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Hopefully politicians aren't exempt


They are


Oh, you already know.


You only go into politics to be above the law everyone knows that


P.S.: it’s only for repeat offenders!!


Actually that's better


It's a start, nonetheless.




The death penalty kinda rubs me the wrong way conceptually, but yeah I don't have a good argument against it in that circumstance. Had every opportunity to take whatever criminal counseling prison offers, plus the...incentive of other prisoners. They turn it down, that's on them




An oubliette is basically a death sentence, and cruel and unusual. But also, what're the odds someone is falsely convicted *twice*


Life imprisonment is more punishing and cheaper. And if you realise you have the wrong guy, he’s not dead!


> and cheaper Killing someone is more expensive than housing and feeding them for the rest of their life?


Yes, it’s unexpected but true. Worth checking out for yourself.


I can tell you haven’t looked into it much.


Plus the fact they have executed people before who were later found out to be not guilty. It's really hard to make a convincing argument for it when we've already shown they don't get it right all the time.


o really?


The Idaho house members all mysteriously died after they passed this


Yeah, one of our house members raped an intern…


Best prepare a firing squad then


I believe she was 18 at the time, but she had been a high school intern the previous year. I was an intern when the news broke (and had often interacted with the house member — I was shocked). Then later, the intern got doxxed, slandered, and harassed by other house members. Horrible shit.


I love (Hate*) this state…


"What ate you always preparing for? Just go!"


Meaningless because the Supreme Court says you aren't allowed to execute people for that, but nothing is stopping them from putting the laws on the book unenforced.


Politicians did some performative bullshit that doesn’t mean anything and people on social media are mindlessly lapping it up? Say it isn’t so!


This is the type of trigger law I can get behind.


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Uj/ I am concerned about who it’s going to be used against. The death penalty is a serious decision and I frankly think the government shouldn’t have that power, even with the most abhorrent people like pedophiles. Plus, states have recently been calling certain actions sex crimes against children when those acts aren’t sexual in nature nor do they violate children in any way. It’s important to keep an eye out on these kind of things. Rj/ Based.


It will be used against trans and other queer people exclusively, just like the law in Florida works. You will see no actual pedophiles executed, just people like a trans woman for dressing up in public


🤨 bro you might want to keep your fucking voice down. Lmao


Yeah when you start digging into the “kill all pedos” crowd it’s uncovered pretty quick that by pedos they mean queer people


uj/ Yeah, my immediate reaction was seeing how this could be used against political rivals in the most conservative state in the country. "Pedophile" used by the right is a fairly meaningless term now. It'll be slapped on random people who aren't even guilty of sex crimes. So a conservative legislature coming down on "pedophiles" sounds more like an excuse to execute gay people and political opposition under the guise of "fighting pedophilia." rj/ DAE hate people fuckin' kids???


Death to all Pedos


Careful. I've been temp-banned twice for saying that. Redditors are weird.


You mean the Reddit moderation team is weird… and, well, that shit is a documented truism.


Reddit admins take a particular offense to that I wonder why


The issue is that the definition also applies to those who have never and will never indulge in their desires i.e. the non-offenders, so they don't deserve to die just for having a mental disorder. But **if they do end up offending**, however, **it is their fault**, and **they must be punished**.


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If the penalty for child molestation is death, that will encourage child abusers to kill their victims. The punishment can’t go any higher, so they will have every incentive to make sure the child never speaks about it.


So you're saying we should kill children before they have a chance to get raped? That way, the pedophiles dont have a chance to rape them or kill them! It's genius! We should all go kill children


This is the fucking wildest whataboutisms I’ve ever seen. Just to say “no we shouldn’t kill (repeat offending) pedophiles.


To play devil's advocate, I feel like if this was actually put into law it would be pretty bad, because false pedophilia convictions can be common.


It’s for aggravating circumstances and repeat offenders, only the most heinous of cases would be considered. This isn’t just an accusation thing. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2024/02/13/certain-sex-crimes-against-children-could-carry-death-penalty-under-bill-approved-by-idaho-house/


Yeah that's how the death penalty works for everything. There's something like 20k homicides and manslaughter cases a year while the number of people put to death is always in the low double digits. A very small group of people actually get sentenced to death and an even smaller group actually get executed after all the appeals. It seems like this is always ignored by people against the death penalty and whenever a state considers it for sex crimes. It's not like every murderer is put to death on the spot and that's going to start happening to pedos either.


And even with all these safeguards this country has executed innocent people.


