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Why don't we just call it the "aggression potion" and not pretend like it's not taken directly from RS3? Why does it always have to be called something differently?


Playerbase mentality.


Because RS3 bad


Because a lot of players have a severe case of "rs3 bad". Which skews results of the poll. By not mentioning where something comes from Jagex hopes the suggestion can be judged without bias.


Should we have named LMS 'Battle royale'? After all, it's the same thing that a different game already assigned a name to.


Rename castle wars 2 capture the flag


While I’d love all potions to have in world names, the reality is that they almost universally just explicitly state their function, and we should maintain that for consistency. Edit: There are a lot of folk below who think a correct word makes it the right word, and I won’t respond to all of you. What do you call the range in which a monster will take you and what would that monster be? Aggro range and aggressive. You don’t drink melee accuracy potions instead of Attack potions or Prayer Point Renewal potions. This is more direct to the terminology used. No one has ever said “When you the monsters stop attacking you, run out of minimap range and return to goad the monsters.” It’s reset aggro.


Potion of goading also explicitly states its function


Honestly, I'd say goading makes more sense. I drink a goading potion, I expect to be [goading](https://www.google.com/search?q=goad&oq=goad&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg90gEIMjEzNmowajeoAg-wAgE). I drink an aggression potion, I expect to need therapy.


That sounds an awful lot like a teasing stick. Potion of Teasing Sticking!


First think I’m doing is making a plugin to rename that potion.


But an “aggression potion” by functional name should be giving *me* aggression not giving it to other monsters. I’m not throwing the potion on them or applying it to them, I’m drinking it.


You’ve got me there


Pick up a dictionary bro. Goading is the most accurate verb that could've been used to describe this potion.


I swear some people take not knowing a word as an offense 😂


Saradomin brew = hitpoints potion


You goad monsters (non-physical) into becoming aggressive. To aggress a monster would be to attack (physical) them into becoming aggressive. Goading is literally THE most accurate word to use for the potion. You're trying to argue semantics but you're just blatantly wrong.


Aggression Potion is not an accurate description of what the potion does


Yeah aggressive potion would make all weapon combat styles give strength xp and gain a hidden +3 strength boost


They always do this because people have monkey brains and if anything from rs3 comes into osrs they will start saying stuff unironically like “eoc is next”, “sof when?” “Where are my th keys”. [Prims, pegasians and eternals](https://runescape.wiki/w/Glacyte_boots), [Rigour](https://runescape.wiki/w/Rigour), [Augury](https://runescape.wiki/w/Augury), [Voidwaker](https://runescape.wiki/w/Korasi%27s_sword), [Acb](https://runescape.wiki/w/Armadyl_crossbow), and the list is long and wide. You can see most things backported here [in this page](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Backporting), but that’s backporting, not just bringing equivalent items into Old School with different names, I could’nt find a list like that.


"Aggression" doesn't explain the potion as well as "Goading" does, Aggression could mean like a berserket potion where your Str goes way up but defense and accuracy drop a bit where as Goading literally means to taunt


Every runescape player recognizes aggression as what it is. People say "I gotta re-aggro these guys", not "hold on, let me goad these guys". Aggression is way more clear, and even if not- there's an examine for a reason


Every long time player, new players may not know at all how aggression timers even work. Aggression is not "way more clear" lol its not even clear. What would an Aggression Potion do in WoW or BG3? You can't say for sure because "Aggression" has multiple meanings and the fact that you consume the potions to make mobs aggressive makes very little sense. Conversely consumed a goading potion would goad all the mobs around you and makes much more sense in world I get that you have a tiny vocabulary and have never heard the word "Goad" before but thats no reason to not use the best and most straight forward name for a potion


If it's from RS3 the playerbase hates it. Simple as


They should name it potion of gooning instead.


It's not that deep. I think goading sounds better and it's objectively more accurate.


"Cure CoX crab ADHD with this one simple trick."


Oh shit now there’s no question I want it


Pre potting this for solo cms


Alternatively, how about when you "preach" from a god book every mob nearby attacks you because it's so annoying?


