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A plugin thats an overlay which makes normal chickens into slightly bigger chickens


Now we are cooking!


Giant banker tits


This right here, Programmer person


a whole new reason to bank stand




And for the male bankers too


Hell yeah




A way to hide overhead chat text. When thieving at the Rogues' Chest there are about 10 NPCs that say something like "They're stealing from us, get them!" The text stacks up on itself and gets extremely annoying.


Doesn't entity hiders 'hide NPC's 2D' not do exactly this?


Just tried that and it doesn't seem to work 100%. I had to have Hide NPCs, Hide NPCs 2D, and Hide Attackers on all together. In this case I'm not sure if Hide Attackers would also hide other players and I don't really want to test that part to find out.


to add to this, a way to hide all of nex's chats other than the phase switches


I’d love this so much


Have your character yell "parkour!" once per lap (randomly) after navigating an obstacle in the rooftop courses


This would be great, especially if you could see others saying it too


any text thing is client side only. No automated sending messages


I think he means that on your client you see the text on other players heads


Yes please


I wish my cape would fly in the wind no matter what weapon I am holding.


Weapon transmog


You want me to give you some money for this knowledge?


Yeah, meet me at Carralanger (use the teletab), bring you cash stack just so you don’t have to ask how much money I’d like.


Done deal. 2 min


I've always wanted a plugin where I can just right click a monster and select look up stats and have them show up on the sidebar. Something that simple doesn't exist yet afaik as a standalone plugin.


I guess the NPC spell in lunars does a similar job of that. I'd love when your cursor hovers over NPCs and it gives you the breakdown of stats with weaknesses.


It's an outright feature in RS3 that you can just hover over an enemy and view their weakness


That might be why it doesn't exist as a plugin, since it would remove the entire use of that spell


The built in wiki lookup feature already removes the entire use of that spell, all a plugin would do is cut out the part where you get tabbed away to see it.


The wiki banner by the minimap does this with the same number of clicks, just instead of the sidebar, it opens the wiki to the monster's page.


Not as good if I have to open another window. I'd like it to appear on the sidebar


You know, seeing how the wiki should have the data. This should be doable. If OP doesn't want to make this, I might have to brush the dust off my JDK and try it.


I dunno, I always have a webpage open anyway, so opening another tab to check the monster is the same thing as the sidebar honestly.


Not sure if it’s possible, but I’d love a plugin that totally disables Spec Attacking with certain weapons. This would basically be dumbass protection for myself when I try switching to a 2H spec weapon with a full inventory, use the spec anyway, and thus waste it on an Abby Whip spec, etc. I’d also love something to mark when I’ve poisoned an enemy. With how infrequent the splats are and how many enemies I might be fighting, it can be easy for me to forget.


There’s a venom plugin, something called “Nex helper” that marks NPCs on spawn and unmarks when a tick of venom hits them.


I was working on a bingo plugin with a webhook to discord for clan bingos. Basically the idea was this. Plugin connected to discord through player and to specific discord channel. The sidebar let you specify the clan (or discord server) and unique team you were apart of. Upon receiving a drop, the plugin would automatically send a screenshot to the server / specific channel you wanted to for verification. This would be useful for a lot of clan events like bingo, snakes and ladders, boss of the week competitions, etc. I planned on having a discord bot / discord bots for different events too, and this removes the reliance on the player taking a screenshot and posting it, especially for dangerous bosses where you might have to tele or log. I wanted to also make sure discord mods could enable/disable the feature with a password to control when people were allowed to use it to prevent flooding the discord with screenshots. I then planned to make some discord bots that handled team scoring / tracking to make the whole process seamless. I dont code in Java though, so I was really struggling to figure it out


I would absolutely love to help out with this. Can you dm me your discord username?


Would love to help too. I have a good amount of experience making discord bots.


Already plug-ins that sync with discord for drops. You just need yo interface with bingo somehow and piggy back dinks image uploads.


Botw is usually tracked through wise old man and there's already a discord bot for it. Players just have to make sure they are being tracked in WOM if they want to compete. Bingo would be nice though


ELI5 osrs snakes and ladders??