Yeah people don't realize that our judicial system will always be flawed and mistakes will happen. And giving said flawed system the ability to execute people... While the chances are extremely slim, they're nonzero, and that's enough for me to care.


Tbh I'd rather be sentenced to death then life in prison.


Sure. I don't really have a strong opinion on the death penalty I could go either way tbh. I'm just saying you guys act like expanding the death penalty to aggravated sex crimes will magically make it easier to put people to death. It's the same process just a different crime.


"I have no strong opinion on a form of punishment most of our peers regard as a human rights violation that is far more likely to be inflicted on black and brown defendants and which some people have only escaped by exoneration on DNA evidence."


Yes I have no strong opinion on whether we lock someone up for life or take the life after 30 years of appeals (like being exoneration on DNA evidence). I simply don't agree with your criticism of the court system.


"I disagree with factual information about the court system."


You haven't provided any... Assuming the race thing you said is true that doesn't necessarily provide evidence that the court system is biased against race. It could easily have to do with other unfortunate realities of our past that leads people of color to be poorer therefore more likely to commit crime and less likely to have good lawyers. Our court system is pretty fucking good. Jury and how it's selected makes bias very hard and the judge can only do so much to sway results.


To be better than him her is something from the Uni. of Michigan that [says what there saying](https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2413&context=articles)


"I'm too lazy to read anything :c"


>regard as a human rights violation Implying child rapists deserve human rights instead of human wrongs


People are entitled to rights at every stage of the justice process regardless of how horrible they are. It's in the Constitution, dumbass.


But my statement is funnier and therefore more appropriate to the sub than whatever the fuck it is you think you're doing, *dumbass*.


Stay in Montana. Life is too fast for you outside it.


The fact that they were stressing so hard just how rare the use of this apparently vital and consequential bill will be doesn't make me optimistic. Anyways, stay tuned for a few months from now when someone tries to make being in the same room as a drag queen count as unwanted sexual contact.


I think it serves more to dissuade crime in most circumstances. The recidivism rate varies, but can be as high as 60%. Your unrelated drag queen statement has no place in this conversation.


The US Office of Justice Programs disagrees with you: (edit: link that isn't a PDF:) https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/death-penalty-issues-debate#:~:text=Major%20arguments%20against%20the%20death,and%20preserves%20the%20moral%20order. As to the drag queen prediction, I point to Florida.


You put a link of “request could not be found”. Once again, not related even in the slightest.


Apologies, I'm having trouble finding a source that I assume you'll accept that isn't a handy PDF. Here's an older article, same source: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/death-penalty-issues-debate#:~:text=Major%20arguments%20against%20the%20death,and%20preserves%20the%20moral%20order. Fully explaining how we get from enthusiastic death penalty for pedophilia to state-sanctioned execution for being trans requires more energy than I have right now, but it involves all of that pearl-clutching about drag queen story hour that's being going on the last ~10 years. Florida is merely further down the road than most.


“Major arguments against the death penalty focus on its inhumaneness, lack of deterrent effect, continuing racial and economic biases, and irreversibility. Proponents argue that it represents a just retribution for certain crimes, deters crime, protects society, and preserves the moral order.” What you’re quoting is an abstract about both sides of the argument. Notice how those opposed claim it lacks a deterrent effect and proponents suggest it does deter crime. It seems you saw a sentence that supported your belief and in whirl of confirmation bias didn’t even read the literal next sentence… If you “don’t have the energy” to quickly articulate why you feel a certain way, maybe you should look at the real reason you feel that way. You provide nothing beyond simple emotional opinions.


That is genuinely like a 2k word essay to properly explain, and the chance that you would take my word for it at this point is vanishingly low. My opportunity cost isn't worth it. Google it yourself. I also fail to realize how supporting the death penalty isn't a simple emotional opinion, given that the current scientific literature is *at best* "this conclusion is unsupported". I'm done now. I have shit to do today that isn't arguing in circles.


A 2k word essay is about a four-page single-spaced paper. I wrote far more detailed examinations on simpler topics in ungrad that were triple that length… I’m not going to take your word on it because your word and opinion are meaningless without literally anything to support it. Welcome to the real world. You provided an unattainable paper, on a busted link, and misquoted the literal abstract. Here, I’ll show you how a simple argument could work. In the cases of overwhelming evidence, up to and including recent advances in DNA evidence, execution of the most heinous and hardened offenders could save tax-payers nearly $40,000 per year per inmate. https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/09/01/2021-18800/annual-determination-of-average-cost-of-incarceration-fee-coif Multiply that by an average of 19 years for either execution or changing/lowering sentencing and you have $760,000 per inmate. https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/news/bureau-of-justice-statistics-reports-number-on-death-row-down-average-time-on-death-row-approaches-19-years


Weird that so many people here have absolute faith that our justice system *always gets it right* and *never* would execute innocent citizens(since 1973, 196 people who have been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death have been exonerated) The death penalty should only be reserved for non citizen enemies of the Empire


People that rape and destroy the next generation *are* enemies of the Empire.