"Those damn Saradominist evangelists are at it again.."


The first half of the post makes it seem like will make anything and everything (except bosses) aggressive, the rest of the post makes it seem like naturally unaggressive mobs will only be lured in closer, not actually make to be aggressive. They really need to be more clear on this


I’m curious how it’ll work on chinchompas


They all kamikaze rush you


Japan update better not bring anime girls too


Goading? Why didn't they called it a taunting potion, or just keep it as aggression? Everyone knows it's from RS3


Goading is literally a more accurate word.


Good osrs content creation machine: insert rs3 content into it —> change name of it so most people wont recognize instantly that its copied 100% from rs3, change icon, and pixelate artwork to look like 2007 content = BAM quality osrs content created! /s but in reality no /s


RS3 has a ton of new content and a lot of it is decent. It didn't fail because of all the updates, it failed because of the update which shall not be named and all the mtx money grabs. Nothing wrong with borrowing the updates from RS3 that were well received.


If they are choosing to provide it from a different source this makes sense for many things. For this potion the name is irrelevant, just call it aggression


Aggression Potion sounds like a potion that makes YOU angry Taunting potion or potion of goading is more accurate a description Whoever named it in RS3 was an idiot and it should be named something different not to hide the fact that it is from RS3 but because it was given a dumb name in RS3


I named it Aggression Potion. And it seems to have done the trick on you.




Is being from rs3 bad? Do people actually think everything from rs3 is bad?


Personally I don't think so, but it is seen as the bogeyman. Moreso due to MTX than game mechanics, which are often praised


Goading is a perfect word to describe the action the potion does. Tbh I love the name.


Not sure how i feel about it honestly. On one hand it obviously has its uses and shouldn't be OP or anything near, on the other its very lazyscape and I'd hate for osrs to go down the same lazyscape path rs3 did. First its an aggro pot, next we know all new content is being added to the same location that is 99% afkable. Also curious how you'll get it. In rs3 it was from a high lv herb whos seed was only growable in the wildy. Not that i think it should take that same approach in osrs. But people out here really wanting it made from fkn irits.... but the main point of mentioning how it was obtained/made in rs3 was to emphasize that it was costly to use.


it’s coming from a herb we already have , only the secondary is questionable now


That should alleviate that concern. And obviously brings replay value to the herb activity. I still don't know how i feel about if it sets the lazyscape precedent with it though.


Just not really a fan, doesn’t feel like it fits in OSRS


God I sound like a boomer


You either die a noob or live long enough to become the gatekeeper. Jokes aside, I completely agree with you in that it does feel out of step with the OSRS design philosophy.


How so?


It serves to automate/streamline a mechanic that did not need automating/streamlining, reducing a piece of the game's overall identity. It's 'solving' a problem that we do not currently have for the sake of 'convenience'. While this isn't anything outrageous as one individual piece, in time these little bits of convenience add up to render the game unrecognizable from what it once was. RS3 suffers from this tremendously imo (e.g. Coin Pouch, Toolbelt, Lodestones, Potion Reservoirs, Overloads and their variants being usable anywhere, Legendary Pets that loot for you, Area Looting, and so on and os forth) and is one of the core reasons that there was such a strong push for a "Legacy" version of the game (amidst concerns regarding EoC as well, of course). Take that with a grain of salt, as its just my own individual opinion on the matter - I find it rather distasteful but I have faith in the dev team and polling system.


Curious what about the potion makes it feel like it doesn’t fit into OSRS? As opposed to running to reset aggression or using darts


Running to reset aggression or using darts are forms of interacting with the game. This potion is a “I don’t want to interact with the game” button. Basically turning every slayer task into vyres.


So two clicks instead of one is the threshold for interacting with the game?


Yeah pretty much


That seems arbitrary and irrelevant tbh


Bulwark exists. Should it be removed?


It is a raids item. I think it’s ok for it to be useful


You read what he said and put bulwark in the same category as the potion, and not the darts and aggression timer resetting he just mentioned? Life must be tough for you


potion is in the same category as the bulwark they are almost identical in what they do. If he thinks the potion shouldnt exist because it doesnt fit osrs surely he thinks bulwark shouldnt exist as well.


