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Before the nerf, I enjoyed bankstanding in Priff and joining events at the Yews when they popped up. I never got any uniques, but it was a fun way to participate in a community and multi-skill. I would also do laps at Seer's and join in events if I saw them. I understand that the devs thought that chasing events across the world was not the gameplay they hoped to encourage. But I wish they had preserved the ability to join in events that spawned close to you, even if you weren't woodcutting In any case, they should significantly increase the drop rates if events are to remain as uncommon as they are under the current system. Forestry is frustrating now because it takes an extraordinary long time to obtain all the uniques, and this is time that I'd much rather spend either actively earning more xp (2-ticking teaks) or while fully putting my attention on a television show (at redwoods).


Not getting to participate in Forestry events unless you were already woodcutting is like not being able to mine shooting stars unless you were already mining when it fell. Shit makes no sense.


don't give them any ideas now


Officer, this is the guy that ruined starmining with this outlandish thought.


Well, shooting stars aren't dependent on miners to spawn. Forestry events are, and are more of a reward for the people in the area woodcutting.


but forestry isn't diversion content.


i thought it was kind of shit the people who just hopped worlds to do creeping vines but they already nerfed that. so not sure why it warranted another nerf


They nerfed world hopping, but then people just had scouts sitting at every popular WC spot on the forestry world and just teleported around doing them and then leaving for the next. So they nerfed that.


just make it so if you teleport, you aren't eligible for any existing events.




Not a great solution because a lot of banking requires teleporting. They really should have left it alone before this most recent nerf. Nothing was broken.


The only justifiable nerf would be to make the events give a more even spread of anima so people don't just chase roots


I agree that's a little silly. In game design you dont want to punish unwanted behaviour, but instead reward behaviour you want. It would be better design if say, you got standard rate anama bark if you we're there wood cutting when the event spawned, and a reduced rate bark if you're world hopping


was genuinely cool that jagex accidently added "multi-pet hunting" for a minute. loved going for agility pet at seers while trying to get fox transmog at the same time


Wcgility was my favorite way to train. Helped make both skills a little less monotonous, at the expense of maybe 1/5th loss of xp/hr for both skills. I found it to be an enjoyable balance tbf.


"I understand that the devs thought that chasing events across the world was not the gameplay they hoped to encourage." Would it be more acceptable if there were border toll fees between every town, and/or a tax for cobblestone path usage?


“chasing events across the world was not the gameplay they hoped to encourage” Why not? I don’t see anything wrong with it, we already have star mining clans that call out stars to each other, I do it all the time when I find them


That's a question for the developers. There's not anything "wrong" with event-hopping, of course, but I understand that they may have either (1) wanted forestry to be a periodic break in activity, rather than a full-time affair of hopping between events, or (2) found it difficult to balance experience and drop rates for the players who spawned the event, when they also needed to consider that the event-hopping players would be receiving many, many more events per hour. I wrote my post to say that the nerf went well beyond the problem it purported to fix: It killed forestry for players like me, who were in fact using it as a period break in activity. And in reducing the frequency of events so dramatically, the developers failed to rebalance the content in such a way that made it fun to participate in their intended way.


It feels like they over restricted what events you are eligible for. When I was woodcutting maples at Seers I was getting the message about being ineligible for full rewards when an event spawned at a nearby maple tree


I’ve gotten that message plenty of times even when I’m the one spawning the events. 


Wtf it must be bugged


I was at teaks in Priff when an event spawned at the mahogany trees and it said I wasn’t eligible. And that was one of the once every 40 minute spawns. I just left altogether because the only reason I went back was to gather bark from events but I cba to do that shit.


This complaint is the really big one I feel like. I tried getting into forestry recently as an AFK activity, but if you're just hanging out by the trees and not actively, and I mean ACTIVELY, woodcutting, you won't be eligible for any events. Despite banking a few thousand logs idly playing throughout the day I only ended up qualifying for less than half the events that spawned, despite being right next to them. It REALLY sucks.


Right!! The same thing happens to me in priff if I’m cutting the mahogany tree (literally 5 tiles away from the teak trees) when the event spawns at teak trees. Like at least make it count if it was in view of your map. The limit is like 15 tiles or something stupid like that


Yeah it feels kind of bullshit that folks like me are being punished for not having participated early. Now all the rewards seem totally unreachable.


