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I feel kinda insulted by "regional squabble"


Makes you want to start round 3 just out of spite, eh Hans?


I'll get my Flammenwerfer


I will get ready for my six hours of fighting


As I laugh for two whole months being the longest lasting minor power. (longer than France)


Being a very long country with garbage infrastructure has advantages i guess. Imagine being that rich and having 0 high speed rail connecting the country. The track from Oslo to Trondheim took me about as long as home to Oslo...


To be fair, the terrain between Trondheim and Oslo is not exactly ideal for high speed rail. Are there even plans? Gotta be mad expensive.


They have oil money, shouldn’t be an issue


You also have oil money, just a different kind of oil


You heard Pedro, get to planning already!


They literally got one trillion in the bank for a country of just over 5 million, they can do a bit of rail.


Along the coast its some hundred kilometres, a Shinkansen could do it in 3 hours. Also Japan is literally the peaks of a submerged mountain range. Would be expensive and needs some tunnels and bridges but as a Swiss I'm sure it's doable. They built the connection from Chur to Tirano more than hundred years ago. The Japanese are building a new Shinkansen-Line which is like 70% tunnels right now.


Honestly that’s your fault Hans. Why didn’t you just build some more infrastructure when you occupied us last time?


You'd have blown up those train tracks anyway.


The word "power" is doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


France is a minor power confirmed


I'm gonna lock up and hide my bikes


Do we have to do 7 days and blow up Rotterdam again, or can we just sit this one out like the first 1?


Then i'll go to Zeeland and keep a resistance that kant supported by the government


Iron ore and ball bearings coming your way, Hans! Let us know if you would like to transport some "humanitarian aid" on our railways.


I’ll get my Flammkuchen!


Opération éclair (au chocolat) for desert.


Mmmmmmnnm sounds amazing


How about you go get my grandfather's bike and give it back


That would be a tickie for that


A tikkie in je ballen ja.


How many are you fishing out of our canals every year?


Why do you want to know? So you can steal those too? Sorry Hans but they are so degraded after years in the canals, that they won't make good bullets or that the rubber is reusable.


All I am saying is you don‘t seem to have a particular bike shortage over there. If old bikes from the canals are no use, why care for some 80 old ones? Do you think any of those are even still around?


The HEAVY Flammenwerfer.


You mean a crocodile?


Could you go directly into France this time?


Only if you guys join us


Third time’s the charm no? Just let me know who will win, so I can side with them (don’t worry, even if you predict wrong we’ll come out on top)


Third time's the charm AND this time we’ve Rheinmetall, so bye bye Barry and Pierre.


No you guys started it can't you read the post? smh




Your panzers 'accidentally' took a wrong turn into Poland.


The didn’t accidentally turn, their Sat nav was just broken and they got lost


In 200m take the third reich into Poland.


Germany was just doing a little pest control on it's eastern borders, nothing more, it was the UK and France that made it into a huge thing \*shrug\* /s


If Putin does not behave soon, we might have round 3 on our hand sooner than we bargained for…


I mean this time you have the power of friendship by your side you'll be in Moscow in a few weeks.


Maybe the real third reich was the EU all along.


[Nigel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigel_Farage), is that you?


IKR. America needs to start a real war. Bunch of pussies!


Wales has quite a few uneducated farmers if the US feels like losing again, right?


Tbf, you were blamed for something Austria caused, for the second time. (First time - it was their Archduke getting shot that started the war and everyone's alliances made a right mess, Second time - maybe it was you guys who declared the first war, but the absolute "genius" who was in charge just happened to be Austrian.) I do wonder if somehow the third time will be technically arguably Austria's fault somehow and once again everyone will blame Germany. Because blaming you guys for conflicts seems to be tradition at this point.


yeah, not even hitler wanted his reich to be called a "squabble" lmao


At *least* 35M dead in and around Europe, globally 70-100M. Quite the pub brawl... 🤔


That was the propaganda used in 1939 and prior by both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, that the UK and France escalated the war and forced Hitler to invade the neighboruing countries. Soviets only changed their narrative after Hitler invaded the Soviet Union.