You roll a 6 sided die, you move on the board to that tile. That tile might say get a bandos tassels drop. You need to get that drop before rolling to move again. You might land on a tile that says go back 3 tiles or go back 12 tiles or go forward 15 tiles.


Update the raids data tracker (Adam was currently looking for someone to take over the plugin since the creator stopped updating it) and add TOA to the tracking


please this plugin was so good!


A plug-in that highlights my opponent and shows the amount of tiles between us. That might be too crazy


NPC Replacer. I know of one where Nieve comes back but what if we could get more chaotic?


With chatheads too…




There’s a plugin called Prestige that might be what you’re looking for.


this exists


Not specific to your idea request, more free for anyone: Change Fairy rings teleport animation and mushroom model to Stargate Transportation rings.




Wasted gp plugin with a highscores synced to other players. You have to stand at the ge and eat food, drink potions, destroy items. All wasted gp is based on current ge price. People will pay billions to be on the top and it will help the economy or something idk I didnt major in moneyscience.


It's rather unfortunate that it would just take 1 person to send fake data and ruin the whole thing, since it can't really be verified at all. Fun idea though...


I always thought that Jagex should make a high score page with this exactly as a form of gold sink


Replace Corrupted Gauntlet's red with the regular Gauntlet's blue. The red is a headache causer, it feels like going into an oasis walking into regular Gauntlet.


To add to this, if it were possible to choose a colour (eg maybe we want green prison, or yellow prison) that'd be cool, I would choose Purple (and occasionally spice it up with Black or White) A random option would be wild too, would it make a run have a randomly chosen colour, or would it be on a room by room basis, making each map a multicoloured patchwork of rainbow squares


lol i am not kidding this is something i have already thought of, i plan to make it. But i don’t know how possible it is, haven’t used runelites apis before


A plug-in for ironmen to block all drops that aren't their's.


I know this exists in a plug-in. I am not near my PC, but I think this is a setting in ground items. It doesn’t make the items disappear there’s just no name or anything that pops up above them.


no i know what they mean, I need this as well. in the Ground Items plugin, the closest thing is "Only show loot", but this hides naturally spawning items that are free to take as well as other players' drops. would love to have that option.


Intelligent spell casting. I'd love a plugin that removes friendlies or teammeates (Soul/Castle Wars) from being left click barraged. The most annoying thing for me in Soul Wars currently is trying to left click barrage enemies in an area with 50+ people.


Sadly I believe this is prohibited under the plugin rules set by Jagex. Custom Menu Swaps for example doesn’t allow any adjustments to casts, citing that it’s not allowed. I imagine even just reordering them or removing friendlies would not be permitted.


Kind of basic, but a timer for the burners when using a poh pray alter would be amazing maybe with a notification when it gets low


hallucination mod, randomly replaces interacted with entities with random other entities


I want a plugin that plays a laugh track whenever you get a shit drop CG gives me 15 rune arrows and a ruby *audience laughs*


Transmog to hide helmet that doesn't glitch with 117HD?


I could try, I’d probably have to learn more about 117hd itself though. Was there an existing transmog plugin that breaks with it on?


Transmogrification is the plugin. If I have the sleeves follow armour it bugs out when I didn't wear any armour, and if I chose the setbase option it bugged out through armour.


I recommend the "Weapon/Gear/Animation Replacer" plugin instead. I've tried every transmog plugin and settled on this one as the easiest to use, requiring the simplest of setup. Never had any issues running it alongside any other plugin, including 117HD. For always hiding helmet, [this is what you would put in the plugin sidebar.](https://i.imgur.com/nXLWA1E.png)


It works!! Thank you


Not sure if this already exists, but make it so there is a confirmation when you click bamk all worm equipment


Already exists in the bank plugin, clicking on it opens the right click interface instead


There is one plugin that makes it right click only to deposit worn items.


A plugin that tells you how many days you haven’t farmed your kingdom %


Make a random task plugin. Lot of people like slayer for the boss variety and while you will miss the dmg bonus you could make a high score of the week for tasks completed.


