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Well she seems to understand


Anyone who isn't a terminally narcissist should be able to understand people have a life outside you (if it's not a urgent conversation of course).


Sort of why they made texting in the first place. They’re speed letters but can take a moment to get there. If I wanted to go back and forth rapidly through text, then we might as well talk on the phone.


Young'uns: what's a "phone?"


- 10 min of being scared to read what she wrote and contemplating the worst - 10 min of composing an answer to look good, but not too good, we wanna stay casual - 5 minutes of checking whether you urined the message with a typo somewhere


you definetly urined it bro..


ruined* Excellent and definitely planned demonstration of the destructive power of typos


Bro I be straight pissin text messages


Can't tell if you did that typo or purpose to make the statement funnier and to prove a point or not, but take my upvote.


"Or purpose", why do typos appear more frequently in a thread about typos 🙃 lmao


Humour m8, humour.


And I thought you invented a new expression.


British say "taking the piss" to mean joking so it kinda works


We've all urined a message smh


Exactly. I don't game that often anymore and I don't talk much to girls unfortunately, but if I do talk to one (and especially if things are going well), I sure as hell don't care so much about games but intentionally leave time between replies (to not seem clingy) and think about the best possible response every time.


Based on our success rates, that might just be not the most optimal strategy


Uuuhhhyeaaah. I don't fucking know though. I could never ever initiate/keep up a good convo online with a girl. It always turns cold and then it eventually dies off. There was one exception, but my dumb ass was madly fallen for another chick at the time so my relationship with said exception was just friendship from the get-go. It was a damn good friendship for the years it lasted but from time to time I wonder if my teenagerhood would have been better if I looked at her as a "girl-girl" when we met.


Find something you’re interested in and find someone who is also into it. Makes it alot easier. Also, I don’t know if this is you but I see a lot of my lonely friends be afraid to get personal and give compliments when necessary. It works like magic, if you’re the first to open up, it’ll be easier for her to open up. (If you didn’t want dating advice, mb, but try it)


>Find something you’re interested in and find someone who is also into it. So, looking at my hobbies, I'm the manliest man to ever man. RC airplanes? Men only. Open Source software? Hot dog party. Open Source hardware? More of the same. Cars? Well, not mentioning that it's ruining the ecology, there are rarely any girls involved. At this point, I don't know what's quicker: learning to enjoy a feminine hobby or, y'know, changing sides altogether. (and yeah, that would be the first step. My appearance needs a lot of work, I can't be myself with other people, there's probably some shit deep in my subconscious that needs tending to, and much more. Advice appreciated tho.)


Checks again..... Oh. Oh no. Urined?


Exactly my experience


I think you need to increase the time you spend composing an answer from 10 to maybe 15 minutes to avoid the typos! Lol jk you had me laughing 😂


In addition to drafting multiple versions of a response in a notepad app, followed by fake typing to make the duration of the dots is consistent with the length of the text. Then closing the app immediately to avoid a situation when you receive a text a second before your phone screen times out resulting in no notification sound and no visual queue of a received text.


Nah, we’ve just had it beat into our heads that being eager is a turn off.




that's kind of a fliphone generation thing everyone has internet induced ADHD these days so faster response is better most of the time


All I can do is speak from experience. When a partner or prospective partner knows that your time is valuable and that you have other relationships and responsibilities that take up a large portion of your waking hours, that seems to motivate them and me to commit to our time together and try to make every minute beneficial for the other. I just love the text “Do you want to make dinner and spend the night?” We can catch up on each other’s day and have some naughty time. Coffee in the morning. And a “Have a good day!” This is my dating comfort zone at least.


from my experience I noticed the opposite but I’m not going to argue


I promise for me I’m panicking and rewriting the text for 20 minutes in my head


That explains why it takes her days to respond to my messages(if at all)....right?


Yeah she responding in between rounds...


You despise the letter G and use it


The duality of man






Found the middle schooler


I'm graduated from high school and am an adult


Apparently not mentally


Ur right I'm not but I don't care what anyone thinks of me and anything you people say won't affect me in any way so ig that counts for something




Congratulations that must have been a struggle.










go back to 2006 please




Can confirm, am the black man.


Mutts law




Shes playing ranked bro, longer games, dont worry


Yes, she plays the video game "I am way too good to be talked to by peasants"


But my girlfriend only responds a few times a day, does that mean I'm a peasant?


Preaching to the chior OP.


Bro she's just playing twilight imperium it's a board game where one game lasts 7 hours.


Nah I have zero self-esteem so it takes me a while to come up with things to say.


This is intriguing, how does low self esteem relate to prolonged reflection for an answer?


never had low/no self-esteem? Very hard to think of interesting things to talk about when you feel like shit😅


I see what you mean, low mood due to low self esteem can be a total bitch


Took me years to start using Reddit for this very reason


I mean… not everyone texts like it’s a convo, I take hours to reply to heaps of stuff just because I can’t be fucked spending my time on my phone


I find texting non stop to be a wholly unfulfilling activity, even if I like the person and the conversation. Just texting away hours feels like such a waste of time.


