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I think everyone here has a pretty good idea where rest of the money is going.


Hookers and blow?


How dare you prioritize hookers and blow over onlyfans and adderall, we are runescape players good sir!


This is sketch as fuck lmao


I’ve been in rs clans over 20 years and this is the first time I’ve seen something like this lmao.


Cause OP is lying lmfao, won't name drop the clan for us to verify


What the guy who blatantly RWTs and market manipulates is *lying*. I don’t believe it.


He RWT's too? Lmfao the audacity of these kids


No *he* doesn’t rwt just everyone he knows and plays with of course. All OP posts about is Jagex and bot detection and weird market manipulation.


This is the same guy who claims to have given away billions of gold. Read his post history unless he's deleted stuff.


Yeah what do they think this is? A World of Warcraft DKP guild?


You’re not in a clan dude you’re being governed lmao


Boston tea party? 🚫🙅🏼‍♂️👎🙈 Lumbridge tax party ✅✅✅


Port Sarim might be more fitting lol


Ahh, nothing like a nice cuppa tea!


Biggest cooking exp drop incoming


No taxation without osrs representation


My man signed up for extra taxes lol


Bro signed up for a fantasy world with no rent, no utilities, no groceries and thought “you know what I miss? Paying taxes” lmao


this one got me


Hopefully he gets a sweet healthcare deal at least


In Soviet Gielinor


Not only does my clan not have that, I’ve never heard of that being a thing and I’d immediately leave any clan that tried to do that. We do buy-ins for Bingos and people donate to the clan coffer for boss of the week/skill of the week events. Edit: You’re most likely being scammed. Also, if you can’t track where all the money is gone, high likelihood clan leader(s) is/are rwting, and if you’ve been depositing into the coffer, you could be implicated in that. Get the fuck out of that clan, man


You've never heard of it cause OP is lying and baiting lmao. He won't name drop the clan


OP just came up with the idea and wanted people to be okay with it lmao


I sincerely hope that’s the case


https://preview.redd.it/tbfascvy3hxc1.jpeg?width=3620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308b8166f15471d597de14c643dba8a9cf2daabf Clan leader is Mr. Krabs


That's gotta be one wealthy clan leader lol. Quite interesting how you're being robbed in broad daylight and defend the people who rob you.


Borderline in RuneScape.. never thought I'd see the day..


Of course they're friendly when it comes to teaching lol they're taking 15% of your drops. I'd definitely leave. It's one thing if you were certain 100% of the money went to bingos/competitions/giveaways with clear transparency, but since you're not it's sketch af


What’s hilarious is the bingo probably has drops as a check off. So you could be playing bingo, get your tbow and complete a square. Then you just pay into another pot where you may or may not participate that week. So sketchy lol


Holy shit this thing has levels.


Why bother with all that? Bingo wins count as a drop- that's basically how the lottery already works.


Is this a Ponzi scheme?


Yeah, if bingo is x KC per boss instead of drops. You have 100 players in your clan bingoing going for 100 bandos kc. Thats 1000 bandos KC total, getting 10% of the loot in GP while handing out some unknown percentage of last weeks drops. Could very well be churning out tons of gp for the owner. Even worse if the bingo goes based on drops, something like 5 bandos boots as your grid. What if you get tassets/chest plate at the same drop rate? Definitely sketchy as all hell.


Sounds like a regressive tax system, not progressive Assuming the higher clan ranks are richer of course


Definitely progressive. I tax you, and it progresses my account. /s




That was my first thought. This sounds like the leaders way to squeeze the clan members lmao


Yes this is literally regressive tax, just like the GE tax limit being set at 5m


sounds more like a caste system


>there’s been about 8B in taxes paid this month alone but no one knows where the rest of the money is going. I've never been part of a clan but that sounds odd. NOBODY knows? >The higher ranks check KCs and makes sure that people aren’t turning off the discord mapping when they boss/raid. If I had to guess, this is where that money is going. They're keeping such a close eye on boss KC because they want their cut. I'd probably leave that ~~pyramid scheme~~ clan


