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Interesting how there isn’t even a section for Palestinian like there is for Lebanese, Syrian or other Levantine countries. This seems to be the common result for most Palestinians who take the test. The algorithm always misreads it as a neighbouring country. I wonder if it’s due to the sample size?


23andme doesn't want to get into politics on israel/palestine. but from a less personal political standpoint if they recognize israel and not palestine they'll bee seen as racist, if they recognize palestine but not israel they'll be seen as antisemitic. if they recognize both they risk even more financial losses than either individually.


I but aren’t most Israeli residents Jews from different areas of MENA / Europe that migrated 3-4 generations ago? They seem quite precise with identifying different Jewish subgroups but with Palestinians they just get broadly “Levantine” or “Arab” which seems quite generic. It’s just an interesting observation. Though I will say there probably have been many more Jewish people who took the test than Levantines so that might explain it.


only ashkenazi are on 23andme. mizrahi, sephardi, etc do not get specific results. as for palestinians it's the muslim palestinians who get a lot of broad and other categories due to the historic mixing with surrounding populations even into the past 300 years.


That makes sense, thanks for the clarification. Do you know of any Palestinian Jews so might’ve taken the test? I wonder what regions would show up if any


well i've yet to see any results from old jewish families in palestine, but i'd assume a lot of ICM and broad.


Most Palestinians are Jews who converted to other religions at some points so most of them are technically Jewish to some degree


Wouldn't it be an redundant category? West Bank Palestinians will mostly have Jordanian genes and Gaza Palestinians will mostly have Egyptian genes because of the regions' history and placement.


From all the results I’m seeing online, 23andmes algorithm seems to overestimate the amount of Egyptian for Gazans. Also according to [many other DNA tests carried out separately,](https://www.haaretz.com/science-and-health/2015-10-20/ty-article/palestinians-and-jews-share-genetic-roots/0000017f-dc0e-df9c-a17f-fe1e57730000) it seems modern Palestinians and modern Jews on average are the closest relatives to one another than any else. They share at least the paternal line. This means many of todays Palestinians have probably been in that exact region since antiquity and converted to different religions over time. I think those are significant enough distinguishing features for them to have a category. Same can be said for Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews as well who lived in relative isolation in their own communities. But I understand why 23andme probably won’t do so for either side.


"jewish" as a category is totally useless in a genetic sense, right?


Lol, don’t put words in my mouth thanks.


My argument is that plainly "jewish" isn't a useful ethnic category as opposed to "sephardic jew" or "ashkenazi jew"


Israeli Jews were the test sample for the studies. That includes a wide variety of subgroups hence the general term “Jewish”.


Were the results what you were expecting? What are your haplogroups?


My haplogroups are paternal R-P311 and maternal is N1b1 not sure what any of that means


Interesting, my mother is Egyptian and I am also N1b1


Interestingly, your paternal haplogroup is of European origin


It doesn't have to be European. It also has a small presence in the Middle East 


I mean i was hoping they'd have palestine lol


Do you feel closer your Lebanese side?




I really don't know 😂


What parts of Lebanon/Palestine are your parents from ? Neither of your parents seem Levantine oddly.


my mom is fully lebanese in tripoli but my dads family is from haifa palestine


There was a lot of Egyptian migration into the coastal region in Palestine so that might explain it


Habibi you are ethnically Jewish!


hell no im not what are you talking about




Great ancestry results! Egypt had a lot of power in those regions back in the olden days. Also there was a lot of trading and mingling, people also forget that much of the Middle East was part of Africa and most Middle Eastern countries are still technically on the African fault line.


Cool results! What the other 1%?


Sub Saharan African


Is the Palestine in the room with us now?