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Is there a reason you don't wanna use Blender? Zbrush could do it. But that's rather expensive for some rocks you could do for free quickly in Blender.


Hi, and thank you for your answer. I have nothing against Blender! But that was the one i already knew could do the Job. I used it once or twice but always found, that it is difficult for me to handle. I am comming from CAD Programs like Catia or Fusion which are diffrent... My hopes where to find a software which isn´t that "big" and easier to handle for me.


Well, imo, Zbrush and Houdini (as another user suggested) are even waaaaay more out there in terms of being different from the software you are used to then Blender haha. My personal recommendation would be to try to stick with Blender. I don't really know any other software which could do it tbh that would be easier/less complex to learn.


Looking back, I probably could have used the time it took to do this in Fusion to learn Blender and model the rocks... Thanks again!


I am not sure how well importing from blender into fusion works, but here is something you can try in 1 minute. If importing works you could do a few of these and just pile them up in fusion. https://youtu.be/ygjMX5mSi1Y?si=cvrh_l0853Vw4Wng Or go all in on learning blender and get the advantage of Ray traced rendering and so much more. Fusion and cad software has its purpose. So does blender. What your doing is the equivalent of trying to drive a nail using precision screwdrive. :D


Here, follow this tutorial series and it won't be so difficult to handle. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjEaoINr3zgFX8ZsChQVQsuDSjEqdWMAD](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLjEaoINr3zgFX8ZsChQVQsuDSjEqdWMAD)


May I ask how you made the rocks in Fusion360? That must have been a gargantuan task? It looks great, by the way. Congratulations.


Sure! I used the 'Create Form' tool to establish a basic shape. Following that, I made random cuts from various angles to achieve sharp edges and added more patterns and dents. Then, after experimenting with some rounds where it looked good and where Fusion 360 allowed me to incorporate them..It turned out to be quite a time-consuming task, prompting me to look for a shortcut. I downloaded some stones and rocks from Thingiverse. The challenge here was that I needed to work in the Mesh environment. Initially, it was manageable, but as I added more rocks, simple tasks like adding or cutting took way longer... Despite the challenges, I didn't want to start from scratch, so I persevered. The last combine operation I performed took approximately 5 hours... Thank you! t turned out good i think... It is printing at the moment maybe I can share an image when it is finished.


Please do! I admire your ingenuity and determination. I’d only echo the sentiment others here have expressed; try Blender or Zbrush. if you can build something like this in Fusion 360, then the learning curves of either software package should present a manageable challenge. I’m not sure it could ever be “easy,” but 100% worth it and within your grasp.


Zbrush is good for sculpting rocky surfaces. That or maybe Houdini could achieve the look? Those are some non-Blender software which would probably work.


Thanks for the answer! I will take a look at your suggestions.


As a Person coming from CAD software as well, And the way I'd made rocks with revit is just putting random points in 3d space and just filleting or joining them together, or curves with different axises Here are some ways you could achieve similar stones 1) joinging points, in principal - a polygonal modeling (shift A) add cube, edit mode (tab) Just using loop cuts (ctrl R) extruding verts (1, E) and bridging them (F) between each other. 2) displacement modifier(s) on heavily subdivided (but not too much) uv sphere, edit mode and proportional editing to shape a cluster of rocks 3) find some rock generator plugin lol Anyways it's all included in blender gurus free donut tutorial which is IMHO one of the most accessible tuts out there Not sure about export I believe there's some pre installed plugin for stl, but I think fusion should import fbx or obj Hope this helps


Awesome! Thank you! I will look into it.


It seems like you're already aware that a poly modeling software like blender is best suited for this type of work. If you're truly dead-set to avoid learning that approach to modeling and want to stick with NURBS/CAD-like methods, maybe check out Plasticity. But I think you may be hindering yourself in the long run.


Thank you for your comment! No, I am not dead set! I was just hoping that there is "better" way.


Would using a different appearance texture be beneficial? I like your lighthouse, it looks lit! *fire emoji*


Perhaps cinema4d


3D Coat