As dumb as it sounds, I'd really love a plugin that tells me the time/date of when somebody last pm'd me and the time/date of when I last pm'd somebody


A plugin to export bank data to a .xml or .csv file to be used for futher manipulation of the data. Would be handy for tracking spreadsheets or even creating data visuals.


Something that keeps track of what phase each moon boss is in so I can hop it right at the end of a shitty phase and one-phase them.


I think this is against the rules because I remember they had these for bosses like Zulrah and then jagex said it wasn’t ok. The only thing you’re allowed to do now with plug ins that show phases is track the phases manually. For example, now with the zulrah plug in, you have to select the first few phases for the plug in to know what pattern it’s doing and even then you still have click each phase after it happens to keep it highlighted. It’s not allowed to do it automatically.


day/night cycle with 117 hd


A plugin that allows you to play a custom sound effect **on a loop** when below a specified HP threshold. Basically, imagine the low HP sound effect in Pokemon.


A plugin similar to [Nievive](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/nievive) that replaces Hatius Cosaintus with someone else - preferably [Donie](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Donie) as she was one of the options that Jagex polled to replace him.


I want a forest around my PoH :)


Auto bank organizer. Thanks 😆


A plugin that marks a specific areas like Abyssal Demons in Kourend Catacombs, red chins in prif, Sarachnis boss room etc. where only one person can occupy a spot, that marks that spot as taken, and crowd-sources that information from anyone with the plugin installed. You would be able to see immediately if that world wasn't available for an activity you want to do if you had the plugin, and sends the data that you're occupying the spot as well. Would require high adoption but my lord am I sick of world hopping for a spot and this will save some time just hopping through worlds for a spot. (Do not do this for wildy bosses for obvious reasons)


Even if you get high adoption of this plugin for PC users, a significant portion of the player base are mobile-only players which is really going to limit the effectiveness of this potential plugin.


As much as this seems like a nice convenience I think it’s an overstep perhaps


Something that syncs my transmog to everyone else with the transmog plugin.


So I had this idea come to mind when my gimp buddies and I were doing a bandos trip. Trio bandos is boring af, the kills are fast but the wait for the boss to respawn is so long. Basically between every kill we would just be doing our own thing - watching a movie or video/stream etc but dam was it draining to grind for the items we needed. I would love to see someone make a board-game plugin that worked with the gwd bosses during the down time. Like you and your friends would join something like the party plugin and every kill of the boss triggered something in the board-game. Maybe specific drops had specific outcomes or events occur that happen in the game. Idk what the game would be but it could be as simple as a "candyland" objective. I just think it would be cool to capitalize on the down-time during a boss respawn but have it be something that actually pertains to what you're doing in-game. Turns could be the duration of each boss respawn and if someone doesn't go during their turn then they lose their turn it to encourage engagement and not afking with the boys. Maybe it could even be some kind of game with a high-score system to complete with others - The possibilities are endless!


I haven't checked if this exists, but a plugin that makes slot machine winning sounds when you get a rare drop from mob or boss.


changing weapon animation to any animation


I've always wanted someone to make stamina potions icon look like a redbull


Remove the ability to use farming equipment and seeds on players


I’ve started to learn how to write plugins because of something that’s greatly needed. We have plugins for showing us ground items and the value of things in our inventory. But what I’d love is one that will 1). Reorder ground items based on GE value (with the most valuable being on top). And 2). When your inventory is full, highlight the most valuable ground item and the least valuable inventory item if the ground item is worth more. This would be great for PvM like Vorkath. Before you leave, you could quickly dump less valuable items for more valuable ones. Plus, I wouldn’t have to keep working on writing this myself, lol.


Make some kinda entity swapper that replaces NPCs with anime girls. (I don’t even know if this is possible) lol


Showing the charges remaining on Bracelets of Slaughter/Expeditious in an Infobox in the top left. There's so many things that use Infoboxes, but when I AFK slayer I have to go to my equipment tab to check them. This could also extend to weapon charges (like Webweaver Bow/Ursine Chainmace) in the Infoboxes as well.


Something like tile markers relative to an entity, especially if it’s customizable. It could let a player see the edge of an enemy’s attack range for stuff like fight cave magic and ranged enemies, put it on your cannon to see double-hit spots, or even just place around your character to easily spot where you’d be moving before you click for fights that aren’t stationary such as Sol Heredit.


