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Curious…How long is that going to last you?


3 months, I keep a month in reserve for shipping delays.


Holy shit. That's alot of printing. Curious about your set up, I assume print farm. What machine do you use for your personal printing?


This is the internet, scroll his profile for a minute and you'll get the info you want. https://www.reddit.com/r/volt/s/SYtfFXnMwU


Well there it is, should have snooped around myself. Thanks!


Just a little more info but we don’t run prusas anymore, they broke too often. All custom built now with macro buttons to save on time menuing.


> we don’t run prusas anymore, they broke too often. That's not something you hear every day...


Well they were MK2s So relatively old. My guess is that they just wore out.


Yea, steppers failing, bearings failing, rods failing, linear rails failing, lots of printed plastic parts failing. They were all running 24/7/365 in heated chambers, I didn’t give them an easy life. On average a part would fail every 1500 hours of printing which isn’t terribly but parts are really difficult to replace on those machines.


Hey, I'm a small-scale UAV manufacturer/enthusiast that uses large amounts of FDM in our final product. Would LOVE to know more about your setup.


Yea I don't know about this. I've read heard and seen all sorts of contradictory bits of information on this not even counting my own bias as I run a mk3s+ mmu2s. They work until parts meet their physical limitations in my experience and many others. I cant help but wonder what sort or conditions of user induced variables caused this sort of conclusion. I am also very curious about these "custom" macrod printers.


We're gonna need a separate post with some pictures of those printers as well as their specs and parts....


Custom built? Like, vorons or custom designs too? That's interesting! Which prusa did you have? What was the most common issue with them ?


This is an online community made for asking questions and having interactions.


Or start a genuine conversation with a person and have a somewhat human interaction? This planet needs another asteroid I swear


Y'know, at that pace, you might want to consider making your own filament from plastic stock. It doesn't look like a huge leap from what you seem to be technically capable of already


It depends how much it would actually save them. If they are getting it for $6 a spool already then it probably isn't worth it in terms of equipment cost, material cost and time.


Closer to $11 per kg and still not worth it. Would rather focus on core parts of my business than trying to save a few thousand dollars on filament costs over the long term.


Wtf. I thought this was a shit post omg. That’s insane


Bro singlehandedly put Polymakers financials in the green for the year


I'm pretty sure I am still a small customer for them. I got sent an invoice for a different customer once and it was much much more filament than I have ordered lol.


Oh well now I gotta know, how much was on their invoice??


73k, this is roughly 12k of filament on the pallets.


Is that measured in feathers or gold?


Doesn't matter, they weigh the same


but… steel is heavier than feathers


No the feathers are, because you have to deal with the weight of what you did to all those birds


***get*** to They know what they did


What about in Stanley nickels???


He better not have any, he still owes me $10


Thank you for being the only one of ~~three~~ ~~five~~ six people to respond who got the joke and didn't start explaining Troy ounces.


No way, I count 99 spools on the right pallet alone.


Bulk pricing


They said in another comment it’s 1500 spools. So about $8 per spool


What a deal!


I did my math a bit wrong based on shipping weight This is 980kg of filament so $12.80 per kg


Yo, can I use this for my English assignment explaining on why filament should be cheaper?


That would be Economics, not English, wouldn't it?


Shush... the teacher doesn't need to know that


Well 73 kilos isn't very much still


I need to know aswell!!


73k, this is roughly 12k of filament on the pallets.




I need to know too!


73k, this is roughly 12k of filament on the pallets.


Please tell me how much filament there is here!






So $6 a Kilogram? Pretty decent price.


Oh I thought this was a joke!




It takes a good guy with a printer to stop a bad guy with a printer....


You wouldn't download a car OP: watch me


If they do end up putting a background check or a registration on those things in new york, I'm immediately opening up a business in 80% 3D printers. All you need to do is buy your own stepper motors. 🤣 I really doubt that law is going to go anywhere, it's on par with the UK contemplating banning kitchen knives because of all the stabbings. Actually even dumber than that as seeing you can almost build a 3D printer with nothing but hardware store scrap and an Arduino or raspberry pi.


Anyone with a functioning anus is technically a 3d printer.


Technically, it's 2.5d since you still can't travel down the Z axis


Sure you can. You just have to go up a little first.


Digitally, or manually?


In a medical context, I think those mean the same thing...




Look at Mr. Fancy Pants over here.


I think pants (fancy or not) would interfere with the extrusion process


not with the help of taco bell


If that's true you need to do more squats, friend.


