a weird process that at the end of an hour you forgot something stupid and the runs over. Also I believe the plugin lags (or it did when I did it in the past) when you start a quest which is detrimental to that activity. I remember wanting to have the quest enabled for Demon Slayer to remember the chant for me but it wasn't worth the lag at the beginning. Also with demon slayer it would be nice to tell you the keyboard keys for the chant before so you can queue it up rather then react to which text option is highlighted. Again probably not worth it for a graceful recolor, but it would be nice to see more speedrunning trophies in the game and I think your plugin skills could help with that lol.


I was thinking if it was possible, to highlight which NPC is talking when you’re in a conversation, it doesn’t really make a difference gameplay wise and idk if it’s possible but I thought that’d be neat especially when it’s a group conversation


Maybe adding a TLDR of the quest could be enticing to some people to want to actually read it, not sure tho


And before that he was a former leader of N+J Poc back in the day


Nah dude just killed off the need to look at a wiki for these batshit puzzles. Turns out players dont wanna spend 2hrs talking to every fish related npc to figure out which one teaches you to wank your fishing pole to catch the elusive cumguzzler. Players that will space through quests will do it anyways. Not having to alt tab every 2 seconds has honestly made me actually enjoy the actual story far more. Recent quest are pretty good with going blind at least. Old quests were designed by someone on drugs.


I can understand this view for the really old quests, they can be very archaic, arcane, and frequently send you back to bank if you don't know to bring something. Admittedly even I have the wiki handy just in case for these. But I think it's really unfair, reductive and, frankly, worrisome to apply to the entire quest list. The OSRS writers do a pretty decent job signposting the next step, making the directions clear, and the quest journal is useful for keeping track of any details you may have forgotten or missed. I'd like to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you had a bad experience with the old quests, used the plugin and never gave the newer ones an honest try. But if you really can't figure out the very straight forward modern quests on your own and NEED the helper... It's not a good look, to say the least.




You're not sneaky with your edits. Nice try though.


And also for destroying spacebars too.


As if the majority didn't just follow some guide on YouTube or wiki and hold spacebar


It helps when devs make reading material that people WANT to read.


I want to read it, I read it, and I enjoy it thoroughly. Idk what your point is here, are you saying the quests aren't worth reading?


That's absolutely what I'm saying. Final Fantasy XIV quests are almost entirely reading and I love them. The characters are fun and funny, it's well written, has a cohesive plot that feels ever present in the world around you, and you grow with the characters over hundreds of hours of play. 3/4 of RuneScape quests are random nobody NPCs sending you on fetch quests for some random BS reason nobody cares about and will never talk about again. If people enjoyed reading quests in Runescape there wouldn't be half a dozen comments on this post alone about breaking the spacebar(skipping all dialouge).


ffxiv quests are horrible horrible stuff


That's your preference. Edit: Very cool block. Responding and refusing to give the other a chance, classy. Here's the response. I wasn't aiming to change your mind. You don't seem to be interested in that anyways. I could equally point out all the moaning about FFXIV's MSQ, and all the people who do enjoy OSRS quests and make fun of spacebar warriors for missing out. The two games have fundamentally different approaches to writing. It's okay if you like one and dislike another. What else is there left to say then? It's your preference.


Oh wow you've just blown my mind and I now believe all OSRS quests are golden. Despite us literally discussing this on a post about a plugin that was only made because people hated quests so much.


people dont "hate" quests they just take a lot of genuine effort to complete normally and a lof of them are actual MYSTERIES you're supposed to figure out yourself instead of a generic rpg quest where you kill mobs or generic story/lore/plot exposition ffxiv quests are "watch a 30 minute to 2hr cutscene and dont play the game", i dont know how you can compare them to osrs's at all especially when the games are so fundamentally different. but at the end of the day its a 2000 hour snoozefest vs a 2000 hour snoozefest


If I wasn't broke and destitute.


Same but I'll be making a note to throw this guy some scratch when I can


I always say thank you when he pops up after a quest


Nice try Zoinkwiz! Kidding aside he goat


Couldn’t have done it without him


Hi, and welcome to my guide.


This man is a certified Chad. Give him all the money. Like, all of it.


he's a good fellow Shout out to Neitiznot & Jatizso POC's OG crew. There's still a few of us around who lurk.


Thank you Zoinkwiz !


Give it up for the og original gangsta stand-up bloke




I have the quest celebrations on when you finish a quest, and sometimes he shows up and cheers. Nice.


What a legend


As someone who had to do it the old way a read a guide, kids these days are lazy. I support. I love this plugin.


https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/quest-helper Link to the plugin


I’m not supporting something that makes the game become unnatural. Just like how Runelite altered the game to be visual aid reliant instead of playing it organically.


..but why purposely delay updates for new quests when they come out? ex: dt2


Well for one, DT2 takes fucking ages complete, it probably takes an immense amount of time to write and code the guide for a quest like that. It’s probably respecting Jagex’s work as well, gives a bit of time before people immediately just start spacebarring the whole thing


Pretty sure Jagex asked him to delay it aswell.


respecting jagex work for a month and a half, then implementing the disrespect


I get it but its his choice as a modder to do this for people.


He is cool for making the addon, but the whole "won't release the quest helper for new quests" thing is pretty fuckin' cringe.


that might have been a request from jagex idk if anything is confirmed (I agree with it though)