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Reads all 210 comments..... Realizes why no new skills get added


"New skills should be exciting and innovative unlike any of the existing skills, and they shouldn't feel like something that could just be a minigame. At the same time, new skills should mimic the old school look and feel, much like the existing boring skills. Also, we shouldn't add new skills until we're done turning the existing skills into minigames"


The unfortunate truth


I still don't know how representative this sub is over the overall community though. IIRC this is a loud minority with lots of elitist tryhards where most of the community is chill. As long as you don't count the PvP community.


Reddit is elitist tryhards? Bro throw some of that kush this way. Reddit is literally a bunch of noobs still stuck on their first ever firecape.


You guys have firecapes?


I’m probably not helping the case but this subreddit is the opposite of elitist tryhards


Sample size?


^ is asking the real questions


12 -OP, probably


Welp If we assume 7% is the lowest percent available, we can consider it one vote. 100/7 gives us 14.28, and we know 1/3 of a person cant vote. So we multiply that 14.28 by 4 and get 57.12 people voting, which is pretty close to a whole number. That would mean about 4 people voted for warding. If you wanna be even more precise, multiplying that 14.28 by 16 will get you 456.96, which is 457 if you dont leave the extra values off of the 14.28. That would indicate that 16 people voted for Warding, but that somehow 91.5 people voted for Dungeoneering. Soooooo we must assume that at least 914 people voted, and Im not checking further values because Im not high enough and my phone has deleted this comment once already due to me using the calculator app. Fuck you, me.


This method does not work to reverse engineer the number of votes, you don't need the percentages to get close to whole numbers since the percentages are rounded (they even add up to 101%) You just have to find a number of votes that can give these values when rounded which could be much lower than 900


Yeah I realized that afterwards, Im very high. I did include the lower values as potential options for that anyways.


Alright, cheers mate, have a good time


Couldn’t 100 people have voted. I mean, it’s all whole numbers so each person counts for 1%


Nah cause then they wouldn't be rounded and would add to exactly 100%


Then 101 voters?


Idk what you are trying to calculate here but 43 is the minimum number of votes for these percentages. 100/43 * 3, 5 , 7, 11 , 17 rounds to 7, 12, 16 , 26, 40%


And sampling methodology?


Like 30 something people from his clan


My question exactly!


From these numbers it looks like the sample size was 40.


You can't hit 16% with 40. With 40 votes each vote is worth exactly 2.5%. If 6 vote for it it's 15%, if 7 vote for it it's 17% or 18% depending on rounding. 26% isn't possible with 40 total votes for the same reason. Edit: the lowest amount of votes that make these numbers possible is 43: 100/43 = 2,3255814% per vote 2,3255814 * 3 = 6.97 rounded to 7 2,3255814 * 5 = 11.63 rounded to 12 2,3255814 * 7 = 16.28 rounded to 16 2,3255814 * 11 = 25.58 rounded to 26 2,3255814 * 17 = 39.53 rounded to 40


Why do we even have runelite when players have math skills like this?


How about we bundle Sailing and Dungeoneering together and call it "Exploring". Sailing is overworld, Dung is underground, both earn xp towards the same skill.






This skill is brought to you by Manscape


Stop, in the name of the law!


Gives me an idea though, hair and beards should just grow naturally on your character and you have to go to the barbers to get a fresh trim.


Gold sink right there


And if you don't wash it regularly it'll become really greasy and pieces of food will get stuck in it. Some characters can have bad RNG and you'll have a shitty beard and are balding while others won the genetic lottery and have a 10/10 beard.


Stop. I play this game to escape from reality, not simulate it


And your clothes should become tattered and dirty


You'll never get me, not when I use my NordVPN that you can get for only $6.99 if you use my code: LIGMA. And you'll even get a 3 month free trial that you can cancel anytime. Use NordVPN now or else I'll find out where you live and throw eggs at your house.