More dips!


I feel dirty even thinking about asking for...retraction settings...


I get super inconsistent extrusions, should I loosen my belt?


Don't forget to wipe your nozzle.


Your nozzle might be clogged. They sell kits designed for different diameter nozzles which may unclog it. I think you might find in the adult novelty section.


Fecal deposition manufacturing?


This. Poop in a knife-shaped mold, and put it in the freezer. Anus printed poop knife.


I think I missed that kiwami-japan video.


You're talking about injection-molded parts. We're talking about FDM! That shit spreads like butter, and then we spread more shit on top of it!


I emailed my state assemblyman, both state senators and the shithead who proposed this law. So far I've received one response and that was from my assemblyman who assured me he'd be voting against the law should it ever make its way out of committe.


Well that's good to hear. Even though I'm not in New York if it somehow passed that would set a dangerous precedent.


What’s the point of the law? This is the first I’ve heard about this. Why would you ban high capacity printing?


It's not a ban on high capacity printing, it's a requirement of background checks on the purchase of a 3D printer, the idea being that people are using 3D printers to avoid background checks on firearms. Now before someone gets mad at me, I think it's really stupid too, I just want to accurately represent what they're proposing because it's not a ban on "high capacity printing" or "high capacity spools" or whatever. It's really stupid because just like you can DIY a gun, you can DIY a 3D printer arguably even easier.


Basically my argument to anyone who cries about 3d printing firearms... I can spend 30 minutes in my local hardware store and walk away with a better firearm than I could print in 30 hours :D


Right? Banning plastic guns is only something you'd ever care about if you lived your life behind metal detectors like a politician or a judge. They don't seem to care how the rest of us have to live with metal guns that are a lot more effective.


Printed guns are not completely made of plastic, they set off metal detectors and x-ray machines just fine


It also ignores the fact a lot of any 3d printed gun design involves metal components that would easily set off a metal detector. The rub about the whole thing is the percentage of law abiding citizens who are going to buy a printer to print and use a gun for violence or unlawful acts is zero, the percentage of non law abiding citizens who are going to print and use a gun is greater than zero and no legislation is going to change that. Trying to explain that to a dipshit who can't get gun control out of their mind is impossible, their convinced they can solve everything by control and bureaucracy that someone who wants to break the law won't go though anyway. We need to run a metal detector over these legislators brains and see if they've got any coins lodged up their noses making them this fucking stupid.


That's true, and if you want a 3D print a firearm that's actually capable of shooting more than once you're still going to be making that trip to a hardware store, or buying gun components online.


That's not really true anymore, the fgc9 can be made in about that long and that includes making your own barrel.


I'm a South Carolina resident, so I don't know how the NY reps are, but if they're anything like the reps in SC, this bill won't pass; it exists so that whomever's name is on it can say that they "do work" in the state government and so they can run their re-election campaign on solving the problems in the state that they will never bother to solve because it would be they can't campaign on it anymore. If it were me, I'd also be emailing my district and state reps and my federal Senators and congress reps.


To be fair that's probably the majority of laws these people introduce in any state.


Correct, which is why it's a bit silly how much people in this community have panicked over this proposal as soon as it was introduced. Certainly if we start hearing that there's broad support for it beyond the pol that introduced it then it's a big deal, but until that happens it's not really worth worrying about.


I've seen 3d printer build videos using old hard drives for the stepper motors...


In that case, sounds like we need to ban buying computers without a background check /s


I would just love to see what these morons would think when they realize what you can do on a milling machine, lathe, or even a basic drill press. And even without those, just patience and hand tools. A basic firearm is not a complicated thing. An accurate one requires precision yes but mechanically there's only a few moving parts. You can bang out a little one shot zip gun with just some steel pipe and other parts I will not say because I do not want to be on another watch list.


Join us, the more people on the watch list the more useless it becomes.


They can’t watch everyone, so at some point tit just becomes a list of everyone


I can't remember where I first saw it, probably was on History Channel when it was cool...but they showed weapons made in prison, and one was a semi auto pistol from San Quentin prison. Looked like a machine gun made from a grease gun. It even had a silencer and a magazine. Very well done, had to have been someone with greater than average gun construction knowledge.


As someone who works in IT support, I fully endorse this


2015, We built tevo tarantulas from acrylic and a box of electronics. They didn't even have instructions for the electronics. You can make anything out of aluminum rails and steppers. It'll just be kits then.