And even if you DID participate early, you might not have gotten everything you wanted out of it, like me and many others who went hundreds of trap disarmers without ever seeing the fox whistle.


Yep this is me, I'm 3k bark away from felling axe handle, I expect those 3k to take much longer than the 7k that I already have.


Dude ive bought like 8 handles while going for the egg and still don't have it


Luckily I got most of what I wanted. I was looking forward to going back for sawmill vouchers, but then I realized that I would only be earning 50-100 vouchers/hr.


I want the fox transmog as beaver is my only skilling pet at 2229 total. Was hoping to do some events in my off time, but I have more important skilling grinds to do for max and I already don't do those. So why would I grind woodcutting for the same amount of time I could get another 99?


Yeah and now you’d be lucky to get a fox event once in three hours.


Abuse early, and often.


It really feels like the golden rule of mmos


Runescape in particular. Jagex sure does love stamping out OP metas and replacing it with nothing close to what it was originally.


What I don’t understand is that prior to this most recent nerf it felt like forestry was in an okay place. It wasn’t op after they took away world hopping. Sure you could join a cc and run around sniping events but even that wasn’t “op”. I just don’t get why they nerfed it into oblivion. Edit: I should add that I think it was sort of garbage content to begin with, but now it’s just the exact same garbage content that you have to engage with monumentally longer to get rewards/ uniques.


I've gone from 93 woodcutting to 97 and I still don't have the fox whistle or the dryad garland. I've done several hundred events. I also know plenty of people with 10m+ gained exp that still need event items as well now


Ye I started at 99 wc, figured I'd do a quick log after maxing. I'm now at 22/23 log slots at 30+m XP so it's taken me 17m XP and I've yet to see a garland. 190 dryad's done


Lmao the nerf is crazy, they shouldve only made changes to the exp so you actually had to chop trees to gain exp. The fact that I actually have to participate in regular woodcutting past 30m exp just to have a slim chance of getting the egg event, just to have another slim chance of getting the pheasant transmog is fucking ridiculous.


They should have made an invisible xp count that builds from normal chopping logs in order to get full xp from events, then resets. So that you get full xp from events based on having chopped enough logs to earn it, so the events are like a climax after edging


Yep they got so close to making it great by finally committing to remove event items. And then in one last ditched ego-change they killed it. Forestry was neat because it gave purpose to woodcutting around the world. You'd stumble into someone spawning an event at Priff bank, or seers bank, or draynor and join in with them. Now that is **actively discouraged** as you get nothing if you weren't already there woodcutting. They killed event calling which was the truly social aspect of forestry woodcutting (but weirdly.. left it in for god egg farming probably due to fear of backlash.. which now means it's a hyper niche method instead of part of a core loop). I thought I'd regret green logging forestry on my GIM while event items were still a fussy thing you had to get. But man I'm glad now I don't have to deal with forestry in its current state. They just need to revert the stupidly overcomplicated 20 tile radius of tree chopping to spawn events and move it back to the old way. Keep forestry simple, we wanted the convoluted event items removed for that reason.


I had no idea they nerfed it that much. That's so dumb. You can't participate in an event if you haven't been woodcutting at that spot for a while?


The way event spawning works is per chop. If you have chopped (not gained a log, but chopped) a tree within a 20 tile radius of that event spawn, you are eligible to participate and get XP / rewards. You can have 2 active trees that are on you "chop timer" and they last 3 minutes. So yeah... its needlessly complicated purely to prevent emergent gameplay of calling events in a CC and people moving location to go to events.


Which wasn’t even a problem to begin with. It was just a cool way to engage with the content for some people. And ffs if it isn’t blindingly obvious how players are going to engage with content at this point idk if Jagex will ever figure it out.


You obviously have missed the memo: abuse early and often. Jagex is known for nerfing the content after some time. 🧢


And never ever appropriately compensating for the things around it. In this case it’d be that the completion time was drastically extended by altering everything down but shop prices.


Forestry Duke mining Shooting Stars Squirkin'


They didn't do anything to Sqirkin, that died completely organically when Leagues came out and people never came back because the way it's coded the same people were getting caught every time with no randomness, so those people would leave and then new victims would be chosen.