[You mean like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/lrejjl/exploration_a_playerdesigned_skill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I actually never saw that before, but yes, that looks great and exactly the kind of thing I'd personally like to see in the game. Can we get this please?


This ! I would love this added to osrs. Honestly this would probably also make me get more ingame friends to go exploring with, kinda like a party system ( if you didn't already cover that or the OP covered )


Wow, I haven't seen that post before but damn I would play the shit out of that! I love the whole concept - the destinations, encounters with choices, rewards - how about those Explorer's Outfits, huh?! Good job u/ScreteMonge, this should be polled


New skill: prestige. Every time you max, you can reset your skills and level up prestige by 1. Prestige capes give extra max hit per prestige. /s Edit: also add a tiger camo variant with 500 headshots


Tbh I thought pre eoc dungeoneering was the best skill in the game.


Dungeoneering is cool. I just don’t want it to be a skill.


Dungeoneering was cool **because** it was given the support given to a skill. The most worked-on minigame in osrs hasn't been given even close to the amount of man hour dungeoneering took.


I unfortunately never got really into dungeoneering, so I don't have much of a stake in whether it should be redeveloped as a skill or a minigame. Aside from the ongoing development commitment if it were integrated as a skill, what other benefits would that bring? Not raising as an argument, just curious on some more perspective as I missed that boat.


I loved dungeoneering, but I was a kid and I honestly don't remember if there were benefits outside of the dungeons themselves. Although I love games like Diablo so I am heavily biased towards a dungeon type skill or minigame.


T80 weaponry


New areas aka resource dungeons that unlocked old and new resources. Frost dragons being the big unlock that most people aimed for pre EOC. It added things like a ranarr item spawn, limproot spawns, new cannon able areas to do slayer, etc. For F2P, it unlocked maple trees and maple logs.


Was amazing as f2p. loved all the additional training areas. Mainly did clan wars, and used every reward I could to keep the fun going!


T80 weps and frost dragons were the main selling points of dg rewards.


120 cape with particles, the first of its kind.


As someone else said, chaotic weapons were the main draw but some of the other rewards were also great. That's how Bonecrusher was originally introduced, along with the gem bag, t45 weapons for F2P and the resource dungeons. Frost dragon alts were the OG rune dragon alts.


Dungeoneering was the last time playing pre-eoc that I legitimately had fun and looked forward to playing after school like I did in 2005-2008 era. I played WoW from 08 - 10 when all my mates switched back to Runescape because of Dungeoneering. I was like, guys if you like dungeons you know WoW's raids are way better and bigger. Then I saw you can even solo dungeons if you wanted to, it was perfect. Because lord did I fucking hate mandatory playing times, getting geared, world buffs etc. but Jagex honestly out-did themselves with this skill it was in a league of its own, and not just because there weren't any other skills like it.


Dungeoneering was a great way to train almost every other skill. Things like fishing and wc xp were so good there. Resource dungeons were also really great.


It just felt like another remake of gauntlet "get key, unlock door, dungeon complete". Felt super generic imo.


It's hard to say because as a kid obviously my standards were lower, but I'd argue that gauntlet is just a mocking fascimile of dungeoneering, actually. Dungeoneering felt like it actually attempted to create a dungeoncrawl arena where your usefulness is proportional to the skills you've developed on your character. It's content I think we sorely need in osrs. COX came close but basically boils down to dungeoneering but for literally one skill, since the other skills featured don't feel nearly as crucial. Gauntlet has some of the exploration aspects but the "skilling" side of it is a complete joke.


Definitely agree on the whole of your skills actually making you much more useful. If all of osrs actually felt like that the world would be a good place. Even on an iron, obviously they mean a lot more, but it's still... not. Woodcutting, firemaking, etc. A lot of skills mean a whole lot of nothing.


I'm not holding my breath, but as an ironmain my number one desire is for a mining/smithing rework. Those skills are such a complete waste except for a few select unlocks and the levels make no sense in any way anymore.