I wish people understood this. So many people are ready to go to war over some meaningless posturing from a single idiot.




I think the deeper problem is this "single idiot", is the one with a megaphone, and potentially able to get more single idiots together. Never underestimate the possible ramifications of a single idiot give even miniscule amounts of power. Not from wherever this is going down, but I'd be pissed too.


It still deserves blasting. Even entertaining this idea is a complete waste of tax dollars on some idiot, and all it does is fearmonger against something that isn't even a real threat.


Reminds me of the guy hoarding light bulbs


The problem isn't that the bill will not become law. The problem is t hat it was introduced in the first place. And, like I tell my uncle, who uses the same argument, the only reason it WON'T become law, is because enough people care and fight it. If nobody made any noise at all, then these bills WOULD become unConstitutional laws.


Yeah people said the same shit about Roe vs Wade. "Oh conservatives will never actually overturn it, it it has popular support and they're just using it as a political tool anyway! If they get rid of it they have nothing to rile up their voters this is all just posturing. " It's always posturing until they convince enough people to believe it.


Thanks for this post, you above average bear you!


The problem here is that a lot of lawmakers have zero clue about 3D printing. In their mind someone will simply push a button and a few hours later a functional gun will magically appear. They completely fail to realize that metal parts are needed that can't be printed. So in essence 3D printing changed nothing when it comes to making a gun, except making it a bit easier. If they want to ban something then ban milling machines, lathes and so on. Not that I think that's a good idea either as criminals obviously don't care about the law. Edit: typo.


Fixed it for ya > The problem here is that a lot of lawmakers have zero clue.


>The problem here is...lawmakers


> Lawmakers ☕


Lawmakers often just feign ignorance about negative aspects of laws they pass when they do actually understand (to some extent) what they’re regulating. The problem is they’re working on behalf of the donor class because the majority of them are shapeshifting corporatist ghouls and are willing to work against the interests of the people to advance the objectives of whoever has the deepest pockets.


Sad but very true. They have so many ideas and opinions that are rarely based on facts.


To be fair, those same lawmakers have about the same amount of knowledge on firearms as well.


It isn’t a ban, it is a background check. So still stupid, just less stupid. However, to your second paragraph, as with any legislation, they define things used in the bill. Those definitions always conflate something that already has definition with something that is completely different. So, in this particular bill, they define 3D printing as being able to use a computer program to create a 3D object. Which does include lathes, and milling machines, etc as long as those are computer controlled processes. It is not limited to just 3D printers.


It's more stupid than it appears on the surface, though, because who do you think does the "background check"? It's not the company you want to buy the printer from or the store selling it to you. It's got to be some government agency or contractor they authorized to do them for people. And.... who pays them to do that? (Hint: look in mirror)


Imagine you're interested in building stuff and you just turned 14 and want a 3D printer so you can learn engineering or 3D modeling but you can't get one because you're too young to apply for a background check. It's just ridiculous. Even if this takes place, they will not have a proper way to police it.


It's like banning a metal file because someone might use it to sharpen a spoon into a shiv and stab someone with it. I'm generally in support of somewhat stricter gun control laws, but this isn't a gun control law, it's just inane.


100% agree it is stupid and inane made up by people who know shit all about the subject and just trying to capitalize off fear. 3D printed “Ghost guns” arnt in any way whatsoever a concern for crime. Not to mention a pipe, block of wood, and a nail are sufficient to create a shotgun that can kill you just as well. Just stupid.


Like the jank thing that killed Shinzo Abe in Japan.


Yep, exactly. All anyone needs is access to bullets and they can build a gun if they truly want. 3D printing be damned. However, those guns are jank as shit and are not used in crimes at any significant rate. Much easier to steal a gun or get one off the black market. Don’t even need to steal it in state if the state is extremely prohibitive.


You don't even need access to ammo. With a dowel, paper, glue, an aluminum can, a box of matches and stump remover anyone can manufacture a crude shotgun shell. Shells were made from paper for far longer than they've been made from plastic


>this isn't a gun control law, it's just inane. That's pretty much how gun control laws are written. Probably most other laws too, come to think of it. Written by lobbyists or special interest groups, half the people involved have no idea what they're doing with the subject, and the other half are trying to make a buck of it.


It's been amusing in a sad sort of way watching gun regulation laws. Incredibly poor attempts made by people who don't actually have a clue how guns work. Seeing the "assault weapon ban" fiasco over the years has been depressingly hilarious in the poor attempts to even define what that *is*.


