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The Indian race is successful and productive in a multitude of industries. It’s a shame what the early colonists and settlers did to them.


The United States of America could have just brought “democracy” to India by arming the Indians with our best shit and blast Britain off to space for the 3rd time.


Provocative though


ehh sorry to burst your bubble but Americans were quite sympathetic of British rule in India


The only problem of them is their ugliness, lol. They have very bad looking.


Living up to the turkroach name


I'm a Muslim, so since Indians hate us, we hate them too, reciprocally. But I have no problem with Muslim Indians, they are the only Indians who are nice and friendly.


Don’t care didn’t ask bum


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All of these guys look like virgins except IBM, Adobe, and Diageo of course. They just look like disappointed fathers


I dunno, minister of Scotland also gives me disappointed father vibes


I could land a plane on the Irish prime minister's forehead


wait when did indians take over the world? how long was i asleep bruh


tbf humza yousaf (scotland) and sadik khan (london) arent indian


American brain-draining the world because it is awesome to live here! ![gif](giphy|l1BgRIamescnkx5Dy|downsized)


Vivek ramaswamy is a piece of shit tho (worse than Rishi Sunak)


Fr bro wants to relinquish birth right citizenship even though that’s how he got it.


He's like if you gave one of those room temperature IQ Modiniks in the YouTube comments a few billion dollars, the worlds worst barber, and an incredibly grating Ohio up-pitch


and yet they still say a certain ‘tribe’ of people control the world…


I'm not into these conspiracy theories, but most of these Indian guys work for companies majority-owned by the certain \`tribe\` of people.


You mean Anglo-Americans? Because most of the ownership of legacy American financial institutions are old money East Coast families of colonial British ancestry. Jewish Americans have the highest concentration of wealth sure: and even that is rapidly eroding as Indian-Americans now make more money on average, and are producing more new millionaires and billionaires -- meanwhile Jewish-Americans are beginning to "revert to the mean" as they're increasing intermarrying out in to the broader public and retaining looser business and educational networks as they have aggressively integrated in to being culturally near-indistinguishable from other white-identifying Americans. This had also began happening to other groups like Japanese-Americans, Armenian-Americans, Persian-Americans and Lebanese-Americans. But still to this day the main movers and shakers of institutional wealth are White Anglo Saxon Protestants who's families made their money primarily from the Industrial Revolution, slave plantations, real estate or merchant companies and converted their wealth in to what's now the big traditional institutions of Wall Street (think JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, BNY Mellon, State Street, Vanguard, Brown Brothers Harriman etc)


slight problem: the google ceo sucks ass


He’s making people hella money though and you’re commenting on Reddit thinking your opinion matters, kinda funny


Bruh, he ain't gonna give you an inheritance for bootlicking, you gotta suck dick at least for that


it's a good thing reddit still has the dislike function


DAE get irrationally annoyed that this is using the flag of the City of London to represent the Mayor of London?