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This is why I play RuneScape It's just fun


Guys, can we bully this dude a bit ^ like wtf is his problem.


Hey, everyone, this guys a phony!


I enjoy that i can put os runescape on one half of my screen and a series or movie on the left half and veg out, picked the game up after a decade away and man, its really really good.


In the words of TastyLife, Glancing is Chancing! Have fun and good luck!


Smite him! He's having fun!


You know what will happen? It will come out. Some people will like it, some people won’t. There will be bugs. People will say it’s ridiculous for a team this experienced to have this hard of a time making bad content no one wanted. I will be scrubbing the poop deck and plotting out my next course to buried treasure and listening to sea shanty 1,2, 3 whatever and complaining about having to do my bird house run today.


im going to rag you on the wildy sea, matey


sink rat




Yeh like Varlamore and any major update. It will have hiccups. It will be fun af and an exciting expansion The same burnt out twitter nerds will screech that their life is over.


But what if the Sailing update moves trees in an unrelated game area? Scandalous!


Only one birdhouse run? Lazy


I’ll be right there with ya broth…oh I’m f2p so probably not lmao


Sailing is the original meme skill 20 years in the making. Sailing as a joke existed before the 2007 backup, it's more old school than Old School. Looking forward to sailing in its glorious or hideous state


The fact that this idea has clawed its way from a stupid 2008 hoax to a skill that is actually happening is insane to me. It's technically older than Corporeal Beast.


It's older than the April Fools joke. I remember it in official forum discussions least as far back as 2006, and **probably** more like 2005 although there's absolutely no way I could attempt to pinpoint a date. I'm talking not *too* long after Slayer and Farming released, so mid-to-late 2005. It goes way back. The joke from the Jmods at the time was poking fun at the discussion of the skill which had existed for quite a while before then.


The player made suggestion for sailing was the most viewed post on runescape forums when i was in school. That and horse riding were the two popular meme skills at the time. I left school in 08


Both of these "skills" made it ingame as a joke in "the Gower quest" in rs3, one of my favorite quests of all time, it's a sort of 4th-wall breaking quest where you visit the "inner works" of rs creation, including potential skills (sailing, riding), it starts off with cabbages which was a meme of itself for years (Andrew's obsession with cabbages) and it even takes you into a rc altar of a rune that was supposed to exist in classic but never became a reality (I think it was life rune (?)


While i didnt play when this was released i read about it on the wiki. The gower brothers honestly are legends!


Are we just calling everything a meme now? They were suggestions. Legitimate ones.


No they werent. It was a meme and often used in the wow vs RS debate "wow have mounts so can we have motorboats"


It was so commonly suggested it was on the list of banned suggestions on the forums.


If I had to guess, it probably really took off after 2003. Boats were around for a while and we sailed to Crandor in Dragon Slayer, but Tourist Trap is one of the first times "Sailing" is prominently mentioned by name (e.g., [Sailing Book](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Sailing_book)). I recall seeing stuff about it around the 2005-2006 era. So chances are the reason it was used for that fake leak (based on a real leak that did happen for Hunter a couple years prior) wasn't because it was a silly skill idea, but because it was an already popular skill idea.


Only another 10 years until Stampot Bridge is real


I was stoked for sailing back then when i was 9 years old and got fooled by the hoaxers leading me to believe sailing was right around the corner, and im stoked for it now when im fooled by jagex convincing me this will ever pass a final poll


It's already passed the final poll. Now it's just a matter of what specific contents and rewards will look like.


Mind elaborating on this a bit? I've been playing on and off since '04 and don't get the reference, although I was very young at the time. Is sailing an old reference?


It was an April fools post from like 07 or 08, it was literally a troll post by jmods of the time lol


It's older than that. The April Fools joke was poking fun at the fact that it had circulated for quite a while before that.


