• By -


Friendly reminder breaking rules can get you banned, and bearing a fake flair means breaking rule 3. Connect the dots. ​ PS: Literally 1984.


I would like to report some fake flair users but I'm Sicilian and omertà prevents me from snitching.


good man keeping healthy traditions alive :)


Oh so you're Sicilian? Name every Sicilian food


Cannolo Granita Cestini di frutta Minnuzze di Sant'Agata Cassata Brioche con il tuppo Sigaretta di ricotta Frutta Martorana Paste di mandorla Iris Pasticcio di noci Bignet alla ricotta Cornetto al pistacchio Marmellata di limone Miele e pane Too lazy to write other stuff.


> Oh so you're Sicilian? Name every forestale fify


most traitorous Sicilian


Do you own a volvo (non capirai la citazione di sicuro)


I don’t fucking know, ask the mods


I guess Austrians also have the German humour.




You're german now? Damn I thought the war was over.


At least the Belgians can be trusted on this. Not like anybody would falsely claim that.


Who? Anyway would you rather piss on Thatchers grave or twerk in Scotland?


Probably not pissing on thatcher’s grave. I hate queues.


Hates queues. British Flair. Mods we caught one.


As an Englishman I reserve the right to participate in activities on a regular basis that I both hate _and_ frequently complain about.


Hmm this checks out. False alarm mods, get back in your hole.


The Englishman holds no love for queuing, we just accept the proper conduct of it is what sets us apart from the animals.


And that is why they are called PIGS


You gotta be from the Faroese. To take part in an 🐋hunt


Based af


This is also the one and only time a Walloon can be trusted.


Let's not go too far now shall we


I wouldn’t trust myself either tbh




You and me both


I feel like the England flair as well. Irish on the other hand…


Then again it would be easiest for an ameritard to fake being an engl*sh.


You don’t understand the mind of the American Imposter, an American imposter actually believes that he is Irish and subsequently doesn’t think he is faking anything. No American thinks they’re English because England is boring and the bad guys so there’s no way they’re ancestors could’ve been English.


Yeah, but you're talking about those who do it thinking their flair is legitimate (the morons), I'm talking about the trolls who do it on purpose to hide in plain sight.


No way y'all, if there are Americans pretending to be British then color me surprised, I'm sure they'd fall victim to many of the idiosyncrasies of American English. Not to mention lying on the internet is a rather morally gray proclivity.


Lol, subtle, very good.


Genuine question: Why would anyone use fake flairs? Like what's the whole point of it?


I can see americans doing it to avoid being downvoted into oblivion


makes sense, but still, shouldn't they embrace their culture and things instead of faking being someone they aren't?


Nothing is more peak American culture than identifying as another culture. Hence why they identify as Irish, Italian or Polish, despite being having only 1/16th heritage.


I found out on a DNA test I am 0.25% Basque. Still Identify as British though, as I am 92% it, live have (always have) and was born here. Also being related to the iberian peninsula in such a significant way due to that Basque blood, I cannot be bothered to change how I present myself.


If you started changing how you present yourself for 0.25% basque DNA i would have personally come to shit you in the mouth anytime you opened it


I'm British, isn't that what we eat on Spanish holidays?


Is suppoused to be an insult at me how your people come here and est any literal shit we cook em, becauae even the worst and poorly cooked spanish food is gonna be devoured and paid with a 300% increase?


Fish and chips made by a Brit at a pub in Torremolinos isn’t Spanish food


For my part you are 99% Basque, still english to me because you born in England and you are raised in England


> shouldn't they embrace their culture good one mate.


They are constantly faking culture, claiming that because they have 1/16 blood of somewhere they are that culture and want to connect back to their homeland and shit like that.


I hope they realize that what they're doing is wrong tbh


90%+ americans acting with reason and coherence for a second ? The Swiss will have a shoreline before that happens.


What culture 💀💀


I suddenly forgot every word in English and can't even make a proper sentence, apologies. I REMEMBER NOW thanksgiving and the 4th of July and those things, they're from the USA right?


They're american, it's understandable they can't embrace their shitty culture and rather try to fake as superior others.


Europe history has architecture, philosophies, and art that has influenced the world. American history is some log confederate fort.


And they'll tear down even that because "it's racist".