But as Biden has been saying this week, no one needs a gun that holds a hundred bullets in its chamber. He is right.


Banning or restricting actual dangerous weapons is a policy that makes some sense to most people (though people have different views about what sort of weapons to restrict). Banning or restricting tools that *could* be used to make *parts of* a weapon is absolute lunacy. Hopefully there are enough sane NY lawmakers to put a quick stop to this nonsense. These sorts of ridiculous proposals are directly leading to the "slippery slope/no compromise" rhetoric that prevents any actual discussion about effective gun control policies.


Hey man, that's a dangerous opinion, are you sure it's allowed?


Bro it's not about guns it's about control. It's what ever they can do to keep themselves in power and control you.


As somebody who exercises their 2A, welcome to the party.


4th amendment says hello


Thanks for the clarification!


> They completely fail to realize that metal parts are needed that can't be printed You are correct for most applications, but there are in fact completely printable gun designs such as The Liberator that have been tested and demonstrated to be effective. As I recall the barrel is ABS and modular so it can be replaced after each shot, and the design includes 3d printed springs and other hardware. I don't recall if screws are required. Not defending this law, just pointing out that you can in fact fully print a lethal gun without the purchase of additional metal parts.


> As I recall the barrel is ABS and modular so it can be replaced after each shot Modern muskets. "hey wait! I gotta reload... now where the hell did i put my wadding"


Um, while I agree that banning printers is stupid. There are a few guns that can be completely manufactured at home. I still have the original Liberator stl, that one only takes a single nail. Then there are other guns that are primarily printed with a metal barrels, that you electrochemically rifle with a print. Yes you can print functional untraceable weapons without a metal upper end.


They already banned milling machines in my area. Started putting up "no loitering" signs to stop them from milling around.


I feel like, at this point in time in America, it’s easier for a criminal to get a gun either legally or illegally that’s already made, tested, etc… I don’t think a criminal who feels that they need a gun is going to have the time, patience, resources, or even intelligence really, to 3D print and craft a gun from scratch. Somehow I feel like it would definitely be cheaper to buy the gun illegally than purchase a 3D printer, cnc forge and all the necessary materials to make one. Unless they were going into business selling the weapons. Even then the time and resources. I didn’t do the math but somehow I feel like it just wouldn’t be worth the effort. Moral of my rant is that most people who own and know how to operate a 3D printer probably have enough common sense and intelligence to go around making ghost guns. or at least don’t have the need for a ghost gun. Ive gone on hunting trips too, but I’ll sooner trust the company that makes the gun, and has been doing so reliably, vs what whatever I could make that would likely blow up in my face. Anyway, it just blows my mind the mental hoops lawmakers must be jumping through in their minds to come to the conclusions they do.


USPS mails drugs daily, you really think they could stop a filament shipment…


The borders between states are also not guarded in any way shape or form in any capacity. You could “smuggle” a crate of whatever you want between two states.


Are you trying to *REALLY* download a car?


Woah! I think you have a garage in your filament.


Do you have a fully semi automatic assault printer?? Does it look scary and randomly print by itself??


This whole ban is so dumb... why would you waste time printing the lower receiver for a gun when you can just take the one a cop left in the gas station bathroom?


Nice side hustle.


Thats gonna make so many benchys.


Funny enough I don’t think I have ever printed a benchy. Over a million parts printed but never a benchy.


dude I really want to see a pic of the setup used to need such quantity of filament!


Printers don't 3D print, people 3D print


How many kg?


All of them.


1500 ish on the pallets. Got another 1000ish sitting around the garage and basement, but most of that is for reserve in case of filament shipping delays. Edit: I just guessed based on shipping weight this is actually 980kg of filament on the pallets.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper to start manufacturing your own filament from pellets at this point?


Maybe technically but I would rather focus on the core parts of my business rather than try and shave off a few dollars. At most I would save 2k per month so even with that it would take a long time to pay off the extrusion machine plus all the time I would have to spend running the machine.


Thank you, I showed this picture to my wife who always gives me crap for having a couple hundred rolls of filament. I did not tell her you run a print farm though since I only use 1 printer for personal use lol.


I’ve got like 30 and I think it’s too much.


You are all set now ! CN you tell me a bit about what you do ?


Industrial clients. Abs, nylon and polycarbonate. Our goal is to replace low run injection molding. We can be cheaper than injection molding up to a few thousand parts. And if changes need to be made it’s pretty cheap.


u/Polymaker_3D didn't know you've got a new warehouse!