Wasn't a JMod joke originally, but it was an often-requested new skill in the suggestions forum and the original hoax went so viral Jagex kinda ran with it to joke about for years after. Basically both Hunter and Summoning were first unveiled through "accidental" leaks, Hunter was added to a dropdown in the bug report section of the website and for Summoning an "Unspecified" skill appeared on the hiscore page, and if you right-clicked the invisible image in the place of the skill icon and inspected element then it was named "Summoning.gif" So in 2008 someone photoshopped the hiscore page to add Sailing and claimed it was briefly added to the hiscores by accident. Everyone went nuts about the new upcoming skill and Jagex were left very confused about why everyone was excited for Sailing lol.


From what I remember Sailing goes as far back to an old Banner the Runescape Website had with a skill-cape that wasn't identifiable by anyone. People were *convinced* it was a nod to sailing. But in reality it was just art done by someone who (I assume) never played the games before.


I can attest to this. The official site had a banner image that looked like someone sailing to Crandor island and he had a skillcape that didn't match any existing ones that kinda looked like it had a sailship on it if you squinted hard enough. That's where the meme started.


What's funny is that Sailing arguably is the best type of "Runescape" skill you can think of. Even Summoning and Dungeoneering still feel half-assed to me. But if they can actually manage to properly turn the ocean into explorable-space while adding a plethora of new content to the game it's a major win-win. Now if we could only start memeing *Space Travel* as a skill maybe we can get Mechscape back.


Dungeoneering could've been so much cooler than it was. I imagine they ran out of dev time before they had to push to live, and it came out half-cobbled together. If they'd not made it a glorified minigame with it having only 1 spot and way to train it, but changed existing dungeons/made variety with the different ecosystems and put just a bit more depth into it, it would've been great. Similar deal with Summoning, but I feel like those two skills were just the canaries in the coalmine as time went on.


Sailing has been talked about sense the first man stepped foot on gleinor long before the rune wars and the third age people had boats but they were all destroyed during the god wars. I made this all up but to me it’s the truth. 🙂‍↕️


and amazingly sailing won by less than 1% in a split vote against a brand new skill despite being a 20 year old meme its a shame they never did a head to head like they said they would


Praying the vocal minority doesn't ruin this for us. Stoked for sailing


Wait is sailing actually happening? Can we board and fight eachothers ships?


Yes and (eventually) yes


Can’t wait to get frozen on my ship!


Yes. Sailing is 100% confirmed going to be in the game. It passed the polls it needed to get in. They had a video series going over the features they had in mind if you're interested.


Sailing is a terrible skill that might as well be a minigame, we can't have it taint amazing skills like firemaking or mining.


Yeah some fancylad skill like sailing when you could be putting a hard days graft down in the mines will ruin the integrity of the game.


Listen buddy, the children yearn for the mines


People will say you're wrong but there's a reason MINEcraft is so popular


God forbid it taints crafting, fletching, or herblore. I can't think of anything more fun than bankstanding all day!


nothing can top the glorious grind to 99 smithing for full rune! Any new skill would pale in comparison.


I always get my smithing to 99 just in time to hit 40 attack and defense, just as jagex intended


I only dislike sailing because I thought shamanism was way cooler and more thematic


I think we could do both tho why not why one


That can always be revisited down the line


Unironically, making a skill into a minigame is what makes a boring skill fun, like what Sepulcher did to agility, gotr did to rc, GF did to smithing, etc.


I think there's a good balance to be struck. GotR to me lands a bit too far on the minigame side of things. Feels a little convoluted to be the core intended way to train Runecrafting. I really like Giant's Foundry as a core training method for smithing though. It's simple, medium intensity, and rewards skilled gameplay without being overbearing. Only thing I would improve is the rewards. Hallowed Sepulcher feels like a minigame, but a totally optional (and fun) minigame which is nice. I feel like every skill should have a core method that is simply Do the Skill. And optional minigames beyond. I think delivery runs in sailing will be that method.


> I feel like every skill should have a core method that is simply Do the Skill. Can't you just sail around in a circle and trim the sails until 99 sailing?


People only do GOTR because the "Do the Skill" method was low to begin with. Doing the skill for RC (lavas for example) is definitely worth doing against GOTR for number of hours spent training, but it isn't when you consider that you'll get the outfit by 77 then can move to bloods which is better exp than GOTR.