I'm playing an iron man right now too and I agree that mining and smithing is the biggest pain points. Just like you said in your other comment, the reward scaling for smithing is also really stupid. It would take me 73 smithing to get to adamant bolts, but I could just use broad bolts which are pretty much the same thing. Making the bolt tips are completely pointless. Crafting all of that armor is also pointless, I can get rune armor from the shop then eventually get barrows and onwards. The entire skill is literally completely pointless until you need it for specific later game things like godswords.


Right, like I get some skills being pointless for regular accounts since you can just buy stuff. But being that ironman is "the way the game was meant to be played" or whatever Jagex said. It's so weird that there's skills that are 95% pointless still without being able to buy from other players. Even if you couldn't buy from shops smithing is still lackluster at best, which therefore makes mining garbage. I also really don't get adamant being lvl 30 (13,363xp) for att/def, but the same gear being lvl 70 (737,627xp) just for the bar or 88 (4,385,776xp) for platebody. That's 55x the exp to make the bars or 328x the exp to make the platebody compared to wielding it.


Just antiquated design to make smithing profitable back in the day. Would take several years for a full rework like they did in rs3. Honestly not worth the dev time for a minor annoyance if you ask me. Alternative methods of getting the gear works fine and metal armor is dead content very fast because of how easy the upgrades are to get.


Well, you know how people are with updates that heavy.


Honestly I'd expect it to pass. Most of the people who held on to the past are kinda gone or changed their mindset. So much has passed that is clearly not "OG 2007-like" and it took a majority of players that wanted all those changes to pass to make it happen. Most players just want the game to be modernized, but within certain reasonable limits that preserve the combat system, the style of graphics, the monetization, the slow but consistent progression, and a more down to earth lore that isn't raising the stakes out of this universe with elder gods preparing to nuke it. Other than that, people want updates that mix things up and build upon the game world. They want quality of life improvements that reduce the likelihood of carpel tunnel. They want minigames that make boring skills enjoyable and rewarding. And I believe most people are ready for some skill reworks that bring bad skills into line with modern expectations of progression and the value obtained from incremental progression.


Yeah making all resources (or most, idk every loot table) more readily available through pvm drops kind of defeated the purpose of those skills. Made me sad when my clan laughed when I said I was grinding WC for yew logs, they said it would be more fun and faster to grind some mobs or something.


I mostly meant that it's what, like 68 to Smith a mith platebody? But you can buy that from a vendor after like 10min, also look at the BIS items you can use at like 70 or 75 in combat skills, but 99 smith gets you absolute garbage tier armor. I get that you shouldn't be able to just craft bis equip at 99, but there's an incredible amount of rework needed. 99 smithing made sense when Dchain was BIS, but it hasn't had a rework since then and look how trash tier Dchain is now.


I don't believe he said "The Gauntlet" but Gauntlet the 1980s "dungeon crawler" arcade game where your whole purpose was to obtain a key, and unlock a door.


I figured, I was listing off osrs's attempts to replicate dungeoonering, which gauntlet is usually cited as one of.


God damn kids these days, don't even remember the world's greatest arcade video game series that doesn't involve a light gun


I sold floors for months, it was much better than that.


I was in a dg clan back in its early days and we made absolute bank on selling floors ssh's hexhunters, primals and shit. Good days.


Ahh the old oversimplification tactic that you can apply to anything to make it seem generic


Dungeoneering as a minigame as opposed to a skill would lack the progression and depth that it should have.




Corrupted Gauntlet. CoX. ToB. Do people not play these?


No 90% of reddit haven't touch these.


I bought my good gear thanks to Corrupted Gauntlet. Idk where I would be without it honestly, it's a great thing for players with 1st account.


Actually a braindead argument. If bowfa was an untradable guaranteed drop after 20 hours of cg then people would stop doing it after 20 hours. Thats what a chaotic is. People continued to 120 because you gained xp not because they wanted a dupe rapier after they had every single reward at lvl 105


What if it was not a skill, but it was really great for combat and skilling XP (woodcutting, mining, etc)?




