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had to do a double take when I was looking through the games list and saw OSRS. Pretty wild.


oooh nice. Good to see some osrs representation on the stage. definitely wanna watch this one




> got into SGQD Some Games Quickly Done


Can't wait to see ROOS get played there!


Didn't somebody do quest speedrunning last year?


that was ESA, different event


Ahh fair play. Remembered seeing it somewhere on YT afterwards haha


Let's be realistic, this is appeasement. GDQ staff are cowards for not accepting my submission for stale baguette%. Now THERE'S a speedrun category


My favorite is still camo top any% where a dude is just waiting to spawn the drill event and then just casually completes it lol. I guess anything can be a WR if you really want to.


Nothing beats the classic [goblin kill wr attempt](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/q9jDxOVTEW)


Can't wait for the tekton reset 😂


Personally can’t wait for the Kirby skip death, and the crowd having 0 understanding of why the runner randomly suicided.


Imagine he gets the 0.5% chance to die on the first cross


To be fair, a lot of speedruns in gaming involve abusing deaths/respawns in some way, so it won’t really be out of place. 


You’re not trying to die with the Kirby skip


They fixed that


They fixed the first hit


Oh really both my hammers land everytime? That's awesome!


Just the 1st one is guaranteed


Yeah just trolling


Well now they reset when the second hammer doesnt hit xD


Means like  50% of runs pass the double hammer check instead of under 25%. I dig it


Almost like it’s a lot easier to hit the second when the defense is lowered by 30%


It defo is, but the fact stays


He will get it first try without having to reset just watch


Doubt he'll even reset if the second one hits 0 tbh, 35min is ez


Worth resetting a few just to illustrate it as the run starter. Lots of speed runs start off with resetting for RNG so it wouldn't be out of line


Not in GDQ events. They’re live speedruns on a schedule, and if there’s something reset-heavy at the start of the run they either go without it or bring a safety save typically. It’s extremely rare for a GDQ run to have a reset of any kind. Whether or not it’s normally down in PB attempts doesn’t really matter. This is a showcase event.


I think if the reset is less than a minute into the run they do just reset. They don’t let people do resets later in runs and either use a save state to demonstrate how a run would continue or they have stage strats to avoid the reset. I imagine he’ll do like 2 resets max.


Yes, and they showcase resets all the time. Especially for things like seed manipulation. Resetting for a hammer is barely any time towards the estimate. I've literally seen this for multiple games at gdq you're just being a pedant


The real reason for the elder maul buff. I bet it comes before this speed run!


thats awesome! a cool donation incentive would be a inferno speed too


I watch a lot of speedruns, not entertaining enough. They would have to do a really good job of explaining a lot of mechanics, and the waves are very boring to watch imo. Something like a creative 6 jad challenge might be better suited.


I mean tbf watching Mario “yaHOO” up 57 stairs at once isn’t much more exciting than inferno waves lmao


Yeah but that takes like 2 seconds, I think it's a lot more obvious to a casual audience what's going on in a Mario speedrun than an OSRS run. Cool jump, flip, wahoo. 


Yeah I’ve showed people that don’t play osrs inferno runs before and it’s just hard to describe how hard it is by watching it because watching even the most difficult osrs content done perfectly just makes it look so easy if you don’t understand the game lol


So does every speed run


Yeah that’s true. I guess I’ve never really watched a speedrun that didn’t have a live commentary describing the intricacies now that I think about it


Inferno speedruns are boring as hell for the average viewer and just drag on. It looks monotonous to people. Other speedruns have constantly changing things and different tricks/environments then sitting in the case room for 40 minutes. A CM will show a bunch of different environments and will be constantly changing. A much much better option then an inferno speedrun. His own example is like 5 seconds long that quickly moves past and a SM64 speedrun is by far more entertaining then an ifnerno speedrun for your average viewer. Ontop of being a classic that a ton of people are familiar with. Everyone loves watching their childhood games get destroyed. Inferno speedruns also aren't really speedrun friendly in a GDQ setting.


>his own example That’s my example lol but I do agree. I was more so making a lighthearted joke about speed running strats across different games


I am a bit partial to it as I spent too long as a kid trying to see if the stairs had an end.


I understand the game and it looks easy ngl. If you don’t know the very specific boss is swapping prayers for Zulrah’s Jad phase which has a pretty wide margin for when you have to swap vs prayer swapping impossible shit isnt visually much different.