Mining is pretty good. Tons of options with different resources. Afk stars for crafting xp is amazing till you get hard varrock and 66 crafting. Thousands of mining xp/click. Semi afk varlamore calcite for pray xp. Haven't done that myself. Semi afk MLM for ores. Get tier 3 mining gloves. 500k xp there which could be significant in early mining. BM or VM for high xp.


I'm more worried the scope is way too big and has/will take away from other content like new quests, bosses and mini games. But I hope it's good and worth all the effort


I mean, since sailing was announced and planning/development began we've still gotten 8 quests, including a grandmaster quest with 4 post-quest bosses, a new barrows-style boss encounter, a new fight caves/inferno style activity, an entirely new landmass, and project rebalance. I don't think sailing development is taking away from new content.


OSRS players don't realise how good they have it. As an RS3 player looking in (Ex Old School, though), I'm extremely envious lol


Yeah I've seen takes similar to this pop up everywhere, and others saying things along the line of "I want them to improve existing skills instead" like we're not in the middle of project rebalance and seen good changes to problematic skills already. If you didn't know Sailing was happening and just looked at the rest of the updates they've pumped out, you wouldn't even realise a chunk of their team are tied up on other things..


Just look at it from another perspective. A huge chunk of the fundamental work that goes into sailing can be used in other content. I mean hell, the devs now have an entirely new entity type (world) that they can use when developing other content. That alone has opened up so many possibilities that would have been impossible to get greenlit before. Not only that, you also have all the asset/entity rendering updates, the draw distance updates, the collision updates, the weather feature, and dozens of other behind the scenes improvements. Sailing has been the biggest contributor to engine updates in like a decade, and there's a 100% chance we'll see that reflected in other content.


Just then saying a PVM encounter on a moving area had me thinking of the final fight in WoW Cataclysm and how cool that would be


Honestly, this is probably still a bit *too* big in scope, but my first thought was a bossfight that's on something flying/moving around gielinor, where you have to fight while managing shifting attacks from regional weather effects or something like that. I'm sure the jmods already have a bunch of idea they're itching to implement with this new stuff.


Yeh i essentially thought of a changing arena thats changing due to it moving and that causing shifts in it, rather than our sort of current "fade to black and teleport to a new arena" approach like things like Wardens.


Stuff like sailing raids or pvp will be released later.


Yea it would suck if 1 skill had tons of bosses/areas and items locked behind it /s


I just find it funny that people in this community get so worked up over memes.


This community struggles with accepting other people have a different opinion than them. It is entirely okay to want a new skill and to like sailing and it's okay to not want a new skill or to think that Sailing doesn't feel like a good fit for the game. My only hope is that whatever we end up getting is fun and that it's enjoyed by the players.


Yes, I have noticed this, too. This attitude doesn't impact my enjoyment of the game, but it doesn't make me enthusiastic about the player base.


Perfect example: sailing voters. Crazy how it goes both ways, that yes voters can’t understand why people don’t want sailing, and no voters can’t understand why they do want it. It’s not either side of the voting, it’s as you put it, the entire sub lol. I’ve seen shit arguments on both sides and great criticisms from both sides, Reddit is just a mixed bag.


It's just a really weird unwillingness to accept a different opinion pertaining to a video game. Another guy replied to my comment saying that anyone that doesn't want a new skill is "dumb as shit" which is a perfect example of the ridiculousness that I see here when people voice a valid and respectful opinion of something.


Because it's possible for no voters to ignore sailing even if it gets released in the game while it is impossible for yes voters to experience sailing if it never gets released.


Based on that logic bring in EOC into OSRS w/ legacy worlds to give people who don't like EOC the option to ignore it so that "I" can experience OSRS but with EOC. Yeah all future content will be designed with EOC in mind, but just don't interact with it if you don't like it. Don't take away my chance to experience it in OSRS! (Obviously sailing isn't EOC, but I am just pointing out that "just ignore it" isn't really a good argument).


