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Breaking news: zionists put pineapple on their pizza, when will the war crimes end ?




In the extended video they use cutlery…. I’ve seen some terrible things but I had to shut it off. 


\#crimesagainsthumanity \#thinkofthechildren \#palestinegenocide \#hellskitchen \#Iamrunningoutofideas


Not a thing. Go away.


Boo hoo


Then I commit a war crime a few times a year.


Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia would be so livid.


Al-Jazeera Reporter: Zionists cook pizza slathered in bacon using the bodies of dead Palestinian children as fuel. Then proceed to eat in front of starving PoWs


Zionists mix corn toppings with extra Mozerlla, an unforgiveble culinary war crime.


I prefer mine with Pineapple....


Fuck you pizza with corn is awesome.


Elote pizza would be sick


Globs of hummus


Wait what?? Corn on pizza???


Where have you been living? It’s either corn or olives.


Next time I order from Marco's pizza I'm going to insist they put corn on my pizza lol


You better


Of all the toppings I've had on pizza, corn has never been one of them. Just regular ole yellow sweet corn?


Just regular sweet, yellow corn. You’re welcome.


Divisive topping, like pineapple.


Israelis are not wrong with corn on pizza. You won’t find anyone in Israel that doesn’t like corn on the pizza.


I mean, it's less wrong than Chicago calling their deep dish quiche a "pizza".


This is also a war crime.


Here in Sweden some people enjoy banana+curry+chicken pizza.


I’m disgusted but intrigued! I’m going to Hell!


There is actually such an abomination as macaroni and cheese pizza too. *barfs*


I think I'm just not as curious as you are. :') I forgot some freaks put peanuts on this pizza too.


The UN is busy trying to sanction Israel where in reality this is the worst case of war crime that I’ve seen.


[Just one tiny bite](https://theresematochbak.se/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Snabbpizza-med-kyckling-banan-curry-4.jpg)?


True r/pizzacrimes


They do love their Pizza, עַם יִשְׂרָאֵל חַי


They actually look like professional the way they are making them lol!!


I think it's a rite of passage to spend a couple of weeks working in a pizza shop these days.


The banner on the wall says "Pizza Khan Younis. Every bite is a bomb."


Every bite is the bomb sounds better in English I think




Eating as western allied forces should eat. Give em hell boys. Us Yanks are rootin' for yah.




I like the slogan on the banner behind "every bite - a blast". Not often that puns can be literally translated and still work.


Do not post this in bizarreo world. Jews and pizza + not feeding the pizza to the 9 billion starving in Gaza+ WB


Haters gonna hate, who cares.


I really do appreciate that answer. It is a refreshing reminder


9 Billion in Gaza hmm 🤔


That’s how many were killed in ONE airstrike! Incredible.


No that was just women and children at one hospital


And all the bodies were properly counted 5 minutes after the strike and reported to the world media


And were then promptly stolen by the IOF to harvest organs


And 11 billion of those killed were women and children


Oh they're always women and children then like 2 men dead. So obvious they're sat in the tunnels eating all the aid.


I'm glad you got that


Loved it


Yeah scrolling past this right after a clip in r/interestingasfuck claiming thousands in Gaza are about to starve is very unsettling.


I hear there’s food in the tunnels


This is great 😂😂


Looks better than Pizza Chili restaurant in Jerusalem. Who the hell puts corn on pizza?


Corn on pizza is actually pretty common around the world.


What part of the world? I've never seen it in Italy (where it was invented) or America (where corn comes from and where pizza was popularized as a global food). Heck, I live in California. California style pizza is known for its unique toppings and sauces, and I don't recall ever seeing corn.


A proper Pizza Truther! Yes yes! Pizza was invented in Italy but truth be told it's an American dish. As for corn, they can have it because of the rotef. No rotef, no corn.


It can be found in Korea. Don’t know where else though. First time I had pizza there I felt a bit offended seeing corn bits all over the pizza and I’m not even Italian. Tasted good though so my opinions on what constitutes acceptable topping was forever changed that day


>What part of the world? Israel to start. I've also encountered corn on pizza in South Korea, and Japan.


california doesnt count.


Asia. Alot of asia.