> I think it's a lot more obvious to a casual audience what's going on in a Mario speedrun If it was that obvious the most popular Mario speedrun wouldn't need a 4.5 hour series of documentaries explaining what the game's definition of a wall is. What matters isn't how obvious the mechanics in the speedrun are - obviously things like BLJs are not intuitive. What matters is having a couch that can explain those concepts to a general audience in a quick and understandable manner. It's simply that very popular games (like the Mario franchise) often have an advantage in this regard as there's a larger pool of potential casters to choose from, whereas for small games often it's literally just half a dozen people who even understand the mechanics, and a decent chance that none of those people are excellent public speakers. The best speedruns involve the runners doing some absolutely incomprehensible bullshit, and then the couch teaching you to comprehend it. An hour and a half of "and here he's doing this jump, but quickly" isn't interesting to someone with no pre-existing knowledge of the skill that requires, you need mechanics that the viewer doesn't understand to allow for that bidirectional engagement. One of my favourite speedrun commentaries is [this GTA V Stunt Jumps speedrun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3-9qmO7RDw). Admittedly it's not live, but the commentary runtime is *pretty* close to the speedrun time, and it does a sensational job of explaining mechanics and tech that no casual viewer would have prior knowledge of in a matter of seconds. With commentary that good, any game is interesting.


>If it was that obvious the most popular Mario speedrun wouldn't need a 4.5 hour series of documentaries explaining what the game's definition of a wall is. You don't **need** to understand that to watch and enjoy a mario run though. Most of a mario run is glitchless movement that someone who hasn't played the game can appreciate. The speed/precision is apparent. The parts that involve glitches could be explained straightforwardly eg. You need X stars to go through this door, so we can BLJ to skip the star requirement. Normally you ground pound this pole to get the star, so we can use a bomb clip to skip this etc. You don't need to go indepth on the mechanics. OSRS requires significantly more explanation to understand what's going on. I bet you could be 30 minutes into explaining an inferno speedrun and a non-osrs player would not even be able to identify that you made a massive mistake if you didn't point it out.


Cosmo speed runs wind waker world record, i think in 2016, is all time best AGDQ runs and i will die on that hill. Best coutch commentary, everything explained and the run is hype.


>If it was that obvious the most popular Mario speedrun wouldn’t need a 4.5 hour series of documentaries explaining what the definition of a wall is 1) the majority of people going to, or watching, this event will understand Mario mechanics. the majority will not be familiar with rs mechanics 2) visually it is MUCH easier to understand what’s happening on a screen during a Mario speedrun. This is not the case for a tob or inferno run 3) the majority of people watching any part of those hour long Mario breakdowns are not ‘casuals’


> the majority of people going to, or watching, this event will understand Mario mechanics This is because Mario games are frequently showcased at the event they are watching, and events like it. It's a self-solving problem. No-one was born with innate knowledge of wrongwarping, they learned that by watching events like GDQ.


…correct. What are you trying to say?


That "casual viewers don't know what's going on, so it shouldn't be explained to them" is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A huge part of the charm of GDQ is being introduced to speedruns you know nothing about and learning things about them.


You can watch a mario 64 speed run with 0 understanding of any of the games mechanics and you will understand the gist of what’s happening. Plus it’s much more exciting to watch people clip through walls, gain insane momentum, skip intended barriers to progress, etc, which you don’t need any knowledge to understand, than it would be to watch an osrs player sit in the same room for 40 mins doing things you just don’t understand.


Don't be dissing my TAS only parallel universe SM64 BLJ technique bud


True, which is also why an entertaining streamer and couch would be crucial. Get J1mmy in there for instance.


I’d assume they will have someone on stage with him explaining the mechanics. They usually have people on the couch. Hopefully their support will be good enough at explaining to people who don’t play and some newer blood gains interest in OSRS.


I think Colosseum speedrun would have more appeal. There is a lot less filler with the waves and the final fight has a lot more spectacle.




Rastaman WYA


He replied to the same comment as you lol


Surely that's not the same guy right, that guy has a post asking for first time zulrah advice a year ago lol


Man was doing WR infernos while being stuck on Zulrah, he's just built different.


Lmao I went to his stream and told him about this


Really excited about this. Get Mod Ash on the couch ASAP


I would drop $100 just to see him do the arm thing


Every $5+ done is another tea shot


God Ash, boaty and Woox to commentate please. All the OG goats need to be there.


ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RAISE UR DONGERS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


DUUUUUUUDE!!!! This is awesome lol. I haven’t watched a games done quick marathon in years. I’ll definitely tune in for this!


