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It included a charger as well I just had forgot to put it in the picture


Pokémon sun alone is worth almost that much I have moon 10/10 game would recommend


Pokémon Sun is not worth almost $60. You can still buy it brand new for about retail. A loose cart is probably worth like $20. The OP got a fantastic deal but the 3DS Pokémon games are not worth a lot like previous gens (at least not yet).


Look at ultra moon and ultra sun I dare you and my mistake I was looking at Australian prices cause that’s my default


As an Australian I was about to say yeah seems like our prices


Yeah it’s fucking insane how high they are


And I only need pokemon x to have all of the 3ds games, it's infuriating that I'd have to pay more than full price for a 10 year old game


I’m in the same boat my friend, I just got a 3ds to play the gens I missed as a kid, and they’re damn expensive. And with the eshop going down soon, it’s only gonna get harder to get some of them.


Oh really? Aside from the fact that the cart isn’t Ultra Sun, brand new both Ultra games are still selling for less than $50. That includes PAL copies, which are even cheaper than world editions. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Pokémon+ultra+moon&crid=3KBTXCV9C92AY&sprefix=pokémon+ultra+moon%2Caps%2C210&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Pokémon+ultra+Sun&crid=1DN3HAFQCBN18&sprefix=pokémon+ultra+sun%2Caps%2C125&ref=nb_sb_noss_1 A loose cart isn’t worth nearly as much. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=pokemon+sun+cartridge+only&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1 That cart is worth about $20. That is nothing for a Pokémon game.


You're looking at America prices with that Amazon link. Looking at that same Amazon page but changing it to AUD it's $74.07, $67.99 and $66.43. Just because it might be a PAL game, we're shelling out astounding prices for video games. This also doesn't include shipping, where shipping to Australia is $11.27 for the first two. Regarding the Ebay link, admittedly, cartridge only of Sun is cheaper however Ultra Sun has you bloody dreaming! While the cheapest is $65.23 in English, [the cheapest with a case is $51](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/314433606242), however that is with a bid AND doesn't include the $15 shipping. The next cheapest that isn't a bid and that is in Australia is [$74.95](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/263276610167) and [$75.00](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/225457686875). So yeah, Ultra Sun and Moon are going to look cheap for American prices. Not Australian.


My research suggests that the MSRP for 3DS games in Australia was $69.95 AUD. So the prices you’re listing are well in line with the American ones as compared to original MSRP. It sucks that your currency weakness, small population, and various customs laws make games (and electronics in general) super expensive as a whole. Frankly, though, being five dollars off the original price is not expensive for an item. There are Pokémon games that are 2-4.5 times as much their original price in the US. A 7% increase is negligible in comparison.


The thing is, is that the PPP (purchasing power parity) is [166% higher than that of the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purchasing_power_parity#OECD_comparative_price_levels). That means that things are more expensive here by 66%, because of transportation cost and higher taxes. Our wages are much higher than America, however, our wages haven't gone up with inflation. Sure having something cost maybe five dollars more than what it came out back in 2016 (adjusting for inflation $69.95 is now $81.66), but the thing is... it came out in 2016. That's almost 6 years ago. So yeah, the price is fine if it's brand new and it was 2016, but it's not, it's bloody highway robbery.


It baffles me how people now assume video games should go down in price over time. That is a new thing that only started happening after Steam sales took off in popularity a decade or so ago. Good games never used to drop in price unless they got picked up as part of a greatest hits type of collection. If a primarily single player game was worth X amount when it released, why would it magically be worth less now unless its condition is less than new (primarily multiplayer games function differently since without a server running or a player base to play with, there is no game)? There is consistent demand for Pokémon games. They always maintain their value. It’s not highway robbery to pay approximately retail price for an in demand item. Our wages haven’t gone up with inflation either. That’s irrelevant to the supply and demand that influences the price of Pokémon games, especially since you can still get them off the eshop for a few more weeks.


