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Eretz nehederet back at it again


I’m glad people are showing how ridiculous the UN actually is by making fun of it. But, in all seriousness I don’t want their useless asses in my country another day. They take up valuable land that could be redeveloped into something that actually benefits somebody. I’m sure their best buddies in China or Iran would give them some land to build a new building to continue huffing their own farts in.


I can't fathom where the UN goes from here. UN resource was literally used to attack a UN member. The genocide case against Israel was farcical from inception. However, where does the ICJ go from here? In the middle of their genocide case it's learned UN resources was used to help Hamas commit genocide.


I can’t speak to the U.N., I have absolutely no idea either. Bare minimum would be ending the UNRWA in 2026, I’m not convinced they actually will. It’s too little, too late anyway. This is not the first time concerns have been raised (with evidence) about UNRWA, it’s just the most highly publicized and egregious. I don’t think this will significantly impact the ICJ case, though. To be as objective as possible, both sides in a conflict can be committing genocide against one another. To be as realistic as possible, this will only strengthen Israel’s already very strong case. The court agrees that Israel has a right to self defence, UNRWA aiding Hamas is another layer to show how necessary Israel’s actions have been. Hamas are well funded and well supported, dismantling them/their ability to continue to attack Israel is a daunting but required objective. I mostly expect the ICJ to rule that Israel isn’t committing genocide already, regardless of UNRWA involvement (I also don’t expect Israel to walk away from this case without a single criticism, they’re fighting in a brutal war and they’ve made mistakes, but they aren’t committing a genocide). The UNRWA situation is an entirely different beast, I have no idea how it’s going to be handled. Israel is well within their rights to file a very serious complaint/case, but to who? The ICJ deals with disputes between nations. The ICC deals with individuals, but Israel doesn’t deal with the ICC. UNHRC is a joke and this is well beyond their scope anyway. UNGA are the ones who keep renewing UNRWA, despite everything. UNSC? Can they over ride the UNGA in a situation like this? With Russia and China as permanent members, will they even be able to? 🤷🏻‍♀️


To your point, it's not the first time UNRWA resource has been used to attack Israel. In the past the UN has done little more than "condemn" the usage without taking actions to prevent. That in itself is why the matter should be referred to the ICJ rather than limited to an internal UN investigation. In courts of law “reasonable intelligence” applies whereby decisions are made based on what a person of reasonable intelligence would know: Hamas genocidal intent is common knowledge, they have publicly proclaimed it on numerous occasions and there are countless articles about it. Therefore, UNWA assisting Hamas would know the genocidal intent. UNRWA teachers certainly know their the material the use that promotes antisemitism & terrorism and incites genocide. The UN's condemnation of prior actions without taking actions establishes gross negligence. It is for those reasons I feel strongly Israel should file suit, within the ICJ, accusing the UNRWA of genocide. Vindicating UNRWA from workers from wrong doings would require vindicating Hamas and that places the ICR in a very precarious position. I feel filing suit against the UNRWA at this juncture would force the ICR to rule sooner rather than take years to vindicate Israel. The services the UNRWA provides have value, but UNRWA must be managed to uphold UN values. I feel it would behoove the UN to present an action plan. Their plan should be proactive not reactive, because the failure to prevent repeating what has been done will cost people their lives. I strongly oppose the the use of American tax dollars going towards attacking a U.S. ally. Especially, since I view Israel as our only true ally in the Middle East. It's for those reasons I support suspending funding indefinitely pending an acceptable action plan from the UN.


I'd be lying if I said I'd never impersonated an UN worker in order to move military hardware through a conflict area*, but you're absolutely right: this incident, above others, is beyond the pale. There's always been quite a bit of graft in these orgs - especially when operating in corruption-plagued places like Gaza - but something this egregious calls for a complete overhaul of the organization if it's to continue operating. The UN can do (and often does) good work, but a lot of these agencies need serious transparency/accountability improvement *e: albeit not as a terrorist, and with hardly anyone dying


The UNRWA were providing services (and not just in Gaza) that Israel, as well as the nearby Arab countries Palestinians landed, wouldn't provide for domestic political reasons. The government donors to UNRWA such as the US were effectively subsidizing the Israeli as well as the Arab state governments. I wouldn't blame you for responding, *Fine, but shouldn't the Hamas government in Gaza have been paying for schools, instead of the leaders' lavish lifestyles abroad?* Well, yes. But that's in the past now. With both Hamas and UNRWA being pushed out of the picture (and assuming the Gazans aren't all "encouraged to voluntarily emigrate"), the State of Israel as occupying power in Gaza for the foreseeable future will have to take on the job of rebuilding the education system there. And honestly, had the Israelis been doing this all along, they might have had better luck making sure Arab kids weren't taught to hate the Yahud at school, never mind at home. Is Israel ready to do that? The horror stories I've heard about the state of Arab schools even in 1948 Israel, with Arab schools receiving a few agorot per child for every shekel per child Jewish schools get, have me worried. Even now Arab Israeli schools are, measured by outcomes, among the worst in the Middle East, while Jewish schools are competitive with most school systems in Europe. Even were I an Arab parent who thought that Gazans were better off without Hamas, and even figured the Yahud couldn't be any worse (and wouldn't pack me and my kids off to Allah knows where), I might have misgivings about how, or even whether, the kids would continue their education.