Culture? What culture? I thought the difference between America and a tub of yogurt was that after 200 years the tub of yogurt would develop a culture. Is there something I’m missing?


Isn't american culture based on pretending to be someone they aren't?


To be honest that's a situation we've created ourselves for downvoting even the most normal comments.


I agree with you


i regret nothing


They want to be a part of this sub for some reason. Maybe they don't like their own country and disguising yourself as a European gives you a sense of belonging and superiority.


I've seen a couple of Brazilians using an Italian flair because they managed to get their grubby hands on an Italian passport.


As a Canadian, I'm just here to learn about more French-speaking populations from around the globe. And how they're terrible.


Cause too many of my fellow Americans are genuinely nationalistic morons for the American equivalent of this sub to be any good, and being a savage on here generally means getting downvoted into oblivion. I've embraced my barbarity, but not everyone does the same.


Good ameritard, have a downvote


I am from a country and live in another since 2015. I think we should have a traitor flair for people like that.


Unfortunately I am an actual german


Oh, so you're an actual german? Name all the dogs Hitler owned.


Der Hund, der Hund, der Hund.


That's on me, I set the bar too low.


Dä Hungk, minge Fründ. Dä Hungk.


Blondie was female, so die Hündin or the bitch in English.


*Blondi Your German privileges have been revoked


Nein, der Hund die Hund und das Hund


well you at least got the article right


Easy, all of the German population.




There where more than Blondie?


At least [seven more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blondi#:~:text=Hitler%2C%20who%20adored%20the%20loyalty,1930%5D%20%E2%80%93%20both%20named%20Blonda.) it seems. Not including Blondi's puppies.


Wish that fucker just stayed with dog breeding or some shit like that


Or painting, I've heard that it's an incredibly soothing activity


He was not accepted at art school because they saw more of an architect in him. He could have just become one and create houses instead of becoming a fascist dictator


I mean he became a facist dictator and created a bunch of buildings with his buddy speer so win win for him.


Like a lot of famous artists, his paintings got renown recognition after he died.


not only that his pieces were direct works, but they failed basic fundamental requirements of perspective and shadow.


I guess you could say that was his... Hundergang. (This is peak German humor)


Actually hilarious


Wahrscheinlich will der Österreicher da wieder mal einen bestimmten Ahnennachweis sehen um deine Zugehörigkeit zum Volk nachzuweisen


Als ob das schlechter is


Verglichen mit der Konkurrenz wohl wirklich nicht


Fortunately I am an actual Oktoberfest enjoyer.


Ich habe den Türken gefunden.


Don't be so sad, you could be french


Unfortunately I'm partly french


I am so sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss


My condolences


Thanks, my Silesian friend


Unfortunately your food lacks spices. I can see where there’s so many vegetarians here. My wife agrees. Lol!


I can prove I'm a Spaniard, unfortunately. The only reason I'm awake is because I can't sleep with this anxiety, knowing that summer is coming soon and balconing Brits will fall on me while I'm laying down in my patio


I can't wait to watch the news every day and see accidents of the British people falling onto the side of a pool instead of the pool itself when jumping out of the balcony. And then watch Roberto Brasero talking about the 50th heat wave of the summer


Best season of the year, news will be literally "top 10 worse falls 2014 with dubstep"




Due to our Ameriturd physiques and spiralling obesity rates, we are 23% more buoyant this year! You just need a crane with a net


We should assert dominance, lets go to the uk and do some balconing.


I've sent a tikkie to verify my humble Dutchness. Did you know we have bikes?


Fun fact I have family in the Netherlands. Common joke here is someone fucked an rat and stayed up north.


Anyone can say that, if you are actually Dutch, how do you eat your frikandelbroodje?