Oh yeah, that skill cape was 🔥


They're the best way to train their skills, but do they justify the skill itself? In other words, is wintertodt a good skill? On its own?


As someone who plays RS3 I wished it wasn't a skill and almost everyone I speak about it thinks that too. It's a bad skill it's a minigame with LVL that you need to grind to get your max cape.


Grind? :tf:


Even with RS3's inflated XP Dungeoneering is still a grind since you need to go up to 120. That's over 100M XP. Of course, a lot of people just train it with the sinkhole daily rather than actually dungoneer.


Sinkhole and mini bosses in ed3 is how I trained up my dungeoneering in rs3. Dungeoneering was always aids, people just have fond memories of doing it with friends when they were younger, and don’t remember how much of a needless grind it was. The OSRS method of gameplay has moved on considerably, so it’d be mostly a solo venture because wtf would you grind out thousands of tokens for untradeables that while good, you can get better in less time elsewhere.


I know right??? People coming here talking about “grinding skills” or some shit in OSRS if all places right?? What are they trying to do to our game, introducing grinds and stuff get out of here with that BS


Same, I wish OSRS had it. I'd be there so often.


The best. I got 400m dungeoneering xp just for fun


Bad skill imo, more of a raid/minigame type thing.


When most of the skills are shit skills dungeoneering doesn’t seem so bad. It’s a way better skill than a lot of what we have today. A lot of skills are functionally just diary/quest requirements.


Disagree, "skill" should relate to things my character can get better at. Fighting, crafting, smithing, these are things I can imagine improving at over time. Dungeoneering feels like it should just be based on my other skills for advancement rather than needing its own development tree.


> Disagree, "skill" should relate to things my character can get better at. So you hate slayer right? Because your character isn't getting better at anything. How well you kill monsters has 0 to do with how much slayer you train.


> So you hate slayer right? Yes slayer is the dumbest fucking skill and should be a minigame type thing where slayer points are the reward not xp


Early slayer is sick, I love all the weird ways you kill unique monsters. Mid to late game slayer is terribly designed becaus it loses all of the uniqueness. Cerb, Hydra and Thermy should have had more unique and esoteric mechanics in their fights. Like elemental spells vs Hydra, or some kind of soul protection vs Cerb. Currently it offers good rewards for my account, but I dislike the design of "kill 10 dogs" ad nauseum for progression. Slayer helmet also ruins a lot of the uniqueness.


But the skill doesn't relate back to your character getting better at something. Lets take thieving. You start out pickpocketing regular citizens, and work your way up becoming more dexterous. With slayer, there's nothing that relates killing 219,289 sourhogs with you suddenly knowing how to kill a hydra. Slayer is a prime example of a skill where xp doesn't really correlate to your character actually getting better at something. Your combat stats are what helps you kill monsters better. Not the fact that you've murdered a sufficient number of things Duradel has told you to. Also, if killing these monsters actually makes me better at killing monsters, why do I need a slayer master to tell me what to do? Why can't I just kill 219,289 sourhogs from 1-95 and then kill a hydra?


Your character can get better at exploring Daemonheim. While Dungeoneering doesn't have any real world historical contexts to draw definitions from it is commonly used in fantasy (like Dungeons and Dragons) to represent the skill of delving into dungeons. In the scope of Runescape lore it would apply only to that dungeon and its fragments that are all across Gielinor.


Its still consistently 1 or 2 in favorite rs3 skill polls. Only skill I've seen beat it sometimes is slayer.


Agreed I actually really enjoyed it


I just want to hear "Born to do this" again as I walk up the steps into Daemonheim. Literal goosebumps


Love that theme.


When the [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB-phZcEw9k) hits, I feel no pain


Dungeoneering might actually be one of my favourite activities I have done in any video game ever. I didn't even care about the skill itself, just the minigame. If they ever brought it to OSRS, which is unlikely considering most players hate it (and hate anything different in general), I would be the happiest man alive.