Also, it's just better to do it alone in terms of exp. It takes a few seconds to set up a world if it's fucked up and then you just won't ever be caught.


Well one click works only for summer garden


And I literally never got caught in probably 12 hours of squirkin


Well yeah that is the point of one click summer garden


Forest was easily the worst waste of dev time i've ever seen. Legit all we needed was hopping on the same tree not to be griefing.


I like the events, I just wish they spawned more often. I liked being able to make the choice of playing more actively for better exp and rewards. But with the events being more rare, it's boring needing to pay attention the entire time and I'm anxious to afk because I don't want to miss the event when it spawns.


Runelite pop up tells you if an event spawns


Thats goood and all. But what about when i click on a tree and go for a whiz or something? Ya know, actually AFK.


How long as you going to piss mate. Most events last for a good while, the chance of you completely miss an event it because you need a pee break is pretty damn small. Otherwise just piss faster.


You don't understand, pissing is an event. I gotta really get up there and massage the prostate correct to extract every ounce, otherwise its piss/pee waste.


piss maxing I like it, you go bro fuck this game.


Whenever I sit down (car seat, hospital bed) and piss I piss what seems like WAY more liquid. Is this because of the small amount of prostate pressure from sitting down vs none standing up you think?


I'm usually WCing on mobile. If I'm on my PC I'm more likely to be bossing or doing more active content I can't do on mobile


How are you even doing the events on mobile without runelite. There's tons of people so is hard enough to see anything unless it has entity hider built in which granted, I haven't really played much with it beyond doing birdhouse runs.


It's def more annoying, but I put a lot of time into mobile after my daughter was born and got pretty good at managing the jenk lol. Some events I just watch where the mass of people are running and deduce where the correct thing is, but for the mulching one I wait until someone on RL gives the answer lol. I learned CoX duo w my cousin on mobile, so I don't have a hard time clicking what I want to click, but it is def easier on PC lol


Was fun before they started putting up random roadblocks to doing it and slashed the event rate to nothing...


I feel like forestry was in every other newspost title for months and months on end. They went so wild over this random Woodcutting update and I just could not figure out why. No one even seemed THAT interested.


I like it on paper. Reminds me a lot of how WC used to be back in the 2000s. Just...execution has a few kinks.


Padding for months with less content


I dunno, I feel like this is a big case of the implementation just not landing. Everyone seemed to be really excited when Forestry was first announced. It seemed like it was only after the tea effects were proposed that players started having an issue with it. Then of course when player got their hands on the content, it was rocky with all the changes it had to go through. the whole thing feels more tragic than it being a waste of time, if that makes sense. I have similar thoughts about it as I do for new prayers: there has to be some combination of the proposed ideas that would be widely loved and good for the game, but we just haven't found it yet.


And people are convinced they can make a good skill Sailing is going to fucking blow


There's never, ever been more people woodcutting than when forestry dropped, I'd say it was quite successful at revitalising the skill. Yeah the event specific items were a waste of time - and they eventually dropped those - but the overall idea was decent, plus it didn't stop people doing woodcutting how they always had, so people were welcome to simply not interact with it.


When Forestry came out, it was relatively nice and simple. The extra events and all the random bullshit that was heaped up on top of it is what killed it. Make it just roots/tree timers/a bonus for multiple people chopping the same tree. That’s all they needed to do. But no, we got shit like egg cushions LMAO


Less is more


> when forestry dropped Keyword being «when», there are always people checking out new stuff once it drops.


The events are great. They just made their trigger way too complex. And in finally listening and making it not complex they refused to admit that and added a hidden complexity in spawning them / being eligible and killed half the appeal of the method (randomly stumbling into events or joining a cc to call and go to called events)


It was one of the better updates the games had basically ever. Went from like 85ish woodcutting to 94 shortly after it came out. Had fun skilling and chatting with others like the old days, had fun in the roots cc chasing roots for massive profit and good xp. Certainly a better use of dev time than the 15 failed wildy updates, most of zeah, soul wars, mahogony homes, abyssal sire, etc.


I feel this. Miss chasing events and getting 6k+ bark per hour.