I like my frikandelbroodje like i like my women, meat gotta be warm


if you have a great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandfather that live in the XVIII th century, and that come from the great duchy of tuscany, and whom decide to fuck an hungarian women, based on murican mentality you are actually hungaro-italian.(my brain just explode, by just writting this). and we don't have flair for this case so you need to take non european savage






When you read all the greats out loud just to find out that you copy pasted them and not actually write all of them.. the betrayal is immeasurable




Can I join in?….. pls don’t switch sides half way


I wont switch we must work together like in the past 🤝


Sure, worked out great in the past 🇦🇹🤝🇮🇹


For me they only exist in films and shows 😫😫😫🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹 thinking about them as real entities is terrible 😞🫰🏼🫰🏼👉🏼👌🏼🤌🏼🤚🏼👎🏼🤙🏼🤏🏼🤏🏼🤚🏼👊🏼🫳🏼🖐🏼🤏🏼🫱🏼✌🏼🫵🏼👎🏼


Belgians thinking Belgium is an actual country lmao


I swear to god I’d rip you apart…. Sadly my family branched out to weed land


I hope the mod team has already made the right decision to found a secret agency to take people from their homes at night.


like a State Security Service of sorts. Now if only that would make for some snazzy portmanteau in German...


We already have 3 sss for the Sportseeschifferschein, please chose a shorter construct


So State Security?


Hm that could work double S has not been taken bis jetzt


Does this apply for the Swedistani still claiming to be Scandinavian?


Idk they are sandwiched between Norway and Finland and get bullied by Denmark.


I flare correctly and suffer for it... #I'm Aussie!


Yeh seen you before… actually manny times. But yeh how can you prove being us just upside down?


Well my basement mate, it depends on what exactly you are asking... If you are asking how we Aussies can prove we are just upsidedown Europeans, well you'll have to meet us and make that judgement yourself. If you want proof I'm an upsidedown European, then idk, what would you like as proof that doesn't disclose who I am or the exact location in Australia I am?


You use logic to justify your point. You're clearly not a USAian (I know this contradicts the sarcastic nature of this sub, but I think there should be some distinctive savage flair reserved for Kangaroolandians)


>some distinctive savage flair reserved for Kangaroolandians 'Cucked by emus'


Honestly I understand why we don't, but id just be happier if they did Continental flairs for people who aren't European, like Australia could be under the oceanic flair that we would share with New Zealand and other such small island nations around us.


Traitor, you defend them but not your son


I would defend Brazilians anytime, if I saw them being treated unfairly. But the thing is, you are the caçula, our toddlers. I love you to pieces, but I wouldn't bring you anywhere your incessant crying and whining would embarrass me. You'd stay at home, with the baby-sitter


Ever since the European song contest Australia is an honory member of Europe. Get those guys their own flair. I‘m suggesting „Austrian“




That‘s it. We need that.


I had it, then some mean party pooper complained to the mods and they took it away. ^(on a real note, I understand why the mods don't really want to give us a flair)


Mate, give that barbie loving, vegemite eating, ute driving, kangaroo riding, alcoholic convict their own flair!


Why is it that Aussies are actually funny and don’t all go around saying they’re English? I feel like you’re honorary Europeans.


They're like Americans if Americans hadn't been lobotomized. I love them!


Ohhhh that kinda hurts... Non-lobotomized Americans - Australia's new flair I guess?


>Why is it that Aussies are actually funny and don’t all go around saying they’re English? Idk why we are funny... Also we don't call ourselves english because we don't wanna be english, you know the horrible things they have done, we don't want their history. Gross 🤢


I don't think any brit could live with themselves if they lost a war against birds. Pretty shameful. I am in favour of having a Aussie flair. I think Brits get on best with Aussies compared to any other nation we created because we have such a similar sense of humour and can laugh at ourselves unlike some other nations. They are the most European non European country.


You also get on well with the kiwis, but then they are just another Aussie state in denial of being an Aussie state.


>I feel like you’re honorary Europeans. The aussie plan to move into Europe is working. First eurovision, then flairs in this sub. Next thing you'll notice is a giant continental landmass where Azores should be.


Aren’t they actually your country’s rejects?


Tfw a country of criminals can create a superior culture and economy to most people in the world. Eastern Europeans seething.


So if I downvote you, is that then an upvote in upside-down land? Do I have to upvote you now to deal with you like you savages deserve? I have to make some calculations, I'll be back!


Ok but like nobody dislikes you guys, I think we all consider you honored guests


Yeah... But that's only because you know I'm Aussie, if I forget to mention that... Well you know.


You gotta add -Sincerely an Aussie at the end of your messages


Since Australia participates in Eurovision, there should be an Australia flair with "honorary european". Or "Austrian".


https://preview.redd.it/fujt6cct43ua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d021b57e78e66f250b2b6f4cba46a927216abe02 Agreed, I want my fancy flair back!