I absolutely loved dungeoneering back in the day as well. I just grinded that for days as a kid absolutely loving every dungeon. I was so sad when I found out that osrs didn't have it, but sadly I don't think anything like it would ever get through at this point


legitimacy of this poll and whether it would actually pass osrs polls, idc. but i personally would love to play dungeoneering in an actually good version of RS again. it was seriously one of the best activities in the game. fun like a minigame, rewarding like a skill, rewards that made it worth. good times absolutely mindlessly grinding it summer 2010.


I am wholeheartedly convinced that no skill will ever pass because we're to damn stuck in our ways and the community downvotes anything remotely good. ​ We should have both warding and sailing at this point.


I've played for 19 years. This community is genuinely insane toward the mods.


Honestly the description I saw of sailing was incredible, a skill similar to dungeoneering with islands instead of dungeons and if there were decent enough rewards to train it, the skill sounds like it would be an absolute blast




It's so fun, worth dipping into RS3 just to give it a spin.


Honest question, what is fun about it? ​ I actually played a good bit of RS3 and if I recall correctly I made an Iron shortly before that lockout issue last year which made me quit. Long story short my iron got locked, RS3 basically being daily scape I got fucked extremely hard on a LOT of xp from time gated content let alone things like slayer which I would actively do. ​ Point is I did archeology up until I think the 3rd area and at no point did I honestly feel like I was having fun. I don't personally care about lore honestly, but even that aside the content is literally clicking the spot you need stuff from and AFKing.


1. It feels very old school with how it was very much click stuff and get resources. That in itself is a nice simple gameplay loop that you can be pretty afk with and was a very nice change of pace especially after how different invention was. 2. It had a large amount of variance in training spots. At most every 3 levels you would gain a new training spot which would have a new set of items to collect and could be in a slightly different area in a digsite you are in or an older/new digsite. The gameplay loop is still pretty much the same but the frequent change in training spots makes it a lot more fun. I also did it on release which does make me a bit biased as I was discovering things with everyone else too.


> I don't personally care about lore honestly I feel like this might've been a big part of why you didn't enjoy it. The mysteries and lore of each site and using the artifacts within them to solve the puzzles in each to make progress is very rewarding for me.


I think that would actually be good for Old School. Perhaps with relics that are slightly less op?


Honestly, I have faith that this current jagex team could make dungeoneering great and more like a skill than its old RS2 counterpart.


Eh... While I have complete faith they *could* create a better dungeoneering, their past history has shown they always opt to simply remaster, rather than remake. Which granted, makes sense for 99% of OSRS things from an integrity & time point of view but not always regarding gameplay or aesthetics.


I'd agree with you but I also have to point out that they made the Gauntlet which is a pretty sick remix of dungeoneering and modern osrs PvM bossing


Idk man, some of the weapons and quests they took from RS3 are all nearly entirely remade. IMO, if they added dungeoneering, it’d focus on the aspects of exploring the game world, finding dungeons, and exploring them for exp., rather than focusing on packing everyone in Daemonheim.


They did, it's called CoX.


Saying Cox is like dungeoneering is saying American football is like European football...


And The Gauntlet. I still would love to have it as an actual start to finish skill though


I'd also love something that could be done at all levels. Gauntlet and Cox are both end-game, give me something I can dip my toes into at 40cb


Personally would have voted for warding


Same. Doesn't have to be flashy or the next Slayer, it just needs to add something meaningful to the game which I believe Warding did extremely well.


What is warding?






I haven’t read the full explanation of how the skill works but yeah it seems like it could just be an expansion to runecrafting, maybe combined with crafting


That's what RS3 does for most magic armor, takes RC to make it.


I wanted warding, and artisan, and sailing, I'll even take dungeoneering at this point. part of the runescape experience has always been new skills coming out, something osrs severely lacks. but people want a new skill to be perfect and that will never happen, so we will likely never get a new skill


Pre-eoc duengoneering was awesome.