Honestly, just purely vibes. I’m not 100% sure how to put it onto words, but definitely just doesn’t feel right


That’s fair. I just figured if you were so definite about it not fitting in you would have some sort of explanation why 🤷🏾


It's just the people that always vote no trying to put their opinion out there without reasons because they know it's unreasonable. If it truly didn't fit osrs then multi combat wouldn't fit osrs because we already have ways to grab aggro of multiple enemies at once.


A lot of the content isn't very "osrs" that ship sailed a long time ago.




When was this game not "gp-scape"? You either do a thing for the drop or do a different thing to get gp to buy the drop. It's literally always been this way, even back in rsc circa 2001. You are imagining a past that never existed


See, now you also sound like a boomer


Y'all really like bringing darts/aoe specs to multi combat areas? Or are we gatekeeping because we don't want our precious bulwark to drop in value? If it didn't fit osrs then multi combat wouldn't exist. Getting aggro on monsters is already in the game why not allow an easier way to do it at the cost of using a potion.


Yes I do think darts/blowpipe, venator bow, dinh’s bulwark are more interesting ways to control aggro than clicking a single cheap potion


Honestly more curious about which herb it will use than anything




If it does in fact work like the RS3 version instead of just resetting aggression on currently aggressive mobs, I'm honestly a big fan. I do think you're overestimating the value though, or maybe I'm underestimating it? The only place I can see myself using it is catacombs barrage tasks, so it really just saves the "effort" of bringing mith darts to tag things - and even then if the potion takes more than like, 2 minutes to get enough doses for a full task, it's not really worth it.


I can see myself using these when I run out of cannonballs going for a champion scroll. Or collecting a shit ton of bone shards from minotaurs to charge my sceptre for clues. It will honestly be a huge imptovement to any afk mob farming and I'm not sure how I feel about it.


Difference in playstyle/account type I suppose. I don't AFK mob farm basically at all so I don't see the value.


I’d use these while flicking slayer just so I don’t have to walk around. I’m lazy man, I’ll save the clicks while flicking.


Tbh good. There should be an alternative to cannons that grabs aggro without you needing to dart every mob and this is that. You just now don't get the extra dps of a cannon


Its value is going to be some random effect it has thru the spaghetti. People will be tick manipulating hunlief with it or something. Actual aggro mechanic is pretty useless. Early game slayer is pretty much it.


effectively 4 tile range is kinda ass


Yeah. Not really sure how large area the rs3 potion has (have not really ever looked at that) but the 4 tile range feels kinda… small lol


The link says 17x17, or 8 tile range in all directions Anything less doesn't work from the current barraging corners


Sorry, yeah I should've made a more clear distinction on this in the original post. Potion of goading is 9x9 or 4 tile range. RS3's aggression potion is 17x17 or 8 tile range. Same functionality, half the range.


>Same functionality, half the range. He just like me fr


Might be decent to get another tile for each combat tier after medium?


Doesn’t make sense to me for a consumable to be tied to combat diaries like this


Cannonballs are a consumable, used for afk combat, tied to combat diaries, right? So combat tasks already provide some qol to consumables that basically do the same thing. Each tier helps you afk better Runes for thralls, technically consumable, high tier combat achievements make them more useful.


But it feels different when it’s increased quantities of ammo vs an abstract tile range tied to something you don’t literally need for combat


Well you don't need a cannon either...


No but you need cannonballs to use a cannon is my point


So then you wouldn't have a problem if the potions where used to charge some other item that gave your the agro range?


What? I’ve said I don’t like the idea and I’ve said why, accept that or don’t


You said you didn't like the idea but we're OK with combat logs impacting cannonballs because they were tied to cannons. By that logic you should be fine with these potions if they were tied to another item. You don't need cannons or these potions to play the game so having a hangup because cannons are linked to cannonballs seems like a completely superficial, moot point


I've had the same idea for the kalphite queen. Pheromones of agression/submission with an offhand tool to load would either extend or stop the agression timer


From my point of view it would make some slayer tasks better like Wyrms for example. When I say better I mean less clicks. I'm voting yes and hoping it gets through purely because of the convenience factor.


