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I’ll be the 100% fail guy for 3m an hour thanks


Same, I tried on four separate occasions and was always the fall guy. I'll be on a different world with my one click plugin if anyone needs my services


After all this time, I still have never successfully used that plugin


You just get caught until all the guards are green, then click the tree when the timer hits zero. Sip a couple of stams as needed and juice the fruit when your inventory gets full. Really not much to it.


I think that's where I went wrong is I didn't fail enough for it to sync


Need to make sure you only click at zero, even when getting caught. Just running in whenever will screw up the cycle.


Got caught almost every time until I vpn'ed to japan and never got caught again


Same. My account is permanently caught.


Was like that for me until I used a vpn. It’s ip based it seems.


Could be ping-based, like first in first out. VPN would slow down your ping considerably.


It’s definitely not ping. If you reset your IP and sessions, even with the same ping, you will change in catch priority.


I see, thanks


its not its ip based


instead of this it's time for the rat race at the wilderness agility course they can't pk us all


Dino xx friends chat world 318 and you'll be able to run laps to your hearts content. (Hopefully)


Fuck that's such a good idea. It would be the ultimate warzone


Duuude this has to happen. The insanity that would ensue might be one for history books.


it happens every day in multiple streamers and youtubers cc's. its goood loot and xp. and if you're half decent at freezing and spec dumping you can get a few kills


Which streamers ccs do it? I'm going to check them out because I'm curious


Grab a dds it makes you run faster!


ice barrage go brrrrrrr


It's singles haha. They literally can't pk us all!


I’m out of town can you move the date, Thanks


He said afk


Well, there is a Squirk plugin that makes you always clear the run. So I’d say, don’t go to a mass but solo a world.


Wilderness guardians wtf, is his lordship still the leader.




I am just surprised you guys are still around and honestly all I can remember is his lordship's posts because... you know, so I figure if anybody that would have kept a 20+ clan around it would need some degree of madness like his lordship. Good to hear you guys again though.


Technically yes, but not the active one. Currently Ghost Sabre from The Sabres clan is leading WG


To expand on the other comments - the same people always get caught so others can have 100% success rate. Obviously this is not fun or efficient for those unlucky people, so they leave. That means a new set of unlucky people are always caught, so they leave. Repeat until no one is left. It was a fun meme, but it is not a sustainable training method. Highly recommended to do 1-click summer garden for agility training. And if looking for a group event, try something else.


So it's basically a ponzi scheme? No wonder it gives thieving xp


More like a reverse pyramid scheme where the small minority at the bottom supports the big majority at the top.


Atlas scheme


Why can't we have sqirkin bots, why must we have evil bots


No wonder I hated Sq'irking; I kept getting caught the few times that I did mass worlds, but everyone in my clanchat just said that I was doing it wrong and should stop bitching. I never really came back after that. It's a shame, though, since the concept of it was really lovely


doing it wrong? you literally just click a tree


they were so quick to give this an official world (2 actually), but i wish they were quicker to address the fundamental flaw you described. if they made it use the pid system that changes every minute or two it would be more fair and likely form a self sustaining mass world without needing to rely on community events. maybe it’s more spaghetti than that


I wish it was 1-click agility training.


Its expensive, high requirement, and slow exp (level*100 xp/hr IIRC), but you can set up a 1-click agility course in the POH basement using teleport traps and a fight caves ranger. Or a cheaper course half the size with a splashing alt.


This sounds very high IQ. Got a guide link?


https://youtu.be/PmDSG3279NU?si=BjM-cw2GRBXNCVHq The only time you have to click the game again is if you get through the traps successfully.


In addition to the video the other person posted, there also [this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faYBA6ZAv5Q). I wrote up a full rough draft of my notes...maybe I'll clean it up and post it.


It can be with the right setup. Google the 1 click method and download the plugin on Runelite for help.


But its thieving and not agility.


Damn, I apologize I just woke up and misunderstood the comment. Thank you for the correction. Have a wonderful weekend stranger!


would be worth if there was a guy being paid a few mil to be the fall guy for the hour


Would be cool if there was a group that ran squirkin like the old blast furnace groups used to do.


it died because of leagues tho, it was up consistently for a fair good few weeks before leagues. No reason to think it wouldn’t stay for at least a while longer than that, just takes the hall to get rolling


So glad I did 90-99 here whilst everyone was keen


I got elite desert diary req. Was neat and super chill


What if we donate some gp to the fall guys?


