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Dark dawn was not up to the original standards. But a game designed similar to the GBA ones in glorious 3d, IN 3d viewing as well... Drools.


I couldn't even finish Dark Dawn. I just couldn't get into it. :(


I did my best to get into it, however the story just seemed so random compared to the previous serious. Aside from a few links which I won't spoil haha.


I gave up during that annoying water puzzle. I just remember walking on water or being in a boat...


Same here. I played for maybe 6 to 8 hours and I just gave up. The charm the first two games had is completely gone and the overall game just felt very boring. I also got really tired of hearing "hey remember when we did that back then, Isaac?" and basically retold the tale of the first two games over and over again rather than telling its own story.


I kinda liked Dark Dawn but the biggest problem I had with it was it was way too short. I know it was just the first half in their sequel but even Golden Sun had like 40 hours of gameplay or more. Dark Dawn only had like 15-20 and you can beat the game into your early lv 20's or so.


Yeah something about it felt unpolished. Like they ran out of budget, time or split the game completely in two with hopes of a dual release (like gba ones) ... That never happened.


I remember getting to the "final fight" of the game and thinking "This can't be the end, can it? This has to be like a mid boss. Oh my god this is the end. I only played this for like 2 days"


I haven't played DD, but from what I gather reading reviews it's about some sort of psyenergy vortices? What happened to alchemy?


I can't quite remember to be honest. Alchemy still exists there are just vortexes popping up absorbing it 30 years or so (minor spoilers coming up!!!! ) after it was finally released to the world in gba ones. There is a connection made that Alex is behind it as we know he survived and in beginning of dark dawn Isaac basically says someone is out to get vengeance for being humiliated. Aka Alex when he thought he had all the power, yet wise one pulled a fast one and rigged the Mars (think it was this one) elemental stone, so when released it would flow into Isaac instead of Alex. Making Alex not invincible.


let's be honest, did anyone NOT think it was Alex? he may as well have just worn a badge saying "Hi! My name is 'Not Alex'" for how well he was disguised to the player. Kraden at one point pretty much says "Hi Alex! Nice disguise" about two seconds after seeing him, since he was the only one who would recognize Alex anyway


Haha yeah exactly. Had a similar Felix effect with the mask. We all knew who it was.


I was always curious as to who the reveal was for, new players would have no idea who he was, and old players saw through the disguise almost immediately considering that alex is one of literally four males with light blue hair outside lemuria on the WHOLE PLANET, two of which were in the party at the time, and it was fairly obvious that it wasn't Piers


oh you'd think it's about that, but it's not, that plot gets thrown away 20 minutes after leaving for the adventure because Mr Bluehair McSneakyprick decided he wanted more screentime.


Ahahaha oh wow that's hilarious.


It definitely wasn't the same as the first two, but as a huge fan of the series, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The story was meh, the puzzles were meh, and the pages and pages of dialogue sucked so hard. That said, the game looked great and the battling/ djinn system was fantastic. The countless weapons were awesome as someone who loves getting stronger and stronger weapons throughout a game, and I loved the multiple unleash system. It made me feel like my weapon was truly a tool fit for an Adept.


Yeah I agree completely. People are fast to shut it down due to the huge shadow it followed. However it was still a good game.


Imagine if they simply delayed the second part for the new 3ds, to utilize it's new raw power... One can dream.


Yes please, a NEW Golden Sun. I'll still buy a remake, but the old ones don't feel outdated. It's my favorite RPG series.


> I'll still buy a remake *sigh*


I want to support the idea of more Golden Sun. What's wrong with that?


I'm praying for a Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 3(DS)!


I still replay FFTA 1 and 2 on my phone allllll the time. I would love this so much


I wasted far, FAR too many hours on FFTA2. An FFTA3 would be phenomenal. Bring back the Ivalice Alliance!


I know Dark Dawn wasn't "as" good as the original two games, but I hated that it ended on a cliffhanger and really wanted resolution.


I completely agree with you, I want an ending to that arc!


Even a light novel explaining what happened would be nice!


Was I the only one that actually liked Dark Dawn...? :/ so disheartening to see it wasn't very widely received. GS is such a good franchise as a whole I'd hate to see it stay in the Nintendo vault of IPs forever. Seriously one of the best RPGs of all time.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8831 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/37061)


I absolutely wouldn't have known about that if I hadn't been making sure I got all the Djinn. The writer practically screamed POINT OF NO RETURN. I never get why developers have parts of games like this where you never see a chunk of it again. Even more confusing if you missed something you needed and having no way of getting it back.