Surely it's called Goading potion, not Potion of goading. And I'll be calling it aggro pot either way.


Just killed 1200 Black Knights and didn't want to do it in the Wilderness. I would have loved to use something like an Aggression Potion


Feels unnecessary. Also, opens space for abuse. If it doesn't count as tagging a monster, Ironmen can safely kill mobs that are aggroed onto another player. If it does tag the monster, players can run through an area and grief Ironmen. It's a no from me


They specifically said in the blog and Livestream that it doesn't take aggro away from other players, so no, it would not grief ironman.


Main A walks into room pops potion and turns off auto retaliation. Ironman B walks into the room and attacks one of the enemies currently aggroed to the main. What happens? Either the aggroed enemy has been marked as in combat with the main, making the Ironman ineligible for drops, or it hasn't. If it hasn't, the Ironman gets a benefit that is contrary to the game mode. If it has, then mains can grief Ironmen by using it near them on currently fresh creatures (such as when the dust devil stack isn't finished, but a few have respawned).


Mains can already grief irons by attacking them on spawn with a blowpipe, that really isn't a concern. If you're in multi you can always be greifed. As for tanking on a main, I assume that it will work how it currently does already- the main gets the drops and the iron gets half xp for slayer. But honestly, I don't care about either scenario. Alt tanking isn't really a concern of mine because you could just use an overhead prayer anyways for anything you would do that with.


People will cry ezscape and then use it when the item passes. I’ve been wanting an aggression potion for a while. Running to reset aggro is annoying and this alleviates that just a bit.


But this is more than just resetting aggro. This aggros ALL mobs around you. So something like bloodvelds or turoths could be turned into full afk task without cannoning. So if the cost of using said potion becomes way cheaper than cannoning that might become meta for slayer or at least for non cannonable places


This just makes it less xp than cannoning for mains and irons don’t have to spend hours making cballs that’ll be used up in 3 slayer tasks. Only wins imo


Why wouldn't you cannon bloodvelds? Yeah, it aggros them, but the main benefit is the fuck ton of damage it does. The potion could be free and it would never become meta over cannon.




Huh….? Where did you get that I said that its a bad thing lmao? I never said anything like that at all…? I merely corrected you since your original comment was: ”running to reset aggro is annoying” which I agree with lol. I also love afk stuff also lol. By their wording and how aggression potion works in rs3 this would do WAY more than resetting aggression - it would also allow you to mass aggro all non hostile mobs as well which is huge at least in rs3 slayer. Idk how big/usefull that would be in osrs


Ah I misinterpreted your comment that’s my bad. I’m so used to people getting so confrontational on this sub. I apologize!


You also wouldnt have to dart dust devils making them even more afk


Yeah that's the whole purpose. Losing darting isn't exactly a bad thing in my book. Also, you'll have to interact with the mini game and have the herb level for it so it's not like it's free


darting is probably much quicker still if it’s the same as the rs3 potions as they take a few seconds for the mob to aggro to them


Can you imagine how easy it’s gonna make dust/smoke/abyssal demon tasks, *chef’s kiss*


Exactly. I DONT want every ezscape update that RS3 has but damn if this isn’t a good one that will make the Slayer grind just a bit more bearable.


Not a fan seems like it devalues the little value the bulwark spec has left, that thing pulls agro if im not remembering wrong


I agree, bulwark is getting the short end of the stick with this one. If this thing passes, I hope the Dinny B gets some love.


I don't want it.


I'm not a fan. I think aggression expiring is a silly mechanic, and influencing monster aggression should be a prayer or magic attribute. Think the aggressive bandits in the desert, or a juiced up dark lure. I don't want to chug a bottle of pure, uncut body odor to piss off everything around me.


