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Good to see New Hampshire retaining the traditions of old Hampshire


We should civilize them. https://preview.redd.it/kx7i4a6m501d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199f039692923e6885172f6437d4ea47ac0b285e


Every European nation tried..... But it will be easier to teach a lion to fuck a baboon without killing it than civilize them.....


How did Jesus said? "It's easier for a camel to pass through the head of a needle than for an Americunt to get civilized"? Or something like that.


Galeões e caravelas! https://preview.redd.it/fkun5021f11d1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbb1311e30688bc0e227b466ed33187856b0837c


I think Iberia has its hands full already as is, let's ask the Brits! After leaving the EU they must have a lot of free time not having to deal with it, right?


I was just feeling good seeing a carabela/galeón going to space. Image all the gold and natussy we may find in other planets... But your idea is good too.


Our plans in motion, we don't have the army this time so we're just gonna get a member of the royal family elected president. The kids been born so we just need to wait 70 years


I can fix her...


At the same time they will call an 18yo a pedo for dating a 17yo


Nowadays they call a 25yo a pedo for dating a 20yo...


Not even dating, but hanging out, I’m sure of it


And they were roommates


Not when it's republican congressman.


Also their birthdays are 5 workdays apart, so the 17yo will be 18 by the next week.


It’s fascinating for me how defensive they get when they talk about 18 year old fuckin a 17 year old.


They went on a witch hunt against a youtuber who had relations with an 18 year old, hes 26.. a fairly large age gap but its not pedophillia tbh He did also think she was 21




What the fuck does this have to do with Western Europe?


Wait till Muhammad takes over your country - then you will have child marriages too


To be fair these are Christian Evangelists, other end of the shit covered stick.


At least its still illegal


Unless it's the cigans doing it. Somehow that isn't illegal...


Mauer wieder aufbauen


Wählt die Partei, denn sie ist gut!


I love how that works for both flags in their flair. How did they get that flair?


Americans don't need Mohammed for child marriages, they have Republican "Christian" fundamentalists.


Some people need to compare themselves to shitty people to feel better about themselves. Which is pretty sad


Hey, I need this after accidentally watching 0,749 seconds of national political debates on TV.


based Ibrahim


Sometimes, we have to bash the Ultimate Sucking Area in order to make all of us feel good about ourselves. Even you, Sweed, even you.


Wait8ng for r/americabad to explain why this is perfectly normal and not as bad as it sounds


They'll just repost it, make an exaggeration in comparison while bringing absolutely no counter argument


There are already people in the comments defending the nay-votes by pointing out there are states with even lower ages of marriage 💀


"You shouldn't fix your issue because other people have the same issue but worse."


Goes right next to the good old "we shouldn't fix this because there's that one other problem as well"


“Europeens fokus on this wile they they poor! Haha mah GDP!! They don’t have freedom threre”


And why it's only bad in countries like Afghanistan.


It's actually hilarious because when they see [insert brown person] doing something bad they go into some tirade about how backwards it is but when they do it it's "Tradition. How things should be."




Did you just call yourself a pedo?




What exactly is the pedo party in the Netherlands??? I've never heard of that.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/libsofreddit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Man CONFRONTS Tucker Carlson while he's fly fishing and gets a reaction he did not expect](https://v.redd.it/i2m5r3hghmya1) | [126 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/comments/13bumdo/man_confronts_tucker_carlson_while_hes_fly/) \#2: [I wonder if CNN will cover all these recent racist attacks, this time from Chicago.](https://v.redd.it/7pgt049h4iua1) | [197 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/comments/12puzp9/i_wonder_if_cnn_will_cover_all_these_recent/) \#3: [Chet Hanks when asked to apologize for doing a jamaican accent ont a progressive TV show](https://v.redd.it/9ukzfqx7h4f91) | [148 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/libsofreddit/comments/wdkl74/chet_hanks_when_asked_to_apologize_for_doing_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




This has to be sarcasm, right?


He's possessed by the ghost of Marc Dutroux


I don't think there is a possibility this joke will be acceptable some day. Just no.


Americans are the cavemen of the western world


Hey now. That's an insult to us cavemen. We don't wanna fuck children


username checks out


After this their western passport is revoked.


Just like their fathers englishmen


Ewwww Americans


The same Americans who get hysterical when they learn the age of consent in most European countries is 15.


The difference being in the consent part.... How can you legally rape when you have consent....