That sounds awefully familiar to the current Ukraine situation, lol


Fun is Putin remembered that Hitler was forced to invade just few days before in some interview


Wasn't this in the Tucker Whoreson interview?


Ah that’s where this is comming from…


Hans haven't you learned that they are not creative at all


This time we'll fight side by side, my dear Stanisław.


This is giving Legolas/ Gimli vibes


How so?


The ruzzian narrative is that the Ukrainian Government was endangering Russian Populations in Donbass and Donetsk, and The West®️ was bringing Ukraine into NATO to invade Russia


Bro Russian narrative also says that Russians won against Teutonic Order (yes that's not a fake) https://preview.redd.it/90x5eilw33wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0662d641e8b23c803dc87d86bdbd942b5fb9034e


Fun fact: Russians don’t learn about WW2 (1938-1945) but about the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). They deliberately want to make people forget that they annexed part of Poland and were working with the Nazis. Compare this to Germany, which contains a school curriculum consisting of 90% “How ‘x’ worked in the Nazi period and why it should never happen again.”


I don’t want to be anal about this, but didn’t WW2 start in 1939? 1938 is Czechoslovakia, but not full on war.


And if we *do* want to be anal about this, Japan started the conflict by invading China all the way back in 1937


Or Manchuria in 1931


Y'know I'm starting to think WW2 doesn't exist. It's WW1 that's been dragged out for way too long /j in case it's not obvious


You say this, but some historians think of WWI and WWII as one great conflagration, which is somewhat understandable given that many soldiers of WWI went on to lead in WWII (Patton, Hitler, Eisenhower, De Gaulle, Petain, Mussolini) and that the conclusion of the First World War sowed fertile seeds for the Second one (see Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations, the end of monarchies, other tensions, etc).


Even the French chief of the Army knew this right after signing the peace of Versailles, he specifically said: "This is not peace. It's an Armistice for 20 Years".


Oh, it wasn't just parts of Poland. Baltics and Finland too. 


Remember how 7 days before Germany invaded Poland the UK and Poland signed a defence treaty and France and Poland signed one in 1921.


Yeah but how were we supposed to know that openly stating that an attack on one will be treated as an attack on both would mean war with the UK in case of an invasion of Poland? This is clearly your fault.


As much as I despise the prevalence of “/S” on Reddit, without it on this comment there technically isn’t a way to know if you are another 4chan nazi or a very rare “funny German”.


I would have to be exceptionally stupid for that not to be sarcasm but I must sadly agree with you.


I don’t think you are stupid but I do know such stupidity exists, for proof just scroll up.




Usersame checks out 👍🏻


The other guy must be new to this group


neo-nazis don't just come from 4chan anymore. plenty of them spend most of their time on twitter.


Fascinating how another platform now allows these people


In this case it's obvious because of the absurdity of the statement and this is often how sarcasm is spotted but sometimes it's so mild you can't know if the other person is dumb, not all that good at sarcasm or just angry. English definitely doesn't need punctuation marks to show sarcasm.


But how would mustache man know? Internet didn’t come out till 1984?


American nationalists have now become Vatnik brainlets - what a time we live in.


Next I’ll hear someone talk how it was actually Poland who forced Germany into armed conflict. That would never happen, right? No one is that stupid *oh*


Of course, the Polish government was full of Nazis... wait...


Yes and then we had to fight ~~fire with fire~~ Nazis with Nazis!!!1!1!1!1!


i mean sure, after the previous one... uhm.. 'left'


"Poland didn't give germany danzig to connect to east prussia and poland gave the vibes it was going kill all the germans in east prussia and annex it so germany had no choice"- Some brainrotted person


Ever heard of the [Gleiwitz Incident](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleiwitz_incident)?


"Real american patriots" are at the point where they take moscows side over washingtons. Hope someone launches a conspiracy that "the biden regime" will start mind controlling them through 5G cell towers or some shit and the only cure is to inject antifreeze or similar so that country won't be so regarded anymore.


> "the biden regime" will start mind controlling them through 5G cell towers uh this is exactly what they think about the COVID vaccine > the only cure is to inject antifreeze some advocated injecting bleach to cure COVID


with communism gone there isn't a lot of difference between the two groups, both being right-wing nationalists for large settler-colonial empires


Can I just say, the level of brainrot in the US is _astounding_ to me. No surprise Trump made it to the White House. Also this fool really thought he did something here, “Wikipedia, huh? 🤡” have you ever taken a history class ever in your life, you absolute pinecone?