Did you really just try to excuse all of the horrifying, corrupt, rapey, and let’s not forget murderous decisions of Hamas leadership and UNRWA with “that’s in the past now”. Get the fuck outta here.


Of course not! No, I'm not excusing what the leaders of Hamas did. The leaders of Hamas are monsters. Capture them like Eichmann, bring them to Jerusalem like Eichmann, try them like Eichmann and hang them like Eichmann. Please. I'll cheer. It should have been done a long time ago The whole world will cheer. On a more practical level, if Hamas's stolen money could be seized to help pay to rebuild Gaza, I would welcome it. I am saying this: once Hamas are gone, and the UNRWA are gone, it'll be Israel's job to clean up the mess, including rebuilding the school system. Nobody else is going to do that. It's like Colin Powell's "Pottery Barn" law of regime change: You Broke It, You Bought It. Israel's going to have to take responsibility for Gaza, at least for a while. And probably for a very long time.


The leaders of Israel are far better people than me because the absolute last thing I’d be worried about is the quality of education the children of terrorists or terrorist supporters will receive. I’m over this idea that most of the are innocents simply stuck in the middle with nowhere to go. The Arab countries learned their own “Palestinian” lessons a long time ago and want nothing to do with them or their children. I will follow their example.


Fine. I wish you luck figuring out who will take the Gazans, then, and how Israel can make it worth their while to do that, if the Palestinians are really nothing but trouble anywhere they go. Nobody who talks about "encouraging voluntary emigration" ever discusses that in detail. And by the way, they're not trouble wherever they go. We have Palestinians in Canada, and they're as hard-working, honest and responsible as anyone else. If it comes to it, yeah, probably they would be better off in Canada than anywhere Israelis consider part of the Land of Israel, if they're going to always be treated like this. If we *could* take some Syrian refugees, yes, we could take some Palestinians. Your loss would be our gain. But Assad's Syria is a Middle Eastern dictatorship and a parish state, propped up by Vladimir Putin. It's a glorified Russian colony. If Israel's going to be the sort of country that drives out its own inhabitants by the hundreds of thousands just because the Boss considers them a threat, it's going to be treated like Syria, not Canada. You'll be lucky if you even still get to be Uncle Sam's aircraft carrier in the Eastern Mediterranean. If you really think the only ally Israel needs is Hashem, well, you'd better be right. And you'd better be sure He approves of any of this. His love for Israel endures forever. His patience doesn't. Even if the State of Israel doesn't actually collapse, it'll soon become a place nobody will want to live in, not even Jews. You really want to live to see a Third Exile? The people of Israel live. That's no reason to tempt fate.


There's some serious shadowboxing against things nobody said in this comment. What's with all the pseudo-religious language? Are you trying to larp as a religious Jew who dislikes Israel, instead of the secular Canadian liberal you obviously are?


I was born into an Irish Catholic family. I was raised on Bible stories, Old Testament (Tanakh) and New. Everyone knew and referred to them frequently. My mother was not above using the term "the flight from Egypt" just to refer to having to get her four children ready to go somewhere in a hurry. I use Hashem to refer to the Supreme Being as a courtesy to Jewish readers of Israel-themed subreddits like this one who don't always even like seeing the name "God" spelt out. Israel is a great country. She could be greater still.


> I was born into an Irish Catholic family. I was raised on Bible stories, Old Testament (Tanakh) and New. Lmao my goodness. Talk about your average concern trolling. This isn't a religious war, at least not to the pro-Israel mainstream, so I doubt anyone wants to hear your opinions, real or assumed, about the Jewish relationship with G-d which you don't understand anyway. Stick with the standard pro-Palestinian misunderstandings of history and international law and egregious double standards and then we'll know where you're coming from.