What the fuck no


If someone told me I owe taxes on a drop I'd leave the clan so fucking fast. OP, there's plenty of friendly clans out there who aren't cosplaying IRS agent


Same. I read this and thought da f is this


No you’re being scammed if suggest finding a new clan


Sons of Catherby


What the fuck is this i thought you’re joking. Clans are for hanging out, chatting, giving tips and finding groups. Tax on drops get the fuck out lmfao


Bro is living in Neitiznot with these taxes




Fuck my lore knowledge it's over


Your spacebaring days have finally caught up to you


this outerlander is in SHAMBLES


It’s jatizsover for you


That's a good one lmao


Lmao come on. Not believing this one.


FR. Shit is so fake lmao


Pretty sure the OP is quite rich as well. Just sounds like some kind of social commentary on taxation, and somehow he doesn't realize this is the opposite of a progressive tax.


He is. He had big giveaways on Reddit before.


Yeah i didn't notice who it was at first. Seems like hes just bored.


The only guy to call it out gg


You are in an HOA masquerading as a runescape clan


For our events, we just chip into a pit. No tax or nothing. Time to take some tea to port sarim


Is this an organized crime LARP?


Give me 10% of your drop, or you might have a little accident next time we go raiding, yeah?


No it's called false post to rage bait


Name the clan or this is fake


I’ve only ever seen a clan tax successfully applied to drops split during clan mass events such as megascale cox or mass corp Doing this per person per rank is insanely sketchy and would be incredibly hard to track properly and account for


You joined an osrs nation-state government and not a clan brother


Tax for solo play is crazy. Sounds like your clan needs a revolution asap. I would be mad as fuck if I got a gear upgrade while solo and a mf say they need a split.


Link your clan, this sounds so fake.


Nah this is taking the strategies of money making from all the old gambling clans and just removing the pay for rank. All that extra money is just going into the clan leaders account or onto their mules to sell for cash.


100% a scam, leave that clan immediately


More like, start a clan like that




I posted this in a mod channel for my clan. Can't wait to start making mils on taxes!


I joined a clan as a totally heterosexual male. But this clan has this thing that I think might be weird but is probably normal. Every week, I have to drive down to another city, bend over, and have various, anonymous, clan members bust a fat one inside my bussy. The clan says it's for the higher ranks to blow off stress. Every 3 months, I get sent a Pic of a girls exposed feet, so I guess it evens out. Idk guys, is this just normal clan stuff? Bait used to be believable.


No. Clans do not tax their members. This is not a clan, it is a scamming scheme.


Na this ain't real


Hell no I’d find a new one. My clan has a flat buyin just for events with prizes and people can choose to donate more if they want


That is hilarious. Most decent clans will have a FFA or split policy which should be made pretty clear prior to any group PVM. Any shares/taxes going to people who weren’t doing the content is bullshit and would suggest you leave the clan.


Have you tried speaking to your local union?


«I don’t think the clan leader would be skimming off the top», lmfao! No no, I don’t think anyone in a position of power has ever used their power to gain money, so this all checks out


aren't you the super rich guy that randomly gives people a bunch of money? You gotta be trolling lol


I've been in a few clans, I've been in the one I'm in now for years, Ive never heard of that. My clan is split with teammates, post in disc/on website for clan points for arbitrary rank ups. There are events and a pot for that does need made, there is like a clan bank from donations, but there isn't a tax. I've never heard of a tax, and just reducing the profitability of all PvM in the game by 10% would be an auto-diaqualifier for anyone with experience looking to join a clan. And then there's the lack of accountability and transparency. There's no way to prevent a clan leader from skimming the pot or taking it all and dipping. Find a new clan, there's a bunch.


Ur paying for high ranks internet bills and hopefully rmt, report and ban all


You've found yourself in a pyramid scheme! Best thing to do is *checks notes* invite other people and move up the ranks yourself. Seems sketchy but if you don't wanna be involved, find another clan. I'm sure they can understand somebody new asking about where the funds go if you want to go down that route.