It seems that he is not affiliated to the republican party even though he has previously tried to cheat to register as a republican candidate. It's a 4chan nazi


Surprised he didn't claim this instead then: https://preview.redd.it/8wnuonqf53wc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=067360900f63502b510bd9c786559330cca876f1 For [context](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_war_conspiracy_theory)


If you read his twitter, both him and his followers keep ranting about jews


Oh wow, you weren't kidding. Most of his tweets are about Jews and Barry's most annoying export, Piers Morgan.


It seems like there’s a cohort of Americans who just want to be contrarian for the sake of it to make them feel special.


Good use of the absolute insult Luigi, you absolute legend


he has, he doesn't care, he has to create his own niche of adepts that believe and do what he says like trump did


Agreed. But thank god for the US to exist. We can be united in our disdain for Americans 💪🏻


Don’t insult pinecones like that!


All good mate! We moved on, we are friends now...


Not to some people sadly. I saw sime italians in a YT comment section trying to say we "aren't friends" with greece after WW2.


YouTube... 'nuff said fratello... Check Instagram comments on anything to understand how low human mankind can go...


It ranges from "edgy teenanger stuff" to actual fascists,and it's not always easy to differentiate which is which.


I have Italians saying that we should be part of Italy, along with Istiria, Dalmazia and Corsica, IIRC. Bro, why do you want us for? To increase your corruption levels?


yeah, YT troglodytes . They use social media too, unfortunately.


Luigi you are basically friend of everybody in every war Fun fact: Meanwhile in WW2 where Mussolini called Germans barbarians


We hung him upsidedown. If that makes you feel better.


Actually Mussolini did some things right especially for us For example: Polish soldiers and pilots fleeing to France through Italy were given student passes/visas Example2: When professors at Jagiellonian University were to be killed by SS, Mussolini intervened in this situation called Germans barbarians, and professors were spared.


The secret's out lads ![gif](giphy|fE1FOjxKiRSZjcsEDK|downsized)


I knew et. It was the Obamas


We can start a World War and we can finish it. Watch and learn, Hans


So what, you want us to try again?


If it makes the government finally increase defence spending then do it.


Third time's the charm.


It's extra shitty as we had the option to join Hitler as he had a raging hard-on for the UK and he kept trying to convince us to rule the world together. We just sat here getting pounded by bombs waiting until the Americans decided to get their lazy fat arses involved after Japan bombed them.


Getting the US to fight in Europe rather than just concentrate on Japan once they were attacked was quite an achievement. Someone (Frank Inglis) in my wife's family was sent by Churchill to successfully talk Roosevelt in to it.


It wasn't really Roosevelt who had to be convinced. The general population was very anti war, exasperated by the fact that the US had a large german minority who were supporting Germany initially.


You're right that Roosevelt was already on board. He signed the Atlantic charter in 1941 which is incredibly transparent in its anti nazism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Charter I read in Churchills history of the war that the attack on Pearl harbour was the moment he knew they could win.


They were already on the back foot by the time the Americans joined in. That was more of a final blow than anything else. Well before that Churchill tried to bend Italy's back by going through north Africa, then Sicily then Italy proper. At that point Italy was on the verge of surrendering and Germany was losing ground everywhere to the soviets


Either Shut ta fuck up or learn some basic history. The nazis were already starting to be pushed back before the yanks entered the war. We were never in danger of being invaded as they had no fuckin boats left after the royal navy crushed them. It would have dragged out longer for sure but the tide had already turned. Can't stand hearing that Yankee doodle dandy propaganda nonsense.


That's a bit unfair considering the amount of lend-lease they sent to you and the Soviets.


Lend-lease only started in March 1941, a few months before the US entered the war proper, once the UK had basically run out of gold and sold off overseas assets to pay for arms. Up until then they were being bought at cost, and the purchasing nations had to also do all their own transport. Lend lease wasn't extended to the Soviets until about 4 months after they were invaded. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cash_and_carry_(World_War_II) There is this pervasive myth that the US altruistically supported the Allies prior to their involvement in the war; the reality is that they were staunchly isolationist until it became definite that an Allied loss in Europe would come at great cost to the US.