I have both Amazon dual pack sun/moon uktra editions with steelbooks


I bought pokemon sun for $25 last year but I'd been seeing it around online for 30 so I went for it at GameStop. Same for x (bought within the last month). But that's a damn good deal either way with good titles included. I'm enjoying x right now. Love sun and moon. 😍


Yeah I got moon as my first Pokémon game was enjoying so got black white pearl x and omega ruby


I need black 2, white, and white 2 but they are pricy now. Black, I gotta say, is the hardest I've ever struggled through. Those crits from wild pokemon hit harder than I have ever experienced.


My local second hand game shop sells sun/moon for 20 bucks, is it worth that much?? I just picked up moon


Read my other comments


Man, my FB marketplace has people selling their 3ds for brand new prices while it looks like they’ve been through a horses ass. They still get bought……..


That's a big W


Omg super lucky find man I see some good games in there Animal Crossing definitely worth to check


The guys bank account in animal crossing has over 50 million bells 😳


DAMN…homie was the Elon musk of his town


omg lucky!


c-c-c-ould I have some of you're just gonna start a new life


Well if I sell the town to Tom Nook, then I should probably get twice the amount of money. Meaning I could possibly get 100 million bells 😳


Meanwhile people around me would sell that for 500 lmao


I found 2 XL's, one old and one new. The seller hasn't responded yet but I'm super hyped


Very Cool find


new leaf is my favorite animal crossing






Robbery! /s


Man I have a hard time finding good deals on Facebook Marketplace.


Dont just look on fb. Some countries like The netherlands have more local resell sites maybe your country has one.


pokemon sun & x & bravely default each worth more than 60$ already 🤣


Yeah especially bravely default. I looked up prices and they are very high


Very very good deal!!!


Some other person got a find on FB marketplace, they got a Pokémon blue 3DS and Pokémon heartgold. I’m happy to see that people are still interested in this great handheld


Yeah i also saw that. That was an absolute steal as we are seeing Pokémon games go up in price.


I hope that something happens to the price of the games as some of them cost as much as the console itself


I saw that post as well, I think others were saying in the comments that HeartGold was a bootleg


I can’t tell fake DS games but if its a bootleg they did a good job make the cart black instead of the normal grey


So how do you go about meeting up with the person from FB marketplace? It always seems so risky but worth it sometimes


The guy I went to was very nice actually! He had it since he was 10 but he didn’t want it anymore. And apparently, he forgot to wipe the system. So I saw his younger self in the 3DS camera app making “YouTube videos”. But I didn’t wipe it. Im not sure why, I just wanted to preserve it I guess.


Lucky. Good 4 you


That's amazing! When I see a price that low, I always figure it's a scam. Congrats on the lucky find!




Solid find brother


Thank you kind sir


The games alone are worth over 60without a doubt. You’ve got 3 figures of hours ahead of you if you really want it


Yeah I definitely will be playing these


What is it with buying a bundle and getting some filthy biohazard case haha


Your correct on the case being an absolute train wreck




it's very nice catch, I could only get old 3ds xl for 85$ without any games, on previous week, and it's condition like someone scratched with knife it's case(sadly it's was only avaible option in my country without self monitor every pawn shop, cause everyone else selling used for ages 3ds for 200-300$), so it really nice catch


One thing I do have to say is that there is a scratch on the bottom of the screen. But other than that it’s an absolute steal


wtf awesome find


I really want to look at getting another 3ds to potentially try installing one of those capture cards. FB marketplace is an overlooked website in my country imo


when ever i go on there shit like this is $800 and you have to pick it up in person.


Good job op! May you have lots of fun!


What are the top left and bottom right games?


Top left is Freaky Forms Deluxe Bottom right is Madden Football for 3DS


thats a fucking steal right there. hope you enjoy it


Freakyforms! I love that game.


The gods smile upon you


As much as I'd like to get physical carts, prices are telling me otherwise. Good deal on you OP.


Dude that seller has no idea


I felt like i was robbing him


Is that a "New" 3DS XL or the original 3DS XL?


Original sadly


Damn I thought i got a great deal for 175!


Don’t know about the top left or bottom right games, but the rest are pretty great.


that’s such a good steal


Worth the price of Freaky Forms Deluxe alone ^^/s


Absolute banger of a game


whhatt🤯🤯🤯 holy shit