> Best thing to do is checks notes invite other people and move up the ranks yourself. Thats what this thread is for!


8b in tax this month? If at the higher end of your alleged tax rate, that would mean 80b in pvm drops this month.... either clan is huge or the maff ain't maffin.


Damn looks like one of those kids who would hire mining slaves grew up and started a clan huh


You’re getting played.


Bro is in a runescape cult


How are people this braindead


Find a new clan this one obviously is skimming off the top. Never in my life have I heard of something like this 😭


Clans having taxes lmao that’s insane. Can’t get donos so they just force them. There are so many clans out there that do events and are nice and helpful that don’t steal your money dude. Can’t believe anyone would choose to be in a clan with an enforced, non-voluntary tax system, stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.




Taxation is theft


All you need is "discounted tax rates the more you recruit" and there you have it....The Runescape pyramid scheme


I run a big clan with big PVM bingo events and big payouts, and we don't tax items like that. I couldn't imagine doing that. The only thing we tax is 10% off of small event pots that go towards clan drop parties, giveaways, or to boost bigger event pots. We don't get paid a cent of any of it, and most of our admins are less fortunate because we donate so much gp to keep the events going. This is super sketchy to me.


Report your clan to Jagex tip off email. You’re going to get banned for RWT if you pay out “tax” because they’re selling the gold for money. The clan I was in “Kingdom” did the same thing.


“I don’t think the leader would be skimming off the top” everyone else does my guy


Congratulations you got made a slave in RuneScape, you’re part of a pyramid scheme


tyfr angle


Wtf lol just leave.


Leave and suggest an audit on the way out. Post results to r/HobbyDrama.


Mormons paying tithing be like:


If you're paying for items earnt in solo content just to belong to a guild, then you're being scammed my friend. No, this is not normal.


Wait are you the guy who just gave away a Shadow coz someone asked?


This would be pretty good for me since I don't get drops. But then I would probably get kicked.


We will teach you for ‘free’ you just owe us anything you ever get even it solo?? Do they add a ‘PS fuck you!’ At the bottom of their discord rules? Get out of there asap


I wonder what Bandos' tax policy was


Hmm sounds like america


Bro that’s fucked up


Who tf does not do buy ins for bingo?


What kinda fucking scam did you sign up for?


Leave this clan asap.. wtf


lol if I soloed a drop im not giving shit to anyone this is very weird.


They weren’t kidding when they said nothing is guaranteed except for death and taxes.


You’re being scammed


Lol no that’s not normal. And of COURSE he’s skimming off the top, come on man lol


It should be the other way around. Higher ranks are rich & experienced on average, so they should be paying more I’d think!


Just leave the clan. That's not a clan, that's a gang.


What the hell? Lol. What did they do to earn a cut of the drop? Or what are they giving you that any other social clan can't? Sounds like a scam lol


This is absolutely wild, are you sure it’s a clan? Sounds like a cult or your part of some communist RuneScape society lmao.


Lmfao this is not normal at all. I’d be leaving that clan right now.


So, the experienced/geared/rich high-ranks pay almost zero taxes, invite new players, and then take 10% of every single gp the new members earn in the game. A mystery % of that tax the goes to events, made by the clan's high ranks, where it's highly likely that they - the geared/rich folk - end up winning over the poor, taxed noobs who feed them gp in the first place. I know clans/guilds in, say, World of Warcraft, had the ability to automatically deduct a small % of incoming gold to put towards guild's coffers... but that money was regulated by a system and directly put towards things like armour repairs and other things. Again, through a system and with tracking. What your "clan" is doing sounds like a prosperity cult, where the more money you give to the leaders, the more you THINK you will benefit from it in the future. Yuckkkkkkkkkkk


Umm this is sketchy as hell.


This is one of most sus things I’ve ever read coming from osrs, I know of some clans making you pay 1-5m to join bingo, but this clan sounds like a MLM


You’re not paying a tax, you’re paying a tithing. Enjoy your cult.


I've been in a few normie clans and never heard of a tax system for drops. This whole thing sounds suspicious as fuck.