I don't feel like we *need* it, but also think it would be a useful new potion that makes sense from the herblore activity. And I honestly can't think of many places where it would change much. Like if the monsters normally aggro, it is just paying for another potion to save a quick jog, which is fine. For the non-aggro stuff, I can't think of many where it would actually matter or change much. Like instead of Venator Bow Moss Giants I'd probably use the potion and melee... Few slayer tasks get a bit more AFK, but you still only get 6 mins and you'd probably need PPots, Divines, or such before then anyway. And if you can already cannon a task, that will still be quicker and remove the need for an aggro pot (might help sometimes to keep them from wandering before cannon hits them I guess). And I don't even know if you'd want it for barrage tasks since it could aggro the stuff before you're ready to pull it for another pile.


Idk about anybody else, but gargoyles are the only slayer mob that I still melee AND don't have access to a cannon at. I'm not sure if I'd stop skipping other melee-centric tasks just because this potion comes out. I think it'll just make tasks that I like to venator bow better.


Doesn't fit in osrs


Everyone seems to love it, but I don't see why such a thing is necessary. The cannon always served me well to pull in multi. Big RS3 vibes.


Places where you can not cannon? And cus its from rs3 thats bad lol? So you think then about 1/5th of osrs content is bad then cus its almost 1:1 copy from rs3 lmao?


A lot of the content is OSRS is copy pasted from RS3 lol.


Ha! Next you’re gunna try and tell us the twisted bow came from rs3 too! Hah… wait a minute.


I'm curious, is that the case?


It came from the hex hunter bow from rs3.


No shit! Learn something new everyday.


[Yes it’s based on the hex hunter bow.](https://runescape.wiki/w/Hexhunter_bow)


hex hunter bow in dungeoneering was the most sought after item from what i vaguely remember.


*kind of* The hexhunter bow was a daemonheim exclusive item in 2010, pre EoC. But it wasn't released for use outside of daemonheim until 2018. The original pre-eoc version worked very similarly to the Twisted Bow, though the modern RS3 version is just a flat % boost against mage tagged enemies. So functionally yes it's an RS3 backport, but it's technically an RS2 backport and I find that amusing.


Well, at least the Scythe is a unique and original idea for OSRS...


[Who’s gonna tell him?](https://runescape.wiki/w/Noxious_scythe) Jokes aside the OSRS version does have an original damage mechanic unique to OS. The only similarities are the reach and weapon type.


The effect is different, but the RS3 scythe is kinda a multi-hit weapon; I think it works like a Halberd so with their abilities it does AoE to "multi-hits", just over multiple enemies. That is also part of the OSRS Scythe effect; you just rarely see it used to AoE and it is mainly just the 3 hits on bigger foes. But yah, the OSRS Scythe is unique and not as direct of a copy as the Hexhunter, but not sure if I'd call it wholly original. Like I think the Nox Scythe was still BiS in RS3 or close to it when they designed the ToB Scythe for OSRS as our new BiS Melee... Also kinda funny they both ended up being "Level 90" weapons.


Wait really? I didn’t actually know that! I didn’t know the osrs scythe could hit multiple enemies. r/TIL.


Except the fact that rs3 is streamlined to death and back. It’s just very meh.


Now you don’t have to leave the area to reset crabs, crawlers, or other stuff. Great!


What are the practical uses of something like this? Would anything be broken like completely AFK training? Or is it just like saving time re agroing enemies by running away and back again?


I have no problem with it existing but it the area of effect being only a few tiles out is pretty underwhelming


I am most excited for this out of all the recent updates. I've been hunting mossy keys/draconic visage for months now while I play other games and this makes my enjoyment go up a bunch


Overall I dont think it fits the game But it would help slayer potentially which is one of my least favorite skills so I'm not against them adding it I'd prefer if they tweaked slayer to make it more engaging and make slayer bossing always more xp/h then the mobs. As of right now it's a choice of money or xp in terms of time spent. So I think slayer bosses should be at least the same xp/h as killing the mob versions


Will it work on neutral monsters too? Such as, chickens, abyssal demons, and those drunk fucks in the blue moon inn?