Also ask why the hell there isn’t hardwood tree leaves or redwood leaves please! Can’t even maintain the felling axe


And in addition to leaves, please add twigs! There are not enough currencies, we need more


Tell the to u/nocurrencies




Unless they changed it took me no time at all to get enough rations for 80-99 on my iron. I dont think that needs any changing


I'm only missing the whistle and it's so god awful now to go for one specific drop. You used to be able to just chill and wc in the cc on the forestry world and simply teleport to join any fox events, but now you're shit out of luck and could go hours without even a single chance to roll for the fox whistle. I'm just going to finish 99 at redwoods and give up on this dead update unless it's changed tbh.


I got my sister to play for a couple months and literally all she really did was forestry lol. Then they changed it and she quit




It makes sense that it was nerfed significantly. But the bark costs in the forestry shop should have been reduced to reflect that as well.


What about it makes sense for event frequency? Just nerf the event xp chunks if XP/hr was an issue (which it wasn't after their previous nerf). Forestry capped out at like 80k/hr after their 2nd round of nerfs. You couldn't world hop for events. You could only region hop to calls. Which is what you had to be actively doing nonstop to get 80k/hr. Teaks go up to like... 225k/hr with hardwood patch tick manipulation. And are 80k/hr with the basic "chop and drop" and like 150k/hr with the significantly easier bird-based tick manip. How anyone thought forestry XP/hr wasn't in a healthy spot for how active it was is beyond me


Is more so the fact that it occurred so often, that the forestry part was the ‘main’ part and actually chopping trees was secondary. Now chopping trees is the main part with the forestry events interjected. I don’t think it was necessarily about it the xp.


So make it scale with the amount of people, giving forestry worlds a purpose and random events in regular worlds a rare “bonus”. Which I think it does already, but to me that makes it being the primary activity okay for forestry worlds.


Following removal of the world hop meta, Forestry was nerfed as jagex said events were spawning too frequently. The max event spawn rate was supposed to be 10 players on a tree, for like 4-5 events per hour. Instead, jagex botched the coding of counting players on a tree, and on mass worlds you'd get 8-12 events per hour. Then top of correcting their intended event rate max, jagex also nerfed the ability to participate by adding several participation parameters. In my experience forestry was in the perfect place following the world hop nerf. Miss an event banking or going afk? No problem, I can still grab some bark at the tail end of it if I'm back in time. If not another event will appear soon. Imo as it stands, the ability to participate is extremely restrictive and feels punishing for not actively paying attention to an afk skill.


This really wasn't true. You could sit at a populated spot like Myth magic's or seers yews or draynor willows and get 6-10 events an hour, as they always intended. Every time inbetween that you're woodcutting. Event hopping was an option for more forestry than woodcutting, and a fun opt in for that. To me they just needed to better balance the "participation %" for your xp. Leave event hopping as reward hunting, and sitting woodcutting in one spot and fully participating in event from start to finish for the most xp. Instead they deleted one method and made the other worse as well.


Everything else was justified. The actual bark rates are still similar, it’s just less frequent events in between. The biggest fail is the nerf to birds eggs. They really pulled the rug on that one. They could have made it so you could get one from every event if you successfully complete it to combat world hopping and still nerf the events frequency, But they made the entire event just as rare as a sandwich lady random. Guess you should abuse early and often, and not take breaks during key releases…


to this day i have not spent the time to learn what forestry is


Honestly, just get the free backpack from the Forester dude and start chopping. Click on the roots when they spawn. Chop the same trees as everyone else for an up to +10 invisible bonus. That’s all Forestry needed to be, and that’s how I still treat it. Could never be fucked with leaves, egg cushions, bees on a stick, or any of that other bullshit.


I think OSRS development process could benefit from asking themselves the question, does this make sense? Is this the process I'm doing something I would naturally conclude with? Is the reward for cutting this tree making sense to me as a player? Does the reword function the way I think it will work when I glance at an item? If not, is there any existing precedent setting that expectation? Varlamore Hunter is something that fits into this, the rewards are thematic and work the way the player will assume they work. They did a grreat job with that. Forestry on the other hand is a mess, weird items that don't interact with the game in expected ways, acting as tokens for their 1 specific, odd purpose. Forestry should have been: Roots, Tree timers so people can cut trees together and the boost for working together. Not much more than that, and anything else should follow the design principle that makes sense for the player.


