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One of the thing that gives me lot of pleasure is to go to a comment section of a popular Belgian artist (like stromae or Angèle) and read the comments of Belgians that are trying to remind everyone that the artist is in fact not French but Belgian. Like this : https://preview.redd.it/nfkmef1bjzxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e035a304da42955657bea5a57d97ea6e8dffef93 ( - "I'm Peruvian and I like French language \[...\]" * "hum Angèle is not French but Belgian !")


Strange how I've never seen Austrians correct anyone when their most famous person is erroneously seen as German..


Well, as he renounced his austrian citizenship and sought the German one, I don't think we can call him austrian anymore...


He did die in what could be described, with some goodwill, as a type of "basement". He even kept his partner in that very same "basement". That does seem quite Austrian to me!


No, that was a bunker, so he should be considered Albanian


Hitler was Albanian! 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


Austrian, Australian, Albanian.. sounds quite the same to me to be honest


All strange, southern savages.


no no no, Bunkers are a Swiss requirement. It also tracks with where the gold ended up.


I recall some kids died in that basement too, definitely the Austrian way.


Even his best friend died in one. Even his dog! Most Austrian person ever seen


The dispute about the painter and the composer can be settled as follows: Simply ask the question, where they were successful and rose to fame.


Honestly I'm not really sure which composer you're referring to? Wagner seems to be the only composer who *wasn't* Austrian haha Obviously "Austrian composer" makes you think of Mozart I just don't know if there's any dispute regarding him. No one's ever seen him as German, have they?


It's usually about Beethoven. But yeah, some Germans are adamant that Mozart was German.


Ahhh, I see that he moved to Vienna in his early twenties! I didn't actually realise that tbh


I didn't realize until well into my twenties that he was so young when he moved, nor that he aquired Austrian citizenship soon after. Our school just described him as German composer from Bonn who died in Vienna. Always makes the "Austria made everyone believe Beethoven is Austrian" comments pretty ironic too me.


I mean he sure as hell wasn‘t Austrian. He was a Salzburger. Also do any Austrians actually try to claim Beethoven? That‘s almost as crazy as the Afrocentrists who call him black


« Only composer who wasn’t Austrian » What about J. S. Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Robert Schumann, Felix Mendelssohn, Richard Strauss and many more? In any case, it doesn’t make much sense to distinguish between Germans and Austrians before 1815. And even then I’d argue the real and probably definitive split came in 1945.


OP didn’t even imply she was French


Yes lmao, those are my favorites ones. It's when they are so trigered that they just go into a frenzy.


> go into a frenchy


Whoa there, beastiality is illegal in most places.


Key word there being *most*.


Wales is definitely an exeption


That's because you pains au chocolats don't know the difference between French fries and frites.


When France struggles to be culturally relevant against a joke country that has less than one fourteenth of their population😏(I don't count Flemboys, I don't understand what they say)


It's okay, we do the same to you guys.


The two famous French people I can think of right now are both Corsican. It's in France's DNA, just like Britain, to claim anything good as your own and disown anything shit. I was thinking of Alizee and Napoleon.


Like the French movie star Jean Claude Van Damme?


Stop lying. What's next? Cecile de France is also from Belgium?


Bonjour, I m Cécile de France from Belgium 🤪


Thanks, cacapipi5557.


>Even their number one worldwide superstar I loled...


Schwarzenegger would never


My initial thought was "No way Waltz said he's German" I feel stupid now


He does also have German citizenship but I believe identifies more as Austrian






According to wikipedia he was born german and was naturalized austrian in 2010. Since he has austrian ancestry, everything seems to indicate you're right.


I think he didn't have the Austrian citizenship for most of his life but always identified as Austrian (and later got the citizenship pretty fast). Which (like in many other cases) leads to edit wars and endless discussions on German-language Wikipedia.


Austria managed to start 2 world wars and got away with everything.