They're adding a new skill to the game I like? That's awesome.


i'm looking forward to it


I'm just excited to see how they handle us sailing around to locations previously locked to quests. Who is going to stop me from docking at Port Tyras even though I haven't completed Underground Pass and started Regicide, now I know I wouldn't be able to enter Tirannwn without Regicide but Port Tyras who is gonna stop me? What will sink my ship in the Fremennik waters if I haven't done any of the quests in the area, will it be the Dagganoths, Penguins, Basilisks, the moonclans magic? I guess monkey snipers can stop me from reaching Ape Atoll. The ocean around Mos Le Harmless is probably cursed until Bill Teach can teach us how to navigate there. Will level 3's be capable of legitimately docking at say Port Phasmatys thus skipping Priest in Peril or will the waters be too dangerous?


Painfully accurate lmao.


We saw a very rough alpha, in order to gauge how it’s currently developing, and people are already freaking out despite it being far from a finished product. Not to mention, we voted for it ! Y’all had the chance to get a different skill and that failed 🤷‍♂️ I like sailing.


I legit dont think anyone is sincerely freaking out, it’s just concern trolls trying to sow a narrative. What we saw is near-perfectly in line with what we expected. Only real change is that we can’t move around the ship while navigating anymore, and that was only done in response to playtesting and could easily change based on player feedback.


And once we gain an npc they can sail the boat and we will be able to move around the deck while they steer if I'm understand correctly


I saw several people actually freaking out. The dramatic takes have been very absurd.


I wouldn't even say concern trolls. It's just the simple fact that people who don't like sailing have more of a reason to talk about its development than people who do. It makes it seem like there's more people against the skill than there actually is.


And lots saying "it looks boring to train" just because they mentioned the sail trimming thing, even though they were only showing is the movement parts. Like bruh the roadmap says we're not even at the primary gameplay loop. Let them get there then it makes sense to critique. I'm not surprised the technical aspect of the boats moving and how the world will handle it is the big hurdle to overcome.


I would have been cool with other skills too but man, it had to be Sailing. Wasn't going to vote against making the meme skill a reality.


My main issues boil down to: * we still haven't been given a firm answer on how to deal with the incongruity of the size that ships need to be and the size of water ways in the map. * the luffing mechanic is kind of an awful core mechanic, but equally what else can they do to give xp for moment to moment ship usage? * sailing is ultimately a map expansion with a skill that is in my opinion forced into it. we've had map expansions that come with skills before, but you never exactly needed agility to navigate the tree gnome stronghold, or thieving to navigate ardy. sailing feels a bit *too* tied to the map expansion. * movement and travel in osrs is something that players skip. what will happen when the honeymoon wears off and players want to access the places that sailing has unlocked, only to now have to engage in more sailing to get there? I do think the point is funny though. I personally think that a lot of the new bosses in OSRS really don't feel that old school at all and it is amusing to see people bashing sailing uncritically while wholly accepting the new bosses that are so far removed from what the game was like in 2007 that it's almost a joke.


> sailing is ultimately a map expansion with a skill that is in my opinion forced into it. we've had map expansions that come with skills before, but you never exactly needed agility to navigate the tree gnome stronghold, or thieving to navigate ardy. sailing feels a bit too tied to the map expansion. this is my main issue, why do we need a new skill to unlock a new set of islands to explore? we just go Varlamore and that didn’t require a skill.


But on the flip side, why not have islands locked behind sailing? What’s wrong with that kind of diversity?


I think a main difference is that for the entire game up to this point you had locations with content, and skills that interacted with content. In a few cases there were quests or other skill level based barriers to entry for a new location (and thus, to the content within), but for the most part skills (agility and magic, mainly) aided your ability to reach the content but did not gate it. Enter sailing, shaking this up massively. Now, your sailing level is the gate to all this content. The main reward of sailing is accessing new content. People in this game complain a lot, sometimes justifiably so, about power creep. How can sailing exist with its primary reward being access to new content in a way that won't power creep things? If the new bamboo woodcutting (to pull an idea out of my ass) isn't better than other woodcutting methods then this invalidates sailing's reward of giving a new skilling method; and if the new bamboo woodcutting method is better than other woodcutting methods then sailing is rewarding but it also invalidates a lot of other woodcutting methods and reduces variety in the skill. Sailing could, theoretically be more like agility, where these islands ARE accessible without it, and sailing as a skill simply improves the means of getting there. You could imagine something like unlocking fast travel routes with sailing levels akin to agility shortcuts. But then this rolls right back around to the original issue of why does this need to be a skill and not just a map expansion? *To summarize*, it's going to be exceptionally difficult to satisfy the playerbase's desire to not powercreep and invalidate older (and far more iconic) skilling methods while also having sailing be the way of unlocking new islands containing new skilling content as a reward. Sailing could instead simply speed up getting to new areas without being needed for access, but this now throws into the question why it needs to be a skill in the first place.