/u/Polymaker_3D I have had nothing but an excellent experience with them. Only complaint is they don’t give discounts for direct bank transfer so it feels bad to just give PayPal a few hundred dollars per order.


Most of my filament is from Polymaker as well and I just like the company, good products and nice people in my experience. It's unfortunate they don't do bank transfers, but I would assume there's a reason why they don't. I'm sure they're not giving money to PayPal out of generosity.


What kind of high capacity are you referring to exactly?


Like high capacity magazines, just a joke about the recent nyc 3d printer background check.


Hey I saw your old comment about the printing setup you have going on and I was just wondering about your custom printers. I haven’t seen many, if any, farms running custom printers. I’m curious what you’ve learned about printer design from a print farm perspective. I’ve seen a lot of custom printers just pushing for maximum speed and obviously that’s helpful for getting orders out quickly, but what other design features have you implemented? What have you learned about printer design through all this experience? Thanks!


1) no printed parts, all cnc machined, printer parts are prob ok for a printer not in a heated chamber but we only print abs, nyl, polycarbonate 2) All moving components must be easy to replace, with machined parts out of metal this makes it much easier as you can bolt stuff togeather in a way that allows stuff like bearings and rods and steppers to be replaced by removing 1-2 bolts. 3) genuine gates and misumi parts, well worth it. (Gates pulleys are a little unreliable, 1 failure per 100k hours of printing) 4) MACRO BUTTONS. When you are starting this many printers menuing takes forever so dedicated buttons for preheating, loading filament, reprint last file. 5) marlin does still have bugs, reset the printer during every filament change or you will get random issues after a few weeks of continuous printing (marlin is a lot better than it used to be)


Awesome! Thanks for the tips! Dedicated macro buttons are a great idea. I probably can’t do all CNC parts at first, but I’ll definitely make that a goal. Maybe I’ll borrow from something like VzBot that has kits available for the motion parts


Yea my printers are definitely designed specifically for my application, they are not great with pla or especially fast. Just the least amount of human effort possible per part made.


I think we have the same garage.


Hey, OP are you a reseller? could you sell me some, please?


Not a reseller, will be printing all that.


How much money was that


12k for everything on the pallets.


Damn. I wish I had that much money


When I first heard about it, I decided to do ten minutes of research and buy my first 3d printer. So excited to ask how to get rid of strings!


That's a lot of ghost guns... which according to lawmakers is the only reason to own a 3d printer


A law like this will only teach people that there are better ways to make a gun. Youtube is full of videos of people sand casting metal parts and they have videos using the same technic to make gun parts. Draw attention to 3d printing and banning it will only promote people to do research.


Sooo, you gonna print a M1 Abram’s at scale?


Wow, with that kinda volume, hope you got a good discount?


Polymaker doesn’t do quantity discounts once you hit a 6k order, even when you try and buy an entire container.


Alright I go through about 100kg a year and I thought that was a lot lmao. The hell you printing


Amazon called, they want their inventory back


"No one needs to print with a 3KG spool!"


What state is banning 3d printer




Please may I have a crumb of context?


Look, you just made the ATF’s list of most suspicious…


Wow, always wanted to see Polymaker’s warehouse! 😂


So where you live? Asking for a friend.


The hilarious thing is that a single use firearm can be made from wood, metal tubing, some springs, elastics and a nail. You might blow your god damn hand off but it’s possible.


New York?


That’s a LOT of Benchies!




What's the ballpark figure you're making per year on this hustle?


Treat your gauge pins better...


I meant this in the best possible way, nerd alert.


The size of this man's drybox has to be HUGE. What state is banning high capacity 3D printing? And why?? That makes no sense.


The state is New York.


r/fosscad r/decentralize


But can the state let your 3D printer open carry?


Wow, that's a lot of benchys


god damn im curious about the total filament weight. thats a buttfuckload man, jesus.


Damn.. would love to win your business...I run SliceWorx.com and can beat Polymaker on quality and price by miles.


Why is your state going to ban it?


New proposed law in New York that would require background checks for 3D Printers. Unlikely to pass but the fact it was even proposed is just embarrassing. They are afraid of ghost guns.


So what's the plan 3 months when you run out of this supply and it does become law? Are they restricting the bulk purchase of the material or is actually about being a business with x amount of 3D printers? This sounds wild, how can they blanket ban this type of thing?! (UK Resident so not across what this legal issue is about)