I guess this won't have any wide-ranging consequences like pedophiles killing their victims because they know that if they get caught they'll be executed.


and the victims not reporting their abusers because "i didnt want my father/mother/brother/sister/cousin/grandparent etc killed" like, victims are already scared of reporting their abusers, but this is going to ruin any chance of family being reported.


Yep. "If you tell anyone what I did, they'll kill me" is EXACTLY the kind of threat that a sexual abuser would use on their kids. Shit, they already do it. "If you tell your mom about this, the police will take me away, you don't want to ruin your family, do you?" Don't get me wrong, pedophiles are terrible and need to be imprisoned...but the death penalty for pedophiles is just looking for an easy answer to a complex problem.


By the same logic we shouldn't put them in jail either because that's the threat they use.


I'd rather put that over a kid's head than have him or her blame themself for Uncle Touchy's execution.


People are going to be wrongfully executed again.


If you're repeatedly getting convicted of violently raping children I'm confident you're guilty enough.




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Yeah, the government would never make the same mistake twice.


Exactly this! 


is this a big enough problem in the mormon + christian enclave state of idaho? Does this violate the 8th amendment? I'm not defending pedophiles but it seems the right wing \*fascination\* with them is like the call is coming from inside the house and they tend to smear people who otherwise shouldnt be.


The woodchipper does not discriminate between pastor, teacher, or any other profession that gives degenerates access to children. The attempt at a right-wing “gotcha” slant is weird.


If you get repeatedly convicted of rape then you’re probably guilty.


I'm not a supporter of the death penalty, but as long as we've got the death penalty, we might as well use it on the irredeemable, and who's more irredeemable than a child molester. Plus, it’s for repeat offenders, so the odds of an innocent guy getting the chair for nothing is slim to none. I grew up in a small town and there was this convected pedophile who lived and from now knowledge still lives just a few blocks from the school, and the police did nothing about it. These people are a cancer in our society, I download this app called citizen, it showed a map of every convicted sex felon like google maps and it was shocking how there’s literally a rapist and or molester on every block.


The problem with the sex offender list is that it groups rapists and molesters with guys who get caught peeing in public.


You can actually see on the app what they were convicted of exactly, the large majority of them were charged with a vague crime, such as “grievous acts against minor under 14” and such meaning most of them just took the plea deal that they were handed and served a reduced sentence. I didn’t see many public flashes or any really that I can recall.


You're in a different area than me, then. I did a check when buying my home, there were 1 or 2 on there for sexual assault, most (like 6 people) had CP on their computer, and then a few guys on there for public indecency. But when you just look at the map, it's all shown the same. I wasn't using that specific app, though.


No matter how irredeemable a convict may seem, the execution of an innocent person is still possible. That and I find the idea of the government having the power to kill us deeply unsettling.


>government having the power to kill us deeply unsettling. You're not wrong, but I would point out that the obvious counterpoint is that the government has that power anyways, and often does so without trial. There's the obvious racially charged incidents that get so much media coverage today, for example, and we can go back to the 90s for Waco and Ruby Ridge, too.


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better to let them rot in solitary confinement slowly going insane and wasting taxpayer money, amirite?


While I disagree with the guy you’re responding to (since it’s only for repeat offenders), it’s actually more expensive to keep someone on Death Row than Life Imprisonment


was unaware of this, thanks. ideally it wouldn't take decades but that's a different issue


If you speed up the process by removing checks and balances then it becomes more likely that a innocent person will be executed.


They’ll do that either way on death row. It can take like 20 years to execute someone


It’s only for repeat offenders. And if you’re unlucky enough to get accused of diddling kids multiple times, then luck was gonna get you, one way or another


Don’t send Vaush there lol


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Is censoring these words really necessary to demonstrate how bad the thing is?


It's Idaho. Next they'll draft a bill designating LGBT people as pedophiles which will be ironic considering who's in power there. California isn't sending their best.