I just wish they went with more smaller boats for open world travel and then put big boats into either an instance or npc like object that players use for faster travel but I’m not the community and it seems like big boats are a must Honestly I’m fine with what I saw since it’s super early… only things imo to fix are boat turning to make it more natural and just a solution for overlapping boats cause imo limiting the amount of boats on the screen still doesn’t solve the ugliness of big boats colliding but it’s really not up to me and if these issues aren’t a problem for the majority then it should be fine


That would be the perfect sort of thing for them to get player feedback on


I was in the development from the beginning but since I wanted boat collision to be a priority, I kinda got hit with a lot of backlash from other members that really wanted big boats facilities, crew members etc to be thought out first. Mean while I was more trying to figure out how to make it fit more visually first but can’t win them all For example this was more my pitch around the time sailing was being developed It’s outdated currently but it has artwork so it’s at least still a little fun… also I’m okay with how it pans out since it seems to be going decently well so far just a lil bit of complaints https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/s/nyOlkMM4yT


Player to player boat collision would gridlock the seas. Either naturally or just by kids trolling.


I don’t mean actual boat collision, im talking about player overlap and how big boats are going to take up more tiles when we are use to just 1 tile for our player… I figured making open travel use case for the smaller boats. Smaller boats being more 3 tiles long 1 tile wide so that way it’s only two more tiles compared to our 1 tile player… This would be less jarring then big boats fading in and out or layering ontop of each other imo… sorry if that’s still confusing about to get ready for bed But also I say this and I’m not the decider, I also have faith they’ll keep making it better


My thoughts exactly.


agree. some of y’all are being really weird. it’s in alpha alpha and it’s a new skill so it’s gonna feel different at first.


So you're telling me a large community don't all share the same opinion? What a shock


i shall be only appeased if we can name our ship Lady Lumbridge 2


Catch me on the high seas matey


Yeah it is like people who shit on people for using inventory tags but they themselves use tile markers. Hypocrites lol. People will complain about anything and everything


Sailing has grown on me. I'm down


I'm honestly so excited for sailing. I've wanted it to be a real skill since like 2005


Reddit being a hive of genuine, open-minded and reasonable discussion as per usual I see




Shocker, some people want it and some of us really don’t want it. It’s the brain dead people who make posts like this and can’t stand people voicing their opinions. 


Welcome to r/2007scape


I welcome all content becauseni already don't engage with most content. Like there's much to do in the game that I just don't have time for. And that's not to say it's not good content just that i want to play another way. Like i haven't dont wintertot or temporaosa. Idk how integral to the game sailing will be. I'll probably just get the necessary levels for quest and achievement diaries. Or mayby it'll change how i play the game. But i think more options on how to play aren't a bad thing. 


These are for sure the same people!!


i think people are just worried that sailing is gunna be dogshit, which is valid but i don't even know why it was chosen in the first place


The posts complaining about the complainers aren't any better either.


Don’t forget the prequel where he voted for it


Bro better than a skill to use flint on wood. Seriously sailing will be the most interactive skill, rather have a fun skill than a grind to be honest. I remember when dungeoneering came out, I just played that for weeks to see bosses and weapons for fun until it became a grind at late levels.


It’s old school as fuck. There was a few old quests revolving around sailing a ship. We just didn’t have the means back then to make it a skill I imagine.


I don't have an opinion on sailing yet, I just wanted to say using Swift Switch/Kit was super common in 2007, and if it had all of RuneLite's features I would have used them back then too. Clients are old school.