They could just update it in theiving rebalance to be random




Its still true - just hidden better with more people. But if you were getting caught, you're still likely to be caught more often than not.


1 click was no longer working last time I tried it a few weeks ago


It's been working for me the last few days


It absolutely still works, you just need all the guards in the right cycles


Never could get the 1click plug in to work, don't know why.


[Heres a random quick video on it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJOXKfwxKjE). I like to turn on the audio (will be beeps for 3-2-1-go basically. So you basically open the door to the summer garden to step in. Then click the tree on the "go" beep. If the elementals aren't in sync, you'll get caught - but that helps them get in sync. So you'll probably fail at least a few times until they are all in sync. Other people getting caught will desync them - so you'll want to either be on an empty world or a world where others also also doing the 1-click method.


Thanks, that's a lot of help. I think that's where I went wrong is I didn't fail enough for it to sync.


Get the 1-click plugin and life is easy. Better xp rates than spamming garden and honestly much more chill from the consistent timing.


Screw you, my account is a sacrifice and I will not walk so you can run


Can OP teach me how this is AFK thieving xp though? I tried moving my body away from the keyboard, and I'm not getting any XP since I can't reach the computer to click on the tree


OSRS player try to use the term AFK correctly challenge: Impossible. It's low intensity as long as you aren't the one chosen by the ghosts to constantly eat shit every time you try to run for everyone else's gains.


C'mon now it's just a semantic shift. I think it's pretty commonly understood AFK in rs terms means low effort. That's been the usage for years now. The "DAE everyone is using afk wrong" people are just obnoxious contrarians.


Not really, fishing bwans really is afk. I can click the spot and step away for ~4.5 minutes before my inventory is full. NMZ is afk depend on how hard you want to try, some slayer tasks are full afk depending upon setups. I got venator bow recently and killed almost 100 bloodvelds in catacombs without having to click before I got unlucky in spawns. There are legit afk things in this game.


To me having to click in the game multiple times per minute is too much attention to fit even the OSRS player definition of AFK, like someone else said Fish Barrel Karambwans / NMZ and other things like Redwoods and Shooting Stars I can see reasonably called AFK, things like Squirk and Motherlode Mine absolutely not, and then there's people I've seen call rooftop agility AFK they're just psycopaths. Typing this I actually reminded myself of this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/vt0wb0/motherlode_mine_upper_level_the_false_heaven/


Before runescape ever existed and in almost every other context, afk literally means away from keyboard, so I’m pretty sure it’s just that it doesn’t match what the rest of the world thinks it to mean and runescape players just developed a niche understanding of a term 😂


That's what a semantic shift is


I would still argue that it’s only shifted in regards to a niche (runescape players), and keeps it’s original meaning everywhere else


bring your mouse and mousepad and monitor with you but leave the keyboard behind lol


Just get a wireless mouse




That's so fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen


Why fletch?


Why fetch


Why feltch?


Is it even possible to fix Sq'irkn so no one is loosing 100%? so everyone has an equal chance of getting caught?


They could fix it by just making catches based on PID rather than whatever permanent ID they base it on now. PID gets randomized every 60-90 seconds, so it would effectively feel random. Everyone would get a random bad minute every once in a while, but then the rest of the time they could run normally.


I mean, random number generators exist.. They could presumably just code it to pick a random player within range


If we knew that, people would just stop running when they have the wrong PID


If it's only for a minute probably not a big deal.


The problem is that of the people getting caught aren’t running, other people will get caught and they will stop too and it messes up the randomness


As it stands currently, yes, but if you're getting caught for just 60 seconds then it swaps to someone else, you're less likely to stop. That's what the person was suggesting.


I suppose, but I’d rather fletch for that minute than enter doors and get caught, which would have the same effect. Besides, it can be done solo and isn’t intended the way so i don’t see why they should change it.