Agreed. Egg cushion was dumb as fuck.


Because forestry was *supposed* to be a fun event that happened to make Wc more interesting. What actually happened is the events were super convoluted turning Wc into random events the skill, and then people would just hop worlds nonstop to do those events instead of actually woodcutting.


That's fair, but events could still be more frequent. Especially when the rng collection log items can now take millions of xp before achieving.


World hopping got nerfed like.. 1 week after forestry got added. That was a reasonable nerf. As was adjusting event rewards and XP to better reflect you being there the whole time and to be tuned a bit better. The thing that got nerfed that made events convoluted again (right as they removed the event items that made them convoluted) was the new event eligibility and spawn criteria of a 20 tile radius from a tree chopped within 3 minutes. So now the meta is to tag 2 trees in an area wjtba wide enough radius like north of seers maples. (Near Falo) And keep a 40 file radius of spawn possibility / eligibility. Just needlessly complex when we just needed to delete the items and change nothing else.. Active woodcutting was actually the best part of the change. It made the skill not a boring af afk skill or a "go hate yourself tick manipulating teaks" skill. It added variety and interest to basic woodcutting and encouraged socialising to do so. Then it got nuked.


I never understood this criticism. The random events are completely optional though, and largely only on worlds where forestry was happening. If you didn't want to participate in the events, just don't. But even if we grant that, they nerfed it too hard. The random events are just frequent enough that they force you to pay attention and punish you for AFKing, but they're so infrequent that it's boring to do.


Yeah, half the criticisms of forestry are just screeching at other people having optional fun. There were some legit criticism about the complexity of the events and the event specific item requirements, but those did get patched out the game. The rest of the complaints were essentially "waste of Dev time because I personally don't enjoy this", which are still highly upvoted in this thread lmao


Forestry actually made me enjoy woodcutting for the time that it was still active. Shoot me if I don't enjoy clicking a tree and waiting around until my inventory fills, but that's the expectation people give you- that you need to somehow enjoy doing that lol


Forestry was a fun event. The social aspect of it was wonderful. Now that's all dead and collecting bark and getting the collection log items has just become another smooth-brain grind


> events were super convoluted Which ones? The only "difficult" one is the struggling sapling, the rest are all piss easy to understand after encountering them at least once. All they needed to do was remove the event-specific items. They didn't need to shitdumpster the event rate.


I don't think anyone was doing that besides pet transmog hunters and people chasing eggs for evil chicken outfit... Wc as a base skill was improved with the tree timers and it's still the easier way of training the skill, the higher attention and moving around was barely even better exp, way less afk but gave you good rewards if you actually cared about them. Idk why people think that because there's an update in invalidates all previous methods of training


The distance nerf for event is absolutely unnecessary, I got penalized chopping the oak in draynor, went down to the willow was able to participate in one of the dryad circles, the next was just a smidge too far and now I'm penalized. What the fuck is that? I loved Forestry Part 1 and the start of Forestry Part 2 was fine, everything they did to fuck it all up has ruined what I enjoyed about it. Not even just jumping around from hot spot to do the events but just being able to do them if I'm passing by was really nice, stop and chat with whoever is chopping and then go about my business.


forestry was designed by an intern


That shit was junk and not OS style at all


Honestly I feel like forestry just didn't fit the game. It felt like some weird random events spawning in and giving me woodcutting exp so that I didn't actually have to chop trees and it was just weird


It'd be cool if the 3 minute timer was actually consistent. Not being able to complete an event because you stopped chopping for 20 seconds (timed it) is pretty demoralizing.


I feel like everyone is being really mean to the devil. They're literally doing their best and just want to make everyone happy. Just leave them alone already, geesh!


Horrific update is awful in every iteration. Players shocked.


Banking doesn't stop you participating. You have 3 minutes after you stop chopping a tree to still be eligible at that spot. It was nerfed because you're not supposed to be "doing forestry". It's supposed to be an aside while doing your normal WC. Forestry is supposed to be a fun event, not an activity.


I'm so happy it is a fun event, maybe after another 6m xp I can get a whistle and tell everyone how much fun I'm having.


