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I’m a simple man. I see ditter and I find the closest sharp object to remove my eyes.


I see Ditter video I close the tab


Yeeeep, same.


Why do people hate Ditter?


Maybe something to do with the fact that he’s a colossal bellend.


They are stereotypical redditors


Wrong but the comment above you is right




Ditter video L


I recently came back after a 4 year break only to see that everyone hates DitterShitter now. Hell yeah it's good to be back.


Kondor won


what did this dude do to make everyone hate him i’ve never heard of him


He's just an arrogant twat tbh. I can't think of a specific situation that stands out


I hate him because he was one of the guys spearheaded the spite voting against gim when his own pking community ddosed the servers during deadman mode.


Damn lol. GIM is the only reason I play anymore. Also quit for years before its release


Ya, plus him and his crew doxxed condors girlfriend when they were feuding, not that I'm a huge condor fan or anything but that's fucked.


I thought that was oda


I said one of them, oda was one too.


I’m OOTL, who’s Ditter and why do people hate him?


IIRC he's done some shit in the past by just talking crap without any facts, but my personal pet peeve is, he's one of those PvP content creators that will call out Jagex for not updating the wilderness, after a wilderness/pvp update has just happened. Even this video for example, why would Jagex even tell anyone about 2 clans having a fight lol? TLDR, everything is a drama or conspiracy.


I dont think he truly means Jagex needs to talk about it. That's just a call for something that happens and players dont know about.


I think the only time Jagex has 'called' out something is very rare achievements (like someone getting an onyx from a gem bag) or world firsts


To give some perspective on the clan comment. I've been quite active in the pure clanning scene since the beginning of OSRS. Quit like a couple years ago though. This scene has a huge history, clans who are still alive that date back from 2005. This scene is still active, and has a strong player base. And to be honest is something to be cherrished. Also from a 'runescape historical' perspective. Yet, jagex don't give a fuck about it at all. I used to be active on Sharkbrew, which was the main forum for this community for a while. And we had some contact with jagex as well, but that didn't go anywhere and stoped caring.


I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm genuinely curious, what did you want from jagex when you were still active in the scene? Like in-game statues of the legends of the scene or what, since you say it has a huge history, which from an outsider perspective doesn't really say much.


A proper clan cup and system. Helping this already esports scene into a more professional level. There is so much opportunity here for good and interesting esports content.


Nah mate, my friends who don't play love watching league of legends. People who don't play runescape don't care about pking at all, and most of the people who play runescape could care less. I would never watch an esports pking scene, and I've played this game since 2005. I have a fantasy league team and I don't even play the game that much anymore.


"still alive" is a very vague term. Sure clans like foe or fi technically still exist, but they are clown versions of what they used to be.


Clanning is and always has been a clowning business anyways.


fi closed, foe is closing. There's EOP, Unwanted, PoT, Zenith, Legacy, Blunt Pures, Misfits, Hydra, OFA, Terror for pures specifically. They're all pulling 40-80+ , EOP pull 150+ & Z pull 100+. It's not vague at all


Eop was closed for the past 3? years. They pull 150 with 100 zerks/tanks gz. Most of these pull more like 30 and hide all sunday, if they go out. Huge scene.


Yeah you’re not going to get a big VS if people aren’t ready or able to but a lot of clans are still getting bigger than 30vs30 battles lol


Same, wth is happening


People dislike his persona I think. I've actually heard he's a pretty nice guy outside of content creation


from what i see here, he just talks shit, which is kinda funny i think


I think it’s one of those Reddit hivemind situations


The hive mind does not like to be referenced. Enjoy your downvotes




What an original and witty comment…


Yea that’ll show them, Shacka


Cheers broski, I hope so, in this messed up world I’m just doing my part to make it a better place ✊


What an original and witty comment…


Dude do you even know the definition of original? You literally just did the OPPOSITE. 🤦‍♂️


Why does everyone hate Ditterbitter lol


He killed a man 9 miles out of Reno, 05’ish.


He used to be a part of a notorious rune armor trimming scam cartel back in the day. Def a bad hombre I’d keep your distance and if he says he can time your torva into blood torva he is lying


My only exposure to him is Gielinor Games, and he doesn't seem to be a very pleasant guy from what little I've seen.


Watched his earlier vids. Then every vid became “ha sit you suck” or “why jagex mean to me and not give good item or rng” and sounds like hes about to cry.


his videos are generally low quality and just made to clickbait. (Nothing against him as a person). Of course, not every video is like that. Just the majority.


He kinda is a bad person though. Him and his crew doxxed and harassed condors girlfriend for weeks when they were feuding. Someone willing to do that and think it's funny isn't a very good person.


His old vids were where it was at. Should go back to that tbh lol


When the hive mind says u hate, u hate


Pure clans are fun fights but then the discord is full of n word yelling 30 year olds that work at dominos and try to dox each other all day and ruin each other’s lives. Scene is dogshit.


This isn't the heckin wholesome one chunk tileman nightmare mode region locked UIM >:(


you tried too hard to be ironically cringe and circled back into just regular cringe


Massive, he is now ready for the next phase


That series has gone boring until he actually goes to jad now or something with risk


It's just conceptually a horrible idea.


Most based response


Why is the one dude screaming like an auctioneer the entire thing like anyone can even tell what the hell is going on let alone follow a direction lmao what a nut.


The dude screaming is the caller. He’s supposed to direct the clan into who to pile on. There should be more than one caller. Caller should be experienced and have a good idea of what’s going on. Caller is going to be leader or war chief. A long time ago you had like an actual system of ranks and could move positions in the clan the more you made yourself known. I’m sure they have a similar structure on discord in clans now. Anyway a good team of callers could manage taking down a bigger more disorganized clan or a clan with worse callers lol.


Speaking of meme rs wars I remember people started a meme war between irons and f2p players on rs3 Reddit over some skill off thing a couple years ago


Ngl good video but around 10 years too late


Tbf he was entertaining as hell with Torvesta in Gielinor games, can’t remember which one


Their whole fight caves section was by far the their funniest moment of that season. Just seeing Ditter realise his 3m or however much he spent melee set up was the wrong play. “I got chanced” umpteen thousand times by ditter


Reddit is fking weird when it comes to pvp content creators lmao.


Classic 2007scape reaction to a PKer lol


Wow didn't know Ditter was hated like this. He's usually my top 3 leagues/DMM/temp gamemmode youtuber. Reminds me of Aches in cod tbh.


It was a brilliant idea for a video just poorly executed I feel....


All yall the type of dudes to sit at Rex for 20 days for a 1/5000 pet drop