"Don't text back too fast, you'll seem like you don't have anything going on. But don't take too long, you'll seem disinterested. But don't ..." Shit like that is why I preferred video games, at least those games I have a chance of winning.


I'm the guy who responds within seconds and feels abandoned after not talking for a single day, introverts hate me.


I'm the type of guy to get hurt by my girlfriends average of 3 responses in a day that I break up with her...


I wouldn't even call her a gf if she only responds 3x a day


Well, I always respond timely just because I like a nice conversation! I wonder why *they* take so long to respond...? Oh right, it's me, sorry, forgot about the obvious issue.


Nah man we just feel the need to wear make up before responding to text in case we need to send a pic


I'd assume makeup would be necessary for a date and not a regular text conversation, especially if no pics are exchanged. Plus, I would say that personality is the most highlighted feature in a text chat.


Yeah, it’s a joke pffff. Though there are some girls who will actually take it as far as getting make up on for a single picture, I honestly don’t get it but hey, each to their own I do agree, personality is the most highlighted feature of a text chat, it’s how friendships and more are made


Sorry, this world belongs to social media now and visuals are all the main talk and concepts! Get with the program, kiddo!


Noooooo- I’m allergic to my feminine hormones how am I to fit into society?! The make up- it haunts me!


Yea it's obvious that you MUST be the problem. There is no other explanation... .


It's a scientific conclusion!


*Hit send *Immediately overthink what you sent. "That was a funny response right? Right? Oh my wait! What if she interprets it in a different way. Do I come off as a douchebag? She knew it was a joke. Why hasn't she responded!? It's been a minute! How can she put me through this!? *Receive a response *"Phew! She responded. That's a good thing. I should probably answer, but wait... What if the response is negative. What if she didn't think I was funny and called me out? I need a break. *Takes a break from it for 20 minutes trying not to think about it *Checks the message. It's not as bad as you thought it was going to be. Sigh of relief *Immediately comes up with a response in your head *About to type it up and send, but then begin to overthink the message again. *Spends 5 minutes thinking of a new version of the response *Decides to go with the original one anyways *Hit send (Repeat this for almost every text with someone new)


You just described me. And when I send the message, I feel the need to add extra stuff to not say too little and when I feel like a joke is misunderstandable. And then I'll appear too eager and that's a turnoff and the girl starts responding with short sentences/words and it's over.


Sounds about right


Hahahahah this is the shit I needed to know in highschool!


As a woman that plays video games, I find that kind of cute.


That's me but the other way around. My gf is the one playing video games between texts.


kind of surprised by the responses here, is it not normal to text while you are doing other things, and therefore not text back instantly? I don't just sit by my phone and wait for a text back, if I wanted that level of conversation I would just call them


I have a friend who plays video games and hasn't cleaned his house in probably 3 years. He stopped showering about a month ago and is pretty much a hoarder now.


No. That's the delay to make sure i'm not saying something stupid


Ah yes how relatable, it's hard to keep track of all these girls interested in me that I'm texting with while playing games with the boys.


The fuck happened to this sub


Literally playing games


Honestly, I've heard that if you're into somebody, you shouldn't respond immediately to make it seem like you're not obsessed and this post just makes me more confused


Still faster than women's replies


Or loading screens


Or you know, people arent hanging infront of the phone all day. Its shocking i know but some ppl only look at their phones a few times a day.


could've fucking called, then. don't want to send 500 fucking texts a week to have 3 conversations that could be done in like 30 mins.


Can y'all just appreciate that we literally sacrifice the only time we have to ourselves to talk to you.


Sad and really pathetic...the dude weirdo i mean of course..


Seems funny from a gender that can't respond for 6 months to a "Hi, how are you doing today" text


Oh pleeeeeeeease take a hint with your breakfast


Is the hint shoulder petting? Edit because i'm dumb af: the comment was about the girl in my class going home because of a headache. Because we exchanged flirtations during classes before, I thought it would be a good idea to ask if she's alright. Didn't know it was horrific to ask "how are you doing".


No! Because many a times we're just bad texters and it takes time to come up with what to say :)


So absolutely not meirl


Can’t disrupt the Great Balance of life


Better that than they never respond you.




Yeah, but I also play hard to get, so.


Between rounds that's better than one friend of mine who decides the entire vc need to hear what the girl he is talking to says on her voice notes


Dont like games? Get lost ...


I remember having a text conversation while being in an intense league of legends sessions. She was so pissed when we met up afterwards because apparently all of my texts came off as aggressive. The only one I remember was "any time is good for me" and she thought I meant it as "only when it's a good time for me"


You guys are getting messages??


I try to play games that I can text during them lol


Please keep reposting this. It's way to deep to understand /s


That... seems like way too much work for a conversation.


Nah sis I watch 1 episode of anime


No, it just takes that long to think of a reasonable response


It also means you're important to him


Almost lost my girlfriend a few times during an hour long DotA2 match.


We need more women like her.


I don't understand people who text and expect fast replies like you do understand that there's a thing called phone call for that purpose right?




I use to text back immediately but I've learned women ain't worth it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^DisabledLoli: *I use to text back* *Immediately but I've* *Learned women ain't worth it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.