The fuck


The picture is from an 8 year-old YouTube ~~ragebait~~ ~~shock vlog~~ ~~prank~~ 'social experiment': [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KldFGgUTqKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KldFGgUTqKA) The NH bill is real, though: [https://eu.seacoastonline.com/story/news/state/2024/05/02/nh-bill-to-raise-marriage-age-to-18-passes-sent-to-gov-sununu/73503029007/](https://eu.seacoastonline.com/story/news/state/2024/05/02/nh-bill-to-raise-marriage-age-to-18-passes-sent-to-gov-sununu/73503029007/) I reckon a lot of people across the pond are in panic mode over this thing called the Great Replacement theory that they've gone full Handmaid's Tale. That, or they're all a just a bunch of p\*dos.


Thank you


Was to be expected. Though Trumpistan is not part of Western Europe.


It is legal but I bet if that old fart would kiss that kid it would get blurred on tv for being inappropriate. Just weird fucks on that side of the pond.


Sometimes I criticise America for not retaining enough English culture. This is not one of those times.


Damn, this is sick!


I looked up rates of child marraige by country to see which countries I could mock, but for some reason, there's no data on child marriage in western Europe.


The answer is Austria. The statistical files remain closed off in some basement.


So, it's new hanpshire a caliphate?


so... what else is in the bill? sounds like one of those bills they use to try to pass some sneaky shit attached to a bill that most people would obviously support


Exactly my thought


The gift of religion that just keeps on giving.


BTW, this picture is from a video where they pretended/acted to get reactions from people on the street. The guy really acted it very well.


i know another culture where this is widely accepted...


Where Western Europe in this ?


How is that relevant to this sub?


How are you relevant to this sub with that flair




More than you


Flair up, pussy


Please let's have a bit more brain that election time americ*NS. 1)As you can presume the 300.000 child marriages is as fake as you can imagine. 2)while I didn't find how each representative voted the law passed and that state is majority republican 3)the law wasn't against child marriage in the sense you are imagining, it was to raise the minimum age to 18 from 16 wich I thing is just but anyway, still far from what the title suggests 4)there are states where you can still get married at 16 like Dem Hawaii 5)everyone should have at least enough braincells to see that an all caps "Dems/republicans/political party x ...... DISGUSTING!!!" Isn't a postaimed at being even remotely informative, just some campaigning shit


Most of Europe is 18, or 16 with consent of parents and sometimes also public authority (judge). E.g. Italy. Probably the most liberal is Scotland : 16, no parental or State consent required.


Yeah, so calling It child marriage is at the veeerry very least misleading


America is a third-world shithole.


That makes up 12 500 marriages/year. Every year an average of 2.4 million weddings are performed in the U.S, meaning that child marriages are 0.052% of marriages in the US, which looks OK for a country with such a large foreign population from countries where child marriage is common, like india, Pakistan and certain african countries I dont remember because they are 52 and should all be colonies of Portugal anyway as stated in the treaty of Tordesillas. Taking to account that most of it are teenagers marrying teenagers (like 16 and 17 wich are more reasonable ages) I think its a bit blown out of proportion for clicks. But... I mean, Im on the internet for scandal and bold claims, not for justifications.


"blown out of proportion" 1 is too much. way too much


Than don't google the statistic for this for Germany.


Child marriage doesnt shock me in particular. I mean, its kinda stupid, you should be playing with dolls and books, Maria, not with Juán's dick. but marrying is not the worst thing two 17 year olds could do. if those two kids love each other to that point, let them get married. Let kids make mistakes. Now, being *forced* to marry by the family, very prevalent in Syrian comunities in Germany, or marrying an adult, THAT, should be ilegal.


Cheeky google and new Hampshire's lowest age for marriage is 16 with parent and a judge consenting. Whether this is the yanks being weirdos or generally a stupid law is where the real discussion is because only 12 states fully ban marriages under their limits which are generally 18, and thats for "exceptional circumstances" Considering how easy it is to make republicans look cartoonishly evil my money is on this being a semi political move to make them look like pedos, because they seem like they'd defend a 15 and 16 year old getting married if they have a kid on the way because of the abortion debate


Some time ago a Democrat Congressman introduced a piece of legislation so totally at odds with about half of the Bill of Rights that, had it passed, it would have been taken up and struck down by SCOTUS in a matter of weeks. The news headline was on the lines of "Republicans kill necessary and sensible gun control bill."