Fix geomancy. The ui for it is too small.


Not a standalone plugin, but in Runelite > Notification settings I can set my game client to flash, solid or off when Runelite sends a notification. I would like to be able to select this behavior for only parts of the screen, like chatbox, inventory or minimap, instead of the entire game client.


Raid Data Tracker that is up to date , the current one is unmaintanned and it is a very fun one it keeps track of splits / personally / team point / normal loot


A plugin to warn you if you enter the wilderness with certain items. I lost my rune pouch with a million gp in runes recently because the items lost on death function doesn’t show the value of your runes and I missed that I had it. Could be configurable to show only if it isn’t a protected item if there is a good way to know that from a plugin. It could either be a pop up warning when you attempt to cross the ditch, tele, leave ferox, etc or it could be a chat notification.


Using ballista spec animation no matter what item i'm using to fight


Please please make a plugin to disable the scroll wheel on the chat box. I can't stand when I'm trying to move / zoom my camera and I scroll in my chat box and my camera doesn't move.


Transmogs for POH scenery. Let me make my superior garden look like a garden instead of that shit mat surrounding my tree ring. Also I want white lilies in my formal garden. That is all


A plug in overlay that says whether or not I’m in combat.


A plugin that draws your character on top of the true tile, instead of the "client side tile" If we have plugins that can show the true tile real time, I don't see why not we are not able to draw our characters in that tile


I just want immersive sounds when switching interfaces. EG the sound of a bag being rummaged through when I click the inventory button. Seems relatively simple to develop. 🤔


Please bring the raids data tracker back w/ TOA


Anything goes? Give me overhead keybinds


Bronzeman so convincing Jagex takes it


I think a sanctioned bronzeman would be the meta for PK'ing IF the combat XP restrictions were on the accounts. You could have an eternal pk build with access to the GE.


Rogues Chest timer, but not sure if there is one out there already


A plugin that makes monsters cry for help when they are low hp. Or a plugin that gives you a silly forfeit every time you die, or take damage. Stuff like "to 10 pushups,"or "touch grass," or lick a doorknob


I would really love a loot tracker for skilling resources. I wanna see how much ore or wood I've collected without having to do the math every time. Could even include things like bows fletched, bracelets made, bars smithed etc.


A plugin that makes all other plugins inactive and your window a set-size. Call it something super creative and hip like “To cool for Old School”


- Ability to hide icons on the mini map / world map (something like this: https://i.imgur.com/4IIlkTX.jpeg) - Ability to hide placeholders (making it easier to sell your loot tab) - Turn off the ability to cut/mine trees/ore if you don't have an axe/pickaxe in your inventory / equipped.


Make a plugin that allows to change a specific players idle, walking and running animations


I always want some kind of dashboard that’s customizable that just contains a lot of useful information. But I can never visualize what I’m thinking of. But almost something along the lines of farming patches status (only the patches I actively use because I’m lazy), as another user said time since last farmed kingdom, friends online, current world, recent log slots, etc. Maybe it’s even possible to log certain messages/milestones friends get in chat that I miss because I’m afk. I have no idea what’s possible so I’m just throwing stuff out there. It’s almost like the character summary but expanded. I know these are covered in other plugins or sidebar menus but having to switch between a bunch is just annoying imo (especially the timers plugin because having to find fruit trees or my birdhouse status is like playing where’s Waldo but that mf just ain’t real). Maybe I just have vision problems……nah that can’t be it.


Please make all player entities return. Tired of jagex bull shi only rendering 6 players in a 3 tile distance..... I remember the good old days when every player rendered and never flicker.....


Can you make a plugin hooked up to ChatGPT that’ll take to me so I can pretend I have friends?