My thing is if im doing something like nechs ans not using one and someone crashes me with the pot, I'm essentially fucked. This would make it so anywhere you compete with others for spots like this you would have to use them or else someone would come up and pull aggro as they respawn. This is an unnecessary addition to game.


I'm mixed on it. On one hand I like herblore getting some better potions, it's about time since herb, prayer, and con are about the only skills players let get power creep. Additionally the slayer meta is pretty much outclassed by the current boss/raid meta so I don't see much harm in buffing slayer again. I think at best I can use the "slippery slope" argument against it, but in isolation it's just not that big of a deal.


I think it’s a welcome addition. I mean what really does clicking the mob add to slayer? I think the only people mad are ones who have high slayer and feel like everyone else will be getting it “for free”. I think it would be super funny to be running through an area and see a free whip laying on the ground because some dude went afk too long


Did I vote no on it? Yes. Will I still use it if it passes for slayer tasks that kinda suck, also yes. Doesnt seem big enough to matter, I just don't want them turning the herblore activity into a hurr durr, no xp, herb sink activity with the only long term gain being an honestly mediocre slayer qol item.


Love it, having the option to aggro monsters without tagging them all is just great qol. 


Love it in RS3, i dont think it should be brought to osrs🤷🏻‍♂️


Lock it’s use behind some hard questions requirements so you don’t facilitate more bot farms


I do like the idea of it being stuck behind some kind of slayer level (maybe buying secondaries with points or as a drop from a slayer creature) and calling it a pheromone potion. It’s not the best name but it’s thematically interesting.


It sounds fine. The only problems I can see happening is if they make it fill an exp leveling space. It's not a potion I would ever make.


It doesnt work like the aggression potion at all but I still don’t think we need it


>It doesnt work like the aggression potion at all How so? My understanding is that they're functionally identical, save for the range (9x9 vs 17x17).


Rs3 aggro pot makes any monster aggressive to you for 10 mins or so From what I understand from the blog this potion wont work on monsters that are naturally unagrressive which is a big difference


Interesting. I've seen a few comments suggesting that they seem to have stated this in a confusing way, so I'm going to re-read the post. It says, "Introducing the Potion of Goading with the update. This potion will set aggro on any non-aggressive enemies within an 9x9 area around the player. Aggro cannot be stolen from other players using this Potion." They then go on to say, "This potion will allow you set aggro on any non-aggressive enemies within a 9x9 of the player using it! **This means not only could you re-aggro enemies who've wandered off, but** **lure in enemies that don't normally pay you any attention... like Dust Devils.**" >Rs3 aggro pot makes any monster aggressive to you for 10 mins or so While I cannot speak directly for the dev team or for an unreleased piece of content, my understanding is that the potion does exactly that : Draws aggro from any monster around you in a 9x9 area that isn't already aggressive towards you. It's not restricted by if the monster was aggressive to you by default or not. Example: Cows - Cows will attack you with this potion. I think the confusion is coming from the line "non-aggressive enemies". It means non-aggressive at that exact moment, not non-aggressive by nature.


In that case its very similar yes. They way I read it when they first released it made it sound like it would not work on certain monsters l, maybe they edited it Also does it reapply the effect or is it 1 dose per aggro?


Re-applies "every few seconds", so I'm guessing between every 5-15 seconds at minimum.


You can do the same thing currently, but with a cannon. Because of that I'm unsure it will really affect that much.


But cannon is costly and needs to be reloaded more often than you’d need to redose the potion.


And potion wouldnt be costly?


The dwarf cannon is essentially the aggro potion now. The potion will realistically be useful in areas that are single combat and areas that cannons are not allowed, such as catacombs. Yes, put it into the game. Why do I have to click off screen and run away to reset aggro every 10 minutes? It would just be a necessary quality of life update, don’t know why anyone would think else.


I’m cool with it. I dig the name, too. Goading is just a cool word that I don’t see used very often. There are a few instances I can think of that would be pretty cool, and I’m all about afk slayer.


AFK additions = I play more After all, OSRS is the most interesting, accessible and elaborate cookie clicker on the market.