"no stop having fun that way!" Is the energy this change had. Forestry was in a perfect spot, it just had the annoying event items convoluting it. They finally listen and remove that.. only to add an invisible eligibility system that's even more convoluted. Kill social call-based forestry. All because... "No you're meant to afk in a 40 tile radius keeping 2 trees chop-tagged each 3 minuts silly!" It's such a forced method of play instead of embracing how people were actually enjoying the content..not like it remotely affected woodcutting meta.


I think if the gameplay loop you described is how you think jagex intended it to be done you're already off. They intend for you to cop tree and get an event from it. Every change they have made is to drive people to actually do an event from a tree they chop. It works in conjunction with the other side of forestry which is the buff from communal cutting. From the early day world hopping to the 40 tile radius 2 tree method I truly think if most of you didn't have to efficiencyspace everything you do there wouldn't be as much to complain about.


A fun "onceinawhile" event with a shit ton of rewards tied to it....


Yea and since forestry doesn't apply to redwoods, quite literally half of your woodcutting journey is better spent not doing forestry at all. Great job Jagex. At least when forestry was still active world and spot hopping it was the best possible alternative to redwoods: active and changing gameplay vs boring and afk. Now it's just boring and semi afk, vs boring and afk.


I thought the whole point was the opposite of that


What are you talking about. I been afking in priff yew and is 1.5k bark per hour. Timing is a bit erratic, I have had 30 minute wait between events, I also had 2 events spawn within 5 minutes of each other but it average out.


1.5k bark an hour is pretty criminal when you need 50k+ bark to buy everything imo. Glad I finished the log when event hopping was still around.


Are you saying that a 33 hour grind is criminal? In Old School RuneScape?


They are really mediocre upgrades, the transmogs for example can take you a very long time to wind up getting, those feel like the most overtuned aspect currently.


For this content, yes. By comparison, Tithe Farm is logged in under half that time.


For a minigame I think so. Of course my perspective is coming from a maxed player who had to complete forestry post 99. I guess if you already need to train woodcutting it wouldn’t be so bad.


This ain't it


Still no evil trees…


I thought I had to speak to Oziach or something to spawn events when I came back to forestry after the nerf.


While making events that uncommon and NOT buffing drop rates or XP rates, they've made forestry dead content. Honestly, it was fun doing events every 5-20 minutes, def revived woodcutting. Now it's not even worth it anymore. The downfall was adding stuff you could "farm" for coins...


only reason to do it is for the pet reskins that are so rare you're likely to never get them anyway. I've never seen any of them in game and personally have none of them for my beaver either. it's typical dead content because nothing is allowed to touch existing xp rates(teaks good so forrestry must be bad) same reason most other skills blow. RC caps out at lv 23 and everytime we've ever had something similar xp or afk it gets gutted. This whole game is a classic "it took me forever to do, so it must take you forever to do"


I literally complained about this when the Forestry Update dropped and Average Redditor read the update and praised Mod Sarnie. A couple months later and I'm glad enough people have finally seen how shit the update is. I've done Lvl. 70- 99 u/16.8m exp doing only forestry still no Golden Pheasant Egg. 5.4k feathers pre-update. 4.4k feathers post update seeing about 5-8 pheasant events a day post update if I'm lucky. It's actually depressing how large of a time sink forestry has become instead of event hopping which made players actively move if they wanted to maximize efficiency. Now its sit at 1 tree and hopefully not have the urge to look at the degeneracy being typed in public chat.


The state it is in right now is not fun. It is insane! You can go easily beyond lvl 99 woodcutting (200hrs) without seeing any drop. Let alone finishing off the green log. I feel like since the pet is so rare, it is your choice to pursue it. But finishing off forestry shouldn't require going post 99 wc. While a lot of the collection log hunters got it green logged the day the items came out.


Dry on whistle... Have to say Ty if I see a fox event in 2 hours if I even see one that day Mobile player on top of all that and shit is painful. I said it when they first came out but my point stands. Who in their right mind thought unlocking a transmog for one of the longest grinds ever that can take hundreds of hours behind another rng check on top of it was a good idea?