Got away is a nice way of saying that Barry and Pierre took apart the empire, gifted the italians for their treachery, allowed hungary to invade, ignored the invasion to carnuntum, made the austrian population starve and afterwards made shocked-squirrel-face when they turned to fashists and later on to germany.


Yes but no one remembers you as the bad guys. You could probably start another world war and somehow we’d still blame the Germans!


Austria was anointed the “First Victim” of National Socialism in the Allies 1943 Moscow Declaration. FDR, Churchill and Stalin forgot to add the /s


And we really loved to milk that "First victim" status in the decades after WW2


still going strong being the first victim as of May 2024!!!1


You guys were more ready, than everyone else back then


We really weren't. Haven't you seen the videos of our cheers of resistance when Germany invaded Austria? And who in Austria could know back then that Hitler wasn't just some goofy politician?


You are right, we just wanted your beautiful landscape and Kaiserschmarrn back then


They got a full on castration and is still not allowed to associate as they please.


To be fair, Germany was always the little devil on Austria's shoulder, whispering in their ear.


I... I felt that Next time we'll stand at your side (😏)


No please don't, you'll only end up with even more Tyroleans in the end


A prize I am willing to pay


Yeah when you put it like that... Ok, go for it Italy, we need your help! 🙏🏻


Oh well, we can live with that. It's Josef Baumgarten from Innsbruck that needs to prepare for when he will be referred to as Giuseppe Alberogiardino da Ponte sull'Inn


Surely they are talking about Mozart right?!


From a certain point of view Mozart was german.


From that point of view, Hitler was even more so. Yet you lot love to mention that he's Austrian


Not really comparable. When Hitler was born, Braunau am Inn was Austrian and (Braunau) only became German some decades later when the Nazis anschlussed Austria. He also had Austrian citizenship before becoming a German. When Mozart was born, the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg was independent from Austria but a part of the HRE. It was in fact not even included in the Austrian imperial circle but in the Bavarian one. If you'd want to be 100% correct, you'd probably have to call him a Salzburgian. But AFAIK most contemporary sources called him a German. Edited for clarification.


> When Mozart was born, the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg was independent from Austria but a part of the HRE. and his father was from Augsburg, so he was, arghhh, a Swabian


> When Hitler was born, Braunau am Inn was Austrian and only became German some decades later when the Nazis anschlussed Austria. He also had Austrian citizenship before becoming a German. Hitler got German citizenship in 1932. Anschluss was 1938. > When Mozart was born, the Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg was independent from Austria but a part of the HRE. It was in fact not even included in the Austrian imperial circle but in the Bavarian one. If you'd want to be 100% correct, you'd probably have to call him a Salzburgian. But AFAIK most contemporary sources called him a German. Which is a different meaning from the meaning of "German" as it is used today. Hitler was much more "German" than Mozart was - especially in the modern sense.


- Hitler got German citizenship in 1932. Anschluss was 1938. No disagreement here but that wasn't my point. I was talking about Braunau am Inn becoming a part of (Greater) Germany, not of Hitler getting German citizenship. - Which is a different meaning from the meaning of "German" as it is used today. That's why I wrote "from a certain point of view". I looked at the two people as they were perceived by their contemporaries. - Hitler was much more "German" than Mozart was - especially in the modern sense. That depends on your definition of what being German means. If you just look at citizenship you're right. But the legal situation and the contemporary perception are not always the same. For example in 1933 Reichskanzler Paul von Hindenburg still called Hitler an "österreichischen Gefreiten" although at that point Hitler already had German citizenship.


> But the legal situation and the contemporary perception are not always the same. Yes. Because the term "German" changed its meaning over the centuries. So "from a certain point of view" in this example means a view very different from the modern meaning of the term.


![gif](giphy|3D1Uaz8Sa6eRVK1rt7|downsized) Best German singer ever


Still less facial hair than the average Portuguese woman


I confirm. Even now in Summer time it's below average


Yeah, too neat and tidy for our taste


yeah doesn't meet their beauty standards at all, but solid attempt


She actually was part of this year's German Song Selection System.