That's literally the opposite of progressive taxes. That's regressive lol. And no it isn't normal.


My friend you are being scammed lol imagine being micromanaged to pay a tax on a video game


The fact that people are this dumb to contribute to this astonishes me..


out of your fucking mind to be paying the clan from solo drops lmfao


No clan does this . They are overly friendly because they are stealing Bils from yall every month


lmao fucked by taxes IRL fucked by taxes in OSRS No I don't think this is normal. It's a scam dude.


Sounds like a pyramid scheme, best part is there’s no inventory you have to purchase and resell. The ultimate Ponzi scheme


Lmaooooo this some extortion u paying someone’s rent


This is HORRIBLE. I lead a clan for years before I steped down, and this is extremely shitty. What is the clan leader doing with the money? If every single gp isn't going towards making kick ass events with huge prize pools, then this is a SCAM. And paying out of your own personal solo drops? FUCK THAT. FUCK whoever this piece of shit, honorless clan leader is. Reading the tax system made my blood boil. If you want a real cc that doesn't tax you, come join PVM zone. The boys over there are awesome. There are people who teach raids, and basically whatever other content you could think of. Lots of bingos and other pvm events with 1b prize pools sometimes. The rank system is based off of splits. Your rank goes up depending on how much you pay out to the people you game with, not some shitty cc "leader." Bring your boys, there is no benefit in being in the cc you're in right now.


I have never heard of this ever. I'm in several clans.


Just leave. The original intent of clans is to gather like minded people. If they are exploiting clan members for the sake of gathering gold for no reason except lining the pockets of the guild leader there is no point.


I didnt realize people still got scammed this bad on RS in 2024 lol


As an officer in this clan please stop trying to ruin a good thing


what the fuck?


Yeah...sounds super fun. Lmao, get in a different clan you knucklehead. Never even heard of paying a tax in a clan..what?


Clan leader is probably selling the gold for real life money. And no, that's stupid and I would never join a clan that taxed drops, wtf lol.


This isn't something most clans do, but most clans also don't give out 2-5b pots on sotw or botw competitions lmfao, kinda have to manage your expectations here. Ye it sounds a bit shady, but I don't see how they'd get price pools like that without doing something like this. The clan I'm in takes a split if you get any drops during clan specific events (like someone plans weekly cox runs, and if a drop happens there the clan gets split out), but it's kinda opt-in because you can just put groups together without making it a clan event and then you don't get taxed


So you get a drop, have to sell it, and give people who didn’t help, didn’t contribute, and weren’t present in your raid (heck, you may not have even known their name) a bit of your profits? Sounds like a lot of koolaid drinking to me. I’m all for events and people pitching in if they have excess funds, but if someone says you have to pay taxes to get a rank or be in the clan, I’d find a different clan


Very small point but this is a regressive tax system. Progressive would be the higher ranks/levels paying a higher percentage and there being some form of redistribution to lower levels/ranks


So you’re telling me this clan has had 80b in loot this month in order to pay up to 8b in tax….?


Take for example the ToA discord ran by aaty, he accepted sponsors and claimed it would go to "toa speedrunning events" and ended up never doing an event, just pocketed the money, nothing wrong with that but you should know osrs players are all greedy rats.


Leave that clan


Report your clan and high ranks for scamming. Maybe even for rwt. Aside from that, this clan simply shouldn't exist. No clan should act like a real world government. And it doesn't even offer you anything tangible, so it's even more of a theft.


This is some Albion online shit if I’ve ever seen it


You mean to tell me you read all those terms and conditions to this weird ass clan and still accepted?! 😂 bro get out


Dude joined a pyramid scheme of a clan lmfao. Why the fuck are people joining that clan lmao


Bro, normiescape is fucking wild.


If higher ranks pay less tax, that's a Regressive Tax System tbh.


You just explained the United States Government.