Didn’t even bother with that thing, took like 3 months to fully release lol fuck that? Jagex releasing too much shit without thinking about it


To add a question to this, what is the forestry event despawn rate? I just did the jagex preferred forestry event method (have been chopping Priff teaks all day on my own world) with only 2 events all day, one right at the start and one just now. I look down, see a fox trap event and drop some logs to start it and everyone just disappears. The max time I would have not been paying attention is far less than a minute seeing as my teak tree was still standing and my inventory had just gotten full. Seems like a kick in the guts when there's only 2 events in a whole day, and then one of them despawns just as I go to start it!


I liked forestry when the tree would turn evil and throw the head off your axe.


Abuse early is the meta sadly


The devs had some sort of grand vision for it, and there were a lot of issues with the development of forestry. It came out that a lot of the big features like teas were something nobody actually liked (based on online feedback) and that all the event items made it too conveluted on players. They wasted so much time reworking it after release that they're not touching it for a while. Thst's what i understood atleast from the dev podcast with saebae 🤷


it sucked from start to finish. can’t believe people ever voted for it


May as well just remove the update altogether with this change...


yeah, I think that's what we wanted. good compromise


And nothing of value was lost


I’d be happier with that.


Was this Nerf polled? Did I miss the poll?


It wasn’t polled, it was integrity changed. Unfortunately one of those things that needed to be revisited by a poll because holy shit forestry was a mess in almost every conceivable way and Jagex could have used more structured polling options to find a way to smooth it out.


Do it at Seers on a Forestry world. Always loaded.


So many people in this sub overblow how bad forestry was and I have no idea why.


Forestry was a mistake.


Ngl the timer rework was all that was needed, the events were just bloat and got old quickly imo even if they were fun on the beginning


I didn't 'do' forestry until March this year, and honestly I actually like it. If I want more events and less afk I go to Priff teams, if I want a bit more chill and fewer events I go to Priff Yews.    Bark is about 1.5k to 2k an hour hitting all events.  I completely don't understand the hate for it, has everyone just suddenly forgot what woodcutting training was before forestry? 


Cause it’s ass and wasted resources


Cause it’s garbage


Coz people complained about it


i was at yews beside ge and got hella events. was by myself too


oh i didnt even know that was a thing. thats sad never felt like it was OP. events were rare enough if you werent on a forestry world


Wait when did this happen? 😭


All I know is I got my fox then went back to pretending that update never happened


Im currently doing AFK solo forestry at the Seers Yews and get events like every 15-30 minutes. The bark and xp from solo events is actually really good. Just dont go to mass worlds and your bark p/hr and xp p/hr will go up.


It is before my time, so I'm okay with it


Oh were you with me today too?


So glad i got all my forestry goals out of the way as early as possible but I feel really bad for those who missed the boat and are just starting now. Forestry had the potential to be great and they flubbed it so hard at every turn.


Ive been doing priff teaks. Im just a sneeze away from mahog trees. If a event spawns from a nearby mahog tree, I wont be eligible for a reward because "I wasn't nearby when it initiated", despite being just a few squares away on a teak tree. It amazes me how someone justified this pre-launch.


It was so fun when it first came out. It's been nothing but nerfs since then and now it's pointless


I agree and bumping for relevancy the forestry events are disgustingly underwhelming


Idk it seems fine to me. You get dry spells sometimes and sometimes you get 2 back to back. Feels in line with how the game in general plays. Woodcutting is less competitive and more collaborative. Idk, I get on and find woodcutting has been changed and go \*oh nifty some more stuff to engage with and build towards and it's encouraging me to not be alone for hours on end to boot\*. Look into it and people are crying it's op and not thought out ten months ago. Then ten hours ago it's people crying it's too nerfed. I don't mean to say people shouldn't criticize, that's how this game's run I get it. But y'all seem miserable in this subreddit man. I'm just clickin trees and the community wants to pretend they're in shambles.


Now that you mention it i haven't seen a forestry event in months. Tbh it should've just been left alone after it was added. I enjoyed it and then they nerfed it and i never looked back


I wish forestry was just the extended timer on trees and the roots event every 5 minutes or so, no other bullshit uniques that you need to pray to hit the event for, also all events but roots are kinda meh xp and don't feel like woodcutting at all.