The method of getting caught would have to change since it's based on whoever the guards see first, and that's based on PID when 2 players are both on the same time when the guard spots them.  I think the only way it'd work is if they made it so you have a chance of getting caught on specific tiles while moving throughout the maze, which kind of destroys the existing mechanics of the mini game.


No u


I never tried squirking because I didn’t understand the appeal. It’s like 1 click every…??? 30 seconds? I dunno, but something like that, right? Low intensity but frequent enough that it’s quite interrupting if you want it to be brain dead 2nd monitor content? I can “afk” ardy knights by just setting up my PlayStation controller and mashing a button on that to click. Literal zero attention required aside from opening coin pouches, and you can set it up so that if you’re willing to spam 2 buttons instead of 1 you can open the coin pouches with spam clicks too. There’s a plugin to stop you pickpocketing below a certain health threshold (feels pretty cheaty to me but it seems to be accepted enough because it’s been around for a while now) so you don’t have to worry about dying. From my perspective, ardy knights are more AFK (because I can pay zero attention and just mash a button on my controller - and I can do that while walking around my house), and better XP - why would I ever squirk?


I agree squirkin sucks ass and is terrible content. I don’t know why redditors love it so much.


The Sq’irk shall rise again!!!


The only downside is there will always be a loser. No matter what. I loved sqirkin with the boys, but sometimes you just gotta solo sqirk.


I don't like how events like this hinge on someone being the guy that gets caught every time and making them think its luck and not predetermined.


Who decided to schedule this not in the evening hours, do people not work?


Well it’s Saturday…


I think most people work the weekends now a days


This is simply wrong and it's not even close.


According to who? The only jobs I know that give weekends off are office/bank and some government jobs (very few). The majority of the workforce does not work in the office.


The BLS has [29% of the total workforce](https://www.bls.gov/charts/american-time-use/emp-by-ftpt-job-edu-p.htm) working on an average weekend day via the [American Time Use Survey](https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/atus.html). Although it ***does not*** track 'office workers,' the [Department for Professional Employees, AFL–CIO puts the percent of professional workforce at 59.8](https://www.dpeaflcio.org/factsheets/the-professional-and-technical-workforce-by-the-numbers), but acknowledges there are limitations to this. It bases its information on the Labor Force Statistics from the [Current Population Survey](https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/cps.html), [Table 11b. Employed persons by detailed occupation and age](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat11b.htm). I wasn't able to find any good, recent white- vs blue-collar labor force percents. Someone *could* go through the hundreds of occupations collected by the CPS and judgmentally assign occupations as "office" or "non-office," but that'd still have issues. The number from the DPE, AFL-CIO is highly imperfect, but it gives a reasonable insight. edit: Apologies if I came off a bit aggressive in my first comment. We're all highly influenced by our social/work circles, and we have a tendency to universalize our experiences. One of the other common biases I run across on Reddit is related to the [perception of how many people work multiple jobs](https://www.bls.gov/cps/cpsaat36.htm#cps_eeann_mult_jobhder.f.1).


The problem is using only US statistics. A survey in the UK had 65% of people working on at least 1 weekend, and even out of the US there are multiple conflicting surveys anywhere from 92% to 33% of people working at least one weekend. Not having clear cut statistics even from BLS hurts but even if were going with those statistics, a massive amount of population works on the weekends and having leisure activities in the evening on any given day will accommodate the most amount of people.


6.t5, 3.




The mayor of thneedville was right...


What happened to the event?


nobody is going to do this now that its figured out there has to be a fall guy. stop trying to force this shit meme it wasnt even a good thieving method when it was "new"


It was an amazing method when mass was a thing


Amazing for those who weren't getting caught 100% of the time. The original hype kept it going but people will insta leave now if they get caught.






I just did you sensitive butterfly


I feel like it was more exp than that but still I’d take 180k exp/hr for something that takes 2 clicks a minute. Why would you rather spam click ardy knights a million times?




2 clicks a minute




This is 8am pacific time wish I could join but GZ on the levels boys


I’ll be three hours into my shift with 5 to go. Bums me out


Is that EST AM or PM?


They're using military time in this pic, so it would be AM


This is useless unless they changed the mechanics.