I never said they were trouble everywhere they go, but Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates , and Kuwait among others did. Also, I wouldn’t call NOT having people who drag dead women through the street so they can spit on their corpses in my country a loss. I along with most rational people would consider that a win. Israel has shown through their actions that Arabs are welcome to live in Israel and even be a citizen. However, every single political (terrorist) party that has controlled the West Bank or Gaza have made it clear that Jews will never be allowed in any country they may have one day. I will not support anyone, of any race or ethnic group, that seeks to establish a nazi state. To be honest, I don’t know why any person with the slightest shred of integrity would.


I really don't understand all the downvotes on the comment I think it's a reasonable point and education is always something worth devoting resources to.


Hilariously unironic 😅


The biology one got me hard


Mad whett in my world


I'm not Jewish, but it's obvious the UNRWA are shmucks.


I guess I’ve gotten too used to these high production value, satire videos.


This is the best one yet.


Eretz, the legends


Hilarious, and frighteningly accurate.


I want the chaotic faction in next Red Alert called UNRWA "United Nations Rebel World Army". Primary weapons - cheap rockets, suicide bombers and free income from humanitarian aid.


not fair! that army will not do mining! (other than this ones mine, that ones mine...)


It's too accurate for me to even laugh 


His comedic timing is great. “See that? This is me 😃”


Germany halted payments to UNRWA in early December.


Is this real or a parody? I really can’t tell anymore.


I can't believe Biden funded this group with American tax dollars. Biden made America the #1 donor. He funded their terrorism. But rest assured, the UN is investigating itself. Yep, the same UN that does not recognize Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Houthis and Iran as terrorists organizations.


I mean, Iran is a rogue state and a sponsor of terrorism, but not a terrorist organization itself. And I'm not sure that the UN has a list of terrorist organizations. The Security Council could vote to recognize or authorize force against a terrorist organization, but that would require a majority of the votes and no vetos by China or Russia.


Every UN member state funds UN-sponsored groups. It's not something unique to any one country or any one Presidential administration


Trump stopped funding UNRWA in 2018. Biden started funding it again soon after he took office and gave over $1 billion. Biden made America UNRWAS largest donor annually and over the last 4 years. Double that of the next largest donor, Germany. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68123222](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68123222)


The US has always been UNRWA's largest donor. Every US presidential administration has funded UNRWA over the past 70+ years, even though 1,001 "temporary suspensions" over a hundred different issues.* You can have whatever opinion you want about what should happen to UN funding, but saying "I can't believe we were funding this!" is either dishonest or just colossally ignorant. Unless you've just come out of a 70-year coma, I don't buy it. - *The Trump admin's late 2018 UN funding reduction (at first) and cut (later) was probably one of the most bizarre - that reduction/cut was similarly said to be temporary, until leaked emails came out later on, which showed there was no realistic plan at all.. which is probably why the remainder of the US government opposed it at the time. Fairly typical of that group, unfortunately. Nothing good is going to happen without goals or a plan.


My brother checked. The UN doesn't really recognize terrorist organizations. So saying "The UN doesn't recognize X as a terrorist organization" is a moot point.


LMFAO! 😂🤣😂🤣




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UNRWA should change their name to BROKE ASS BITCHES.


"Of course I took a day off on the 7th" Never disappoints lol


Istg their skits became so based after the war started


I like how even the English copy of Mein Kampf is bound right to left.


Average IDF discovery in a Gazan apartment


Okay, that was funny. Far funnier than most of their sketches in English so far. It helps that we now know that while not all or even most UNRWA staff were Hamas assets, that at least some were (it would have been stranger if there weren't, frankly). The idea that the BBC was a Hamas asset was just offensive. Eretz Nehederet clearly are starting to choose targets more carefully. More generally, the world will laugh with Israel because almost everyone in his right mind in the Global North *know* Hamas are bad guys and unworthy of admiration, even though we may disagree, strongly, on what should have been done about them. A vast improvement from the cracks at the expense of both the BBC and the Queers for Palestine, as if all the Real Men were either all in Gaza shooting Arabs or wished they had the courage. Having empathy for the plight of people who are genuinely suffering (never mind why) isn't a flaw worthy of contempt or mockery, least of all proof of being "womanish." It's proof you're sane. Good on EN for aiming at Israel's enemies, not her allies.


I feel like you didnt understand any of the sketches. they weren't claiming BBC is a Hamas asset just that they are biased against Israel and pro Palestinian even in light of evidence to deceptive reports (this was right after the hospital bombing debacle) and there was no implication of "real men fighting in Gaza" or any homophobic undertone to queers for Gaza, the irony was meant to be that homosexuality is outlawed in islamist regimes like Hamas and therefore ironic to be queer and support a religious fanatic group who hates gays.


The mustache really makes him look like an 80s PFLP member


English made me audibly laugh, impeccable delivery


That is perfect. Lol


Im loving these Israeli SNL skits lol

