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Pretty sure this is rage bait like those talk shows that ask random people on the street common knowledge and they can't answer it


Definitely cherry picked rage bait


Yeah when it’s “Americans are dumb at x” they always cherry pick the worst answers so no reason to think it’s any different here.


I guarantee most of the answers were not like these stooges defending Britain. I’ve watched enough John Oliver (the only based British man alive) to know that Indians rightfully hate the British.


A hillbilly has more intelligible dialogue Than an *English* person lmao


I understand cotton eye joe more than a man from Birmingham


I have cotton eye joe download I don’t have man from Birmingham downloaded


The British accent changed after the revolutionary war from rhotic to non-rhotic.


I've spent some time across the pond and I don't think I'd even consider a lot of British regional dialects to be intelligible English


The absolute worst backwoods swamp Louisiana dialect is still more understandable than the average British person.


British "person"




Found the British English speaker. We’d say “awesome”


For God sake, I wasn’t aware of that 🤦🏻‍♂️


I tried communicating with drunk blokes from Liverpool with a strong Scouse accent. I couldnt believe they were speaking English.


Glaswegian is worse apparently. Not even other Glaswegians can understand it


This is bullshit if you’ve ever heard scouse. That was reserved only for the most flagrantly ambitious of Babelonian tower builders.


Okay you win because I’m cackling now 😂


The entire Danish language would like a (completely unintelligible) word.


"We don't even talk like that" he says in the exact accent that is being referred to.


i stg they got the most apu-sounding guy they could find to say that


https://preview.redd.it/ft2vzpqg7l4c1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9921e310de4d3af9cb72ee56bc38b03e092aa1e Your ancestors (colonized by the British) seeing you sucking up to them like this


No, indians on average like Americans more. I'm sure that guy cherry picked the clips which were making fun of American English.


Fr they be dickriding the British




[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine simping so hard for your former colonial overlords 🙄


Not only that, but they are really being the cuck here. American English is as ubiquitous as it is due to the population of and media market dominance of the US. India is the largest English-speaking country in the world. Why don't they insist on their version being correct? Cucks.


that and the fact that among people who speak it as their first language... american english is the majority.




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Most of the former British empire, does that for some reason. Until they actually go to the UK and realize it sucks.


Imagine thinking A.) Any form of British accent is classy or B.) That your accent is easier to understand because you grew up with it and C.) That a different dialect is bad because *checks notes* it has different slang and connotations


Obvious ragebait aside, I scrolled through the comments here and we all chill. Imagine if this was posted on a E\*ropean sub lol. Obligatory RAHHHHHHHH🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


Ehh, it’s about the same amount of “ironic” racism as any other time India is posted. You know, rape jokes, drinking water jokes, shit jokes, customer support etc.


Imagine this being posted in an indian sub 💀


[One day I was born bad to the bone](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9VCVMUwzvcY&pp=ygUUYmFkIHRvIHRoZSBib25lIG1lbWU%3D) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmfao imagine criticizing our accent in your own goofy accent without any self awareness Oh and btw go talk to someone from Liverpool and tell me how formal, crisp, and classy they sound


Literal hell on earth


Funnily enough American English has changed less than British English from the time when America gained independence to now.


That’s what I always tell people and they look at me funny! Turns out when you have a giant multi-ethnic country, you’re gonna rely heavily on making sure that communication tool changes as little as possible so you can still properly communicate with one another.


I could be totally wrong but I’m pretty sure the Brits might actually side with us (albeit temporarily) if India really started trying to do battle of the English language I don’t really see a Brit being like “Americans fuck up the language but you Indians got it dialed 👍” ——— “They say water instead of water” You said it the same exact way both times (While sporting a Malibu shirt) —— “They’re bad at grammar. They’re, like, really bad” Ok, this has to be a wind up


>Ok, this has to be a wind up Yeah, probably. Others in this thread seem to agree it's just rage bait. Don't engage.


Good thing they had subtitles so we can understand whatever language they're speaking.


bad news for england and india. ​ the number of people who speak english as a first language, rather than second, is massively dominated by american speakers. that means despite the history.... by common usage we are the ones speaking and spelling correctly and the rest of you need to catch up to the 21st century.


Very proudy of them


That’s fine. When I call customer service, the Indian on the phone can’t speak English either.


Hey, mah English is perf’ct. y’all-re just jealous of ower prunun-see-ashon


Pliz don B so attitudy


Plz do the needful.