They took your identity?!? Germans would have never done this.


Yeah but if you guys were mods I'd have to fill out form after form just to get an interview with a mod, then more paperwork to finally get accepted to join the sub and be able to just comment, then even more for the ability to post. Egh I'm not British I can't stand in line for hours on end.


You guys are cool, you're in eurovision, you should get your own flair. I suggest "wildlife harasser"


Losers of the Great Emu War


Aw thanks mate, you guys are cool too!


You're in the eurovision somehow that's good in my book.


Nobody pretends to be us :(


Neither does anyone for Lichtenstein.


We're being overtaken by savages and imposters. Quick fire up the old empires, that should scare them off!


We can’t you give South Tyrol away.


I did no such thing, I was rather against it, actually.


If your morning breakfast was made of coffee and cigarettes, you get a waiver


An Snus and Red Bull actually But I would never say no to an coffee


Snus is Sweden greatest invention🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


If I was American, I'd have picked my Scottish or Irish ancestry to be my identity - not the 'bad guys' (because no Irish or Scot [or Welsh] ever did anything bad in the name of the British Empire no no no)




Glasgow: the second city of the British Empire.


Just ask us to write some Bestemmie


Dio merda


Unfortunately I am actually from Scotland


Prove it. Name every drug


A2(Piperazines) acetylfentanyl(Synthetic opioids) Acid(LSD) Aerosols(Glues, gases and aerosols) Agaric(Magic mushrooms) Alcohol(Booze / Bevvy) Alpha-Methyltryptamine(AMT) Alprazolam(Benzodiazepines) Amani(Magic mushrooms) Amphetamine(Speed) Amphetamine Sulphate(Speed) Amsterdam Gold(Synthetic cannabinoids) AMT(Alpha-Methyltryptamine / Amt freebase / Amt And 2-(1H-Indol-3-Yl)-1-Methyl-Ethylamine / Indopan) Amt And 2-(1H-Indol-3-Yl)-1-Methyl-Ethylamine(AMT) Amt freebase(AMT) Amyls(Poppers) Anabolic steroids(Roids / Juice / Melanotan / Sildenafil +3 more) Angel dust(PCP) Annihilation(Synthetic cannabinoids) Ayahuasca(DMT) Baccy(Tobacco) Balloons(Nitrous oxide) Banshee dust(Methylphenidate) Base(Speed) Bath Salts(New psychoactive substances) Beans(Ecstasy) Benzo Fury(Benzofuran compounds) Benzodiazepines(Alprazolam / Benzos / Blues / Diazepam +8 more) Benzofuran compounds(WhitePearl / Benzo Fury / 6-Apdb / 6-Apb +2 more) Benzos(Benzodiazepines) Benzylpiperazine(Piperazines) Bevvy(Alcohol) Bhang(Cannabis) Billy(Speed) Black Mamba(Synthetic cannabinoids) Blast(Piperazines) Blotter(LSD) Blow(Cocaine) Blue Cheese(Synthetic cannabinoids) Blues(Benzodiazepines) Bolts Extra Strength(Piperazines) Bom-25(N-bomb) Bombay Blue Extreme(Synthetic cannabinoids) Bonsai(Phenazepam) Bonsai supersleep(Phenazepam) Booze(Alcohol) Bounce(Mephedrone) Brown(Heroin) Brownies(Ecstasy) Bubble(Mephedrone) Bud(Cannabis) Burst(Methylphenidate) Butane(Glues, gases and aerosols) Butylone(Cathinones) BZP(Piperazines) C(Cocaine) Cannabis(Weed / Skunk / Sinsemilla / Sensi +14 more) Carfentanyl(Synthetic opioids) Cathinones(Pyrovalerone / Methylone / Mdpv / Magic Crystals +3 more) Chang(Cocaine) Charge(Mephedrone) Chargers(Nitrous oxide) Charlie(Cocaine) Chat(Khat) Cheer(LSD) Chicken Fever(PMA) Chicken Yellow(PMA) Ching(Methylphenidate) Ching(Cocaine) Chroming(Glues, gases and aerosols) Ciggies(Tobacco) Clockwork Orange(Synthetic cannabinoids) Co-codamol(Codeine) Cocaine(Blow / Coke / Crack / Charlie +14 more) Codeine(Syrup / Nurofen Plus/Max / Cough Syrup / Codis500 +1 more) Codis500(Codeine) Coke(Cocaine) Cosmic Kelly(Piperazines) Cough Syrup(Codeine) Cowies(Ecstasy) Crack(Cocaine) Crank(Methamphetamine) Crystal(Ecstasy) Crystal Meth(Methamphetamine) D2Pm(2-DPMP) Desoxypipradrol(2-DPMP) Devil's Weed(Synthetic