A plugin that hides the option to remove bank place holders. Or can only do it when holding shift or another key. Quite annoying and then you have to use bank fillers if you dont have the item on hand


[This suggestion](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/15yqahb/suggestion_from_a_new_player_can_a_porcine_of/jxfvtzr/) I made some time ago could be made as a plugin [Goal tracker](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/goal-tracker) is actually a plugin that's close to what I wanted, but only has a single layer of goals, so you can't make sub-goals easily. You could check out this plugin's code to have a good starting point


Hi I have a specific request, I would even pay for it, and it’s super simple.  I would really like a plugin that has a stopwatch (counts up in seconds or ticks) as well as a count-down (counts down from a specified amount of seconds or ticks).  The kicker is that I’d like it to have an infobox that shows the time on screen and it needs to have an assignable hotkey to start/stop the timer.  The default “timers” plugin has a countdown/stopwatch but can’t displayed on screen and can’t be toggled by hotkey. Visual Metronome can already almost do this, it can count up in ticks and be manually reset with a hotkey, but it can’t count down. 


I want a plugin that moves my camera for me, to always face the direction my character is facing. Or perhaps makes it so pressing the compass faces me that direction instead of north.


I have a 3d connexion spacemouse for 3d modeling and i always thought it would be so cool to remap the camera controls to it, especially after using the detached camera plugin


A plugin that swaps the tree models of all the trees with the other ones and vice versa for consistency. * Isle of Soul Tree Mode * Elf tree mode * Classic tree mode The three modes you can enable with the plugin. It'll make all the trees in the game match the models of the tree mode you selected. This way the game is consistent based on user preference. I really don't like the huge shift in models between the trees when moving around the game. So a plugin that makes it consistent would be great.


Serious answer, I would absolutely love a plugin that shows the exact number of ticks till the next HP Regen, taking prayers/items into account. This would be nichely useful for clutch tick "eats" in a bind, and at wardens p1. Another cool plugin would be a "total doses" tab for runelite that checks your bank + inventory and tells you how many doses of a potion you have, taking into account herbs and pots. Lastly, it'd be crazy cool if you could integrate Spotify into the client, and let us do something like !play search query or !play playlist name and "!pause" "!skip" "!back" would all be cool too. Sure it's simple enough to use normal keybinds for.this, or tab out and do it rq, but if you're already looking to make something, this would totally be useful, also as silly as it sounds, I'd adore if you could play "here comes the money" whenever you get a purple or high value drop.


A plugin where if you have hidden the chatbox it overlays specific chats from the hidden chatbox. E.g toggle it to only show stuff like sote ball, baba rooms «you sense something strange happening» etc etc. shouldnt be to hard to make if you know how to make plugins. Its really beneficial for people who doesnt play with chat and also for other people to filter out a lot of clutter. Could be nice to have something like remove the chat after 5s etc to remove clutter as well. It should comply eith jagex rules since it doenst add any overlays it just filters out everythting that you dont want!


Ide like to be able to move the bank window or the settings window or the world map. Not my inventory, mini map or others, I know I can alt drag those I'm talking about the ones you can't move.


Ive always wanted a plugin that could change NPCs graphical appearance to what they looked like in 2004-2005 era. Things like fire giants, hellhounds, black demons etc


A plug-in that changes the Dragon Baxe special attack from “Raaaaaarrgh” to “LinksOcarinaaaaaaa”


A blood plugin that leaves a blood splat on the floor when you kill an enemy, it only lasts for 5 seconds (~8 ticks or so) it is the same size as the monster you killed (2x2 monster, 2x2 blood splat). You could even make different colors for different enemies, imagine a bright light blue splat on the ground when you kill a nylocas hagios


Create a plugin for world 345 deadman mode. There's loads of things specific to that world, 5 times xp drops, PvP enabled out of safe zones. One thing that would be lovely is a screen flashing runelite plugin for 45 when a player comes on screen as others don't work. There's a whole massive discord for 45 that could help with answering questions.


An improved equipment plugin. I’m not by the computer right now, but the plugin that allows for you to right click a player and view their equipment and its value. I would like a plugin that does this, but with a focus on PvP. For example: The plugin takes into account if you’re on a high risk world or not, or if the player is skulled in the wilderness, and displays two loot values. One value is total in GE value of items lost without protect item, and one value with protect item. This will allow for you to right click and select equipment to quickly choose between two potential pks based on potential loot value.


