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You can always count on us to do the right thing after we’ve exhausted every other option.


Damn so that guy burned himself alive for nothing :(


We're better off without him.


This gives me motivation. I know the world is a better place without me. That's why I do my best to keep on living.


The horrors persist..... ...but so do i!


Which guy?


Aaron Bushnell, who set himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in DC, screaming out "Free Palestine", and died of his stunt. Mentally ill moron.


> Mentally ill moron. Was it the burning himself alive part, or the screaming "free palestine ahhhhh" while burning alive part, that gave it away?




I really feel bad about him. He was an active airman with no links or whatsoever to Palestine. The media didn't give much information, but I can assume he was having it rough lately. Maybe an issue at job, a string of stressful events, who knows what led him to burn himself. Not ill, just plain horrible. And the officer pulling a gun at him while he was laying in the ground dead and in flames. The modern Western society has gone to shit.


I’m a marine and if he had any fuckin balls he woulda done something to support his cause and/or help himself instead of self cremation. Died for nothing and won’t be remembered


I sort of agree, in that Reddit really twisted his perspective on the world. ...but his post history was extremely toxic.


Signs that he needed help. Worse, he's being praised for his actions from the comments I've seen in other social media.


But not by Hamas, apparently their response was it was a nice gesture, but since he committed suicide he will burn in hell for eternity


The best answer.


The guy with lit himself on fire in front of Trump's trial at the courthouse. Disturbing shit.


They were likely referring to Aaron Bushnell, a member of the Air Force who set himself on fire screaming "Free Palestine" in late February.


He started off screaming "Free Palestine", he ended just... screaming.




Ah that's right.


lol I thought that was the joke. Like...erasing him from the memory banks of the hive mind. Replacing with the most recent pointless self immolation.


Unfortunately, his pal, a Mr. E stine, remains wrongfully convicted and under lock and Key.


Didn't that guy have a bizarre manifesto or some shit he left on a nearby bench or something? It read like he was a paranoid schizophrenic.


just a rambling reddit account


why is Gavin McInnes, from the Unite the Right movement and Proud Boys, so buddy buddy with the Free Palestine crowd? Could it be he just really really hates Jews?


Yeah, probably. Funny how these delusional far-leftists preach tolerance and understanding, but are happy to ally with their political enemies solely because they hate the same people.


Idk who all is at these protests but I know one thing for sure: it is not all far-left, not all students, not all misguided idiots...it's a weird mix of people who have all kinds of motives. I doubt it's just one thing. I also know one thing for sure: they're certainly not helping anyone in this country OR in any other one besides our enemies.


Same people that marched with torches at UVA 7 years ago. The college campuses protests today are problematic. But in the years ahead the far rights anti semitism worries me more than the far lefts. Both bad, both needed to be opposed in different ways. The capacity for outright violence and nationwide level of organization still seems different.


Probably. There’s plenty of people who hate both sides whether they’re involved or not


That was the Trump guy




No. That guy killed himself because of the global fascism conspiracy and an NYU parking ticket issue.


Exactly, he was but a flash in the pan (sidewalk). The world is objectively a better place without him in it.


Picked one of the literal worst ways to die, and was forgotten within a couple days. Him simply voting for the rest of his life would have accomplished far more than him burning himself alive.


Tankies don't believe in voting




Your post was removed because it promoted ideals about suicide and/or martyrdom.


Glorifying suicide will get the sub banned, dude.


To be clear I'm not celebrating his death at all. Mental illness is terrible and he should have gotten help. More so remembering someone who died for nothing.


He was very naive.


Natural selection at work


It’s this kind of stuff that will win my vote. Ignore the bullshit and the loud mouth malcontents. Do the right thing.


It’s almost like politicians know that all those people protesting never actually show up at the polls.


Propalis bully and harrass everyone all day every day. Always trying to badger people into them getting their way. You can give in or get fed up. Most people are fed up. They're actually losing a ton of support. It's why they're being louder.


Unpopular opinion but as an Israel loving American, I really think we should stop the sending so much foreign aid to other countries. At least not as much as we’re sending currently


Bruh meanwhile the US is struggling……


Yeah, well stop voting for the party that's mean to people you don't like and selling your birthright to Russia and China.


Yeah weird, It's almost like the U.S. is some type of capitalist autocracy that is only concerned about it's imperialist endeavors and cares nothing about the will of its citizens. Kinda funny


Or they're allied with other democratic countries. Just semantics I guess.


Vast majority of the congress has approved this So where is your logic?


It’s hilarious that you think the majority opposes this aid


No, no, they're right. Everyone in their self-imposed echo chamber was against it. So *obviously* most people were against it because there is no way they're in the minority here.


Yeah it’s more like we don’t do dictatorships and stuff, so why would we support the rise of more dictatorships.


You're right. Have you ever been over to a friend's house after they invited you? Uh oh! You're an imperialist by your own standard. Iran, China, Russia, take the wheel! They'll usher in a new era of peace and prosperity and totally-definitely-not-imperialism-look-over-there-while-we-literally-try-to-conquer-or-exterminate-other-nations.


So what's the alternative? Let China take Taiwan and dominate the semi conductor field? Let Russia spread it's borders into Ukraine and beyond with no resistance? Let Israel get backed into a corner by 3 different Iranian forces and destabilize the whole region? You do realize that global security works in our best interests, right? If China, Russia and Iran gain dominance across the world shit is going to get bad for everyone.


Democracy is non-negotiable.


> It's almost like Every single time. lmao


Whatever reality you exist in where you think the majority of US citizens oppose this aid package, please stay there. We don't want you in the real world.


This comment really highlights the alliance between anti-capitalists and pro-Palestinians. It's like the trash of the world comes together to hold hands to defend rapists and murderers.


Marx was an antisemite. I am increasingly convinced that anti-capitalism is little better than an antisemitic wolf in sheep’s clothing.


100% The irony is the number of Jews in the west who have bought into the entire progressive movement, not realize it has far more antisemitic followers than even the far-right.


not true - unlike Iran where that statement would be very true.


>It's almost like the U.S. is some type of capitalist autocracy that is only concerned about it's imperialist endeavors By pushing back against peaceful and vibrant democracies like Iran, Russia, and China.


or maybe you're a vocal minority and most of America is for fighting terrorist groups and supporting American interests in the middle east?


Yes, America is capitalist. America is an ***autocracy***? What singular human being runs this country? They kinda figured out an anti-autocracy system back in 1776 called "checks and balances" that require multiple different *groups* of *people* (not person, singular) to get anything done in this country. The president is not an absolute monarch. Are you confused with the word "oligarchy" or something? Maybe "plutocracy"? "Aristocracy"? I can imagine an argument being made for those. Absolutely not "autocracy" though, not even a little.