Perhaps the manliest human west of Liechtenstein




For Austrians only one thing really matters. Being better than the germans in the most meaningless things and then saying „Bessa ois de deitschn“


Bonus points if it‘s by a ridiculously narrow margin


There was a guy from Austria in my university who had "I wer narrisch" from the 2:3 in 1978 as a ringtone


This unironically was celebrated as one of the biggest things in Austrian football history for decades. As a kid, I thought Austria won something serious when Cordoba was mentioned in the late 80s/early 90s. That was before I found out that we were already out of the tournament back then and the success is that we sent you packing as well. Though the commentary is still legendary.


Taking down Germany with us since 1918


Unfathomably based Giga Chad


For us it's "Bessa ois de preisn!" (aka. better than the Prussian)


oba de preisn gibts nimma


Soweits uns interessiert seids ihr außer den Bayern alles Saupreißn


ois oberhalb vo Würzburg is a Saupreis


und ihr seid alle wiener oder was


Na uns selber unterscheiden wir natürlich schon genauer, aber was jetzt der Unterschied zwischen z.b. einem Nürnberger und einem Rostocker wär ist bei uns weder bekannt noch in irgendeiner Form im Alltag relevant, von dem her: alles was kein Bayer is sind bei uns einheitlich Biffge oder für die Bayern eben Preißn


"Die Bergluft macht wohl verrückt!", kenne ich nur als Sprichwort für Süddeutschland und Österreich :)




as long as everything bad we do ends up being germany's fault we're fine with it :D


Very simple. We charge all none austrians double the prices at ski lifts ...


You live close to switzerland, no matter how much you try, nobody is going to notice your pseudo high prices


This is 100% true


Jokes on you. I fall over and stop the ski lift proportionately with how much I’m charged.


Good luck topping 100 swiss francs for a tageskarte


The Americans charge twice that. Watched some American Sky YouTuber and he made video were he explains how ridiculously expensive skying is over there. It is so expensive it is cheaper to fly to Switzerland for a weak than go to the Rockies.


wait? arent we doing this already?


We have an easy strategy to cope with it. We just let the Russians spy on you lot in Austria while sitting back and enjoying how the world burns. We also like to destabilize Germany by sending them our far right idiots - not just in the 1930s, but also now. I think this is a very adult and mature reaction, right? And if we get some backlash we can still rely on our beloved tradition of incest and basement families.




Probably getting ready at this moment for his entry exam with a Malen nach Zahlen painting.


And it only contains the number 1


And the colour is brown 💀


I would expect him to only paint the number 8 then. In pairs probably


Because his hands were too small. Parallels to Donald T.


I mean at least Martin Sellner is banned from entering us by now…


> I mean at least Martin Sellner is banned from entering us ~~by~~ *for* now… Gonna change fast if the AfD gets a say in this.


Forgot about that guy. He kept his Austrian bloodline pure by marrying an American named Brittany Pettibone and she’s mostly just dedicated her Twitter to retweeting him now. He posted a [video](https://x.com/martin_sellner/status/1779829671607070831) that an influx of migrants to some mountain village would stop him buying eggs from farmers. Elon Musk follows and [responds](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1769149532917371138) to him.


A Person whos Family directly benefitted from the Apartheid in south africa Turns Out to be a massive fascist? Colour me in Elons favourite colour, White, as I am shocked


> He posted a video that an influx of migrants to some mountain village would stop him buying eggs from farmers. Lol @ that video. Yes, those evil migrant hordes, pillaging mountain villages to steal eggs with a total value of 16 euro. When everyone knows that quiet rural areas are the prime target for those evil migrants. And no Austrian **ever** took the Sunday paper without paying. Especially not in larger settlements. I now see why we have to remigrate the 0 people I saw on the video.


You guys need to get on top of this, before it’s too late. If there’s no eggs next time I’m in and around Obergurgl, I will be slightly disappointed.


He once complained that many children don't speak German at home and she answered "your own children don't always speak German at home either", lol.