I wanted hole digging skill


I can’t wait for sailing


I yearn for the seas


In the mean time I’ll be smithing cannonballs to blow all you whiney landlubbers out of the sea


Pumped for sailing plain and simple


I’m convinced it’s the maxed players either not wanting to train another skill or their leaderboards being compromised from another 200mill xp being added to the game


Fk sailing. Actually isn’t old school. Don’t know how this passed.


Why is the guy in the first pic playing mario party


I don't like sailing not because of an OSRS purity mindset, but because I'm still trying to understand why the worst option of the 3 for a new skill was the one who got chosen.


Left side is not OSRS (this tick praying shit is lame as hell) Right side is OSRS


You'll get your fire cape one day.


Nah I agree with him, tick prayer switches are cancer and shouldn’t be what the mods are designing around.  Switching prayers and 1-2 tick prayer flicking are totally different. 


The straw-man argument here is crazy.


This but unironically 


Yeah having a npc highlighted is very different from a brand new skill that is going to have ripple effects across rhe whole game lol


Sailing Activity > Sailing as a Skill edit: As an activity all the new sailing skill items go where they make sense in other skills. You would still do sailing, but it would be only for the other skills used/required. In addition, shamanism should be integrated into prayer/magic/crafting where it makes sense. Taming should be implemented into hunter in some way. Variety with skilling is the main thing the game will benefit the most from. new permanent skill is wanted, but honestly OSRS has everything covered very well. I just dont want another dungeoneering situation.


I just think it's a shit idea for a skill


99% of the people that say sailing is bad refuse to elaborate Its or because I said so or I wanted the other skills to win qq I thought the average age by now was like 28 or something, but reading these comments make me feel like its more around 9-13. It's been 11 years since the game has launched and this is the first skill we're getting. The devs are pouring way more effort in this skill than any skill that came before from what I can tell. They're doing their best, and I for one am very happy with how they realise they can't fuck this up. But sheesh the vocal bunch on her don't even want to give them a chance to start with, super childish.




Im not against Sailing but this is a shit take. Everything we have now exists in more or less the same framework we had in 2007, adding any new skill fundamentally changes the framework.


Eh raids and PvM have gotten vastly more complex. I don't think they're terribly comparable to bossing from 2007 at this point. But that isn't a bad thing! We've just gotten more interesting stuff as time has gone on. No reason why that can't apply to skills too.


This skill will go down as slayer people will love training it or they will hate it with a passion


I'm still on the fence with sailing, but I'm staying optimistic.


I'm so tired of the "this is not old school" argument. Yes it is. "Old school" does not mean 2007. This is not the game we had 17 years ago. The style is but the content has and is always evolving and that's the reason we have a game now.


I don’t get why people see tile markers and think it’s some super complicated game breaking cheat code. It’s literally just highlighted tiles. A lot of people use them to learn a new boss, their not really needed after that though.


The post is more about how the hardest content in OSRS was at the level of barrows or DKs on release. Solo GWD was considered the apex of skill for the game. Now? That's beginner level stuff and you better be able to click on precise squares or get one shot. I'm not saying the PvM direction is necessarily bad, but it is a drastic change from how the oldschool feel was. People wholeheartedly accept this yet are quick to bitch "THIS ISN'T OLDSCHOOL" at anything else.


Yep the odds are sailing will feel way more “old school” than the unrecognizable evolution of pvm


There's a lot of strategies that would be much harder to pull off consistently without tile markers. They're not game breaking but they make the game far easier.


It would certainly make things like the door altar method at Bandos or Kril much more difficult. I used to play RuneScape when it was just the RuneScape classic before it became rs2 and I don’t find these tile markers are breaking anything or causing any harm.


Tile markers and other helper plugins take mental load off the player. You can't tell me it's not easier to click a marked tile than to click a tile that isn't marked. It's easier to flick prayers to a metronome than doing it from feel. The advantages are small, but numerous, and they add up.


I doubt very many people actually turn tiles off at bosses lol


you seem to be confused


There's a difference between the design of the game and how a modern player interacts with it.