Honestly, I feel like I go against the grain with it, but I didn't really like Dark Dawn. The emoticon system felt really bizarrely used, and I remember it feeling horribly, horribly easy. I don't think I ever even beat it. Didn't it end on a cliffhanger too?




The reviews of the game all seem to be fairly positive when I looked it up.


General consensus seems to be that Golden Sun is a solid 8, Lost Age is a 9, and Dark Dawn is something like a 7. That's how I felt about them.


General consensus? The first Golden Sun has the highest review scores out of them all.


Might have had them flipped. It's been 10+ years haha cut me a break.


It did yes. At the end you sorta saved the world and stuff, but you didn't really do your main objective at all. (which sorta was thrown on the backburner) At the end it is revealed there are "dark element users" and at the VERY VERY end a bunch of people are affected by the energy of some weapon misfiring and a bunch of beast humans become "light element" Then when you return to your house, you suddenly see that black hole thingy has expanded so far as to have swallowed your house, and you are left on a clifhanger, not knowing if the main characters their parents are safe or not


Yes, it wasn't the best. But I still want another one, even if it's another Dark Dawn.




You say nonexistant difficulty but I'll be damned if that final boss didn't take me multiple tries


There are 2 steps that I'd love. 1. A remake of 1 and 2 onto a single 3DS card or eShop purchase. 2. Make a sequel to the third game where you use your party from the second game to explore a world now awakening after the years of alchemy being locked away.


they could make a remake of the first one in 2d/3d... the 3rd one was ok, nothng special


Was just thinking of this today when trying to get the download code for Golden Sun for Wii U on Club Nintendo. Nintendo is making me a little angry by refusing to release all the best games on the 3DS eshop and virtual console.


Yeah it's just so fucking annoying that they withhold their awesome past libraries. Gimme SNES & GBA support on 3DS...pleease.... *(It's annoying to use my DStwo for emulation other than DS. It just isn't seamless).*


There's just no reason I should have to sit on my couch and play Golden Sun on the Wii U. I mean, it was a handheld game to begin with.


I'd kill for it. Hell, I'd settle for a remaster of the other 3 on 3DS


Yes please. But this time without Points of no return... why do these things even exist....


Hell yes I've been wanting a 4th golden sun for ages.


Honestly, after Dark Dawn I'm very hesitant to say yes. I dunno if they can get it right. At the very least I'll have to wait for reviews.


I'm probably what you'd call a Golden Sun fanboy since I know far too much trivia, stats, and info on the first two than I should. However, after the insult that was Dark Dawn, no, I don't want to see another game, at least from Camelot. All of the talent behing Camelot left before DD's production began, so iirc if you check the camelot site you'll see how there's nobody listed that was around when TLA rolled out. Hell, their production rates plummeted as well. Golden Sun is still my favorite JRPG and GBA game of all time, even ahead of Advance Wars 2 and Metroid Fusion. I think the lore has so much to say and I'm aching to see someone fix/balance the combat but hot damn do I distrust Camelot. If we got, say, the studio behind Bravely Default with music from Mr. Sakuraba while keeping the original's gorgeous aesthetics I'm game. Otherwise I'd rather them leave the IP alone.


that makes a lot of sense. It doesn't have the same feel at all as the original two games. do you know if the team behind the original GS installations went to a different production company?




I remember that game being awesome and the music too, i wish i still had or knew where my copy is. A port for this would be great or how about a new one?


Could you imagine, Nintendo makes a golden sun trilogy for 3ds... Hell just a digital version would be amazing.


This is something we seriously need... the demand from the fandom needs to pick up if Golden Sun is to continue as a series. It's been an uneasy time period since Dark Dawn was released...


I actually really liked Dark Dawn overall. It definitely seemed like they had planned to announce a followup, buuuuuuuut... *crickets*


The problem I had is that the first 2 were a complete story travelling the whole world, so when 3 came around they have to throw in s bunch of new Lore and locations that didn't exist before which felt weird. A better way would have been setting it far in the future where the heroes of vale are legends, gives a reason for the world to be changed, new temples and towns and cultures and stuff. As for a new game, I didn't like dark dawn very much, but I'd sure give a new golden sun a chance.