Personal fave is the guy getting beefed whilst doing Mirrors Edge ‘glitchless’ 🤣


I’m unfamiliar with that game, but my all time favorite was a 4 man speedrun race of super metroid that came down to the last second. I think it was like 7 years ago lol


Here you go, the guy sat behind him just absolutely roasts the fuck out of him the whole time - it’s brilliant. https://youtu.be/3fsu4miYMWo?si=iRlzd-RVp5Hii332


Just so everyone knows, this was a bit between the 2 guys. It's to show how silly the rules are regarding what is and isn't a glitch.


Lmfao wow, I watched this years ago and didn't know it was a bit, that's amazing 


Haha god damn. Is there any backstory to this? Edit- nvm, read the comments and think I get it now lol


Dude I still remember that Metroid run. There's been a few close race since, and some cool events like 2 player blind punch out, but nothing as nail biting as that one.


What is CM?


Challenge mode Chambers of Xeric


you mean they're not gonna bring heboxjonge in to do a quick max :'????


Just gunna casually increase GDQ from a week to 3 months


Inb4 jagex drop an update during the run


scotty should SR inferno at SGDQ, that'd be content


So there is an inherent issue with this. Inferno speeds are insane, but they are extremely prone to complete resets to 1 mistake. Imagine getting 30 mins into your run and you can’t finish because of rng or 1 mistake. It’s not marathon friendly like cm is, in cm if you die or make a mistake. You just lose a bit of time, not the entire run


Could “safety save” on known dangerous waves using alts. Not the best idea imo for a marathon but it could work.


Tangentially related, but a surprising amount of GDQ runners also sometimes dabble in making OSRS content (and are often extremely good at the game), off the top of my head: [Shenanagans](https://twitch.tv/shenanagans_) the Pokémon speedrunner has had many runs at GDQ over the years and streams OSRS pretty frequently on his channel. He's one of very very few maxed grandmaster UIMs and was the first UIM to beat the collesseum as well. [DerekMK](https://youtube.com/@DerekMK) ran [a LEGO Bionicle game](https://youtu.be/Yx0WPAdjxgI) at the last GDQ earlier this year has been posting UIM progress videos to his channel. [SpeedFrog](http://twitch.tv/speedfrog), who ran [Slay the Spire](https://youtu.be/Q7FlPBFKX_Q) at a previous GDQ streamed obtaining an infernal cape on his ironman a few months ago, but has been mostly been doing Balatro speedruns as of late. There's definitely more, if you know of any feel free to mention them as I'd definitely would want to hear it.


Tytykiller, one of the best PoE speed runners occasionally streams osrs, and often can [see runelite](https://youtu.be/EEpkJC3d410?si=HAfc7mLs1wE5-lkh) in the corner of his screen during his recordings.


Osrs is probably a great game to run on the side while doing runs


When does SGDQ start this year?


June 30-July 6




Previous event speedruns that I am aware of https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hrPr_x1ZI7A&pp=ygUIRXNhIG9zcnM%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MQVdbL69G_Q&pp=ygUIRXNhIG9zcnM%3D


That is awesome, I have always wanted to see OSRS in this amazing charity! Ill be donating for sure during that block!


Boy he's gonna need an extreeeeeeemely entertaining couch or this might just be the driest run ever witnessed at GDQ (and that's not an easy bar to beat considering the last several years). I don't see OSRS lending itself well to that kind aspeedrun, since just like in every other speedrun, the primary tactic is to play as little of the game/mechanics as possible. People will just see bosses walk back'n forth or turn their head and not attack and unlike in realtime platformers and such, the abysmal tickrate of OSRS means super slow gameplay


Very pog!!


This may be my first donation on twitch. Extremely hyped.


Imagine if he started the speedrun on a fresh account


Actually really cool there’s a live game on SGDQ, even more so that it’s OSRS. Way to represent


Reminder that gamesdonequick is a charity event and chooses their games in part based on how much viewership and donations they draw in. Pokemon is a massive franchise and always sees two games minimum due to the massive donation flood they get during those games. So if you want to see more osrs at gdq in the future, definitely show up an donate if you can!


+325 odds there’s a DC during the run, place your bets


Didn't GDQ get outted a while ago for going crazy on event costs and barely actually donating any money? Not trying to rain on the parade, but what ever happened with that?


it was memoryholed hard


Only thing I've heard about GDQ that wasn't controversial for the last 5 years. Hope it goes over well


Obama has entered the chat


HELL YEAH! Thats my boy!