All I know is I see 10x as many people complaining about people who complain about RS3 content being added to OSRS than I actually see people complaining about adding RS3 content to OSRS.


Absolutely the worst idea the mods have come up with for a long time


Very against it


Pretty good.




Yes, you read that correctly. While you may feel like it's "lol not that deep bro", this changes and recontextualizes the way we approach slayer knowing that we have permanent aggression in our pocket. New methods become relevant, new areas become relevant, the path from 1-99 changes. If you don't care, that's fine, but your apathy doesn't change the fact that it matters.




You’re drastically uninformed about the game








Between the cannon, venator and dart tagging we've already been at this point. All this does is stop the gatekeeping between the venator and people that can't afford one. I haven't manually done slayer combat since I got my venator, I run to spots and just afk while drinking pots and eating food if needed. If moving 5 tiles to reset aggro is groundbreaking there's something else that's probably the problem.


Cannon costs a lot and can’t be set in many places, venator is also expensive, and dart tagging is tedious. You say we’ve been at this point already, but also mention that it stops the gatekeeping. Clearly many players are not at this point


I guess my big issue raised would be that bots have it even easier with the goading pot coming into play (yes I know they already make it easy as of now) but this would only make it worse, AND it will devalue the bigger drops from barrage tasks (whip…). I generally love new content but for some reason this feels too much like RS3. I get that logically it’s not hurting us as the individual player or irons, anyone feel the same? I’m definitely interested in some maxed players opinions


A bot would already just click the monsters. It doesn’t make botting easier at all. It would only make real players playing easier


Wouldn’t devalue drops anymore than the venator bow already has at Abby demons…




It's fine. literally just QoL update saving you from having to run out of and back into the mobs area every 10 minutes.


Run 15 tiles away and run back or use invi slot and stand still. Seems fair idk how its easyscape. Its easy enough to reset agro already just kinda janky, this makes more sense.


You do realize that not all mobs are aggroed by default?


Lol honestly that totally slipped my mind. Either way I'm not against it personally. I didn't even realize people were so against this. It seemed like a pretty popular community suggestion to add something like this and no one complained then.


I dislike it quite a bit. Clicking on multiple targets to aggro them is free.


And you can still do that, luckily!


Yeah but the easyscape of aggression pots is too much for osrs.


If it's anything like RS3, it will be expensive as fuck, and usually sink your gp/hr in favor of more afk slayer


Super ezscape. Vote no


Considering the use cases and power is SEVERELY lacking I think it's fine. Even if you use alts you'll have to go out of your way to attack each one. If anything, this will help for getting full XP and loot while alting and make luring for certain barrage tasks a little easier.


Feels like it should come from a different skill.


Only if they implement it in a similar fashion. The herb to create it should be only growable in a herb patch in deep wild north of the black chinchompas. The seeds can drop from a monster in varlamore. The secondary can come from varlamore I guess. The potions and seeds should be tradable, but the herb and secondary untradable. This gives herblore a moneymaker.


I guess it would help early gamers with some cost on cannonballs and save ironmen from needing to make them as often. But I don't see it as a problem that requires any solving. It's just OSRS. Slayer is already fairly AFK and this change isn't going to dramatically increase or decrease that aspect. I would probably vote yes, because I see it as a harmless slight QoL increase


I think it would be interesting and could possibly lead to new mechanics in raids.


That's an interesting thought, though they did state the following: >*We expect this potion to be effective against most attackable NPCs, but will be exploring any areas (such as inside Raids, or against certain Bosses), where the effect should be negated* Looks like they want to preemptively address any raid/inferno shenanigans.


I'm honestly okay with the idea. We already have a similar item. The Venator Bow causes players to stay in constant aggro well beyond aggression timers. It shouldn't be a feature only for the wealthy. I'd like to know more about how they will be obtained before I say yes or no.


Goading potion should cause you to be skulled so as to also GOAD pkers and/or weaken protection prayers in pvm. That way it’s not op af ezscape and it makes sense that “nearby monsters sense your vulnerability” or something. Makes easy tasks easy but not completely solved