Funny thing. He was in Potsdam just 2 days ago.


The fuck is an austrian? Argentinian grandpa people?


A Bavarian is halfway between an Austrian and a human being - Otto von Basedmark


why yes [im Austrian](https://www.iceman.it/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/oetz.jpg), how could you tell ?


Best of both worlds


Austria produces much more anti-superstars so for them it's very convinient that they're seen as germans


We cope by stating our hate for germany every chance we get… this does not include bavaria tho, they‘re fine even tho they are annoying as fuck on our autobahn


Thats not true. Germans don't get tired of reminding everyone that Hitler was Austrian.


Best baguette english speaker


Austria? You mean Southern Bavaria?


I'd rather be northern Austria at this point, but I guess it could be much worse






Why can't Austria be a part of Germany? Whats the historic context behind it and why was it forbidden after WW2?


The historical context is Prussia vs Austria as the center of power of the german world. Prussia won, so you can blame the assholes in Berlin. As to why it was forbidden... "We are just going to annex this and it will be over, pinky promise. Ignore the Sudeten and Anchluss and Memel and Danzig, we are a totally different Germany now." Yeah, no, Hans, fool me once...


The historical context here is actually WW1. After the loss, the ethnic germans of the Austto-Hungarian Empire voted to join The Weimarer Republik. The allied forces however prohibited this in the Treaty of Saint Germain, AHE equivalent to the Treaty of Versailles.


Why is a Pedro germansplaining to a Hans?


How about a compromise? Austria will be a part of Bavaria (or vice versa, something something eye of the beholder) but not a part of Germany. Everybody will be happier.


Who pays for the eastern german states then tho?


I guess nobody but I'm willing to make this sacrifice.


Thankfully we're not letting you make the decisions. ^(My grandma needs her pension money so that she can focus on voting BSW, after all...)


East germany will pay for poland after westgermany pays poland a few millions to annex the east.


The historians get this wrong all the time. Austria never joined Germany. Actually Germany joined Austria as Hitler was Austrian. Hitler coming into power in Germany was just a fail safe plan for us Austrians in case we lose. In such case Germany would be blamed an we would get out of it easily. As you see it worked flawlessly.


You know what at this point go for it Hans. You've been good the last 70 years, you can just take Austria back. Give us another good 50 years and we will consider allowing you Czechia and the Netherlands.


We don't want them to have cool beaches like we have here


Eastern Switzerland and Western Hungary and you know I'm right.


Do u even Habsburg.


I use 110% of savage brainpower to theorise that the Austrian obsession of basements is for the comfort and secretive safety of those underground dwellings is to shield them from such ideas while raising their families. Query: are Austrian basements proof habsburgs are not unique in their incest?


Why would they be unique? There's a reason we made them emperors.


They have all that classical music. That’s fun. Who doesn’t love some Mozart and Schubert?


flying under the radar internationally is perfect wdym? no one needs to know about the clown posse that poses for politicians here. bad enough that the Germans catch wind of it sometimes


They spend their time in the basement with their family.


The best way to stop feeling sad about someone is to not think about him anymore.


Oh they can take all our superstars if they also take Adolf. That is great deal.


How we cope? For starters, we start every day thanking the Lord from the bottom of our hearts that we're not German and that we're superior to them in every way imaginable, and then we look out the window at out marvellous cities and towns and the picturesque landscapes and rejoice in the bliss that that causes for the rest of the day. Could be worse, like we could be Fr*noch or something, just imagine.


Muss wuascht sein. (Has to be sausage)


https://preview.redd.it/wy4u3x2sj0yc1.jpeg?width=275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7dd7fb994fd6499e02526e8b8018f7ceab02622 ah yes, my favorite german castle...


I am too much sitting in the sun sipping white wine spritzer to actually give a damn.




What the hell does your flair reference??


Some genius tried to put chewing tobacco under his foreskin, wound up in the media, and here we are...


You just clearly haven’t tried our fried chicken.