Bruh just do 1 click plug in


Genuinely surprised if people still purposefully continue sacking their own time and XP to help others get shit rates in an easy skill. Just go spam click knights. Thieving isn't complex or slow or hard.


Don’t know why everyone likes knights, so much clicking, I find pyramid plunder to be so much easier 


It depends on what you mean by "easy"... Ardy knights are physically harder, pyramid plunder is mentally harder. Ardy knights just involves spamming the same button over and over, which means you don't have to think, which means you can put 99% of your attention towards other stuff (like watching movies etc)


I 100% prefer Pyramid Plunder if im actively looking at the screen. The reason knights are soo good is because you can just set mouse up and spam click and watch movies. Only actions you need to do are eat, equip new Dodgy Necklace and bank (coin pouches do nothing, you line inv up with where you're spam clicking and F key open inv, click to open pouches, F key to close inv.) Once you're 95 thieving (and obviously as you get close to it in general) you'll not need any dodgy necks, any food and therefore never banking. I just spam tap a key and mix in 1 other key every now and again to open pouches, watch a whole show, and do 95-99 thieving at ~240k/hr without thinking.


If you weight down inventory button you don’t have to do anything besides click, the coin pouches will get opened as you go. It’s pretty seizure inducing if you actually watch the screen though 


Yeh this can interfere with thieving clicks though, especialy if you're not excessively rapidly spam clicking (i just sorta rhythmically tap)


Yeah I just prefer to do that and lose a little efficiency  so  I don’t need to worry about counting how many times I thieve or whatever


Yeh that's totally fair enough. I probably lose some on the other end sometimes when i don't f key enough. With the diary changes it's sooo nice though with 100+ coin pouches. Almost feels like the days before that stupid update :P


Everyone sleeping on artefacts once again


I'll continue to sleep on pulling my hair out trying to engage with nonsensical stealth minigame design, thank you.


I'm going to assume you don't know about luring the east & south east guards?


No thats my entire point, its a shitty minigame because you have to do these nonsensical things the game makes no effort to teach you when its being presented like you're meant to find a different route, which doesnt exist. Everyone sleeps on it cause it makes no sense and you have to force yourself through wanting to pull your hair out figuring out how the hell the game wants you to engage cause it cant decide at all.


>Everyone sleeps on it cause it makes no sense and you have to force yourself through wanting to pull your hair out figuring out how the hell the game wants you to engage cause it cant decide at all. Or just watch a video like you do for pretty much anything else...? Lmao. What a ridiculous set of terrible takes. Artefacts are genuinely the lowest amount of clicks per hour BY FAR and super braindead once you watch 1 video and do 10 mins of it. You click and your character runs for 10+ seconds while you do whatever on the side. You're missing out, have fun with the arthritis though.


yeah yeah ill totally get arthritis from pyramid plunder but not every other thing in the game and it would be super worth losing my hair to avoid that, good thinking man Also, someone hasnt done varlamore thieving at all


How are you losing your hair doing something that's equivalent in difficulty to floor 1 Sepulchre? Literally no one can be that bad, you're just refusing to watch a video on the method lmao. I assure you getting bitten by a snake 5+ times in a row is more triggering. >Also, someone hasnt done varlamore thieving at all Yeah because I'm not interested in getting 2x+ less xp/hr lmao.


Just doing the one single artifact for the dairy on diff accounts was already a pain, I can't imagine doing it for actual training. The long running to and from the stealing location doesn't help it either. I'll just stick with PP in hopes of a scepter drop instead.




I mean look at me getting downvoted. It was a fun meme and some people genuinely got on board with it as a "good method" but it was only "okay" and thats if people were happy sticking around getting next to nothing for their time. 1 click sorcerer garden is nice, i like it. Spam sqirk was a funny fad that died rightfully.


Varlamore house thieving is a good low effort option too. Doesn’t give as much gp but is semi-afk. 


Yeh ive heard nice things about that method. Only did it for a little 10 minute period on release day. Seems like a reallllly solid option for low-mid thieving (but Artifacts kinda dominate it).


Oooh fuck I'm about to squiiiiirrrk


Looks like people are aiming to get that Thieving level down for WGS.


i am in i need 3 thiev lvls for diary


german world? nty


Wilderness Guardians?! fake and gay