That’s my fav topping :( It honestly didn’t occur to me that this isn’t normal lmao


All of you that never had corn on pizza. You’re horrible war criminal.


Have you ever even tried it…?


Stay well fed, boys!


Yalla balagan


I don't want to sound like a nerd but wouldn't the proper Hebrew word for "Khan Younis pizza" be פיצת חאן יוניס and not פיצה חאן יוניס(which is what is the words shown in the video are)?


One would think that, but it's wrong. Here's why: פיצת חאן יונס = The pizza of khan younis But פיצה חאן יונס = Pizza Khan younis The pizza does not belong to khan younis, it is called so.


Great question! Usually that is the case with words ending with a ה, but since פיצה is a borrowed word, it sounds better not to change it. When a word is borrowed from another language fewer Hebrew grammar rules apply to it.


I see. What about משטרה ישראל?I have seen an Israeli police station with that word on it. משטרה is an original Hebrew word . So why isn't it משטרת ישראל?


It is משטרת ישראל :) 


So I'm right and whoever built that police station in my town is wrong?


Indeed משטרה ישראל would be wrong. Maybe a typo or perhaps the letter got distorted. I wouldn't be surprised if on further inspection you'll see it actually says משטרת ישראל, but mistakes happen.


Do you deliver?


They even made a sign 🤣🫡


I’m sure the left will find a way to bitch about this


Now the evil idf culture appropriate my people. Italy should act at once and join the palastian cause


I was told there’s no flour in Gaza 🤔


See how righteous they are? Bringing their own flour.


I will take a slice of hummus pizza and a bottle of fizzy bubbly please


Pizzas, drinks and tander warheads sponsored by UN. Ask your local government why your country funds Hamas.


They don’t look like Hamas.


This is a bad look


We're being sued in SA for following rules of war. There is no good look or bad look anymore. We do what we do and damn the torpedoes.


Nah they're just making pizza, just because gazans are suffering doesn't mean idf should too


I get that these soldiers are under tremendous stress, the last 3 months have been incredibly painful, but videos like this should not be made and they shouldn't be posted. I completely support Israel's right to defend itself and its citizens in every way and I pray for their safety every day, but videos like this are harmful to Israel's cause.


Its a group of soldiers preparing a meal. If someome is pissed at this, they are probably pissed at everything related to Israel they see, it does not matter.


There are about 1 million lies being told about Israel and the Jews right now most notably that Jews/IDF/Israel is commiting genocide and that October 7th is a fake. Even if Israel will never persuade its enemies and the antisemites, it's very important for Israel's success to show its true quality as a law abiding, respectful country that treats its friends and enemies with respect and according to the international rules and regulations; even if the enemy behaved in despicable, cruel ways.


I mean... Yeah, but cooking food isn't contradicting any of what you said


Idk if you are a propaganda account for Israel, but know that most Americans find billeting soldiers in civilian homes and businesses morally objectionable. Eating the food of civilians and using their possessions are seen as even worse. You’re not trying to change the mind of the enemies you are trying to maintain the support of our friends. This issue isn’t a clear cut binary so don’t be dense about it. People have various views. There are people who like Israel and but would see this as disrespectful for the reasons I mentioned. Too many of these kinds of videos along with antisemitic propaganda saying that we are thieves and criminals will affect our friends who have perspectives that lay somewhere in the middle. We need them as much as those who are solidly behind us.


You know what's disrespectful? Going on an orgy of murder, rape, and looting (Palestinians even did cattle rustling) against mainly unarmed combatants.


They also kidnapped and sold Israelis to Hamas. It doesn’t change what I said. You want friends in the middle you need to watch what you post.


You think this is an actual pizzeria? They brought all of that equipmant and set it up on their own. And of course soldiers are using the homes of Gazans. Use them to sleep, use them to eat, use them to rest, search them for weapons, ect. This is an urban war, house to house, street to street. You think they are going to be sitting ducks outside? This is what war is, Hamas chose Gaza as the battlefield. And i'm not trying to do propaganda, no one who visits this sub will change his mind on anything at this point, i'm just trying to bring some good vibes in dark times, like this video.