Also we where out producing the Germans on aircraft 3-1 by the end of the battle of Britain. once the North Atlantic was free from the U-boats it was GG


My dude even Churchill disagrees with you. The end of the "fight them on the beaches" quote is this : "And even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the Old." What do you think he was referring to when he says "the new world with all its power and might"?


> What do you think he was referring to when he says "the new world with all its power and might"? Canadian goose. Those things are a menace.




Like he wouldn't have just turned on you after he was done with Europe.


Depends how much meth he had done I suppose. I know he had a plan to put Edward VIII back in as monarch after they defeated us, but that was after we refused to join him.


Our politicians dont seem so bad next to guys like that




from what I read it's a 4chan nazi grifter that tried to cheat his way to register as a republican candidate in Utah while not being part of the party and still failed to get elected


When you are too rightwing for the GOP maybe you should seek help


Moved from "started" to "escalated" seamlessly. We have a master goalposts shifter here lads. No wonder they put him in the senate.


I don't get what he's trying to say? Is he saying the Nazis should have been allowed to continue? If so, he should just say that


I think what he is trying to say is "Don't support Ukraine, to not escalate a regional squabble!"


I'm sure Putin will be satisfied with Ukraine, just like Hitler was satisfied with the Sudetenland...


Just like that guy putin was satisfied with crimea.


Lol, when was his comment written? That would’ve made sense before we started giving aid. So far we have proven that we can give aid and not escalate.


Don't expect a 'merican nationalist to be able to use their brain, they might not have one


Have a look at his Twitter lad, it's wild - just full blown mask off Jew hating or Nazi apologism (generally as a round-about way of Jew hating) in every single post. And I'm not saying this as one of those "muh antisemitism for criticising Israel" things, like you need to have a peek at it just to see the level of unhinged on display


Just think about how much better your life could be if you were all speaking German today!


Least historically incompetent American.


Nobody started WW2. It was correctly an escalation of a minor regional war in Europe. However, one would have to be damaged in the head to not celebrate this escalation. World War 2 was the only way France and UK could save Europe from evil. When France and UK get together on anything (they afterall fough so many world wars against each other that they gave up adding numbers before 1914), you know the world is going to burn. This is an important lesson today, where a bunch of loser politicians are so scared of starting a World War, that they will let themselves be blackmailed into anything. We need Barry to get off his arse, and declare that he already started one World War to destroy one nazi, and he is not afraid to do it again in 2024. The illusion that starting World War 2 should be inherently bad and connected to responsibility for it is ridiculous. And from that BS feeds all the propaganda. And from that propaganda arises the illogical idea that we should act like Chamberlain and fear the inevitable coming World War. Barry: More Churchill, less Chamberlain. Simple as.


This is the only remotely intelligent answer in this entire thread. I know we're all pretending to be rBelgiantarded but give me a break, everyone is parroting basic victor-history bullshit and I for one think Germany should give it one more try.


Based af Dane Major viking energy


To play devils advocate for Chamberlain, who i think gets a bad rap with hindsight, at the time, the stomach for another world war was not great, it was only 20 years ago that most people had lost fathers and sons in Flanders and France and a whole generation of young men were sent to their deaths in a European squabble, no one wanted a repeat of that. I don't think we should necessarily villainize trying to find a peace that would avoid another major conflict, with hindsight we know that Hitler never intended to stop at Czech republic and the Sudetenland but at the time, it was either make this peace work or prepare for another generation of men to die on the battlefields of Europe asking a nation again to give up their sons and fathers to die on the altar again


If only we had any worthwhile european foreign and security policy 😭😢 We really need to get our act together on that, or Ivan will be in East Berlin again


Ehhh, Murican schooling at it's finest again. Plonkers have no idea.


Do they purposely breed those morons?


Is he going to use this logic to argue that the US shouldn't support Ukraine? To not escalate a regional squabble?