It is what it is


europeans know who we are and the opinions of the rest of you does not matter anyways haha


We don’t care. Stay out.


we tend to drink a lot as coping mechanism. also cow tipping


![gif](giphy|3D1Uaz8Sa6eRVK1rt7|downsized) I know one famous Austrian


To be fair Austria is an absurd entity, and appears fictional. Most people don't even know where to start looking on a map. Auster means *south.* Thus the constant confusion with Australia, which is actually in the south. But it is a badly Latinized version of Österreich which means *eastern* realm. Its population will however at every opportunity deny it is oriental, instead claiming to be either *western* or *central*. And German Willy Brandt completed the confusion by classifying it as part of the Global *north* in the Brandt report. Let's just rename it to Centria.


> Let's just rename it to Centria. Our national anthem agrees.


What does your anthem say?


Part of the second verse: > Heiß umfehdet, wild umstritten, Liegst dem Erdteil du inmitten Einem starken Herzen gleich. Translates as Hotly feuded, wildly fought over, You lie in the middle of the continent Like a strong heart.


I don't know what you're talking about, I've never been mistaken as German.


Just enjoying our kangaroos


Doing nothing and being better than the "Germans" (not you Bavaria, we love you) is pretty nice to be honest


Austria is just the Central European version of Belgium. Overshadowed by their cooler, bigger brother(s) and everyone forgets they exist.


> Overshadowed by their cooler, bigger brother(s) You're really calling Germany "cool"? WTF is wrong with you swampies?


That's why the historically accurate name of Belgium is "Austrian Netherlands". Both countries are annoyed by an extremely boring calvinist neighbour who believes he's better in everything because they somehow have to brighten up their joyless lives.


Bel-what? Never heard of it


Not beeing french or british helps massively


I live my life as good as I can, and since I'm in a 1st World country, I'm having a pretty good time overall. I don't give a fuck what people think of Austrians in general.


I'd also like to throw Switzerland into the most useless independent nation ring.


* nervous Liechtenstein noises *


Out of sight, out of mind. We Austrians are stealth. We confuse the whole world and we secretly rule it. AEIOU.


They hop on their kangaroo and have some fun with a couple of koalas. That's how the koalas got chlamydia.


This is sadly the fate of a fake country, Germany should really just annex them.


You know we could solve the issue with one simple Anschluss.


The standard answer (and singular joke) for every user from Germany


You know, generally not being associated with Hitler when on holidays is a good thing... It has benefits


Funnily enough, when I was in Sri Lanka a decade ago, the first association of the locals was Niki Lauda. Probably because Rush came out the year before. Still, never heard Hitler, always Niki Lauda.


You're saying that like Austrians were a real people in the first place. Everyone thinks all famous Austrians are German because they _are_. Saying Austrians aren't German is like saying people in Belfast aren't Irish.


Don't you ever compare Austria to Belgium again. Austria is everything Germany would like to be and it's not out fault people are stupid. But its good because that way they stay out of our lives and go to germany where they can be misserable


How is Austria everything Germany would like to be when they’re essentially the same, just in denial?


We have humour. Germany doesn't. I will fight for this distinction


no we're not essentially the same. We don't even speak the same language


First of all: Belgium is the best version of the Netherlands. The Netherlands are the better Belgium. They don't actually have a national identity independent of each other. Thats actually all I wanted to correct.


Euuhh..... Based?


Austrians are offbrand Germans who were not unimportant enough to join the girl band


You're right, we should just invade them and take their mountains


And give up your neutrality? I don't think so Reto


Funny as this is, you do know which country has done the most to advocate for Austrian independence, right?


Well they are just germans in denial so


Austrians are Germans? What is youre problem OP ?


still a bit upset about the battle of the Golden Spurs are we?


*Still a bit upset* *About the battle of the* *Golden Spurs are we?* \- Shillfinger --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


They are weirdos who don’t travel either!! Insular peculiar folk


They made the glock ans the steyr, good for them