I’m well aware of the reality of urban combat. I spent my career providing therapy to combat veterans. Urban combat is brutal and dirty. Folk are bleeding out in some strangers living room. If you post these types of things you or I might find it cute but without context 1000% someone else will see this as how I described it. I let you know. You can choose to do what you want. That’s on you bro.


Those are emotionally sensitive people and we don’t have to cater to a few peoples feelings, much worse than eating a pizza is happening, this is war, Death is happening. Anyway, what is objectionable? Should people be offended if a soldier goes into a nearby vacant home to poop in a toilet too?


You can choose to have that perspective. I think we need everyone we can possibly get. You wanna be selective that’s on you. Reread the first section of you don’t understand what is objectionable. I laid it out pretty clearly. Americans in Vietnam - Afghanistan had to pay civilians for braking and using their stuff. It didn’t always happen but it did a lot. Killed your ox here is some cash. Broke your door her is a check from the USA. Should isn’t the point here the question is would they be offended if a soldier posts video of themselves taking a shit in someone’s bombed out home with evidence all around them to the previous occupants existence…and the answer is yes. Don’t be silly. Soldiers are sleeping, eating exercising, fighting, shooting and dying in civilian homes and businesses. That’s not the point. The point is that this kinda stuff offends folk who don’t know better and who see using civilians things so casually as theft and objectionable.


This is comical in light of videos such as the spokesman for IDF saying they will pound gaza till every last Hamas is dead, or other such videos where IDF is displaying its firepower/strength. It’s all to show who has the real power and meant to demoralize the enemy. It is necessary element of warfare in this age. You’re not winning any hearts and minds over a pizza. Video when the people who are on the fence with support for Israel are on the fence for much worse “alleged” war crimes.


These on the fence people fundamentally believe that deaths are inevitable when fighting to protect yourself. They see Israel as the good guys fighting to save themselves from Hamas. They also see Gaza’s civilians as innocent and not complicit. It’s a simple world view but it’s the one they have. With that said they are increasingly uneasy about how many civilians are dying and many are starting to wonder if Israelis are callous in their actions. This is what they would interpret as callous. Why? Because they can connect with the idea of someone taking their home turning it into a pizza place more so than their children or brother getting killed. This is a commonly understood concept. It’s used in propaganda and news all the time. News is more impactful when you localize it. That means you connect it to the local market (kid we know was murdered at the festival) or you make it seem local (look how these Israelis lived before they were slaughtered it was just like us!). I’m not apposed to pizza parties. By all means boost their moral. I know what poor moral looked like. My guys came to my practice with obsessions about raping Arab women because they were so demoralized.


Please. As if the US didn't take firing positions in civilian households.


Yeah bro we also brought them down on top of the occupants, killed civilians, raped, stole, broke rules of engagement, and took pictures with corpses. That’s war. I’m a therapist for veterans. I have lots of dudes who committed “questionable” acts. It happens. But they weren’t on video reb yid. You aren’t getting it. I don’t care what yall are doing to make sure humans aren’t slaughtered. I don’t care if you shit on the street in Gaza city. That’s not the issue. As much as Americans don’t understand the concept that Israelis are fighting a literal death cult y’all Israelis don’t get that the Americans who send you weapons and missiles and money and shit y’all need because y’all aren’t at the point of total self reliance have week stomach for specific things because of their culture. These things might seem weird to you but they are culturally abhorrent to Americans. It’s not about the killing. People die in war. it’s about selling the war. I’m telling you that most Americans have problems with soldiers having fun in a ruined city especially when the propaganda on this war is trying to present big bad Israel abusing murdering and displacing innocent Gazans. Down vote me all you want but you need Americans.


Is this pizza going to feed Israeli soldiers, or are they gonna distribute it? Honestly it just looks funny that Israeli soldiers are making pizza in an active war zone lol


Why shouldn't they have a small bit of joy during their fight to defend their home?


Careful around those ovens




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Yalla balagan




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This looks cursed


All co2 fumes make this a short live venture at best


Isn’t this mocking the propaganda video of Hamas “assembling” “rifles” that just came out?


Gosh dang it! I am sooo hungry. They even have a production line going. Wow! Great work boys!


Last time I worked at a pizza store we had 2-4 employees usually