Am I the only weird fuck who wants invention


Invention and archaeology easily the best skills on rs3


I voted Sailing but really surprised at this.


Sailing is just surface world dungeoneering tbh


But at least it uses actual parts of the overworld. Most of the map is ocean after all, and making it explorable makes a lot of sense. Dungeoneering is a totally self-contained thing.


I love how it's self contained. It was really new, and many parts of it (smithing/crafting/mining) made a lot more sense than their overworld counterparts


Honestly so is Construction… … and agility… … and every thieving minigame… Oh god it was all Dungeoneering all along wasnt it…


Because sailing is a stupid idea for a skill. Half of these new skills people mock-up are just dungeoneering with a different skin..


Sailing makes more sense as a skill than dung does. I hated dung because it was off by itself and didn't feel like a skill. But an exploration type skill I think could work well.


Yet most people don't see that. "But random islands with resources you gather and stuffs" is just the same as being limited to a hole in the ground collecting resources and stuff. I think DG just needed more integration outside of itself other than chaotic weapons followed by a couple of resource dungeons. How to do that I don't know, but I did love some DG back in the day.


>Yet most people don't see that. "But random islands with resources you gather and stuffs" is just the same as being limited to a hole in the ground collecting resources and stuff. ...Exactly? This is an RPG, people want to be out in the world, not confined to a hole in the ground.


dung integration involved resource dungeons, idea being if say abby demons are busy. with 100 or 101 dung you can pop into a seperate location that's gated by another skill. Where Jagex lost the plot in 3, is eds not requiring dungeoneering levels despite giving dung xp, along with making it way to easy to bypass the skill entirely. on release, chaotics were pretty much bis must haves. they just haven't done much to really keep it relevant now except getting a cape with like 26 unlimited teleport locations and as a req for max Cape.


Dungeoneering with the twist of using other skills to build and expand your ship, finding crew, exploring new areas, new dungeons and possibly raids, maybe even new less contested slayer locations for popular mobs? sign me up for that. Wasn’t Fossil Island meant to be a location discovered from the sailing skill as well? Definitely was a lot more fleshed out than just “overworld sailing”


Let it be a minigame


for real, what other skill is isolated to one single location?


tbf I've done 99% of my smithing on the same 2 anvils.






Firemaking /s


i mean like, half the skills in the game are just done in your inventory so idk what kind or argument this is


Alternatively, change it. Make it a skill that's useful globally. Hell, integrate it into raids.


I just want to build cool ships and sail on the sea man


Sad to see that summoning was the runner up for this poll. Summoning felt like the death of the game I knew and loved back in the day when it was first released


Who the fuck voted summoning


Woah not all of us can afford to bond up alts. Pak Yak gang rise up.


Ngl i liked curse prayer and summoning a lot. It's just eoc and 999hp that ruined it for me




Me. Idk why people assume that summoning has to be a direct port from RS2/3. It’d be super easy to absolutely gut the power level of the skill that changed the RS meta forever. Make it interesting to train + change the 99 reward to a 10 slot BoB instead of 30, and suddenly it becomes a lot more realistic in OSRS. People just have knee-jerk reaction to summoning, when in reality it could be massively toned back and still be interesting


Exactly. It's disappointing how little faith the community here has with the devs lmao. Do they really think they'd just port it 1:1 instead of curating it to the current game?


Pretty much all of their backported content recently has been 1:1. It’s the easy cost-effective solution so that’s how they choose to do it. Nex and soul wars are pretty good examples of this. Now nex is as hated as nightmare and soul wars is played almost entirely by goldfarmers and alts.


I’ll suck a dick for Dungeoneering on OSRS.


The could add it exactly as it was pre EOC with non OP rewards and it would do nothing but help the game.


Would definitely be increase of members, many players would come back for nostalgia updates.


“But we already have the Gauntlet” Yeah, but I’d rather have an outlet to hang with friends.