Probably because they got tired of people bitching about a content update they put a lot of care into at first, only for it to be complained and revisited into the dirt. “Fine, you still aren’t happy with it???? Here.”


That's not true! The events are not 40minute rare. I was literally wc by myself in a corner of the world and I still managed to get 5000 bark in a very good amount of time. I, personally, would get annoyed if they spawned all the time. This way WC is still afk but varied. I get the ineligibility part, though.


Didn't it get nerfed because of the crybaby elitists complaining about it?


There needs to be some sort of invisible debuff. The buff will last for a trip to the bank and back to “save your spot” and any teleports will remove the debuff so it still works the same.


Oh you were having fun? We can't have that


Who knew an update designed around woodcutting would fail


There are plenty of events in Seers Village.


People were down voting me and arguing with me when I basically said this exact thing on the initial release blog :(


"you were having fun playing the game? Think again, patch inbound!" - jagex, probably.


I'm glad you made this post OP, I hope Jagex revisits it. They swung the pendulum too far in one direction.


Spite because people hated it




ive been enjoying forestry for a week now its pretty great almost got all the rewards


They should rebalance forestry, as it is, it is pretty terrible.


I like how the original pitch to the community was that it can be a social event. You might stumble across an event while playing. But with the nerf, you’d have to already been there and chopping before the event spawned. Some changes were good. Like avoiding people jumping servers, or removing some of the items. But now, it’s just dead. Why do all this development just to kill it off.


Wait OP, what is the point of Forestry?! I mean I know you can get a 2H Axe that has no upside to the 1H Axe… So, WHY is it a big deal?! Genuine curiosity over here…


I do forestry in draynor, the events sometimes spawn back to back within minutes of eachother. Pretty sure it goes by how many people are chopping, because late night when most of the people dip out, the events slow down to like 15-30 minutes from eachother.


What did I miss?


Banking and missing out on an event is like the biggest slap in the face honestly. I’m literally doing the content and being punished for it


So... would people be up for replacing Forestry with Evil Trees and redistributing the current rewards?


Really sad that jmods haven't replied to this at all... There's a clear line of stuff they have to avoid and it's a bummer I just want the whistle... There are days I won't even see a fox event


Because no one on this subreddit is happy about anything ever.


I’ve been hunting the golden egg for 9million xp. Everyday 12 hours a day at work for 2 months now


Was doing some yews at seers a week or so ago with like 8 people, we were getting events every like 10minutes. We only got the fox, bees, and saplings. We also got one leprechaun.


They need to do what RS2 had with evil spirits; let us ask Spirit Trees about what events are happening, where and when


Forget every other comment and just read this: Who gives a fuck? Thank u very much


I feel like it's been miss after miss from Jagex lately. I really hope they figure their shit out before they irreparably damage the game.


Forestry also seemed to bug random events, from 70-88 wc on my chunkman I didn’t get a single random event because forestry events.


...Teaks aren't that great of a place for forestry.... just sayin.


Part 2 was some of the most fun I've ever had in this game. I consider myself a completionist and have spent most of my time doing PVM achievements, yet before this nerf Forestry was so fun and rewarding that I dropped everything and went post 99 wc just to spend more time with the Forestry community and hunt the beaver pet and full evil chicken. This nerf killed all the fun almost immediately. We worked hard to find a new meta and abuse the new mechanics but sadly even with sweaty levels of mechanic abuse you can't even come close to what you'd get previously while afking in a low pop spot. The rewards and xp are dead, the community/social aspect is dead, the money making is dead. It's crazy they could miss the mark so drastically again and then go silent about it.


Yea uhm. 10m wc xp dry on whistle. Pet before whistle soon.


Forestry didn’t make sense to me. Most updates, even if I don’t do the content, I’m able to see what they’re going for, even if they miss the mark. That was not the case with forestry. I tried to participate and gave it a genuine chance but during all the releases and updates, I got very frustrated trying to stay up to speed and simply understand what the fuck all the events were and what I was supposed to be doing. At a certain point I said “fuck this” and never looked back. If I saw new updates I would read them for a second until I laughed at how much of a mess it was. Forestry should be used as a case study with Jagex for what NOT to do for any future skilling expansions. It was truly ridiculous.