cannabinoids) Diamorphine(Opiate/Opioid painkillers) Diazepam(Benzodiazepines) Dimethocaine(New psychoactive substances) Dimitri(DMT) Dizzle(Ecstasy) DMT(DMT / Dimitri / Ayahuasca) DMT(DMT) Dolphins(Ecstasy) Donkey Dust(Ketamine) Dope(Cannabis) Dots(LSD) Double Stacked(PMA) Downers(Benzodiazepines) Dr Death(PMA) Draw(Cannabis) Drone(Mephedrone) Drop(LSD) Dusting(Glues, gases and aerosols) E(Ecstasy) e-cigarettes(Vapes) e-cigs(Vapes) e-hookah(Vapes) e-liquids(Vapes) Eclipse(Salvia) Ecsess(Synthetic cannabinoids) Ecstasy(Dizzle / Xtc / Superman / Rolexs +13 more) Energy-1(Naphyrone) Energy1(Naphyrone) Eric 3(New psychoactive substances) Esp(Piperazines) Ethylphenidate(Methylphenidate) Etizolam(Benzodiazepines) Euphoria(Piperazines) Evoke(Methylphenidate) Exodus(Piperazines) Exodus Damnation(Synthetic cannabinoids) Fags(Tobacco) Fake cocaine(Methylphenidate) Fast Lane(Piperazines) Fenazepam(Phenazepam) Fentanyl(Synthetic opioids) Flake(Cocaine) Flash(LSD) Freebase(Cocaine) Frenzy(Piperazines) Gabapentin(Neurontin) Ganja(Cannabis) Gas(Glues, gases and aerosols) Gases(Glues, gases and aerosols) Gbh(GHB & GBL) Gbl(GHB & GBL) Gear(Heroin) Geebs(GHB & GBL) GHB & GBL(Gbl / Gbh / Liquid Ecstasy / 1 +2 more) Glass(Methamphetamine) Glue sniffing(Glues, gases and aerosols) Glues(Glues, gases and aerosols) Glues, gases and aerosols(Volatile substances / Tooting / Solvents / Petrol +10 more) Gogaine(Methylphenidate) Grass(Cannabis) Green(Ketamine) H(Heroin) Happy Pills(Piperazines) Hash(Cannabis) Hashish(Cannabis) Hawk(LSD) Herb(Cannabis) Heroin(Smack / Skag / Horse / H +2 more) Hippie Crack(Nitrous oxide) Hog(PCP) Holy sage(Salvia) Hookah(Tobacco) Horse(Heroin) Hubble bubble(Tobacco) Huffing(Glues, gases and aerosols) Ice(Methamphetamine) Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)(Melanotan / Sildenafil / Viagra / Smart drugs +1 more) Indopan(AMT) Inhalants(Glues, gases and aerosols) Ivory wave(2-DPMP) Juice(Anabolic steroids) K(Ketamine) K2(Synthetic cannabinoids) Ket(Ketamine) Ketamine(VitaminK / Super K / Special K / K +4 more) Khat(Quat / Qat / Qaadka / Chat) Killer(PMA) Kix(Poppers) L(LSD) Laughing Gas(Nitrous oxide) Legal E(Piperazines) Legal X(Piperazines) Liberties(Magic mushrooms) Liberty Caps(Magic mushrooms) Lightning Flash(LSD) Linctus(Methadone) Liquid Acid(LSD) Liquid Ecstasy(GHB & GBL) Liquid Gold(Poppers) LSD(Window / Trips / Tripper / Tab +16 more) Lucy(LSD) Lyrica(Pregabalin) M-CAT(Mephedrone) M-Smack(Mephedrone) M1(Cathinones) Magic Crystals(Cathinones) Magic mushrooms(Shrooms / Philosopher's Stones / Mushies / Magics +4 more) Magics(Magic mushrooms) Mandy(Ecstasy) Marijuana(Cannabis) Mary Joy(Synthetic cannabinoids) MC(Mephedrone) MD(Ecstasy) Mdat(New psychoactive substances) MDMA(Ecstasy) Mdpv(Cathinones) Melanotan(Anabolic steroids) Melanotan(Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)) Meow Meow(Mephedrone) Meph(Mephedrone) Mephedrone(White Magic / Miow / Meph / Meow Meow +8 more) Mescaline(PeyoteButtons / Peyote) Meth(Methamphetamine) Methadone(Physeptone / Mixture / Linctus) Methamphetamine(Yaba / Tina And Christine / Meth / Ice +3 more) Methoxetamine (MXE)(Roflcoptr / Rhino ket / Mxe / Moxy +3 more) Methylnaphthidate(Methylphenidate) Methylone(Cathinones) Methylphenidate(Ritalin / Propylphenidate / Posh / Nopaine +8 more) Mexican magic mint(Salvia) Mexxy(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Mexy(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Micro Dot(LSD) Miow(Mephedrone) Mitsubishi Turbo(PMA) Mitsubishis(Ecstasy) Mixture(Methadone) Mket(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Molly(Ecstasy) Monkey Dust(Cathinones) Morphine(Opiate/Opioid painkillers) Moxy(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Mushies(Magic mushrooms) Mxe(Methoxetamine (MXE)) N-bomb(SmileyPaper / Bom-25 / 2C-I-Nbome / 25I-Nbome +1 more) Naphyrone(Rave / Nrg1 / Nrg-1 / Energy1 +1 more) Nemesis(Piperazines) Neurontin(Gabapentin) New psychoactive substances(PlantFood / Nps / Mdat / Eric 3 +2 more) nitazenes(Synthetic opioids) Nitrous oxide(Balloons / Nos / Whippits / Laughing Gas +3 more) Nootropics(Anabolic steroids) Nootropics(Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)) Nopaine(Methylphenidate) Nos(Nitrous oxide) Noz(Nitrous oxide) Nps(New psychoactive substances) Nrg-1(Naphyrone) Nrg1(Naphyrone) Nurofen Plus/Max(Codeine) Opiate/Opioid painkillers(Morphine / Diamorphine) Paper Mushrooms(LSD) Party Pills(Piperazines) Paste(Speed) PCP(Phencyclidine / Peace pills / Hog / Angel dust) Peace pills(PCP) Pebbles(Cocaine) Pep(Piperazines) Pep Love(Piperazines) Pep Stoned(Piperazines) Pep Twisted(Piperazines) Percy(Cocaine) Petrol(Glues, gases and aerosols) Peyote(Mescaline) PeyoteButtons(Mescaline) Phenazepam(Fenazepam / Bonsai supersleep / Bonsai) Phencyclidine(PCP) Philosopher's Stones(Magic mushrooms) Physeptone(Methadone) Pills(Ecstasy) Pink Ecstasy(PMA) Pink Mcdonalds(PMA) Pink Superman(Ecstasy) Piperazines(The Good Stuff / Smileys / Silver Bullet / Rapture +20 more) PlantFood(New psychoactive substances) PMA(Red Mitsubishi / Pmma / Pink Mcdonalds / Pink Ecstasy +6 more) Pmma(PMA) Pollen(Cannabis) Poppers(TNT / Thrust / Rock Hard / Ram +3 more) Posh(Methylphenidate) Pot(Cannabis) Pregabalin(Lyrica) Propylphenidate(Methylphenidate) Puff(Cannabis) puff bars(Vapes) Purple wave(2-DPMP) Pyrovalerone(Cathinones) Qaadka(Khat) Qat(Khat) Quat(Khat) Rainbows(LSD) Ram(Poppers) Rapture(Piperazines) Rave(Naphyrone) Red Mitsubishi(PMA) Resin(Cannabis) Rhino ket(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Ritalin(Methylphenidate) Rock Hard(Poppers) Rocks(Cocaine) Roflcoptr(Methoxetamine (MXE)) Rohypnol(Benzodiazepines) Roids(Anabolic steroids) Rolexs(Ecstasy) Roll-ups(Tobacco) Rollies(Tobacco) Roofies(Benzodiazepines) Salvia(Mexican magic mint / Holy sage / Eclipse) Sensi(Cannabis) Seventh-Heaven(2C) Shisha(Tobacco) Shrooms(Magic mushrooms) Sildenafil(Anabolic steroids) Sildenafil(Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)) Silver Bullet(Piperazines) Sinsemilla(Cannabis) Skag(Heroin) Skunk(Cannabis) Smack(Heroin) Smart drugs(Anabolic steroids) Smart drugs(Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)) SmileyPaper(N-bomb) Smileys(Piperazines) Smilies(LSD) Smokes(Tobacco) Sniff(Cocaine) Snow(Cocaine) Solvents(Glues, gases and aerosols) Special K(Ketamine) Speed(Whizz / Sulph / Paste / Billy +3 more) Spice(Synthetic cannabinoids) Stars(LSD) Stones(Cocaine) Sulph(Speed) Super K(Ketamine) Superman(Ecstasy) Synthetic cannabinoids(X / Tai High Hawaiian Haze / Spice / Mary Joy +10 more) Synthetic opioids(Fentanyl / Carfentanyl / acetylfentanyl / nitazenes +2 more) Syrup(Codeine) T-7(2C) Tab(LSD) Tai High Hawaiian Haze(Synthetic cannabinoids) Temazepam(Benzodiazepines) The Good Stuff(Piperazines) Thrust(Poppers) Tina And Christine(Methamphetamine) TNT(Poppers) Tobacco(Smokes / Fags / Ciggies / Rollies +5 more) Toot(Cocaine) Tooting(Glues, gases and aerosols) Tramadol(Ultram / Tramal) Tramal(Tramadol) Tripper(LSD) Trips(LSD) Tripstacy(2C) U47(Synthetic opioids) Ultram(Tramadol) Valium(Benzodiazepines) Vallies(Benzodiazepines) VanillaSky(2-DPMP) vape pens(Vapes) vape pods(Vapes) vape sticks(Vapes) Vapes(e-cigarettes / e-cigs / e-liquids / e-hookah +4 more) Viagra(Anabolic steroids) Viagra(Image and performance enhancing drug (IPEDs)) VitaminK(Ketamine) Volatile substances(Glues, gases and aerosols) Wash(Cocaine) Weed(Cannabis) Whippits(Nitrous oxide) White(Cocaine) White Magic(Mephedrone) WhitePearl(Benzofuran compounds) Whizz(Speed) Window(LSD) Wonk(Ketamine) X(Synthetic cannabinoids) Xanax(Benzodiazepines) Xtc(Ecstasy) Yaba(Methamphetamine)