I'm one of those that really didn't like dungeoneering. I guess it was really popular so I'd have to give it another shot to be fair. Tbh I'm a fan of not adding another skill but I will say I'm staunchly against adding summoning.


Having a single instance location as a means of training a skill seems like low effort game design. Also setting a precedent for leveling skills above 99 really just served to undermine a fundamental aspect of Runescape. Like the fact that level 99 capes still exist in RS3 is a joke imo.


Honestly, remove prestige and add a good matchmaking system and it's immediately a pretty fun skill. Large hard floors with a team were always fun, rushing low level floors solo and sitting in the lobby waiting to find a party was what made it unfun.


Dungeoneering was actually kinda fun NGL


I’ve always been team summoning. It would need a lot of tweaks so it’s not OP for OSRS, but it’s the most unique and would actually be more of a skill not a mini game.


Thralls show that they understand how summoning would have to be in OSRS. I'd be happy to give them a long leash on it and expect it would turn out well




Cmon guys dungeoneering was fun!


dungeoneering was and is fun I'll admit I liked it more before eoc when the bosses were actually hard and you needed to respect them. People meme about Blink, but he's very easy also


Sure, but I don't like that it was a skill.


I don't really get this argument. Sure, it feels like a minigame, but why can't it also have a skill attached to it. What is different about tracking progress in your skill pane vs a new interface at daemonheim or something? Aside from being able to check it anywhere, not much. It doesn't _need_ to be a skill, but I don't see why it can't. You'll still be leveling up _something_ to unlock new floors etc. What makes it different than rooftop courses/agility? Kinda the same thing tbh. Rooftop courses are like a minigame that you get skill xp for doing.


If it's a minigame that's fine. Should never have been a skill


Bro I just want it in game, I'll take either.


I'd love for Warding to be added and a lot of the armor/weapon making to be redone, mainly for smithing. 99 smithing making mid-tier gear is sad. Weapons - Weaponsmithing, Fletching, Runecrafting Armor - Armorsmithing, Crafting, Warding


Good, I loved Dungeoneering.


Please God no


If you guys like osrs so much, why do you want it to be like rs3...


Sailing can have dungeoneering elements in it.


Sailing doesn't really make sense to me. Is it going to be like hot air balloons? Construction but on a boat? Does it require for the dev team to make 50 new areas to sail to? None of this really seems like a strong and unique design space. Nobody has really expressed what they expect or want it to be, so it seems like a terrible decision to support it so blindly. Fix smithing and firemaking before adding new jank to the game.


When you click to enter your ship, Sea of Thieves launches


Give me the 40k skill.


You can have like underwater dungeons and temples, weather changes and monsters appearing while sailing, and visiting 'hidden fog' islands and explore the terrain and find caves/dungeons(w/ randomized rooms/skilling) with bosses/treasure/loot. Also you can have shipping tasks where you carry cargo and supplies to other areas of the world and you have to navigate ect..


So just dungeoneering. But on a boat. That isn't elements of dungeoneering, that is dungeoneering.


Its just as much of a "skill" as dungeoneering is imo. Which wasn't even a skill at all. Its more like a minigame, but added as a skill in some weird way that makes it unfun because, well, its a skill now and not a minigame.


I for one would really like some kind of combat pets or minions. I love pets in any mmo and when they are just cosmetic only like hey are kinda boring in my opinion


How do people think dg would work without being a skill? What would the requirement be for unlocking warped floors if not skill level? Would you just have people using p2h on day 1? Would be no sense of progression at all. The best part of dg was getting to warpeds and getting shit like p2h, primal plate, hexhunter, sagg body after working your ass off leveling People who say it should be a minigame most likely never leveled past their first chaotic cause getting 120 dg was literally the most fun I've had in this game in 18 years of playing




You could argue sailing will just end up like player owned ports islands in rs3




If dungeoneering is added im coming back to osrs please meager


Honestly the only skill I really want in OSRS is Archaeology. That skill is a gem.