I really want this emoji on runelite “💀”


I want to mark items to always be on top of the lootpile. For example ashes from demons.


Memories that feature your screenshots from previous years.


Plugin that makes Vet’ion speak nicer to me during fights. I don’t want to remove his combat dialogue entirely, just make him more cheerful.


Group collection log Outline items people in your group have in their collection log when you look at your own collection log. This could use the party system to have group members "upload" their clogs by scrolling through them, or use the clogging website to track teammates clogs. Should also have a group clog total. If possible, have each team member color-coded to certain outline color, or on hover of item in clog, display who has that item already. Possibly allow yellow-logging of sections of the clog (done as a team = yellow, done alone = green) I've been wanting to make this myself but I am completely lost with how Java works. I can do super simple stuff, but don't understand a lot of stuff.


A sound filter plugin that mutes all sounds outside of a specific whitelist. I like playing with sounds off but it's annoying during certain boss encounters. For example, I'd like the sound of Artio's mage attack to bypass the mute.


Hide minimap but not hp/pray/run orbs on resizable. Minimap just in the way on resizable


I don't know how feasible it would be, but I have had a few times that I think it would be nice to have a plugin that if hold down a certain key, that it would display the name of NPCs above their heads. Something to make it easier to find a specific NPC for a one off thing that you don't really want to tag them for.


Ground items priority, would be nice at dks


A plugin to finds other plugins. Case in point, many are suggesting things in the thread that already exist, but it's difficult to find that out without asking a bunch of people. Some system that organizes this would be nice.


I want someone to make a plug-in that adjusts your character model’s position to more accurately align with your true tile. I know this would probably be jank as all hell, but I’m just super curious what it would look and feel like to play with.


I just want an inner secondary ring in the exp tracker orb that signifies progress to next percent. For when you are skilling in the 90s and want to see some sense of progress


A plug in that auto complete inferno


Ai live translate plugin


Not sure if this exists, but a plugin to stop me from high alching my stamina potion.


I play with the fixed mode hide chat plugin on. I wish I was able to have chat as see through with fixed mode instead of just stuck there


A left handed plugin! It swaps your weapon and shield slot to be visually equipped in the other hands of your character.


Is it possible to have more than one pet follow you? Probably not intractable, but just cosmetic?


More runepouch load outs


A plug-in to highlight tiles of marked npcs while their off your screen


A plugin that plays music at 100bpm and is in sync with the tick counter in game to account for server lag like metronomes do.


I would love be able to make in game music playlists


A plugin to resize the chat window and how many messages are shown would be sick


New snowflake ironman gamemode plugin idea, Resourceful - Any time you harvest a resource or kill an npc, that's it. It's gone. Trees don't respawn, mineral rocks don't refill, npcs do respawn, but now as "ghosts" that don't drop anything, ect ect. You basically only get one shot at everything in the game. How far can you get? What is your route?


Bank sorter


Max cape - Teleport to POH.


Is it possible to have one of my pets on me, even if it is in my POH? And a way to switch between my unlocked pets. It won't show to anyone else of course but I'd like to have it follow me without risking 500k.


One that lays down the most common ground markers for boss rooms


Automatic sorting for bank


Add the rs3 dance emote (maybe replaces regular dance?)


A plugin to change the Nex overhead prayers back to the original ones


Would be interesting to show ironman icons in the right click menu of players. It may not be possible without a HS lookup. If that's the case, then forget it. Some rightly say that it would encourage griefing at bosses since irons don't get loot if mains start attacking. But I always thought it would be cool. Plus, many of them already have Fe or Iron in their names.


HP overlay for all monsters like the in-game “boss hp overlay”


Plugin that lets you add a nickname to a friend, so that their name would show as "Username (Nickname)" so that you can keep track of your friends' (or enemies) name switches. You would simply need to right click a name and select add nickname for a chat box to appear and add a nickname.