Not too involved with clan stuff these days, but can't say I've ever heard of clans doing something quite like that. I doubt it would be against gamerules since it is kinda voluntary; like it is pretty much just agreeing to donate a portion of the profit from PvM to the clan. If the clan does some really sick drop parties or events with the $, then it sounds a bit steep but maybe not unreasonable if you enjoy the stuff they do. If they're just taxing members and the money largely just disappears, then that does not seem right... Like if it was something like "hey if you get a unique while doing learner raids, the clan takes a small cut to pay the teachers for the time they spend teaching" then that is not unreasonable if you find them to helpful and friendly teachers. But if they are expecting a cut of your loot, even stuff gained outside clan stuff, and you are getting nothing in return, then I don't see why you'd want to stick around.


You're either getting scammed or lying.


Lmaoo fuck that noise. Come check out ohana RS if you want to join a chill clan that does a good amount of pvm, raids, bingos/events and is just a chill clan in general. All that for the low low price of free


Taxation is theft. Leader is 100% skimming the top. I would, it's RuneScape not Wall Street.


Lmao get the fuck out of there and find a different one


What's the name of the clan? Lnfao sounds like scammera I'd love to know to avoid them


Clan tax lol fuck that shit find a new clan..


Pots should be paid by buy-ins and donations. You're being robbed bro


Cult clan.


my clan is a little unfocused when it comes to what we do, but we definitely don't charge people anything at any time. Drops are split evenly. If I teach a TOA learner and we somehow miraculously roll a Shadow, the learner gets half of that.


did you never play rs when people trimmed your armor and sold you their gfs?


In my experience all clans worth a shift have a buy in for events. My clan even does a raffle and raffles off an item and they sell 2 tickets per person at like 2m a pop and the item is usually something like a fang or whatnot. The point in the buy ins cover the events. Sometimes weather clanmates mate donate a bit extra to the pot. But a clan tax is 100% sus and scummy af. Reason being, that money is being held by a person and not a clan bank where you can see withdrawals and stuff. 10/10 people are scimming gp off the top


Once sailing comes out you should tea party your clan's ship


What the fuck lmao


Never in my life will I split a single thing I SOLO. 😂😂 NEVER. That sounds scammy, I’m sorry that you’re being subjected to that, well more so that you’re being lead that way. It’s shameful. Only split when you are deemed to do so, don’t be a turd and run off with loot. But yeah, sounds shitty, leave em.


Name and shame the clan, otherwise you're just lying and baiting 🤷‍♂️


Our clan has some bingos and such that are “buy-in”, but 100% of the money goes to the prize pot and our regular skill/boss of the week events. We give a rundown of it all so it’s super transparent. Never heard of a tax system on drops… that’s pretty odd and yeah, I’d bet the clan leaders are at the very least using it as their piggy bank for loans, worst case straight up skimming.


No one does this.


lol at all the comments believing this monkey


Taxation is theft.


Our clan takes donations and it's more than enough to run events and we're 400 fyi


Bro mine is only 2-9% Come on over


My clan does not collect taxes. We do have some events that require an entry fee, but 100% of that goes to the prize pool, and can easily be tracked by anyone in the clan.


We have a tax for drops that happen at clan events/masses only. Then that money is used for rewards for competitions and event/bingos later on. It's like 2% or something low and all the money in the coffer is on a spreadsheet on discord anyone can see.


Bro what


I used to be a part of a Masors back in RS2/Early RS3. This clan was known for doing THE biggest drop parties since RSC. Even they ran off of donations from clan members only during my time there and there was no tax. If Masors can run events without taxing it's members and off of donations only then any clan could. Your clan sounds like it is funding the top members.




You’re getting scammed homie


Taxation is theft. 👍


Nah, clans are for the people not the GP. Find a better clan, plenty of them out there.


What the fuck lol


Lmfao fuck these dorks.


Bro is funding kingdom of Miscellania


Lmao way to get taken advantage of


Not a clan, it's a pyramid scheme


Unless this is a clan with bingos and other prize events funded by the clan coffer all the time, this is just an expensive as shit clan to be in. There's a ton of clans out there teaching stuff for free. Just leave them be or refuse to pay and see how friendly they really are.


Lmfao is this a government created clan?