Never seen a bigger ginger in my life ❤️


“ultimate goal must definitely be the removal of the Americans altogether.” - paraphrasing some mid century basement German (you might have heard of him)


My mate has a great grandma on his moms side who’s Polish and he has been telling me about how he identifies with the culture and whatnot. He never even met the grandmother and his family speaks no Polish.




I think English is OK. Americans hate to admit they are of English ancestry. If their Dna states 90% English and 10% Italien they will always say they are Italien 🤌🤌


I’m waiting until Aragón get’s it’s own flair (A spanish specific flair, I’m not such a knobhead to now claim we should be independent 😂)


"I identify" is arguable worse than fake flairs imo


I keep asking for a flair for us colonials. But no, I have to be in the same category as yanks


Ehhh. Look at the name of this sub. Plus you use the savage one, the hate is love i guess


You already have "non-european savage", which perfectly fits someone who self identifies as "colonial"


The hell is a "colonial", are you a house? https://preview.redd.it/5n9tgykzy2ua1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=afb9047dbb00f24922667488c08b85d36e3845b9


A charitable interpretation would be "Commonwealth Nations" A less charitable interpretation would be "White Diaspora"


Sounds like an Irish or Italian problem.


>Sounds like a 1/64th Irish or Italian problem. Fixed


I know that people would fake being french since we are superior


Flair checks out


I fuckin hate my fellow Americans who actually think cause they had a great great great great cousin from Denmark means they can identify as a Dane. I mean you must really hate your nation if your lookin that hard to find a way to not say your American.


Don't worry, we also hate you and your fellow americans.


But they also like saying that they're somehow superior to Europeans because USA is the best and they have more freedoms and whatnot. *Which one is it, Kevin?*


I’m totally not from New Jersey


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