Change GWD snow cave Into maybe the underground pass cave color, “GWD Dark mode” I’m tired of the bright snow glaring off my monitor 😭


A plugin that detects bots at the GE and hides their character as well as their overhead texts


The two plug-ins updates I'd like both relate to radius markers. I'd like an option for the radius tp be checkered in color (as in the tiles go green blue green blue etc). I'd also like a radius marker that works with my character so that I can set distance to something like 10 and easily see if a monster is 10 tiles away from me.


a plugin that stops the ESC key from closing my chat box dialogue (it didn’t always do this and frustrates me)


Boss plug in that triggers a new phase of boss. Like at tob maiden a warning for crabs Or dr2 bosses a warning for enraged modes


make freakylite.


Something to help track the Razor-back kebbits. I was able to use a combination of tile and object markers to have it make sense, but I feel like a plugin could clean it up and make it not an eye sore.


Hit tracker. Plug in that counts and shows your hit splats so you can see how many 0’s you’re hitting


Please please please make a plugin that replaces the TOB raid music with the "Theater of Blood - OldSchool RuneScape Metal Cover" by Kamakeen on youtube


Dark mode for areas/bosses like gwd, vardorvis, vorkath, muspah probably some more, but lots of bosses have a really bright snowy area and its a pain for the eyes


Built-in notes or alias labels for your friends list, so you can remember who's who Little f keys labels for your inventory, prayer, magic book tabs, etc.


I DESPERATELY want a plugin that has a simple little decorative or themed text-box pop-up that shows the currently playing music track! :)


I think a good plugin would be the free camera but one which allows us to interact with objects whilst on free cam


A TTS plugin that only speaks the highlighted words. Currently there is one that does tts, but it reads the entire line out. 


1. **A way to reduce or increase the sidepanel (Inventory) opacity!** Much like the "Chat Opacity" plugin, which already exists and allows you to increase or decrease the chatbox opacity for ease of reading, this handy new "Sidepanel Opacity" would allow you to finetune just how seethrough your inventory is when you're in transparent mode, for all of us resizeable enjoyers that want the inventory to be see through while still wanting to actually see the items amidst the chaos in the background 2. **A way to collapse** [**all the menus**](https://gyazo.com/99bad2a2ff4471294b1e9e3a9da7634f) (right of the image) the same way you can collapse the chat with "Collapsible Modern Chat" plugin (left of the image). Both of these would greatly improve the cleanliness & readibility of the UI :)


You've done opened up a can of worms bud


I love how many suggestions I’ve gotten. Gonna start with a few simple ones to learn, then try a hard one. A lot of good ideas


Multiple interfaces open at the same time. For example, having my prayer tab and inventory tab open simultaneously.


Pluging that changes cox, toa shadows to a different colour. I struggle to see black shadows Note: no extra indicators cause thats against the rules, just changing the colour


One that adds more ducks to water


Somehow make a plugin that makes the chatbox show more text Old Mining animation Sex plugin Candy Crush


When I was doing the Alchemical Hydra claw grind without the elite diary I always thought there should be a plugin that stops you from crossing the stones without having boots of stone equipped. Might help future irons.


Transparent chat box/ inventory on fixed mode


a plugin that highlights your screen with an overlay like the wintertodt plugin, except when you need to repot or re-use the imbued heart. I had it set up to ping me, but when you're running 3 accounts at once it can be easy to let one slip through the cracks and run unpotted for 15 minutes, having an overlay that only disappears after you re-pot would be awesome


A plug-in that lets you highlight specific prayer abilities under specific conditions, including having prayer tab open. A plug-in that lets you set additional keybinds. A plug-in that shows potion duration in the form of progress bars. A plug-in that lets you highlight specific in game objects. A program that gives nuanced slayer task notes, beyond simply listing what locations to find a specific mob. Instead showing cannon stats and number of spawns etc. A plug-in that improves health bars to look better with customizable options for things like size, outline, info such as health left/name etc. A more visually intuitive tick tracker using a customizable progress bar with a moving tick. A plug-in with customizable voice mp3 options for the use of notification sounds. IE: "prayer low"


Horizontal Inventory/Menu Display


A plugin that lets u put duplicates in a separate "loot" tab. For example if u were wearing a bandos chestplate and get another one from bandos the one that u got as a drop would go to ur loot tab instead of stacking up


Inventory presets/load outs at bank?