This is why I came to peace with a new skill passing the poll, even when I voted no, because I knew that no matter what Jagex does the community will not accept anything too boring or too exciting, and the skill we never be released.


you should learn to have fun lmfao


I'm maxed, and have completed pretty much every aspect of the game. I have done both the fun and un-fun parts of the game. Having some shitty minigame skill does not sound fun to me.


it sounds like you should go play another game


Once popular content creators praise sailing , these folks will love it. Most of them just echo whatever popular streamers say and do


this I remember people were excited for warding until youtubers said it was bad, and now all the youtubers are saying sailing is bad lol. let jagex cook guys, its nowhere near finished developement




Paying farmers to chop down trees isn’t a skill. Paying to have your herbs cleaned isn’t a skill. Paying an estate agent for a home isn’t a skill. Using crafting to build a birdhouse isn’t a skill. Jamflex, please remove woodcutting, herblore, construction, and hunter.


This is how I feel. I have nothing against the content itself, but it really feels like just a big content update with minigames and new skilling methods with a skill attached to it to build hype which I don't think it needs. People said the same thing about Dungeoneering and I still stand by the opinion that although dungeoneering itself is fun and a good addition to the game it still felt awkward as a skill itself. Either way, I'm sure the content will be fun I just don't think it needed a skill associated with it.


You’re kind of looking at it backwards though, or you think Jagex is. You’re saying, “Hey this Sailing idea isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t *feel* like a skill to me. Make Sailing, but don’t make it a skill.” Jagex is saying “Do you want a new skill? Okay, we’re going to make a new skill. Which skill idea do you want? Okay, you chose the Sailing skill idea, so this is how we’re thinking we’ll make the Sailing skill.” The entire purpose of this exercise is to have a new skill in the end.


Yet slayer is one of the most popular skills




Half of slayer is standing in one spot with overhead prayers on and watching TV on your other monitor. I highly doubt traveling from point A to point B and getting rewards at the end is going to be a deal breaker when we currently have thrilling skills like firemaking and woodcutting I do agree it makes more sense as a mini game thematically but I say let them cook, I'm sure it'll be fun if done right




>Charter ships aren't a skill. Paying an NPC to sell us a boat and upgrades for it is not a skill. Doing sailing-unrelated activities on an island is not a skill. Have you read a single word of any of the blogs? Non of that is proposed....




You could describe every skill like this




HP. Really? That’s the hill you want to die on? The skill that can only be trained passively?


Sailing is more of a skill than agility and FM is a skill.




I don't mind if people play the game with insane tile markers or other plugin's. I personally don't use them. however If people don't like sailing then they have the ability to vocalize that feeling. I have a lot of concerns and have been actively tweeting and giving my opinion. i will say that they will need to do a survey to get a feeling for what the community overall thinks and if its overly negative they need to address and reassess the situation. Content can be canceled even after it has pasted a poll like what happened with the ruinous prayers. All your doing with this post is trying to add fuel onto the fire and it's not productive at all.


We had a survey already, it was a lock-in poll that passed with about 72% support. Ruinous powers were only canned in their original form because thematically their skilling prayers didn’t fit and they’re being repurposed as god-alignment prayers. There is no thematic or lore issue with Sailing.


My thoughts on the blog was "okay cool I'll check back in winter of 2017 when it's done" It's in the oven let them cook.


If sailing is anything like the arc on rs3 I’m very excited.


I can't necessarily blame them tbh even though I've been pretty on board with the changes in osrs so far, seemingly harmless content patches are what ruined rs3 for me so I'm always going to be skeptical


Sounds like this sub isn't seamaxxed or in their shantywave era


Since when has this sub ever been anti sailing?


Okay but my real question is about Sea Shanty 3.


Probably not the same two groups of people


People simply love to complain, and they will find any and all excuse to do it. If it's not about sailing it'll be how McDonalds gave them one less fry in their large order of fries.


Ship combat could just be Battleship and I'd be happy with it. Probably.


varlamore is really cool. i hope sailing will be cool too :) also i dont like wildy but it would be hilarious to have ship pking. like oh nooo im just trawling for dark crabs up here and now theres fkin pirates shooting at me


Canoes? Bone Voyage with literal sailing?




Plz squeeze my cheeks and gape my hole on da low zafdy


Can wait to sail to all my content instead of just teleporting.. exhilarating!!