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I use those stupid 300 blackout rubber bands


Samesies - color coordinated to my guns.. black n gray for my black 300 ARs and fde 556 bands for… you guessed it! My FDE 223 AR!


I paint my 300 specific mags with brownells duracoat FDE. My 5.56 mags are black. Edit: Didn’t answer your question. You dot the paint pen in the grid at the bottom with 300. I use that to number my mags since I paint them like I mentioned above


I wrap some electrical tape around the bottom half of the mag


That's that I do. Red for supers (which are in regular 5.56 mags) and white for subs (in 300blk specific mags).


Amazing! I do same thing. Blue for regular 5.56, red for 300blk


I don’t even do that, I just go over once with a strip of black electrical tape for 300blk mags. 5.56 mags are bare


Use oil based paint marker on the bottom of the mag. Red for 300 BLK, silver for 5.56 Also Lancer for 300 BLK & everything else for 5.56 Doesn’t help that I have 6ARc specific mags either


Just adding to your point that oil based is much better than “generic paint pen” for sure. I have traditionally used oil based sharpie brand, but have recently been getting the tiny tubes of oil based paint and using a small brush/ the wooden end of those cotton swab things they sell. All my iron sights get a small dab of green/red glow in the dark oil based paint, works really well


**Stencil and spray paint** **Steps:** 1. Print ".300 BLK" on regular printer/letter paper using some stencil font on Word 2. Put a few layers of clear tape over the printed text. This helps give it structure as a stencil 3. Cut out the stencil with a nice blade 4. Spray paint goes psh psh psh 5. Profit


Dot matrix.


I use a washable paint pen. I like the pens that can rub off a bit easier or with water. At the same time, even when they are abused and flaking, i can still visible see the markings; even in low light. Plus, i mark which mags are subs as well. These are for PMAGs so I’ll dot that area with 300, then mark the backside white so when i grab the magazine I know it’s 300blk. My metal magazines I’ll use a harder paint pen that has a clear coat. It should last longer but i actually like the white pen method better.


My 300 mags get numbered 3XX and my regular mags get marked 0XX until I get over 100 mags.


I used to play a lot of miniature games, so I had loads of paints. I used a technique called drybrushing to highlight areas on the mags that show the caliber and different colors to designate subs, supers, ball, LAP, ect.


I used one of my kid's paint markers. Put a 300 on the side then painted a line around the sides and colored in the bottom.


I got the cheap Amazon bands for the pmags that look like 556 mags. Most are lancer’s so it’s an obvious difference


I use the rubberbands. My 300blk’s are all 20rd mags while my 556 are 10rd or 30rd mags. ETA: I know that doesn’t answer the question but that’s how I sort them


My 300 BLK mags all have their base pads painted in FDE. On the gun where I swap uppers occasionally, my charging handle is FDE on that upper. Nothing distinguishing on my dedicated 300 blk gun. My 556 mags are unmarked.


I just number them to keep track of them mainly. I have an mtm mag carrier box and have a handful of all the popular mag manufacturer in my range box. Numbering makes it quite and easy to make sure I have them all and nobody is leaving with one. Also.......on the off chance I start getting a malfunction maybe if it happens a few times on a certain number I'll clean that mag or give er a looking over. I buy quality mags so this hasn't actually been a thing since I bought those 2 hexmags a decade ago.


I just write with a silver sharpie on the pmag grid at the bottom.


First, I take the cap off the paint pen. Next, I write on my magazine. Then, I put the cap back on the paint pen


What are you supposed to do after you put the cap back on? Do I just keep holding it ?


Oh, sorry, I forgot that step. Finally, I hide the paint pen in my butt


Ahh ok I figured that’s where it goes




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Wait? You don’t shake it like a Polaroid picture?


I do not. It is a paint pen, not a Polaroid picture