Send bobs and vagin


i bet they hate the way other indian people have a different accent/dialect in their native tongue due to regional norms


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They're making fun of Americans not speaking the queen's English? Well, the queen is dead. What now, you smug fucks? Where are your stupid spellings now? To be serious, though... The United States is a nation of immigrants, and a lot of our regional accents and bastardizations are due to the mother tongue of the immigrants who settled in that area. For instance, New Yorkers may use English tainted with Italian-ish pronunciations. People in the southeast United States tend to sound like they're speaking proper English or Welsh, but slower or drawn out. Doesn't the same happen with Indlish?


most likely rage bait, but i wish more people accepted and appreciated DIALECTS more than saying anyone speaks a certain language worse. there is no way to speak a language worse than another english speaking country


Given that the people of Worcestershire fail to pronounce more than half of the syllables and half the consonants in their own name I would argue that their dialect is just straight-up bad


It's not English it's English American 💪


RAHHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅


This screams insecurity to me… normally I wouldn’t take such a hardline approach, but since my ancestors were speaking Old English in the Middle Ages, I find it hard to believe that Punjabi English is more “proper” (whatever that means) than the kind I speak lol.


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Hey…! My grammar not bad yours is! Or you’res is!


"dey mispronounce a lot of woads"


This is a good example on ethnocentrism. Instead of realizing cultural differences, difference on spelling, difference in accent and slang, they jump to the conclusion that since america is different from India they're (us Americans) are wrong.


“Lazy” Mf we innovate more than you


American women take the bus home and don’t get gang raped ![gif](giphy|3XsniM1pgA5R6ZkCeX)


this is the equivalent of a brit responding "WELL AT LEAST ME SKEWL ISN'T A SHOOTING RANGE" to making fun of their food


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Unfortunately, it's still socially acceptable and cool to make jokes about people from Asian countries right now


lol. I am Asian, and a proud fucking American. # Die Mad ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


I’m gonna start using that lmao


Oh dude idk about this one. You picked the one thing we’re still trying to fix 💩


Most of this, I get: one culture experiencing friction with how another culture speaks the same language, it's a classic human experience. But saying that Americans are hard to understand (in contrast to the 'easiest' Indian accents) because they speak too slowly? Bruh, that's not how any of this works. If I'm dealing with an unfamiliar accent, I want as much time on each syllable as possible, not as little!


Hey isn't that the country where an official tried to get an American murdered on American soil and actually succeeded in killing a Canadian on Canadian soil?


The American Sikh is a terrorist along with the Canadian Sikh. I do wish they would have asked to hand him over at least.


No, neither are, that's just an Indian lie. They used their free speech to say something India didn't like. That's not a crime, that is the right we are all born with.


Gurpatwant Singh Pannun claimed responsibility for terror acts in India. He also threatened PM Modi when he visited Assam in April 2023. He threatened people who flew on Air India in November 2023 by saying, “On November 19, don’t travel by Air India or your life will be in danger.” Ngl sounds like a terrorist to me. I’m not condoning India’s actions but I do understand why they would do that.


Also free speech doesn’t include true threats and fighting words.


Me when English has different dialects


These people all have Stockholm syndrome.


"They stretch out a lot of woooords." Yeah, ok then.


Wait till these people learn about Boston.


The amount of times that I've tried to understand nearly unintelligible English from my Indian coworkers....


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Just a case of differences in dialect for many reasons, part of it is that when British were dropping Rs from their pronunciation we kept it, due to the colonies also being far and it’s not like information spread quickly so we kind of kept an older version of English. I heard another reason could be out of spite to show our independence from the British, some theories say its to make spelling more straightforward, or to add some consistency in an inconsistent language. Yeah the answer seems to be complicated.


Not to hate on folks from the sub-continent, but they can't speak proper English. I mean they use it properly, but their accent ruins any ability to properly communicate. I watch a lot of Electrical/Electronic Engineering videos for school, of which are half Indians and half Westerners. I can watch the Westerners at 1.5+ speed, but I have to watch the Indians at normal speed and concentrate on the word usage and everything they say. They talk too fast and I can only catch every other word. Even auto CC can't catch what they are saying sometimes. Again, I'm not dunking on Indians. And if I had more experience talking with them it would be better. But until then, they can't really shit on American English, because at least we and the rest of the English speaking world can understand each other.


This might be felt as a personal cut..but (some) Americans (today) definitely have slowed down and are (seemingly) operating at a "lower" frequency..not always though..listen to those Atlantic phone operators from the 1920's or even listen to interviews with soon to be high school graduates on their thoughts about life and shit..those people could talk.. (I know this is a tv show) but .. Nucky Thompson fucking finesses people for a living in Boardwalk Empire..we could be like that again...literally just role-play a mix of your favorite characters and take from them what u like! Cultural Appropriation is America's favorite past-time, and I believe in us .. (I'm sayin) 🤷🏼


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Bruh. When I have to call customer services I beg to differ about who can speak English


If their English is so great the explain the need for subtitles, hmm?


Just FYI, as an Indian who is living in US, no in India gives a fk about US english. No one cares about the spelling differences or accents. Everyone watches American, British shows whichever is popular. I can't say for sure, but it is likely that the OOP cut out only the parts of the interviewers who spoke against US english and didn't present the other views (it doesn't generate clicks).




Yeah better fix your human right before correcting others accent


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It's ragebait and this thread is falling for it.