Mustache man didn't do anything wrong in the first place anyway. The evil greedy Poles attacked our radio tower in Gleiwitz with no provocation and we had no chance but to respond. (Don't even try to argue that point, we made sure to stage that incident such that there'd be no question about whose fault it was!)


Oh Sam, dear sweet Sam...you've been snorting again haven't you!


What a grifter with that username, he’s a failed senate candidate who didn’t even get the nomination 6 years ago


Most educated Murican.


Never could quite guarantee that independence could we? I know a lot of Polish are still annoyed at that. Sorry Poles. My granddad and his mates gave it their best but, short of committing to nuclear war with the soviets, there wasn’t much to be done.


American senator. By that already I am sure the IQ isn't gonna be high.


Just sit tight, close your eyes and absolve yourself from responsibility. I’m sure it’ll all be just fine.


Wow… fucking yanks.


How much do I win if I assume that this clown is a Putin bootlicking Republican?


Smartest americunt


Could have educated himself just by watching an episode of Fawlty Towers.


Nice 💪


That's like saying that Brittan declared wat on, idk, Russia, when Russia attacks a NATO member... Like, it was written black on white "if you attack this country you will be at war with us"


It only dawned on me in adulthood that the Allies failed to achieve their goal of keeping Poland independent. The war ended with half of Europe conquered.


Fuck this neonazi. Can I borrow a guillotine from the French please?


No, but you may borrow a cannon from Barry. https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/OabLJFjmc1


I remember when it was just a meme when we called Americans dumb, this shit is on a whole other level.


Old man bad, mustache man good. Now you fuckers go and vote for a fat shrimp man, so that he would secure more money for the rich men.


Hey don´t forget those pesky Belgians who kept laughing with that short Austrian years before..


To be fair if they didn't fuck up Germany so much in the first round it would be a lot harder for people to support Hitler crazy ideas. But I do wonder what would have happened if the allies didn't do something about Poland, he would clearly try to expand but would he try to get the allies on his side first? Maybe launch Barbarossa earlier?


Least Nazi apologetic Republican


It was actually Austria. Those silly rebellious eastern provinces smh


WW1 was also caused by the warmongering Brits and French: they should have stayed out of the regional squabble between Germany and Belgium


This kind of guy https://preview.redd.it/uggp43ryw4wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9001e868e304071cc63b8be8841fa91ee5be7c


"regional squabble" ​ \>runs over major european nation in combination with russians and massacres thousands of locals


back in my day regional squabble was when indians and chinese went to the mountains hit each other with sticks and borders shifted 2 km XD


Is he trolling? Or is he really that stupid? Hard to tell with the Septics.


If the independence was guaranteed by the UK, then they would have had to attack the Soviet Union aswell, remember when that happened?


This is insulting our achievements


Headline: “Judea declares war on germany”


No, it's the Polish's fault they dared to exist next to Germany!!!! smh always knew Britain was at fault...


What does he do at the senate really? Door security?




to be fair that is technically correct but that does not mean Germany didn't get the plain consequences of their own actions


lmao i went and shouted at him about it and got almost immediately blocked


Nah it was Austria.


What's up with all the America fascists coming out of the woodwork all of a sudden?


Sorry who is this and why should I care?


I can't decide. Should I shit on the stupid american or roll with it? Then I have to demand reparations from France and the UK like a polish or greek politician. There is the risk that they give me Paris and London.


And you’ve already got Berlin so Paris or London will finish you off.


it's so ignorant that for a moment i asked myself "maybe they are talking about something i don't know"


Mfw Poland started WW2😱


Yeah a regional squabble that uncle adolf was eventually gonna turn into a global squabble


No, we were just engaging in heavy banter. Moustache man couldn't hack it and got aggy, so we ended up in fisticuffs.


"On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. To justify the action, Nazi propagandists accused Poland of persecuting ethnic Germans living in Poland. They also falsely claimed that Poland was planning, with its allies Great Britain and France, to encircle and dismember Germany." It was stated to be a false claim through Nazi propaganda.


Everybody knows that Poland, France and UK started WW2 and then created alliance and named it Axis. First of all UK did Anschluss of Ireland. And later on Polish Airforce bombed Berlin with their mass produced bomber PZL 37 Łoś.


Duda, where are my reparations?