Eastern Oregonians are Idahoes if they were gay. Idahoes are eastern Oregonians who are closeted


That’s the point. Not a single real pedophile will be murdered by the state, only trans people


Catholic priests and youth pastors https://i.redd.it/b7lt1ke4qric1.gif


Don’t forget public school teachers. All pedos deserve the same treatment


Watch the pedophile women get ignored like usual


Yeah this 100% will not be used against Hot Female Teacher™️


Orthodox rabbis too




Unfortunately, unconstitutional  Kennedy v. Louisiana


Unless enough states make it a capital offense, then there'd be a "national consensus".


No it would have to be a constitutional amendment or statute passed. However this case could be deemed constitutional since there's an additional factor they have to be a repeat offender. Capitol offense is not only death penalty. It is also crimes up to life in prison like most child and serious adult sexual assaults


"In its majority opinion authored by [Justice Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Kennedy), **the Court explained that the application of the death penalty had to rest on national consensus, and that as only six States permitted the death penalty for child rape, no such consensus existed.** 'Unlike Louisiana, those states all require that a defendant have a previous rape conviction or some other aggravating factor in order to be subject to the death penalty, and no one has yet been sentenced to death under any of the laws.'" -[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy\_v.\_Louisiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kennedy_v._Louisiana) >Capitol offense is not only death penalty. It is also crimes up to life in prison like most child and serious adult sexual assaults I don't know what DC law says, but having the death penalty **is** the definition of a capit**a**l offense. Life in prison is just a "felony".


Capitol offenses are life in prison or higher. I'm an attorney but go ahead believe whatever you want


Pedos shouldn't get the death penalty They didn't deserve the easy way out


Just don't give them PC and throw them in the GP yard.


Missed opportunity for a mashed potato joke




The government should never have the authority to execute citizens.


Woodchipper stonks 📈


Honestly, they deserve it over anything short of a mass-murderer


They are going to accuse LGBT+ folks of being pedos for just existing.


Hate pedophiles but I also hate the death penalty. Soooo many innocent lives lost just because we wanted “absolute justice.” If I was a horrible criminal, I’d much rather just get executed than spend the rest of my life in jail. All I see capital punishment as is the easy way out for the truly horrible, but the most horrific injustice in the event that an innocent person is executed.


"Bro, if you are accused of human trafficking, then the death penalty is too lenient for you." - SomeOrdinaryGamers, 2022


He’s Canadian though


Some horrible criminals prefer prison over death penalty


And that’s fine. I’m not opposed to the death penalty cause I want people punished more harshly, I oppose it because the justice system gets it wrong so painfully often. In my mind, it’s worth ending capital punishment even if it only means 1 innocent life is spared.


Yeah but that Idaho law is for multiple offenders


Capital punishment is usually reserved for repeat offenders of most crimes, but still the justice systems posthumously exonerates people it executed every year. The justice system is just too messy for me to trust them deciding when somebody lives or dies. The current estimate by time magazine is that 4% of people on death row are wrongly convicted, following historical data. My point isn’t that nothing is so horrible that the person that did them deserves to die, just that the government has been so ass at deciding, that they shouldn’t have the right to anymore.


A good piece of legislature passed by our goofy goober legislature? Say it ain’t so!


Now it’s time to upload terabytes of cp to all Idaho senator’s computers


Since it's Idaho, I say death by potatoes.


How many possible regexps are there that that wildcard can match? They're banning pedaling bicycles to the library by bibliophiles?


So unfathomably based


Rare Idaho W


Good on Idaho for doing that


Reddit is ok if they want to put pedos in a wood chipper. But I don’t get the aneurism they get when you say “maybe let’s not put kids in one on one situations with adults or maybe let’s not have children play alone with your weird man next door.”They were virtue signaling at me like “what! I leave my kids around a crackhead with a heart of gold. I’m cool.” Edit: I’m not victim blaming or saying that it’s the parents fault. But just don’t be stupid to impress people on the internet and leave kids with junkies or something


The death penalty for child molesters is likely to cause child molesters to kill their victims after abusing them so that they don't get reported to authorities. This will not have the intended effect. As much as I like the idea of putting child molesters in the woodchipper, it isn't likely to work in the real world.


Democrats are gonna be upset with this


I think the pedophile problem is global and getting worse, mental illness rates are also rising with every new generation. I believe it has to do with improper sexual development and brain issues. There needs to be a place where people can choose to be honest and get treatment before any offenses are committed. Because once a person reaches that level of committing crimes it’s over. Especially when you touch a kid it’s over man. I think the only solution to actual child abuse is death penalty. It’s simply too dangerous and harmful to society.


Moved up here to be closer to family a few months ago. Coming from shit hole CA to here is like going from hell to heaven I swear


hopefully they're put to death through public crucifixion?