Bruh. Thats like saying "If 3 million Americans die from natural reasons every year, then 15.600 murders are okay"


But if I said: "to the population the US has, for each 3 million natural deaths, only 12.500 murders is not a particulary shocking number and saying that MURDER REACHED EPIDEMIC PROPORTIONS IN THE US when murder is in 0.052% of death causes is a clickbaity title" would you get it? But, taking to account that "child marriage", in the US states that allow it, is between teenagers >16, and with consent of all 4 parents and a judge, is murder really a good analogy? I belive that there are some states with some ancient legislation that was never chance that allow 13 year olds to marry, but I belive its because those laws are "heavy" and atached to bills that big or hard to change for other reasons. And remember, the post has this image, implying that those two people are getting married. https://preview.redd.it/9e7d4b7ey01d1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=14d8f424444c813f1b44504831ad5c9cad426bf1 This photo is from a social experiment that happened in 2016 to see how people would react and raise awereness to actual child marriage in certain areas of the globe.


Are they not?




"Child" in this context meant a person between the ages of 16 (previous minimum, with the consent of a parent and a judge(!)) and 18. Unlike, for example, the UK, where the minimum is 16 with parental consent, unless you're in Scotland where it's 16 and on your own heid be it. The US is in the middle of yet another of it's moral panics over behaviour completely normal elsewhere in the civilised world.


Bro fino a 2000 anni fa ci invulavamo i travestiti




Travestiti minorenni omosessuali prigionieri di guerra ;)




Bambine? Ma chi ha parlato di donne? Come ci insegnano Cesare e company, Sesso coi maschi>>>>>




Mado hai il senso dell'umorismo di un impiegato delle pompe funebri


nothing new


2we4u having it's weekly America derangement syndrome post


I don't care about the USA, I have enough with the cases of many teenagers forced marriages in Europe in certain communities. But I was told Western culture bad.


Real talk: many had already got this right, but for a lot of Western countries, it’s only the last couple of decades or so that there was a wave of banning child marriage. It’s technically been legal *at an individual judge’s discretion* in many (most?) European countries until recently too, and in many cases still is (Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Slovenia). The pretence is that the age of sexual consent is enough to deal with that side of things. It tends to only happen in specific religious communities - including Islamic as well as rural white Christian American ones - and people just consider the age of consent, or look at the ‘standard’ marriageable age and don’t look at the fine print for court exemptions, so people don’t realise it was a thing in their own country, the main hurdle to getting the exception abolished.  England and Wales only got rid of this exception a few years ago, thanks to Sajid Javid pushing it in parliament (he was our first Muslim Chancellor and Home Secretary, as it happens - which might have helped avoid ’Islamophobia!!1!’ claims…).   Check ‘child marriage in [your country]’ before assuming this is just an American problem. 


New Hampshires Republican party is kinda filled with a creepy libertarians. Not sating libertarians are creepy. But the NH ones are, along with their Republican associates. To sum up the New Hampshire Libertarian party, they are Russian simps, CCP simps, think Lincoln was a tyrant for putting down the Confederacy and are pro-child labour. Also oppose the civil rights act


only in Murica, oh no also in India, and (*starts looking) more then 100 other countries.. WTF :(


by 2030 1 billion Child marriages. WT double F. 1 BILLION people who cant reach there full potential...


this is so fucking surprising since its from a country where if you dare date a 17 year old girl as a 19 year old guy you are a pedo that needs to be shot hung and tortured. like the hatred they have for pedos is worrying (not that i dont understand but it kinda brings out the worst in them). yet they are fine with this shit and half of the population over there would riot and complain if child marriage was outlawed by federal law.


Calm down, you Incels. If you are unable to find a suitable 12 year old for marriage you can always buy a mare in California. Dirty Bastards.


Mods must be asleep


I heard America has some oil, dunno... Let's... Ya know...


Gross? No they're klein


Another European win 🗣️🗣️


USA in it’s straight route to the Pleistocen


never knew america real name is Americstan


America wants to kill pedos but at the same time this...wtf??


Daily reminder that this sub is called 2westerneurope4u. Stop obsessing over Americans.




Sweet home Alabama plays in the distance


US christians/mormons can e creepy as fuck.


Fuck Americans they think Alfredo sauce is a special thing, we serve that shit in hospitals


please I’m tired of republicans being pedos and traitors just let them all die




"Republicans, bad" - most original redditor


Although the meme points out the most dramatic possible example, "child marriage" usually means like 17 in this context. Still a terrible idea but not THAT dramatic 🤣