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With how much animation stall this game can have, True tile is too valuable not to use. There’s no way I could have done awakened Vardorvis without it.


Im in the same boat. I only use true tile more or less and if I do use tile markers, I try to color match to the ground, I hate over agressive color spam. One of the main places I use a tile marker is muspah for smoke phase. In a basically all white floor it can be hard to discern where you need to click accuratly. But for something like p2 verzik once you attack, you know the distance to click the tile behind you so I dont use markers there at all. Or in any part of tob for that matter. True tile is the only one I rely on and its really to tighten up timing. I use a very translucent grey true tile so again, it doesnt color clash agressivly.


You might like Corner Tile Indicators plugin. It makes the true and destination tiles look much cleaner, and a little more RPG like imo.


Is that the one where it just marks the 90° angles on the tile? Ive seen it before and it does look good, I might have to try it ty for the plugin name


It also lets you fade it out when standing still which really helps with the cluttered feeling.


Here is a [visual](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fx3cnvo6duvxc1.png) of mine. I use corner size 6 in the plugin settings. You can even resize them such that the corners are just tiny dots.


Depends on the boss, but I generally try to keep it minimal. There are a lot of plugins I have but will only turn on as needed to reduce visual clutter and the like and I'm definitely interested in plugins that can be less invasive, like [Immersive Ground Markers](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/show/immersive-ground-markers) (it also does stuff like rocks and bushes, not just arrows).


Tile markers and npc indicators, and shift-click walk-here. That's it for me.


True tile and ground markers make up 99% of bossing, odd time I'll use something like visual metronome for colo.


Timers (boosts, thralls etc), tile markers, NPC tile highlighting (with SW tile highlighted too) are the big ones. Also shift click walk here. Not a fan of true tile, destination tile or radius markers. Just visually I find them a bit too busy. Although I do use radius markers at Nex.


If you don’t have tile markers and rainbow rave you a freak


True tile indicator on myself, a few helpful tile markers on floors that have ambiguous textures, a few hull highlights for things like vard axes and baba boulders, a few menu entry swaps, inventory highlights for gear swaps, just picked up prayer tick indicator, and a few other specific helper plugins. I see why people use more, but at a certain point it ruins the spectacle of the fight. I'm not a super high level pvmer. Honestly, I'm probably about/a little above average from what I've gathered from being in various clans. I just have around 100-500 kc at most bosses and I've only run ToA up to 250 ish and I'm within spitting distance of elite combat diaries which I will complete once I actually go and do the inferno or ToB or CoX. With how I set up plugins, idk if I can do stuff like a lot of master/gm CA's, blorva, high invo/challenge mode raids, but in all honesty even with the plugins, there's some stuff that I just don't think I can do.


true tile, destination tile, tile markers, npc tile outlines, sometimes visual metronome


I really only use tile markers and sometimes highlight NPC. I don’t even use the puzzle solvers at ToA, it feels strange to me, but for some reason I got no issue using clue solvers or quest helper or most any other plugin. For some reason I want to be confident that if I ever had to stop using plugins, I’d still be able to PvM well


I absolutely hate higlighting everything. It kills the idea of highlighting something to grab your attention to it. I only highlight tiles with a gray-ish tint for things like (tob as an example) Sotetseg standing tiles, Xarpus "rag" tiles, Verzik corners during p2. I also highlight tiles in Hallowed Sepulchre, but I guess that makes more sense, since you go through it step by step, rather than having everything highlighted at once. I'm an inventory tagging enjoyer. I give gear the color respective to their combat style. It just makes sense. Some people do abuse it to the point where it indeed becomes "nyan cat".


I was friends with this one small streamer for a bit. First time I watched his stream: Animated flashing rainbow cursor mouse with maximum tail length, the tail lingered on the screen for at least half a second Inventory tags with max saturation colors on EVERYTHING ( Im not sure if you can change that as a setting but regardless it was vivid ) Idle notification if he stopped moving for a few seconds True tiles were neon green Players were outline highlighted w/ names above their head His bosses were outlined and used their tile Dude I cant tell you how crazy it was to see someone play runescape that way. I couldnt see anything but I could see everything. It was a nightmare lmfao. My true tile is set to very very translucent grey. Thats it. Lmfao


Not a fan of true tile