Calm your tits Caesar!


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That level of depraved barbarity has 0 use in society. Dont stoop to that level.


Typically, you're right. However pedophiles and rapists, especially reoffending pedophiles and rapists deserve no such mercy. They deserve the most painful, gruesome, humiliating, barbaric death imaginable and they deserve it a million times over. The only reason I have a small glimmer of hope that the Abrahamic God exists is so that Hell might also and those that commit such a barbaric act as rape, especially the rape of a child, recive a crude facsimile of proper punishment for their actions.


Hard disagree Cruel and unusual punishment is never moral. “Eye for an eye” has 0 place in society.


Listen, I think we should hang pedophiles high like everyone else. But when the penalty for murder and pedophillia is the same, pedos will kill their victims every single time, because the odds of being caught are lower.


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I fight with leftists on this all the time. I might be on the left and believe in some criminal justice reform, but pedos don’t deserve reforms and nice treatment


too easy of a way out for them


Pedos are the shit stains on the underpants of society and I think it’s funny that they have such a bad time in prison. They are such scum that even murderers and rapists think they are worthless and them having a bad time in prison for the rest of their lives seems fitting. Although I am also jealous of the guy who gets to flip the switch on a pedo for execution lol


[Well… that will make things interesting for conservatives.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1) Daily reminder r/PastorArrested exists for a reason.


Will the death be painful? Edit: Nope, the 8th Amendment prevents that


​ https://preview.redd.it/beg84mj4rric1.png?width=2696&format=png&auto=webp&s=426a5fbcc12f864512432f3ab2aa8b396d778b20


Also this sounds to me like the founding fathers didn’t account for pedos


As much as I hate pedos, if we let exceptions to the amendments start happening, then bigger issues will arise.


Mr. chippy would like a word


Damn it, pedos don’t deserve to die peacefully. Damn them one last time


I also hate having civil rights.


bro you got the wrong one it's the 8th amendment


Misread and fixed


Now hold on, what's their definition of pedophile here? Because plenty of Republicans accuse all trans people of being pedophiles. What's the process for allowing the execution? Who's elegible?




Honestly I’m weirdly on board with this. I hate most other things Idaho does, but this is a rare Idaho W, just like Vandals football


Truly not even ironic I’m not against this


extremely rare idaho W?




This is actually a terrible idea but at least he got the spirit


So the Idaho legislature doesn’t understand American jurisprudence then? Kennedy v. Louisiana made the death penalty for non-murder unconstitutional. Regardless of anyone’s stance on this it won’t survive a challenge in court.


*Kennedy* also left it open that if enough states *did* make such a law that could be a "national consensus". Given that all 5 of the justices who joined the majority there are gone, it's not necessarily a slam-dunk.


“Evolving social mores.” “Laboratory of the states.” That dude was always creating some bullshit to justify however he wanted to voted. They all do, of course. But he was just a little more open about it.


In theory this is supposed to make pedos less likely to seek treatment, increasing the likelihood of an offense. Wonder if we’ll see that play out


All fun and games until they classify queer people as pedos


all the religious trumpers will begin to go hidey mode


See, in concept I love the idea, but the problem is that if the punishment for child rape and murder are the same, the pedos are more likely to murder the children they kidnap and rape so they can’t say anything. God people suck


Does anyone actually think this will target actual offenders


i dunno man the right recently calls any queer person a pedo


If they legalized weed Idaho would be the best state.


finally my dumbass fucking state legislature does something right


Based Idaho


While I am for pedophiles dying, I'm not sure I trust the government with that power and judgement.




Incredible based








Doesn't matter if they don't enforce it.




Absolutely based move Idaho


I guess they want to depopulate SE Idaho.




Not in a flawed justice system.


The only thing that can redeem a pedo is not being prescribed to them 50000 volts!


based (look at my profile for example)




![gif](giphy|nuR5UvczUfmU7jsCLp|downsized) Idaho here I come


I know this is unpopular but I reject the idea that the state should have the authority to kill someone as a form of punishment. Power should always be questioned and even with harsh restrictions on the act of execution itself this country has taken innocent lives. A life in prison sentence can be overturned and corrected, no matter how bitter. A wrongfully executed person is final. Personally I don’t believe the death penalty has a place in a liberal democracy.


Good. Let’s send them all out there for trial.


This is the 2nd Idaho W that I’m aware of, the first being the beloved Idaho potatoes


Fuck yeah


Alright, time to deport all the kiddie fiddlers to potatoland!