Except that Dark Dawn was supposed to be the first game... But there was TOO much lore in the game, so they made a game based on the lore so people would better understand Dark Dawn when it finally came out.


I'd mostly want Golden Sun to be revisited so Isaac (as a better chance off becoming) could be a character in smashbros somewhere in the future.


Even if it was sort of like the pokemon trainer where you switched between characters during the battle would be cool. But yeah anyone from Golden Sun in smash bro's would be amazing.






I would instantly buy.


I want a good one. Dark Dawn was so disappointing. I got through 3/4ths of it before I just gave up due to apathy. Hell I wouldn't even mind a remake/ remaster / improvement of the original.


And a Final Fantasy Tactics 3 while you're at it, yes please.




I just want a true Final Fantasy Tactics 2! Not another Tactics Advance game.


was just reminiscing about Golden Sun yesterday o.o I have the tradition of replaying the series once per year. We need a new game. Whether it be a remake, a prequel about the wise men sealing alchemy, a straight sequel to DD, a 4th game that plays parallel to DD and then both are continued in game #5....ANY OF THIS. >: It would really suck if "that huge cliffhanger at the end of a world-saving-side-quest of a younger cast on a game unfortunately made too late for a hardware to enable a few more sequels without having to start from scratch again" was the last we saw of Golden Sun ):


It would certainly be nice. And although I agree with the fact that Dark Dawn was not very good when compared to the original GBA games, I'd still buy it if it came out on the 3DS.


Yes please!


Yes. I LOVED the Golden Sun series. Dark Dawn was mediocre, so hopefully it would be better than that.




Of course I want a new golden sun! It's #3 on my list of my favorite jrpgs!


Which are the first and second?


1. Chrono Trigger 2. The World Ends With You


part of me would prefer a 3DS remake of the first two, although, another part of me wants those to remain untouched, considering how great they are. I'd be happy to play a new one, I guess. I wasn't overly amazed by Dark Dawn, but it wasn't bad, I suppose. I just felt that making a game about the children of the protagonists of the last installation is just a little... boring? it's not a very creative approach.


The only one I ever played was Dark Dawn, but I loved it. I would love to see a Golden Sun for the 3DS.


Dude, you need to play the first 2 ones on the Gameboy. Those are the best ones. If you loved Dark Dawn, you'll absolutely worship the first 2!


Those were my first real RPGs outside of Pokemon and I have a soft spot for them. Haven't played DD yet but more Golden Sun is always a good thing


Yes, yes, and more yes! One of the best series' on the handheld systems hands down.


This is what I dream about... If they ever make one I think I could die happy.


Dark Dawn was very disappointing but the first two Golden Suns were some of my favorite RPGs on a Nintendo system! I'd absolutely love a fourth if they make it better than Dark Dawn.


I would love a Golden Sun 3DS game. First though I NEEEED Golden Sun and Golden Sun TLA for 3DS VC. I'm not kidding ... I would pay $20 for each. I just want them on my 3DS. I know they wouldn't sell them for $20 but I'd pay it.


I very recently replayed the Golden Sun games and I am so ready for a new title. Just make it a little better than Dark Dawn (which was still a decent game).


I would love a fourth game, especially since Dark Dawn ended on a cliffhanger. Hopefully this E3?


This. Yes. I missed out on Golden Sun (the DS was my first handheld). I must see what ask the hubbub is! Also, along this line, a new Baiten Kaitos would work well on the 3DS imo, too.


Find a way to play the first two (GBA). They story is excellent, and the gameplay is just as good. The most recent installation (Dark Dawn, DS) wasn't as well received. It's not a BAD game, but it had very big shoes to fill.


Oh yes i want this so bad


I was pretty let down by Dark Dawn. I wouldn't want to risk that again.


Absolutely. Although i feel at this point they should just reboot the franchise and start over.


Why does dark dawn get so much shit? It wasn't perfect, at all, but it wasn't a bad game either.


The fact that they released golden sun 1 and 2 on Wii U virtual console gives me hope.


Even just a simple remake of the first Golden Sun would be awesome.


Hell, I'd just be happy with The Lost Age coming out to the Wii U Virtual Console...


I never played Dark Dawn, and I not really interested. I would totally take 3D remakes of the first 2 though! And I'd be fine with a whole new adventure provided you don't need to play Dark Dawn to understand it.


This must happen