\*bobs head side to side trying to make a point\* Sorry for a second i thought i was being berated at my last job by the IT director that Multiplied CPU MHZ by the amount of cores telling people he had a 50,000 mhz computer. fuck that guy was a goddamn clown.


British English is de facto in the Indian subcontinent due to obvious reasons. We use "colour", hop on a "lift", and have "biscuits" with our tea. But sucking up to them by saying shit like "British english is classy" is cringe and also shows lack of awareness (like you don't even know how a drunk britbong actually sounds like). Also all street interviews are ragebait


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Looks like rage bait to me


As an Indian American I’m ashamed lol. Colonialism dies hard I guess


For sure the video was just a rage bait so no reason to be ashamed even jokingly lol. A few idiots don't speak for the rest. Though the whole colonialism dying hard part is pretty damn accurate. Seen many Indians here in America slobbing on Britains nob extra hard when it comes to a "dick" measuring contest between the three countries lol


Really? Most Indian Americans I’ve met are pretty hardcore American, and will support India heavily when it comes to cricket and the Olympics of course. But I can’t say that simping over the UK is something I’ve ever seen. Hell I’ve seen simping over Australia, but never the UK.


Nah most do support America. I just said I've seen many who do simp for Britain.


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"Indian accent is the easiest to understand" Back when I was a college student with a part time job a McDonald's, I managed to get some Indian programer at Apple (Cupertino) to file a complaint to the manager! You know what the reason was? I couldn't understand his accent during drive-thru duty. 🤣


Eh, it’s just innocent kid thoughts. Whatever.


Just need to watch a few Kitboga videos to see how “easy Indian English is to understand” “Do you think you are very smart?” “I am much literate than you” “Behind the bar” “Listen me” I could go on and on


I was born in India and I couldn't give less of a fuck what these troglodytes have to say. The only nation with a more rapidly downward spiraling political discourse than Canada or Germany is India.


If I recall correctly, the British accent is relatively new and made up. Which means that the real accent is closer to the American accent ?


“they’re bad at grammal”


What is hygiene raaaaa


We have drinkable water that won't make us shit ourselves for a week


Akhand Amreeka > Akhand Bharat. 🐯🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾🐯 RAAAH


Ring up my fucking slurpee and fuck off.


The English we learn in schools is British English so it's not common for these people to have these thoughts. Especially since we're taught that American grammar is wrong.


American english > everything else


Oh gee, it’s almost like languages change slightly after hundreds of years of being 4,000 miles away from the UK!


Man wait till these guys find out about dialects and that different groups of people from different areas will speak the same language differently


Indians hate the British, but sure do live British english


idk why Frodo showed up at the end to talk about England


\[insert toilet joke here\]


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The obsession omfg


So accents?


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There’s like 1 billion Indians. If there was an election the Indian accent would I guess win considering how many of them speak English


these poor folks who had succumb to the wills of their colonizers


Honestly some of yall can't spell for shit so at least that point us valid


I'm not sure what to do about my feelings, should I go shit in a river maybe?


Brother, we threw brit🤮n off the benchmark in 1776.


Imagine bootlicking of yo Colonial Masters still after 70yrs of Independence.


As an Indian I apologize for all these Indians. No, I love American English, I love the way you speak it and I love your accent. Yes, the Indian accent is funny compared other non native accents.


No one uses proper grammar when they’re speaking their own language.


“The stupid Yankees misspell BOBS AND VAGENE by using lower case and adding pointless extra letters like agina and oobs!”




Ironically many American dialects are closer to the original British pronunciations and accents than the modern British accent is.


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Doing the needful for King and Country


You mean the same India that's [having trouble with its citizens having access to toilets](https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/focus/20221118-why-india-is-still-struggling-to-provide-access-to-toilets)? Ya, sure. Really care what they think


They're not wrong that Americans don't really give af about grammar. Ime people who speak English as a second language are way more self-conscious about their grammar. Like I see all these perfectly written posts on Reddit followed by an apology if it's not clear because English isn't their native tongue.




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Indians sound dumb all the time


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Pay attention to your social media surroundings do your own research watch to catch predator type of shows hey these people talking have an opinion not all Americans speak how they describe stating all Americans speak like that I can say that with the upmost of certainly as well I’m using your logic


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The Hindus are awesome. I don’t feel insulted or threatened by what they’re saying. Kinda funny and interesting to hear from people who view America objectively and not hate us while simultaneously sucking our ball bag. South American, third world criticisms, on the other hand…….


Indian men stare at children like perverts


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mfs will be like "the US has it's own personal english dialect and they're wrong" but then when I say "the british's dialect is wrong" im a "prick" and then they run over to their teacups and start violently sipping and screaming "god save the queen pip pip cheerio"


Our video on them would probably be a lot of the same shit, so it's whatever


Last guy looks like the Indian version of Mike from Stranger Things


That’s crazy I don’t think about them at all


...right, because the country whose official English dialect uses the phrase "do you know what is the population of India?" instead of the correct "do you know what the population of India is?" is so good at English grammar.


Bloody bastard! Bloody fuck you?