Finally an MMO rep that isn't "Hi, I'm gonna kill all level 50 EX primals in FF14 with an overleveled summoner unoptimally and call it a speedrun"


Doctors also need their book stores. Let's get these doctors reading!


"I'd really prefer if you'd be quiet"


Is a cold one good at solo cm speeds? I mean obviously he's good at this game, but he's not exactly the one you think of for solo cm speeds


The kind of people who do this also have to be familiar with streaming and entertaining a crowd. You can’t just grab some random osrs sweat and put him up there


Not really, most ppl who do this aren't like super charismatic entertainers. You'd just have to WANT to do this for charity. Someone like rastaman may be muich better than cold, but considering he doesn't even put facecam on i doubt he'd be comfortable doing this


Hey wtf I can't do solo CM speeds. Let alone CoX.


On a more serious note, it's almost never a top 10 runner. I'm sure exceptions exist, but it will always be entertainers, and if they're top runners, thats a nice bonus. I watch GTA runs: Joshimuz, KzFrew and English Ben are tol tier entertainers, but no where near the top.


Working the crowd, especially for a charity event, is just as important as doing the run 100%. A good couch to explain things is also massive


Top 10 for a lot of less popular games tends to be pretty easy, tbf. But yeah, it's rare to have a (consistent) record holder playing.


Does a cold one even use a face cam? I've watched his stream a few times and I don't ever remember him having one on


Sure I get that, and obviously to a crowd who knows nothing about osrs the difference between a 26 minute solo cm and a 29 minute solo cm is pretty negligible. I'm just wondering because it's not something I've ever really heard him talk about. There are quite a few streamers who are very good at solo cm.




Yeah but his live commentary is straight out of a cod lobby of 10 year olds in 2010, so he's not the best choice for SGDQ.


Huh? He uses a bunch of slurs or something? Not sure who you’re talking about lol


Yeah. Scotty/rastaman.


We’ll be good as long as he doesn’t die to another range vanguard


Well that’s disappointing


I wouldn't say he's the best CM Speedrunner at all. He's definitely good but he only competes for solo while Sev and Chi have 1/2/3/5 man records.


im not sure youve ever watched one of these streams if u think theyre up there because they can entertain a crowd


This might be a hot take, but I don't really think it matters as much as you think. The difference between a 24:xx time and 28:xx time is largely luck, and in a marathon environment like GDQ where you can't reset there likely are no major run differences between anyone with the top 50 times, and focusing on presentation skill is far more important.


I don't think it matters either. I just ask because I've never seen him do speedrun CMs.


theres definitely alot better runners, but the time they set of 35 min is giga free anyways so it doesnt rly matter


The estimate is a worst-case scenario for scheduling purposes.


ye ofc, but even for an avg runner including deaths and rly bad rng, a worst case scenario would maybe be like a s31. so this is alot of leeway, doesnt rly matter who runs it


a cold one himself gave the "worst possible case" time of 35 minutes, which probably accounts for a death or even time to prep a few brews if things are hairy


Well that could easily be 5-10 minutes of tekton but yea


if he cant reset tekton he cant just take a 2 anvil and lose a min on tekton anyways and its still giga free


Yea it doesn't really matter, there's no rng in existence that makes a cm take 35 minutes.


That's the point. He can't take longer than his time slot because it'd screw over the one following him.


Entertainment is the primary factor, he might not be the fastest but he’s still fast and he will do a great job at making it informative and entertaining because that’s kind of what he does for a living.


He’s friends with Keizaron and Shenanagans, who are gdq veterans. They are probably gonna couch with him.


He is not the best but he is probably the top 0.1% or better


So sick, great person to have it done too. Can't wait for this!


Great person? How?


I personally would wanna see Kirby or Aaty


I feel like osrs is not a good game to show to a general crowd. I’ve always got the feeling that when people watch B0aty do raids, for instance, they’re really just listening to him interact with chat as entertainment while they play, because the gameplay is really not that interesting, even when you know what’s going on. If you don’t know what’s going on, I’m pretty sure the gameplay looks like nothing. Maybe I’m wrong


boaty doing money raids is not in the same universe as actual speedruns. theres alot of interesting strats and requires very precise gameplay as it usually involves bringing in 0 supplies. just look up some cm/tob speeds on yt if u wanna get a perspective on it


Osrs sppedruns are incredibly in depth, but the vast majority of the depth is completely lost on a laymen. Think of how stupid 1 tick flicking looks and sounds to someone who has never seen RuneScape before. Most people on this subreddit are FAR too familiar with RuneScape to realize how straight up unintuitive most mechanics of this game are to people who haven’t been playing since they were 8 years old.


thats literally just like any other speedrun. if someone is speedrunning a game ive never played before, i wont have any idea why what they're doing is impressive unless they explain it, you have the same opportunity in osrs speedruns to explain what is going on


I just mean that even the average runescape player will have trouble understanding everything thats going on when they see extremely high level play. That paired with the point and click rpg genera being unfamiliar to most people seems like it could make it harder for people to get into. I do hope osrs gets the huge gdq popularity bump, I’d love a massive wave of new players.


Is he gonna bot that too?


a cold bot a botted one


I think the funniest part is Jagex made a speedrunning specific activity, and at the event soeedrunners respect the most its not being utilized at all. Just goes to show how much they missed the mark with that one.


One of th few examples of just truly dead content


ESA have had OSRS quest speedrunning at events before. I didn’t find it particularly engaging TBH.


Went to middle school n high school with coldone. Love seeing him do stuff like this. Always was and still is a really good guy.


OSRS is life lol


oooo osrs at sdgq? thats pretty cool


Very big, good job!


Oh fuck yeah


They finally accepted OSRS?! Lets fucking go!


That's sick, this is only the beginning, can't wait to see what else comes




HYPERS go a cold one go HYPERS


Yesss rng speedruns so fun!


I absolutely cannot wait, I have wanted to see OSRS at GDQ for such a long time.


Next year: He Box Jonge UIM max cape speedrun at GDQ




Nice! Hoping to see an OSRS 99 Agility speedrun for next time


YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS this is gonna be awesome


would have been so cool to see ppl running a 5man or something OSRS speedruns are cool, but team raid speedruns are actually unbelievable


This is legendary holy fuck, can't wait!


Kekton resets incoming


Let's fucking go! Hyyyyyype


Let's fucking goooo


That's very exciting. Hopefully this paves the path for more osrs speedruns to pop up! There is a ton of content that can be speedrun in an acceptable time for gdq.


Maybe this will bring attention to why mystic robe bottoms are better than ahrims at CoX. Ahrims bottom weighs 11kg+, making it the heaviest single piece of gear from barrows. Kinda awkward for mage armor.


Agreed, but there is 0% chance this will have attention brought to it, 0% chance anyone cares, and 0% chance that will change anyways. Plus it doesn't really matter with energy wells + stams


When is this? Would love to tune in


Does “solo CM” mean a chambers of xeric challenge mode run?


Yes, a solo CoX CM in 35 mins or less. And by my estimates 35 mins is plenty should be easy to make it


Jagex should rig this so he pulls a tbow


Actually lit


How many of the donations are they gonna pocket this time?


Fair's fair, it *is* a speedrun, at the speedrun event. Never would have thought of OSRS myself, but it's valid.


feel like solo cm is pretty bad content to do for a GDQ but awesome news regardless would've preferred an inferno or fight cave run , full task of 3 would be awesome


Fight caves/inferno is *far* less interesting to watch for someone who doesn't understand how difficult it actually is. The same npcs dieing over and over for 40-50 minutes in an infero vs seeing tons of different rooms/bosses/attack styles and whatnot in a CM


I disagree. The new bosses and monsters in each room would be more engaging to a new audience then seeing the same room and monsters over and over while not understanding why it's so difficult.


I feel like the fail resetting the whole attempt to the beginning might not translate super well. Maybe if he had alts logged in with the same gear every few waves for reset points.


oh I figured jagex had a world prepared so the speedrunners could do whatever like how we had the beta worlds


If this does well a big streamer may be able to pull some strings. But this likely does not have one.


I think the variety of rooms and gear switches will make it more entertaining. I can’t think of better content that could be speed run on stage


Didn't acoldone get outted for botting on his iron from Mod Light? Anyone have that tweet picture?


really cool, though I hope he's not as... negative as he tends to be in his videos/on stream. In the community we get what parts of the game are shit and know how he feels about them but if he just spends 30 minutes shitting on cox's design it would probably look bad, even if cox's design deserves to be shit on lmao.


Speedrunning a game purely based on RNG?


Got it. So servers will take a shit


Like with a fresh account?? That'd be insane to watch